What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean was blushing madly in the kiss before his eyes snapped open in shock as he heard Sam's voice and he shoved Micah away suddenly and stood up, blushing incredibly. "O-Oh! H-Hey Sammy!"
Micheal tried not to take his mate shoving him away so personally, but it hurt a little. He was turning into such a touchy sap. "Hello Sam"

Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother. "morning. I see you have company. should I come back?"
Sam raised an eyebrow, rolling his eyes at his brother. "Yeah, looked like you were really enjoying your "breakfast" but no man, you guys eat. I'm gonna go shower. I reek from my run." he replied, smirking a little.
Sam just chuckled and walked away with his towels.

Michael smiled lovingly at Dean as he ate, his love coursing through the bond. "What should we hunt.. or should we focus on my brother?" he asked, looking curious.
Michael sighed softly, and a flood of emotions would come through the bond. Sadness, regret, and aprehension were just a few. He really didn't want to kill his brother, but it was his own awful idea yo start thenapocolypse. he'd hoped that if he did, his father would come back. Michael longed to be with his family.
Dean blinked in surprise when he felt all those emotions from his words and he glanced up at Micah before looking down a little guiltily. "Sorry..." He muttered.
Michael shook his head. "It is alright. This is all my fault anyhow. I thought maybe If I started the apocalypse, Father would come home. I see the error of my ways now, but.. I don't know if my brother will listen to me. He blames me for his imprisonment in the cage. I feel terrible about that. Maybe if I had been more like you, Lucifer wouldn't want to destroy everything." He muttered softly, an emotional flood crashing through the bond. Who knew the archangel had so many feelings!
Dean choked a little on his food as he felt the intense emotions, coughing a little to dislodge the lump of food stuck in his throat. He finally gasped in some air and looked at him, his own emotions being sent to Micah, feelings of sympathy and guilt. "I'm sorry..." He murmured.
A burst of concern came through the bond as Dean started choking a bit. He relaxed slightly as he realized the other was okay. "Its alright. maybe I can make Luca see reason. If there was someone he loved.. maybe he'd see the beauty of the world. Stop broodindlng over not being favorite anymore and come home.." He muttered, looking deep in thought.
Michael sighed. "I know what you're thinking Dean. it isn't true. Luca's very capable of love, he just feels slighted by father." He explains, sighing softly. He didn't think he could fix his family, but he didn't want to kill his brother.
Dean shook his head. "I'm fine." He replied to Micah then blushed brightly at Sam's question. "H-Hey! It's not like I said it..." He said, looking down at his dishes in embarrassment as he washed them.
Michael smiled at him. "Alright Mon Couer." he replied, squeezing his shoulder affectionately before going to sit on the couch, flipping on a rerun of Dr. Sexy.

Sam chuckled. "Not judging man, I just find it weird that he's being so affectionate. I mean, He was kind of a douche wearing dad." He muttered, michael just blushed looking apologetic.
Sam smiled. "I'm gonna go to the library. any objections?" He asked, sighing softly.

Michael smiled at Dean as he washed dishes. "Well, I wasnted to putvsome sigils on your ribs.. keep Lucee away but allow myself, Dean or castiel to find you if need be." He explained, his expression showing that he wanted to help.

Sam thought a moment. "Sounds fair.." He replied, and michael and did it.
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