What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Castiel smiled a little, standing. "You're welcome Dean. When Sam wakes up, you should tell him. Sam might trap you in holy fire if you don't." he mutters, looking a little worried. "Lets get sam back to the motel then kill those ghouls.
Castiel hovered his hand over Dean's Jacket as he turned his back to him, fixing it back to brand new. "There you go, Dean. Good as new." He promised, giving the hunter a rare smile.

Michael hadn't been able to contact his mate while he was around the demons. The place was heavily warded. "Are you alright Dean? I couldn't hear you for a few hours" He asked in the hunters head, worry coming though the bond, as well a slight meekness. He didn't feel like he had the right to ask, but he was anyway.
Dean felt along his back and he sighed in relief when he felt no tears in the leather. "Thanks Cas." He said, smiling back before hopping in the drivers seat and driving them back to the motel, jumping a little when he heard Michael's voice in his head and he sighed. "I'm fine." He responded in his head. "What are you spying on me now? I just ran into some demons who were after Sammy. Had to use my grace and now Cas knows but otherwise I'm fine."
Castiel nodded softly at him in acknowledgement, before he spoke at Dean's slight jump. "Something the matter, Dean?"

Michael's emotions showed surprise. "No, of course not! its just usually I can feel your emotions, but it just cut off. I was just worried.." He muttered back in Dean's mind before continuing. "I'm glad Cas knows. I know you would hate to have to hide it. Sam is okay then too, Dean?" He cared about him because dean did, and he didn't want to see lucifer take over the sweet younger broyher.
Castiel nodded at Dean, figuring that it had something to do with the bond.

Michael sighed softly. "Its just I know I would hate to keep something from my family if it were reversed.. but I'm glad Sam is okay. You'd be beside yourself otherwise." Anyone who knew them knew how attached the brothers are.
Michael was awkwar after that, and Dean would feel through the bond that he was a little embarrassed "Right well. I've been hearing that Lucifer is hot on Sams tail. you should put sigils on his ribs to prevent that. so that he can't find him. they'll be stronger ifbyou do it as opposed to Castiel." He told him through the bond, and he'd feelbthat Michael actually care about the younger winchester's saftey. He supposed it it had to do with Dean.

Castiel tilted his head. "Are you sure you're alright, Dean?"
Dean nodded in understanding. "Alright... I'll try that." He then blinked as Cas spoke and glanced over at him. "O-Oh, yeah... I'm fine..." he mumbled as he pulled into the motel and got out to get Sam out of the back.
Michael smiled a little. "you're an angel too now, so you should amend the enochian so you can always find him. That way if he's in danger, you can find him." He offered as another suggestion, just wanting to help his mate. He knew Dean still didn't like him much.

Castiel nodded softly. "alright Dean." It was then that they heard a few groans fromnthe back seat. "Ugh.. what happened.."
Dean nodded. "Alright." He said back to Michael, seeming to get somewhat annoyed with all his 'suggestions.' He then helped Sam out of the car. "You got knocked out. It's ok now." He said as he helped his brother to stand.
Michael shrugged. "I'm just trying to help, Dean."

Sam looked confused, accepting the help from Dean. "Ghouls knocked me out? That doesn't seem right. Cas, how did you get out of those ropes?"

Castiel shugged. "Dean cut me out."

Sam sighed. "Dean, am I missing something?"
Dean sighed and said. "I'll explain inside once we've checked your head. Now come on." He unlocked the door and led Sam inside, sitting him down and getting the first aid kit.
Sam nodded at his brother. "Okay Dean. I trust you." He replied, sittinv down. Surprisingly, though likely because of Dean's burst of power when he set free his grace, Sam was unharmed save a smallish cut in his forehead. He patiently waited for Dean to finish checking him over, curious about what his brother was going to tell him.
Dean checked him over, surprise by his healed wound and pulled back. "You're fine." He said and put the first aid kit back, taking a breath. "You're gonna be mad..." He warned.
Sam raised an eyebrow at his older brother. Now he was even more curious about what his brother would have to say. "I'll be the judge of that. Whats up, Dean?" he asked, and his brother would be able to tell he was both curioua and wary.

Castiel looked at him."You may wanna take off your shirt this time, Dean."
Sam's eyes widened. "so you're telling me you had sex with an angel, and now you are one? Dude.. I thought for sure if you had sex with anymore angels it'd be Cas.. I mean.. you stare at him enough." he muttered, taking this much better than expected. He had suspected for a long time now that his brother Bi, and this was his comformation.

Dean would feel slight jealousy as Michael thought about Castiel taking up all his mate's time. He wanted Dean to see him like he saw Castiel! He would hear mutterings of "My mate. Keep your hands off Cassie" in his head and over "Angel radio." Apparently the oldest angel was quite posessive despite wanting to give Dean the space he needed.

Castiel just turned red in embarrassment. He did see Dean like that, but now that he was mated.. the seraph stood no chance. "Of course brother.." he muttered, his face scrunched up in jealousy himself. He was glad neither brother had noticed.
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