TT: The Threat Behind Shadows (DaddysLittleSkank & MysteriousD)

"All the names I suggested, Beast Boy says are too dark." Raven said putting her book down and going over to look at the stuff in the bag. "And any name he suggests I think is terrible. If we have a boy he wants to name him after his favorite ninja turtle."

"I have a lot of questions for the doctor." Starfire said with a hand resting on her stomach.
"Well, all of the turtle names are Italian and one wouldn't pick up on where they were from anyway," Tempest pointed out at it before looking at Mynx. "What do you think?" he turned to Mynx in her thoughts on this. "What are some of your name suggestions?" he asked Raven.

"You ready then?" Diego asked Starfire with a smile before he leaned to kiss Starfire's tummy.
"For a girl Lilith, Wednesday, Lydia, Blair, Aura, Or Eris, and for a boy Draven, Damien, or Edgar." Mynx suggested.

"Yes I am." Starfire said with a smile.
"Aren't those all movies from like gothy movies or something?" Beast Boy asked Mynx with a rasied eyebrow. Tempest just chcukled at the interactions before he began wondering if he had any naming suggestions or such himslef. "You could name them after your parents. It would be a good way to honor their memory," Tempest suggested, knowing that BB and Raven were close to their mothers though he wasn't sure how BB was with his dad, but based on it, he was probably close as well.

Diego smiled and led Starfire into the room where he saw one of the Green Lanterns, Kyle Rayner, talking to another Green lantern. She had red skin and she reminded Diego of Sinestro a bit. Maybe she was of the same race?

"Hello you two. This is Soranik Natu. She's one of the best and most experienced doctors in the Corps, so you're in good hands," he said befor ehe left, leaving the two with her.

"Good afternon, you two. Kyle informed me a bit about what was going on, but it would probably be best if I heard it directly from you. What are some of your questions?" Soranik asked Starfire as she led her to lay on the table so she could begin scanning her with the ring.
"Not all of them." Mynx explained. "Lilith is a figure in Jewish folklore who was the first wife of Adam and created from the dirt just like him. When she questioned his dominance over her, she was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. Eris is a goddess of chaos. And Edgar Allan Poe was a writter."

"I am pregnant and there is a lot we do not know given that this hold will be a human/Tamaranian hybrid." Starfire explained before getting on the table.
"Wait, wasn't Lilith created from fire?" Beast Boy asked. He would sometimes read on this stuff during his reading dates with Raven in exchange to her going to comedy shows with him when he chose the dates. "What do you think of Tempest's idea?" Beast Boy asked Raven.

Soranik was scanning with her ring along with a few hvoering machines looking over Starfire. "Well, from what it looks like, this does appear to be very early in te pregnancy. A few weeks at most. Congratulations by the way," she said with a smile before going back to work.

"Humans do have a knack of being able to reproduce with most other humanoid specimens, more so than other races. So from a preliminary standpoint, things will work out fine. I would like to check back every month on process with the bayb," Soranik added. "Any specifics concerns or such you're wanting to know?" she asked.
Mynx shrugged, "I heard she was made of dirt like Adam but I really wouldn't know, I'm a Christian."

"As long you we don't name our child Trigon, is okay with it." Raven said with a nod as she was arranging the things in the bag into piles.

"Yes. How long should I expect to be pregnant?" Starfire asked. "Is there any precautions I should take?"
"Yeah, i figure we wouldn't ever call him that," Beast Boy said with a smile before he went to hug her. Ever since they got into their relationship, he was very hugg with Raven. "Well, you know you have all of our support," Tempest added with a smile as he saw Raven organize the gifts they brought.

"Well, hybrid children tend to have peridods that's between the two parents. So in this cas,e ebtween how long a human is pregnantt and a Tamaranian, with a week or so long given that the father is a metahuman," Soranik explained. "Beyond that, it's the usual advice. Eat heathy and maintaine cerise, but probably non hero business after the first few months when you start getting the baby bump. Beyond that, you can do the usual couple stuff," she said, giving a bit of emphasis to that. From what she saw, Starfire was staring at Diego with want and she wondered that reassuring her on that would help.
Raven turned her head and kissed Beast Boy on the cheek, taking his hand. "Why do I get the feeling you two didn't just stop by to give us baby stuff?" She asked Mynx and Tempest.

"Because we didn't." Mynx said giving a nervous smile. "Garth and I were talking about our future in terms of kids and I said that I'd rather adopt than have natural kids."

"You can adopt them." Raven said knowing what she was trying to get at. "I've actually been trying to find a couple to adopt them. I'd love to myself but I don't think I can handle three kids."

Starfire nodded while listening, trying to hide her excitement that they can do intimate things while she was pregnant.
"Raven, Mynx shared the sae sort of worries you had in regards to having children. Though rather than because of demonic hertiage, she's worried because of her chimeric DNA," Tempest explained to Raven before seeing Raven catch on.

"You mean those three kids you looked after back with the monks," Beast Boy asked in clarification. From when he last remembered, Melvin was 6, Timmy was 3 and Teether was 1, at least back then. "Has it been 3 or 4 years since then?" he asked Raven.

"But yes, I would like to see both of you once as a month so I can check on the baby. Alien medicine is stil not that common on Earth becasue most of the aliens here are superheroes or supervillains, but at least the Corps are able to help," she with a smile. "Any further questions" Soranik asked.
"Yes." Raven said with a nod. "It's been almost four years and Melvin is going to be ten soon. The two boys are six and three."

Mynx wasn't saying anything as she was trying to contain her excitement.

"I cannot think of any." Starfire said smiling, clearly wanting to leave to spend time with Diego.
"Mynx, I think you'll be able to have kids. I mean, look at me. I had to be studied alot to see if I could have kids because my powers is transforming and so my DNA is all weird and stuff. But it turns out I'm good," Beast Boy told Mynx with a comforting smile.

Tempest remained quiet, just smiling and in thought about all this. After all, children were a big responsability, not to mention they were needing to be in good financial condition because they were three kids.

"Very well! Come back and see me in a month, you two!" Soranik told them with a smile. Diego smiled back at her before takign Starfire's hand and walking back to the teleporter. "How do you feel?" he asked Starfire.
"That's not the problem, Beast Boy." Mynx said with a sigh. "I don't want to bring more kids into the world when there's already so many that need parents. I was adopted and I want to adopt my children."

"Thank you." Starfire said as she shook the woman's hand before leaving with Diego. "I think you know how I feel." She whispered with a wink.
"I understand that feeling all too well. I too was adopted by Aquaman back when I was a lad and I appreciate him for it mroe than I think he will ever understand," Tempest confessed with his own smile before he embraced Mynx from behind.

"Well, it's your choice after all," Beast Boy said with shrugging his shoulders. "But do you dudes have all the stuff needed to take care of three kids?" he asked them to reaffirm them.

"Well, relieved obviously. I guess it means the kid will be out in a little less than a year and we have alot to get ready for. Especially since you said you wanted to move to a place with a house," Diego noted as he stepped itno the teleporter with her. It beamed them back into their living room.
"No we don't but it's all stuff that we can easily get. And we have three rooms we're not doing anything with that we'll turn into bedrooms for them." Mynx explained. "I've babysat my younger cousins and the kids of my older cousins, so I have a pretty good idea of what we'll need."

As soon as they were back in their house, Starfire dragged Diego to their bedroom and began kissing him passionately. "I missed you so much!" She managed to say between the kisses.
"I think he is also referring to our finances and if we have the time to do so as well," Tempest added with some thought and Beast Boy nodded in response. "But we do have to talk to the monks since they'll give us the final say. Where are they?" Tempest asked Raven.

Diego was surprised when the moment they were back in their apartment, Starfire dragged Diego back to their bedroom and began making out with him. "I missed you too," Diego managed to answer as he was kissing her back. He did miss the intimacies between them alot, but Starfire it seemed moreso. He diecded to let her take control of the situation. He lvoed it when she got wild.
"We will. The animal center receives funding from the US government and the WWF." Mynx explained. "Not to mention we're about to open it to visitors."

"They're still with the monks." Raven explained. "They do have a tutor that lives with them."

She began ripping his clothes off and using her hands to hungrily explore Diego's body. She pressed her body against his.
"Wait, then wouldn't that make it harder to watch for them if you're gonna open the place?" Beast Boy couldn't help but ask. "Yeah, but we can also have them help out and we have some reliable people to help with the center if need be. Being a parent comes first," Tempest said with a smile.

"Where are they at?" Tempest asked in regards to where the monks and the children were.

Diego let Starfire take control and groaned in pleasure as she began exploring his body and feeling his bare body press against hers. "You're still overdressed," he couldn't help but tease.
"Yup, family always comes first," Mynx said, "unless its like a life or death situation at the animal center, but that rarely happens."

"Well there was an incident about a year ago where a couple of villains tried kidnapping them so the Justice League relocated them and even I don't know where they are."

"Then why don't you do something about it." Starfire teased back as she backed up a bit to allow Diego to take her clothes off too.
"I suppose that means we better contact the League for that," Tempest noted. "Thanks for the support for this, you guys," he added with a smile. "No problem, dude. I mean, it's just surprising how fast we're all growing up and such," Beast Boy responded with a smile as he put an arm around Raven.

Diego let himself indulge in his passion as he slipped off Starfire's top along with her bra while his other hand slipped under Starfire's skirt and panties and began teasing her maidenhood. All while he ground up his erection against her and continuing to make out with her.
"Yeah, thank you!" Mynx said as she hugged the couple.

"No problem." Raven replied. "And I'll be happy to babysit."

Starfire let out a moan as she felt Diego teasing her. After so long she was extremely sensitive to him and it made everything even better.
"Well, you guys wanna stay for lunch or are you going to talk to the League now?" Beast Boy asked the two. "Well, it all depends on what Mynx wants to do," Tempest respoded as he faced her with a smile, wondering what she'll say.

"I love you so much Starfire," Diego told his fiancee with a smile as he managed to slipp off her skirt and panties, leaving her in the nude like he was. He kept grinded against her entrance to tease her a bit. "I want to be with you forever," he added.
"We just had breakfast so we'll probably just go talk to the League." Mynx said with a smile as she took Tempest hand.

"I love you more." Starfire said as she helped Diego finish taking off her clothes. "Me too but I also want you to stop teasing me."
"All right, hope everything works out for you," Beast Boy said before he thought of something. "Hey gues, why don't you talk about this with Aquaman too? Maybe he can offer advice or help or something," he said.

"That does sound like a good idea and it would be to get a second opinion to evaluate how ready we are," Tempest noted as he squeezed Mynx's hand.

Diego kissed Starfire before he put his manhood back inside of Starfire. After weeks of not being able to make love, being able to do so now was absolutely amazing to say the very least. "oooooh goodness that feels amazing," Diego groaned out as before he kissed Starfire once more.
"We'll definitely talk to him, but I think we should talk to the core Justice League members first. I want to know if we can adopt them before telling anyone that isn't involved." Mynx explained. "We'll probably have a party to announce it if we can adopt them."

Starfire moaned into Diego's lips. She moaned her hips along with his thrusting to make the experience more pleasurable. All of her built up sexual tension was slowly coming out.
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