What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean blinked in surprise and blushed brightly at Sam's assumption then blushed more at Michael's possessive muttering over angel radio, it actually made his heart race a little but he quickly shook it off. "Well, either way, this is what I am now, believe me I'm not happy about it..." He grumbled that last part slightly.
Michael kept to his mutterings, the rest of the heavenly host not surprised but not necessarily pleased with this developement. This would seriously set back the apocolypse. "No one is touch or approach him" It was his final word.

Sam chuckled softly. "You think I care if you're an angel or not, Dean. I think that's badass. Bet you could set things in order up there, Jerk." he half teased, though his eyes said he understood.
Dean blushed a little still at Michael's words and he rolled his eyes at Sam. "Yeah, whatever bitch." He said and sighed, putting the grace away again and pulling his shirt back on.
Michael "I know. Lucifer needs to be either killed or reasoned with. But, you know, you can still call me Micah. I've always been partial to the name." he replied, sighing. He wished he could be in bed there with him. It hurt to be away from his mate.
Michael sighed, sitting in a meeting over how they would kill lucifer when Michael's true vessel was now one of them. "I hate this, Dean. I'm starting to understand why father decided to leave." He muttered inside his head, getting up to leave the meeting. "Discuss what you like. I am leaving for awhile." He muttered, disappearing to his own personal slice of heaven, collapsing in bed, closing his eyes as he remembered their one night together, wishing for his mate's vomfort, if nothing more than being held.
Dean finally managed to fall asleep but his dreams were flooded with Micah. He groaned in frustration as he woke in the middle of the night and stared at the ceiling for a bit before muttering. "Fuck it..." And walking outside. "Micah!" He called "Get your ass down here!"
Not a minute later, there was a flutter of wings and Michael appeared next to Dean. He let out a soft breath. "Yes Dean? Do you need something?" He asked softly, leaving off the Mon coer again, his face showing no real emotion, but his body coursed with hope, curiosity and love.
Dean blushed a little as he felt the emotions radiating from Micah and he took a breath, letting it out slow as he turned to look at him. "I... I know I'm a hard ass... And I say things I don't mean... And I did originally want you dead..."
Michael nodded slowly. "I know, and I don't fault for it. I know I can be a real dick. Was there something you needed, Dean? You called me here.." He mutterwd sofyly, shuffling just slightly closer to the green eyed man.
Dean blushed more at the obvious happiness Micah felt then he blushed more as he looked down a bit at the question, hesitating before he nodded nervously.
Michael stepped forward, stroking Dean's cheek and lifting it up wit a finger, kissing him lovingly and passionately. "Je t'aime. Mon coeur t'appartient" It fell through the bond on instict, and Michael blushed as he kissed him, nowing that now as an archangel himself, he would know just what it meant.
Dean blushed madly as Micah looked at him and touched him that way before he gasped softly in the kiss, blushing more as his heart raced. His eyes then widened and he whimpered shyly at Micah's words, his heart racing more as he closed his eyes tightly in the kiss.
Michael kept kissing for a moment before he broke away, still stroking his cheek. His free hand went to Dean's holding it gently. "Should we go back inside?" He asked, tilting his head a little as he looked at his mate.
Michael smiled softly, leading the hunter back to the door, waiting for him to open it. He could sense his little brother on the other side, watchingbover Sam as he had fallen asleep after a few hours of research over Lucifer. The archangel smiled softly at his mate, confusion flodding the bond as he felt his younger brother's jealousy "I don't think that I am the only angel that harbors affection for you, Dean."
Dean blinked in surprise as they walked in and he looked at Micah confused. "What do you mean?" He asked in a whisper before jumping as he saw Castiel watching over Sam. "Jeez Cas, have you been here since we rescued you?" He asked, still whispering as he saw Sam asleep.
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