What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Michael kept moaning around Dean's cock, thrusting his fingers in and out and hotting his Gspot. he pulled off a moment. "You think you're ready for my cock, mon coer?" he asked, rubbing dean's cock while he wasn't sucking it, waiting for an answer.
Dean was gasping desperately as he gripped the bed sheets and just as Micah asked that question he hit his limit and gasped, crying out as he came hard, groaning deeply. Once he was finished he slumped back on the bed, panting heavily as he looked up at Micah shyly and nodded uncertainly. "I-I guess..." he murmured.
Michael gave him a passionate yet loving kiss. "I'll be gentle, I promise, Mon coer." He said, grabbing and slipping on a comdom then lubing up his cock with his free hand. He gently stuck jus the insided, moving slowly, expirimentally. he didn't want to hurt thee other.
Dean was gasping and and moaning as he gripped the bed sheets, trembling at the nips as he groaned louder at the jerking. "Y-Yeah... M-Micah...!" He gasped out as he felt himself building, eyes closed tightly in pleasure.
Dean was gasping and groaning frantically as he kissed Micah back before he gasped and came as well, moaning loudly then whimpering softly, trembling as he felt his bottom being filled with seed.
Michael gave him a soft kiss and smile. "I'll go get something clean us up." He replied softly squirming from under Dean and getting a wash cloth, cleaning them both up before giving Dean a light kiss. "Rest, Dee. You need it." He ordered, snuggling him when he got back in bed.

In the morning, Michael gasped softly as the site of his mark on Dean. He ran a hand through his hair, waiting for the other to awake. "Well, so much for discretion and some quick good sex.. He's gonna kill me."
Dean was panting heavily and blushing brightly, shivering a little as his sensitive body was cleaned up then nodded as he closed his eyes and passed out.

Dean soon groaned and yawned as he woke and sat up, rubbing his head, wincing as he put weight on his bottom. "Damn... that's sore..." He muttered before he blinked in surprise and horror as he saw wings on his back in the mirror. "M-Micah!" He exclaimed.
Michael's head snapped up as his name was called, and he looked at Dean in awe for a moment. "Wow.. They suit you, Dean. But you're a.. talking in enochian.. just relax. when you calm, you should be able to remember english" He muttered softly, his now wide green eyes showing so much love and guilt it was almost like looking at Castiel after he perfected Sam's puppy eyes.
Dean could not calm down. Still shouting in Enochian he scrambled out of the bed and stormed at Michael. "No, not Micah, MICHAEL! So this was your big punishment huh? Make me into one of you douche bags for not saying yes huh!? Well whoopdido! NOW TURN ME BACK before I strangle that pretty little neck of yours!"
Michael shook his head. "No.. Never intended for that to happen, Dean. It was an accident. But.. I can't reverse it." He winces softly, looking so hurt and guilty. Dean would feel all the emotions Michael was feeling coming through the bond created from the mating mark. There was sadness, guilt, fear, but the strongest emotion was love. Michael took in a breath. "Um.. I was really drunk last night.. and kind of.. mated you last night by accident.. I'm sorry. I can try reversing it.. but.. father said it was supposed to be permanent.. Also, in some cultures I am called Micah."
Dean was glaring daggers at Michael as he said he couldn't reverse it and he tried to ignore the feelings he was sensing through the bond. No. He tricked him. HE TRICKED HIM AND MADE HIM ONE OF THEM! He was too pissed to give the bastard sympathy. "You son of a bitch..." He muttered and turned, grabbing his clothes and quickly throwing them on, somehow knowing how to hide his wings and grace.
Michael winced sofyly, he could feel the pain already coming, and he conceeded that this was how he would die, alone without his mate. "Always rejecting me, Dean.." he muttered, though the only emotions Dean would feel were utter fear, guilt and also depression. Michael's heart was broken, even if he had seen this coming a mile away, it still stung to think Dean didn't want hkm. the man he'd fallen helplessly for had rejected him.
Dean was still fuming as he pulled the last of his clothes on and grabbed his bag but paused at the door, a bit of knowledge he'd gained in the transformation rising to the surface. Michael was going to die... Michael had made a mate bond with him, and if Dean walked out now... he'd die. Dean hated what Michael had done, heck, aside from Cas and Ana, he hated all angels. But... For some reason he couldn't let himself be the cause of Michael's death. He took a long, slow breath and let it out in a slow sigh. "Michael..." He said slowly.
Michael looked up at him, his eyes wide. Many emotions coursed through the bond. The archangel was still feeling so guilty. He really hadn't meant for that to happen. Just the slightest bit of hope coursed through the bond, though there were no expectations there, just hope. "Yes Dean?" he asked, as sea green eyes met fanfiction green ones. Dean would also feel and the self loathing the angel was carrying. It was laughing at him, whispering to him.. "You can't have anything for yourself. Look what happened the one time you tried! You just wanted one night, and now you're dying because of your own stupidity! You got rejected by the one you've wanted since you learned of him! The righteous man.. your vessel.. but you never wanted him as a vessel did you Michael? That's why you sent your little angels to do your bidding. To scared to face the man you love. Thats why he probably loves little Castiel and will never love you!" it taunted, but Michael tried to ignore it. He'd known from the start that Dean Winchester could never feel the same about him. He'd never be good enough for him.
Dean took a long deep breath as he tried to think clearly through all the emotions he was taking in through the bond. "I don't... I don't know if I can love you... but I don't want you to die... How can I prevent that...?"
Michael let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Say yes to me for once in your life. You are no longer able to be my vessel as an archangel yourself, but.. Accepting the bond.. will save me. And I'm not asking you to love me.. Dean." He replied softly, stopping himself before he called Dean mon coer again.. like he'd been whispering all last night. Even though the archangel could no longer hide his emotions from Dean, the hunter would probably never know how deep his love really went.
Dean frowned a little as Michael mentioned the bond again before he took a breath and nodded. "Fine... I'm not happy about it... but fine... I forgive you and accept the bond."
Michael let out a soft breath "Thank you. You didn't have to do that." He muttered softly, and Dean would feel through the bond just how much he appreciated the fact that he had been kind enough to save him, even if the angel didn't feel like he deserved it. There was just the sliver of hope that Dean woild at some point return his feelings, but he shook it off. He couldn't think of such things. "I shall stay outbof your way, then. Resume hunting with your brother. If you need me, just think and I will be there." He added softly, still fighting the urge to just surge forward and kiss his mate senseless. The further they were from each other, the better, because then he wouldn't hurt so much.
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