What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean nodded silently and walked out of the motel, getting in his car and driving away.

A week later Dean was on a hunting trip, hunting a couple of ghouls as he walked through the under ground pipe-lines.
Michael watched him go, looking pensive as the impal drove away.

Sam was hot on his brother's heels, flashlight in hand. "Man, I hate ghouls almost as much as I hate shapeshifters." he mutters, gun in his other hand.
Dean nodded. "Yeah, nasty sons of bitches..." He muttered before he heard some muffled struggling. He hurried in the direction of the sound and found Cas tied up and without his powers. "Cas!?" He whispered as he rushed up to him and removed the tape from his mouth. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
Sam nodded. "They really are." he agreed, looking shockednto find the angel tied up in what looked like sigil engraved rope.

Castiel let out a breath. "The ghouls aren't working alone. Demons. they tied me up. I can't access my grace with these ropes on. they're warded." He explained quietly, just as the demons and ghouls came back into the small room.

One of the demons smirked as they threw Sam into a wall, rendering him unconcious. "Ah, so the boy king and the righteous man have come to save their angel pet." The leader growled, smirking evilly. He had no clue what he was up against
Dean blinked in surprise then glared at the demon, pulling out the knife in one hand and having a pistol in the other in preparation. "Back off." He muttered.
The demon laughed, Castiel looked worried for dean. That was a pretty powerful demon. Almostbas high up as alistair, and he had both lower demons and ghouls at his defence.

The demon laughed. "On the contrary. I kidnapped the angel to get you here. Boss wants to talk to your little brother there, Dean."
The demon didn't look at all scared. "What are you gonna do about it? Shoot me? That ain't gonna work, my pretty" He replied strolling over towards Sam and lifting the moose's head with a delicate finger. He was taunting Dean, smirking.
Dean fought as best he could but, by himself, he was quickly overpowered and was knocked to the ground, coughing up some blood as he glared, the demon beginning to pick Sam up. "You... don't touch him..." He practically growled as he struggled to get to his feet.
The demon laughed again, red eyes gittering. "Doesn't look like you have much way to stop me, pretty boy. You can't even get up, and your pet is bound in sigiled ropes!" He taunted, holding Sam bridal style and smurking.
Dean smirked a little, he didn't want to, but he had to. He gave the demon his signature cocky smirk. "I might have another ace up my sleeve..." He muttered and, reluctantly, released his grace, his wings popping out through his leather jacket as he stood up, his body healing.
Castiel Glgasped, dumbfounded and a little wary. He didn't recognize the wings, but it was obvous that Dean was being posessed, at least that's what it looked like to the seraph.

The demon tilted his head. "Looks like the righteous man said yes to an angel after all." He replied, still to comfident in his abilities. He could have no real clue dean was an archangel. He smirked again. "Do your worst, angel" The words were spat out.
Dean smirked and said in his normal manner. "Nah, I think it's pretty well understood I don't say yes to anyone. You could say I just got a power boost." He was then directly in front of the demon and pressing a hand to his forehead, destroying the demon in the human without harming the body.
Dean sighed as he realized it would take a while for Sam to wake up then looked up at Cas and raised his hands defensively. "Don't glare at me. I didn't ask for this." He said before pulling out a knife and cutting the ropes even though Cas could have broken free himself. He wanted to do something so he didn't have to look Cas in the eye.
Castiel huffed, puffing his chest out. "Then explain. who did you let in? Did you say yes?!" He thought that he had changed Dean's mind after that scuff in the alley. He wondered why the man took thebtime to set him free.
Dean sighed and shook his head. "No Cas. I didn't say yes... this... this is me... I've been... turned into an arch angel..." He looked down, feeling slightly ashamed.
Castiel gasped for the second time that day. "You've been turned!? There's only one way to do that... Who bonded to you?" He asked, even if he could already guess. Michael may think he keeps his crush under wraps, but its much more obvious then he realizes.
Castiel frowned, but didn't look otherwise surprised. "Well, you can't be his vessel now." was all he said, keeping his own emotions in check. He wasn't sure how to feel about this. "Explains why I didn't recognize your wings. It suits you, Dean. "
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