What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean blushed as he felt the emotions through the bond and felt himself wanting a little. He looked down shyly as he stammered. "I-I don't think I need anymore drinks... D-Do you want to... head back or something...?"
Michael grinned as they appeared back at the motel. "Hi!" He said excitedly, and the usually stoic angel looked like a puppy in his hyperactivity. "I baked some pie!" He added excitedly, and you could see a few small cuts and bruises on his body that hadn't quite healed. Som led lepplin played from the stereo, and resident evil was currently paused on Michaels PS4.

Castiel smiled fondly. "I see your love for video games hasn't waned, brother." Michael just smiled and nodded, cutting the fresh baked cherry pie.
Dean blinked in surprise at Micah's excitement and his stomach growled at the mention of pie. He sat down quietly at the table as Micah cut the pie. "T-Thanks..." He mumbled.
Michael happily cut Dean a piece of the warm pie, Putting a dab of fresh whipped on top. He kissed Dean's cheek as he handed him the pie. "You're welcome, Dean." He replied, smiling still. Castiel merely sat there. He didn't feel like eating, though he knew his brother's cooking was quite good.
Dean blushed a little at the kiss and then he took a bite of the cake before letting out a pleasured sigh. "Damn that's good..." He mumbled around a mouthful of pie before taking another bite.
Michael smiled softly. "I'm glad you like it, Dean. I made it especially for you. Cas, if you choose to have a piece, there is another baking in the oven." He explained, the other angel just nodding in thanks.
"Sam is in the next room. It is warded even more than this room. The only one who might be able to get in would be Gabriel, and I haven't seen my baby brother in milleniums." Michael explained calmly, though his eyes and emotions told how much he missed the littlest archangel.

Sam came in the door soon after. "Hey Dean? Found us a new case, If you're interested."
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