What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Michael nodded. "Alright." he agreed softly, going to get into the car. He didn't mind sitting in baby, but he wanted to drive his own car once in awhile.

Sam and Castiel walked over to the receptionist. "Hello, I'm Agent Deville and this is my partner Agent Angelas. We're here about the bear attacks?" he explained showing their badges. Castiel pulled his out upside down, and sam righted it. "He's a rookie."
Dean chuckled at Michael's singing and pulled up to the house, stepping out of the car.

The receptionist nodded and directed him to the police chief's office. "He can get you all the information."
Michael followed him, glad he could make the hunter smile a little bit. He walked up to the Door with Dean, badge at the ready.

Sam smiled at her in thanks Castial and him walking to the cheif's office to inteoduce themselves once again.
Dean knocked on the door and waited for one of the first man's parents to open the door.

The cheif stood up and shook their hands before sitting down again. "Hello gentlemen, what can I do for you?"
The mother who came yobthe door looked so very weary and sad. "Yes? How may I help you?" She asked softly, looking to the two tall men in suits at her door.

Sam smiled cordially. "We were sent to investigate the deaths that have been going on here in Burlington. I was hopjng you could give us all the information you have?" He asked, Castiel just watching the younger winchester.
Dean put a gentle look on his face. "Hello ma'am, we are with the FBI and we're investigating your son and other similar deaths that have been happening around this area lately, may we come in?"

"Ah, you mean the bear attacks?" He asked and pulled out a few files from one of his filing cabinets. "Yeah, I would say these have been strange..."
The woman smiled softly, sadly. "Of course agents. I just want the monster be it bear or otherwise to pay for his crime." She told them, leading them in. "Would you like some coffee? Make yourselves comfortable." she added, disappearing into the kitchen.

Sam nodded at the cheif. "Yes, the bear attacks. we're looking into it because its not often we see so many cases of bear attacks on one place. " He explained levelly, taking the case files. These would be what they needed to confirm that it was indeed Gabriel and stop him, or at least get him to change his method.
Dean nodded. "I'm fine thank you." He said as he sat on one of the couches. "I know this is hard but I have some questions. Now, it was your husband who found your son correct?"

The man nodded. "Well they certainly were strange. Only one of them was actually outside where a bear could reasonably get to them, and the missing hearts..." He sighed. "It's just not natural."
Michael rejected the coffee also, smiling softly at her. She just nodded. "Yes, it was ny husband that found him. he was covered in bruises, but the most gruesome part about it? his heart was ripped out." she explained softly, fighting back tears. Michael silently sent out a soothing tendril of grace.

Sam and Castiel shared looks of concern as the chief mensioned that the men's haerts had been ripped out. "How strange indeed" Castiel commented, trying nit to give off any worry. Had Gabriel started working with werewolves?
Dean nodded. "Is your husband home?" He asked.

The man nodded. "Well, feel free to look through those files, and let me know if there's anything I can do to help."
The woman shook her head. "No, he isn't. as soon as he could after the funeral he was back working at his hardware store in the center of town." She explained, sighing softly.

Sam smiled as did Castiel. "Thank you chief. that means alot." He replied, Taking the files before popping back to the motel.
The mother nodded. "Yes. they all grew up together. started at lake garda school and ended at lewis mills. In a small town, everyone knows everyone. That guy there though? Louden swain? He used to be bullied. Not by my son, but he was. " she explained, looking curious.

Michael noted that down in a small notebook.
Dean raised an eyebrow and nodded. "I see..." He said softly. "I don't know if you know this but these other people have all died in a similar way as to your son. Is there any reason you think someone might target this group of people?"
The woman looked contemplative. "Danny was a mad drunk, but he never went as far as the others. The others were angry drunks who hit their wives and kids when they got angry. The police force had them all on watch, and they had mandatory anger management and AA." Ahe explained, looking grim.

Michael noted that down, looking at Dean, fist clenching in and out. He had a soft spot for children.
Dean sent calming grace to Michael and nodded to the woman. "I see. Thank you for your time ma'am. We'll be in touch." He stood and shook her hand before walking out with Micah and heading back to the motel room.
She shook his hand, small smile on your face. "you're welcome. Just.. get some justice for Danny, okay?" she replied softly, showing them out.

Michael calmed some at feeling his mate's grace, but he slumped into the bench of the impala andngettinv belted up. "Those poor children.. I can see why brother might want to punish those men, but this is extreme, even for him. It might not strictly be him. Kali might be coming around again." He explained, taking a breath out asbthey headed back to the Bristol motel.
Michael followed Dean inside, and saw Sam with his nose buried inbthe case files. "Hey Dean, Michael." He muttered, looking up a moment before going back to his reading.

Castiel was currently making coffee, fighting a little with the machine before it worked for him. "Any leads on the case from the familes?" he asked, looking curious.
Dean nodded. "Well, all the victims seem to have known each other, and get this, they were all 'angry drunks' and would abuse their wives and/or kids. Danny''s mother claims that her son never went as far as the others did, my bet? He did."
Castiel scratched his chin. "That sounds logical." he replied, looking at his mate.

Sam spoke next. "This is all very strange. its almost like Gabriel wants us yo think werewolves did this..." He muttered, looking curious.

Michael went to speak as Lucifer strolled in. "Gabe has a little crush. I think he's taking out his frustrations cause you took him, mikey." &he murmured, chuckling. Sam, Castiel and michael looked shocked, jaws dropping.
Dean's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed as it took him a moment to make the connection. "He does not have a crush on me!" He exclaimed, blushing madly.
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