What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean's eyes widened in surprise that it was an angel who made that virus but he wasn't surprised out of any of them it would be Zachariah. He nodded. "Alright, you can stay on Earth, but you start causing any suffering and I'm hunting your ass down. Ok?"
Dean nodded, hoping by 'lurking' he didn't mean he'd be spying on them.

Lucifer looked up at Castiel and smiled softly, somewhat sadly. "If it will keep the one I love from hating me anymore, then no, I don't want to destroy anymore."
Lucifer blushed a little and chuckled. "I suppose I'm following in my older brother's footsteps. I've fallen for my vessel."

Dean blinked in surprise and instantly prickled. The devil was in love with his brother? Every instinct told him to punch the former angel sitting before him but he held back, no need to start a fight when Lucifer wasn't hostile.
Castiel nodded. While he wasn't as intune as Michael, he knew Dean well enough to know when he was okay. "We'll be going now, Lucifer." Castiel replied softly, whisking Dean away back to the motel.

Michael sat on one of the beds while Sam was napping on the other bed. His voice was low. "How did it go?" he asked, looking curious.
Dean took a deep breath and let it slow to try to calm down. "He won't be causing any trouble, he said he's done with the whole 'death and destruction' thing."
Michael looked both shocked and relieved at the same time. "There's something else on your mind though, Dean. Tell me why you look so tense, Mon couer." He replied, his expression changing as worry flowed through the bond.
Michael bit his lip. "Oh. I see your trouble.. You don't fully trust him. I don't blame you. If it makes you feel any better, there's one thing I know about my brother most don't. He loves far deeper than anyone I've ever known. Its part of the reason he was cast out. He loved father so much, he refused to put anything above him." he explained, though the emotions going through the bond were concern, understanding and a little reassurance.
Michael held him just a little hit tighter. "So do I. only time will tell what happens next."

Meanwhile, Sam was dreaming of Stamford, but there was a change. Instead of Jess, he was seeing someone else. Faceless, but he knew the voice. What disturbed him most though was that he liked it.
Sam looked shocked. "That's good. But why do you look so so tense though? Is there something that I should know, Dean?"

Michael sighed. "You're not going to like it, Sam."

Sam sighed. "Sombody just tell me.."
Dean sighed and opened his mouth to speak but heard a flutter of wings as Lucifer appeared in the room. "He doesn't want to tell you that I'm in love with you Sammy."
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