What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Sam looked curious "Reports say it was a bear attack, but I don't think so. It feels off. Says the bear chased the man into his bedroom. Wife witnessed it all, and there were candy wrappers at the scene according to this. I'm thinking its the trickster." He explained, and Michael listened carefully.

Michael scratched his chin. "Did you say candy wrappers? hmm.." He had his own suspicians, but there was a mild hope going through the bond.
Dean still seemed skeptical about his mischievous look but nodded. "Fine, you can come. But stay out of the way." He said and turned to Sam. "Where we headed?"
Michael nodded. "As you wish Dean. I'll only intervene if I think it necessary.

Sam looked at his brother. "A small town in Connecticut called Burlington. sources say we may have to find a motel in the next town over though." He explained, looking curious.
Sam threw his bag in the trunk, closing it before getting in shotgun, the two angels in the back of the impala. "You know, I couldnprobably just Angel mojo us and baby to the town if you want Dean?" Michael offered, tilting his head. Castiel said nothing, and Sam rolled his eyes.
Michael made a face. "Well its mildly better thannthe lasg one. After this case, I'm taking Ya'll to my place." He muttered, snapping his fingers, and everything was changed to 5 star status, their two beds now california king size andnin separate rooms in the once small room. "Better." He commented, nudging at Deannto go to bed.
Michael crossed his arms. "Dean. You just drove 36 hours straight. Go. to. bed. You may be an angel, but when you repress your grace like you have been doing, It makes you more human. Get some sleep. Its only 2 in the morning, Mon Couer." He explained, squeezing his shoulder. Through both bonds he'd find only concern and love.
Michael snapped on his own pajamas. "We'll all get some sleep." He murmured, watching as Sam went into the other bedroom in the motel room.

When Sam got to sleep, Lucifer popped into his dream after his unconscious calling. He had actually missed the archangel. "Hey Lucifer."
Michael laid beside him. "Can I hold you?" Ge asked, as Castiel came in from the car, stripping down to his undershirt and boxers, getting in on thenother side of Dean. "Cuddling, perhaps?"

Sam smiled back. "So, you're here.. what should we do? I like not having an audience. I do trust you a bit more, by the way, considering the fact that you didn't kill your brother at that bar yesterday."
Dean blushed brightly as both men laid beside him and he nodded shyly.

Lucifer smiled. "I appreciate it." He murmured and stood, walking over and stroking Sam's cheek. "I can think of many things we could do..."
Michael and Castiel snuggled the man, each peessing soft kisses to his head and cheek. "Rest now, Dean." castiel murmured softly, nuzzling him a little

Sam smiled a little "You're welcome then I guess." he replied, his head leaning into the touch a little. He smirked slightly. "Oh, is that so?"
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