What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Michael smiled, kissing the top of Dean's head. "What? I can't spoil you a bit?" He asked softly, sitting down with his own coffee. He didn't eat much, but he did eat a waffle. Castiel ate one as well, but the rest remained for Dean and sam when he awoke.

Sam moaned loudly. "Yes, Luce." He replied, thrusting harder and deeper, hitting the angel's gspot with his cock. "So.. hot.. Luce.."
Dean blushed softly and looked down. "I-I didn't say that..." He muttered as he continued to eat.

Lucifer groaned deeper and louder as he continued before he bit Sam's neck and suckled hard on it, unable to help but mark him... in both ways.
Michael nodded softly, sipping his coffee. Castiel turned the page on the paper, noticing an article on the rush of bear attacks lately.

Sam groaned ludly in oleasure as Lucifer bit and sucked at his sensitive neck, eyes fluttering closed and his head lolled back onto to the pillow. "Fuck! I'm so close, Luce!" He practically screamed, thrusting one last time before he came inside the angel, panting quickly.
Dean ate silently, wondering if Sam was still asleep.

Lucifer moaned deeply and came as well at the feeling of Sam cumming inside him and he pulled away, panting heavily and kissing Sam softly, stroking his hair. "Rest now love, it's almost time to wake." He then disappeared.
Castiel smiled, sipping his coffee. "I'm sure he'll wake soon, Dean." He murmured, michael just nodding.

Sam panted, kissing him back with a whine, passing out into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning Sam was shocked to see he had wings, but he couldn't physically feel Lucifer posessessing him, so.. why did he have wings? He prayed to lucifer. "Luce, why do I have wings?!" He took in a deep breatb, not wanting to alert his brother to anything, seeing as his brother could kill lucifer now.
Dean blinked in surprise and blushed as they read his thoughts.

Lucifer appeared and his eyes widened in shock. "I-I didn't think it would... transfer to the real world if I... did it in a dream..."
Michael and Castiel simply relaxed with Dean, sipping their coffee.

Sam tilted his head, looking confused, but there didn't appear to be any anger, just honest curiosity and maybe a twinge of love. "What are you talking about, Luce?" he asked, having no idea what the archangel meant.
Castiel and michael smiled. "Once Sam gets up we'll start on the case." michael muttered, finishing his coffee.

Sam's eyes widened, but then he smiled. "Then.. well.. I can't be your vessel now. So.. I know that you've changed. Now.. We just have to convince Dean of that." He murmured, pulling the angel into a kiss. What he'd said in his dream was true, and it would show through the bond. Being with Lucifer felt so right to Sam.
Dean nodded and sat back, waiting.

Lucifer blinked in surprise and sighed in relief as he felt that Sam wasn't mad. He kissed him back softly, smiling.
Michael sensed his brother but didn't alert the others. He didn't want to start a fight.

Sam pulled away a moment later. "I should probably go and get some breakfast. Stay around, but I'll call if I need something, Luce." He promised, pressing a few kisses to Lucifer's lips and head.

Sam walked out of the room, his grace held down, but enough seeping out for the others to notice, taking some waffles. He could cheat a little today, seeing as he was no longer human. "Morning guys."
Dean wasn't as in tune to Lucifer's grace so he didn't notice it. He did however, notice his brother had grace. His eyes widened and he looked at Sam uncertainly. "Sammy...?"
Sam blushed. "Cause archangels have grace... and.. I'm an angel?" He replied tentatively, calling to Lucifer to ascertain to his brother, that no, he was not wearing him.

Castiel and Michael looked at the younger curiously. "That's not my brother, Dean. That's Sam" Micheal muttered, knowing the difference.
Lucifer appeared just after Michael said that and actually looked nervously at Dean. Dean looked from Michael to Sam, then to Lucifer as he appeared. "So that means... he MADE you an angel!?"
Sam rubbed the back of his neck nervosly, blushing. "Yeah Dean. We uh.. in a dream.. and it transferred.." He blushed worse trying to explain.

Michael raised an eyebrow. Castiel looked worried and curious. Lucifer didn't comment.
Lucifer shook his head, Sam blushed brighter. "Actually.. I called him.. and.. I didn't bottom.." Sam explained, going redder than a tomato.

Michael readied himself tohave to hold Dean back, just in case. Castiel just raised an eyebrow.
Dean's eyes widened. "You CALLED him!?" He turned on Lucifer and moved to do... something! He didn't know what but right now he had a strong urge to kill him. "You're brainwashing my brother you son of a bitch!"
Sam looked at his brother. "Dean stop. If he wanted us dead he would've killed us before Michael marked you. Besidss, its not like I can be his vessel anymore... and I wanted to talk to him... things.. escalated.." He explained, trying to be as calm as possible about this. "On the bright yet dim side.. you win't have to watch me die.."

Lucifer cowered back slightly from Dean, and Michael rested his hands on Dean's shoulders to try and hold him back. "Sam is right. If my brother wanted us dead, we'd be dead by now."

Castiel made no move to comment, but he did squeese Dean's left shoulder.
Dean looked between all of them, clearly frustrated that he was the only one angry about this and shoved Michael and Cas's hands off of him before disappearing, needing to go calm down somewhere alone.
Micheal sighed. "He'll come back, right?" He asked, looking at Sam.

Sam shrugged. "Probably. he just needs to cool off. He doesn't like Luce."

Castiel looked curious. "Should we start on the Case?"

San shrugged. "I dunno."

Gabriel had been watching, so he followed Dean. "Hey there Deano. Trouble in paradise?" he asked grinning goofily.
Gabriel plopped down next to Dean. "No can do, Deano. Not until you tell me what's wrong." he replied firmly, smirking, though in his golden eyesnyou could see he was actually genuinely concerned. He did have a small ulterior motive though, thinking that if he was caring, maybe Dean might start to see him like he sees Dean. With love
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