What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Mary smiled softly, though a little sadly. "As soon as you can, Dean. I'd love to see how Sammy grew up. You sure grew up well, Though, I can't say I aprove of your dad making you hunters." She replied softly, sipping her tea.
Dean looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry mom. But I don't think it could have been avoided, what with me and Sammy being the 'swords' and all..."
Mary smiled sofyly, stroking his cheek. "Don't worry baby. It wasn't your fault you got roped into all this. But everything will be fine now. I just know it" She reassured, kissing his head. Shd squeezed his shoulder. "Go back to your boys and your brother. Gabriel knows where I am. This way his idea you know, bringing you here. I think he might have a crush. After all, immature boys always pick on the ones they like." and ther shr grinned.
Dean sighed and closed his eyes, enjoying his mother's affection for a moment before blinking in surprise at Mary's words. "I doubt it..." He said but nodded. "I'll be back soon mom." He hugged her before heading back to the hotel.
Mary chuckled softly. "Don't be so sure my little angel. Pop in anytime, sweetheart." She replied, hugging him back and kissing his head before watching him leave.

When Dean got back to the motel, everyone save lucifer, who had left shortly after Dean had. "Dean?" Sam asked softly, watching his brother curiously.

Michael and Castiel watched curiously aslo, not sure what might happen despite not feeling any ill emotions from their mate.
Dean hesitated then took a breath and looked to Michael and Castiel. "Do you two... want to meet my mother for dinner some time...?" He looked over at Sam, she really wants to see you too Sam, you should bring Lucifer..."
Michael and Castiel shared a look, but it was Michael who spoke. "We'd love to Dean." he replied, both of them smiling at him.

Sam's jaw dropped. "You saw mom?! Where?!" here he smiles a little. "I think that he'd like that, meeting mom."
Michael and Castiel just watched him, smiling a little. "Do you want to start on the case, or wait a bit, Dean?" Michael asked, tilting his head.

Sam smiled, walking into his room and shutting the door. He called to Lucifer. "Luce.."
Michael nodded. "alright. Lets get our suits on then."

Sam gave Lucifer a small kiss. "My mother wants to meet you. All of us.. are going to dinner at her personal heaven tomorrow night You'll come, right?" he asked, squeezing the other angel's hand, nervousness about meeting his mother when he can actually remember it coursing through their bond.
Dean sighed in frustration, damn he hated those monkey suits.

Lucifer looked at him surprised but smiled at him gently, cupping his cheek. "It will be fine my heart. I'll be there with you."
Michael and Castiel chuckled, Michael changing with a small, FBI badge in his hand. Castiel still wor his usual attire. "We know you hate ut Dean. But you need yo wear it for a little while." Castiel replied, smiling at him reassuringly.

Sam wrapped him in a hug, kissing him lovingly, wrapping hos wings around him. "Thanks Luce. I appreciate it."
Dean blushed softly and sighed, zapping into a monkey suit.

Lucifer sighed happily at the hug and kiss and snuggled into the man's embrace. "Anything for you my love..." he murmured.
Michael gave him a light kiss. "Want me to get sam?" He asked, sensing lucifer's grace.

Sam smiled at Lucifer. "Thanks Luce. I'm glad I have you" Hemurmured, wrapping his wings around him as he kissed him again.
Michael nodded, walking over to Sam's bedroom in the motel. "Be out in a minute!" came ftom the inside of the room as Sam kept kissing Lucifer all over his face. "Have a hunt.. but stay around. We can have some fun." Sam added, kissing him again and pulling away. Hr snappef on hid FBI suit, healing the decay on lucifer's face. He was tweaking nick to help hold his lover better.

Castirl just smiled. "On my first hunt!" Michael smiled softly at hid little brother's enthusiasm.
Sam looked at Lucifer. "Try tweaking the vessel, or build him from the ground. I'm rather partial to this vessel. Should stop the decay." He didn't know how he knew that, he just did. He gave Lucifer another kiss. "I'll be back, Luce."

Sam ran a hand through his hair as he came out of his bedroom, decked out in his suit. Michael looked impressed, Castiel looked excited. "We're ready, Dean"
Lucifer blinked in surprise but nodded. "Alright, I love you Sammy." He replied, kissing him softly.

Dean nodded. "Alright, me and Micheal will go check on the family of the victim's. Sammy, you and Cas go check out the police station."
Sam blushed at the words that came from Lucifer's mouth. he still wasn't used to that. "Love you too, Luce." he replied, still blushing. he wasn't used to saying it either.

Sam nodded. "sounds like a plan. Come on Cas" Re replied, handing the seraph a fakr badge he'd just conjured up. Castiel took it, nodding.

Michael smiled. "so, car or teleport, Dean?"
Dean thought a moment. "Sam and Cas can teleport to the police station but we should visit the house with the car, would seem odd for them to open the door and not see a car that brought us there." He headed outside.
Michael nodded. "Good point. You can drive, unless you wanna take the camaro?" he asked, watching his mate.

Sam and Cas popped to the police station. "Angel powers, so useful." sam commented, Castiel just nodded.
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