What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean nodded as Micah said it was hot in here then blinked in surprise and blushed a little, chuckling awkwardly. "Well I don't know about men but I do get quite a bit of action with the ladies." He said.
Michael let out a soft chimenof a laugh. "Surprising. I would think you'd have both genders falling at your feet, Dean. I mean.. I think that.. You're really handsome." He replied softly, stuttering slightly in all his nervousness. If he had been smarter.. he might have shifted his vessel female. Dean's tongue would probably already be in his mouth if that were the case.
Dean blinked in surprise, somehow, he liked the sound of Micah's laugh. He blushed a little at the compliment and nodded uncertainly. "I-I see... thanks..." He said, unsure what else to say.
Micheal smiled softly, though he still had a faint blush on his face. He refilled his glass, drinking it down quickly, hoping for a burst of confidence. Were humans always this nervous around their crushes? "You're welcome, Dean." He replied softly, stil fighting being to sober. Uf he got drunker, maybe he'd be able to kiss his true vessel like he wants to.
Michael smiled. "Yeah sure. This will probably sound totally geeky, but I have my PS4 hooked up to the TV over there. We could play.. Call of duty or Star wars Battle front?" He suggested, sipping more scotch.
Dean blinked in surprise and chuckled, nodding. "Alright, Call of Duty's fine though I don't play video games often, more like ever." He stood up and poured himself another scotch before heading over to the tv.
Michael followed suit and poured himself some more scotch before following Dean over to the TV. He smiles at Dean. "Want me to teach you how to use the controls?" He asked, Sipping his drink before settingit on the nearby table.
Michael slowly explained how exactlybto work the controller, smiling a little at Dean. "You seem like you have good hand eye coordinating, so it shouldn't be to hard for you to pick up. It only took me a few hours to get a hold of them." He explains, turning the game on and waiting for it to load. Michael's guilty pleasure has always been video games since they were invented, so he was very versed in using a PS4.
Michael smiled, ordering their food. Half an hour later, when the food came, Michael paid and brought it to the coffee table, but when he went to sit back down, he stupidly tripped over his own controller and kissed dean, pulling away quicky. He blushed furiously. "S-sorry. The chinese is here" He muttered, not looking at Dean, fearing his reaction.
Dean looked up to thank him for paying for the food when he suddenly found Micah's lips on his, his eyes widening and a blush splashing across his face. "T-That was an accident... right...?" He asked, stammering.
Michael nodded softly, blushing. "I tripped. Forgot i left my controller on the ground." He muttered back. rubbing the back of his neck. He really really really wanted to say it wasn't, and that he was attracted to Dean, that he wanted Dean.. but he wouldn't. He'd wait for Dean to make the first move, even if he knew it might n I t hapoen if he did.
Michael took a few sips of his scotch before he resumed playing, lazily eating his lo-mein and sushi with chipsticks. He wasn't sure where to go from there. While Dean hadn't seemed completely repulsed by the kiss, he couldn't be sure it was just the alcohol. He wanted to be closer to the righteous man.
Dean continued playing as he ate his general tao chicken and pork fried rice. He was getting better at the game and actually managed to score some points.
Micheal sighed softly, running a hand through his hair. "I like you, you know. That kiss might have been an accident, but I won't deny I kind of wanted to kiss you. Okay.. i'm gonna shut now." he muttered, eating more of his lomein and blushing.
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed brightly at the man's 'confession.' "W-What...?" He asked, looking at Micah shocked. "D-Dude... I'm sorry but... we just met... I don't even know if I like guys... are you just saying you like me physically? Cuz if not I'm really confused."
Michael let out a soft chortle of a chuckle, ringing like a bell. "Well, yeah, I do think you're quite pretty, but no, not just physically. I can't quite put my finger on it, but when I look at you, I just feel this.. familiarity. Like I've met you before.. and you yelled at me.." He muttered softly, sighing. Dean was gonna hate him for sure if he revealed himself. He was pretty sure the hunter already did hate him.
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