What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean blushed brightly at the whole idea of this situation but nodded softly and sighed, closing his eyes to rest.

Lucifer smirked softly back and leaned in, brushing his lips ever so slightly against Sam's. "If you'll let me..."
Michael and Castiel rested comfortably next to their mate.

Sam blused slightly, but pulled Lucifer down for a deeper kiss. "Hmm, Lets start here and see where this goes, Luce." He murmured, smirking a little.
Dean closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Lucifer blushed brightly and even groaned softly in the deep kiss and smiled a little. "Alright..." He kissed him deeply again.
Michael and Castiel sighed happily sleeping soundly.

Sam kissed him back just as deeply, fisting a hand in his hair, pulling him to sit in his lap. "mm, I like kissing you." He murmured running a hand down the lanky muscled mans body
Dean wakes in the middle of the night from a nightmare.

Lucifer sighed happily at the hand in his hair and blushed softly as he was sat in Sam's lap, shivering softly at his touch. "Oh Sammy..." He murmured and showed how much he liked kissing Sam by kissing him again deeply, almost desperately.
Michael and Castiel awoke as well, sharing worried clances. it was the elder angel that spoke. "Are you alrigh, Mon couer?"

Sam kissed him back, one hand still in lucifers hair, his cock hardening in his jeans. "Mm, Luce.." It felt so right to be with the archangel, and Sam didn't know if he should be worried or not.
Dean was breathing heavily and looked around a moment before nodding softly. "I-I'm fine... Just a nightmare..."

Lucifer panted softly in arousal, his own cock hard against Sam's stomach as he nipped at Sam's lip and reached down to tug at Sam's shirt.
Michael rubbed his shoulders slowly, pressing a soft kiss to where he knew his mark is. "Its okay Dean. We're both right here. You're safe." He soothed, Castiel running his hand in circles on Dean's chest comfortingly.

Sam pulled his shirt off, arching up into the other man's erection, kissing him again. "Want you Luce. want inside you" he purred, smirking.
Dean blushed a little at the soft comforting and looked down. "I-I know..." He murmured before moving to get up. "I don't think I can go back to sleep, I'll just go watch some tv and have a beer..."

Lucifer groaned softly as Sam's stomach rubbed his erection and he kissed him back, blushing brightly at his words, he had assumed that he would be the one inside Sam if anything... but if it was for Sam... "Yes Sammy..." He snapped his fingers and they were both naked. "Please..."
Michael snapped his fingers and the TV there in the room turned on, playing reruns of Dr. Sexy. He handed Dean a beer. Castiel simply kissed Dean's head. "Just relax, Mon couer. We're here."

Sam moaned his hand going from the angel's hair yo his cock. Since this was a dream, he was able to lube his fingers with a mere thought. "Do you need me to open you up, Luce?" he asked, kissing him as his fingers teased the angel's hole.
Dean blinked in surprise and smiled a little as Micah handed him the beer and blushed a little at Castiel's kiss. He nodded softly and settled back, drinking the beer as he watched the show.

Lucifer moaned softly as Sam touched his cock and he squirmed a little at the fingers at his hole. "P-Please Sammy..." He murmured as he kissed along Sam's neck.
Michael and Castiel sat back with Dean, relaxing, hoping it would make their mate feel better.

Sam let out a few moans as Lucifer kissed his neck, genyly teasing the others hole until he could get his slender finger inside. He pumped it slowly, trying to find the angel's gspot.
Dean looked between them shyly a moment before giving a soft smile and returning to watching the show.

Lucifer groaned softly as the finger slipped inside and breathed hotly on Sam's neck. He then gasped and moaned deeply when Sam found that bundle of nerves.
Castiel and Michael both smiled softly at him before going back to watching the show.

Sam let out a low moan at Lusifer's groan, poking at that spot repeatedly. "You ready for two fingers, Luce?" He purred, still pumping the archangel's cock quickly.
Dean soon fell back asleep, luckily the bottle in his hand was empty.

Lucifer was panting heavily and moaning deeply, even whimpers escaping him as he squirmed a little on Sam's lap. He nodded. "Y-Yes my love..."
Michael took the beer bottle out of Deans hand before he laid back down with him. Castiel stroked Dean's hair softly, he too laying back down. Both of them used their grace to keep the nightmares away.

Sam smirked a little, kissing Lucifer hard as he added another finger. "Mm, Luce. You're so good. So tight." He murmured biting the angels lip, asking entrance.
Dean sighed in his sleep, relaxed by the protective graces near him and had peaceful dreams.

Lucifer gasped and groaned deeply in the kiss, panting as he kissed him back deeply. He whimpered shyly at his words as he opened his lips invitingly.
Michael and Castiel smiled at each other, pleased to have helped their mate sleep. They both knew he didn't sleep as well as he should.

Sam happily obliged, his fingers going faster as he laid back, tongue wreseling with Lucifers. He had to try this on his own terms first before he could submit to the slightly smaller man.
Dean slept deeply till the next morning.

Lucifer moaned deeply and panted into the kiss, murmuring his name when their lips would occasionally part. "S-Sammy... Oh Sammy..."
When Dean awoke, only Castiel wasnin bed, and the smells of fresh warm pie and blueberry white chicolate waffles wafted into the bedroom. "Smells like Brothe cooked breakfast again." Castiel muttered sleepily, smiling at Dean and giving him a light morning kiss.

Sam smirked, parting ther lips as he stroked the angel off quicker. "You're so hot Luce. I never noticed before.. Pushed down those feelings in fear. I was afraid of you.. not anymore. Being with you feels so right, Luce. You thing you're opened enough for me?" He asked, looking almost concerned for the angel. "Need you now, Luce"
Dean blinked in surprise at the smells and blushed a little at Castiel's kiss before nodding softly and climbing out of bed, getting dressed before heading to the dining area.

Lucifer was panting and moaning deeply, squirming a little at the stroking and fingering, his heart leaping with joy at his words. He then nodded and moaned out. "Please Sammy... Put it in... Put it in me please..." He moaned out, looking at him desperately.
Castiel smiled, dressing himself with a snap and following Dean out into the main area of the motel room. Michael wore a "Kiss the Cook" apron, jeans and an ACDC tshirt, smiling as they came in. "morning Dean. Breakfast is almost ready, Mon Cherie. make yourself comfortable." Castirl dimply sat st the table, reading the Hartford current.

Sam kissed him hard as he pulled his fingers out, pushing the tip of his cock inside Lucifer. "Fuck! Luce, you're so tight!"
Dean blinked in surprise and nodded softly, sitting down.

Lucifer moaned in the kiss then gasped as he entered him and groaned deeply, gripping onto Sam's shoulders.
Michael smiled, setting the last of the waffles in a pan before bringing them over onto a hotplate, serving dean. "There's blueberry syrup or maple. the maple is fresh from a nearby local cidermill named hogans, and I picked up some apple cider also." He explained, handing the man a cup of coffee.

Sam moaned into the kiss, thrusting slowly, not wanting to hurt the angel. "Luce! Feels good!"
Dean blinked in surprise at the fancy breakfast and nodded, taking some of the maple syrup and pouring it over his waffles as well as sipping his coffee.

Lucifer moaned deeply and panted as he was taken by his love, groaning as he rested his head on Sam's shoulder, panting and moaning in his ear. "Oh Sammy... More..."
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