What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean shrugged. "Not your fault." He replied and smiled softly at him. "Hey, let's play darts or something, all this talking isn't helping."

Lucifer smiled happily and leaned forward, kissing his forehead. "Thank you Sammy." He murmured before disappearing.
Castiel nodded, setting up the pool table. Neither of them noticed the demons coming into the bar until it was to late.

The head demon sneered. "Look at this. Two angels on our turf. looks like its time we taught them a lesson." he said, smirking darkly as most of the room eyes turned black.

Sam woke up, and Michael was just relaxing watching TV. "Where's Dean?"

Michael looked a little sad. "He went to a bar with Cas"
Dean's eyes widened then narrowed as he saw the whole room was full of demons. "Uh... Cas? You know any angel tricks for taking care of over two dozen demons?" He muttered as he stood ready, pulling out his angel blade.
Castiel got his blades out too. "Unfortunately no."

The demon smirked. "Look what we have here! one of them is an archangel. so, which one are you? My guess is you're michael." He muttered, not looking to worried.

Michael's head snapped up. "Dean's in trouble." He said simply, grabbing his blades as Sam grabbed his guns.

Sam looked at Michael, who just nodded, and in a flash they were there. A demon was getting the best of Sam, but he kept fighting. Unconciously, he called to Lucifer.
Dean glared at the demon and muttered. "Sorry, I'm the new kid on the block. Name's Dean." He then started fighting, killing many demon's with his blade but also struggling quite a bit. When Micah showed up with Sam and Sam was becoming over powered Dean tried to get over to him. "MICAH! I said protect him! Not bring him into danger!"

Lucifer heard the call and appeared in an instant, joining the fighting as well and soon removing the demons that had ganged up on Sammy. "Stay behind me." He ordered Sam.
The demon scoffed. "Dean huh? You wouldn't happen to be Dean Winchester would you? The righteous man.." He was curious as to why the very american hunter was anywhere near Amsterdam.

Michael winced. "He insisted wouldn't take no for an answer, otherwise I would have been here sooner." was all the angel said killing off at least 6 of the demons on his own.

The head demon's eyes widened at the sight of Lucifer. "Lucifer." was all he said and the remaining demons stopped in their tracks. Apparently demons in other countries didn't know Lucifer was out of his cage.

Sam was surprised by lucifer's sudden appearance, but nodded and stayed behind the angel.
Dean nodded as he slashed another demon's throat. "The very same."

Lucifer stood tall before the demons. "Let it be known that these four individuals, my brothers included, are Off Limits. Any demon who dares to harm them will have to answer to me. I created you all. I can also get rid of you."
The demon looked confused. "Then why are you an angel, righteous man?" It didn't make sense.

The demon looked confused, but nodded. "as you wish, sir." he muttered, but he didn't protest, yhe other demkns dispersing.
Dean glared at the demon. "None of your business." He replied and Lucifer nodded dismissing the demon. Once the demon was gone he checked over Sam for injuries. "Are you alright?"
The demon made no comment, as he knew it wasn't his business, he was just curious. then he disappears at lucifer's command.

Sam smiled at Dean a little. "I'm fine dean. just a few scratches. I guess the demons are tougher over on this side of the pond"
Lucifer nodded and sighed in relief, placing his hands on his shoulders. "Good." Dean frowned a little at Lucifer's affectionate concern but didn't say anything.
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed brightly. "H-He's not my boyfriend!" He protested in embarrassment and nodded. "Y-Yeah Cas, let's go." He said turning to go with Castiel.
Sam chuckled. "Dude, you cuddle each other in your sleep. Kinda seems like he's your boyfriend. Michael doesn't comment, Lucifer laughs.

Castiel nodded, whisking them away to another bar, this time in hawaaii.
Dean blushed in embarrassment at Sam's comment before sighing and resting his head on the counter of the bar once they got in it in hawaaii. "Dammit..." He muttered.
Dean sighed. "It just feels like I can never get a break. All I wanted was to relax with a friend and get drunk and demons have to show up..."

Lucifer chuckled as Dean left and looked at Sam. "So Sammy, did you think about what we discussed?" He asked with a wink.
Castiel sighed, squeezing his left shoulder. "I'm sorry Dean. I would have moved us if I'd realized there were demons there. They hid unusually well." he replied, trying to be supportive.

Sam rolled his eyes a little. "I said you could hang around and I meant it. I still don't trust you, but.. I'm taking it a day at a time."
Dean shook his head. "It's not your fault Cas..." He sighed and ordered a drink.

Lucifer smiled brightly and kissed his forehead. "That's all I ask." He replied, looking around. "So, want to get a drink as well?"
Dean sighed and chugged down another 6 drinks before he finally started to feel a buzz.

Lucifer chuckled softly. "You're so cute when you blush." He whispered before leading him over to the bar by the small of his back and getting them each a beer, since no one was at the bar anymore.
Castiel was working on his third, relaxing.

Sam blushed harder at that, letting himself be lead, but he was still a little embarrased, even if Michael was the only other patron, silently keeping an eye out. He hoped Lucifer knew it was more for Dean's piece of mind than anything elsr.
Dean hesitated a moment before asking. "Cas... do you like me?"

Lucifer smiled and knew that Michael was only there for Dean's sake and smiled at Sammy as they drank together.
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