What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Dean frowned and sighed in frustration, knowing there was no throwing off the trickster. "Sam has started to date your brother Lucifer. Even got marked by him." He said simply.
Gabriel scratched hulis chin. "So, I take it you don't like that? I'm just shocked Lucifer is dating a human.. well, was human. So were you. Archangel works well on you, Deano. I might have a little surprise for you, archangel Deano. I promise you won't regret it." He replied grinnibg, but there was none of his usual trickster malice.
Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah but..." He sighed... unable to find a proper argument about Sam with Lucifer being different from him and Michael. He raised an eyebrow at the angel/trickster and looked at him skeptically. "What's that?"
Gabriel looked at Dean. "Its not different, Dean." he replied simply, as if reading the other archangel's mind. He looked at Dean, smirking, wings out. "Follow me Deano, and you'll see." He replied softer than usual, though he still grinned. Dean was gonna looove him for this. Not even Michael had thought of this yet.

Gabriel had landed in heaven, in a very familiar house, the smells of pie running through it. "Gabriel! You brought company, and handsome company at that! Now, who want's pie?" The blonde woman asked, smiling softly. Gabriel just grinned back at her.
Mary smiled, hugging him back just as tightly. "I'm right here my little angel." She promised, and she motioned for him to sit. "Now. Tell me what's on your mind. I know when there's something bothering my baby." She told him softly, bringing him pie.
Mary looks confused. "Isn't he still in the cage?" She asked confused, looking her son over with curious eyes. Hunters eyes. "I see why you're troubled.. Tell me about him. about Sammy.. and his.. boyfriend.. and.. tell me about your love too"
Mary raised an eyebrow again, handing Dean another piece of fresh cherry pie. "And why is that, Dean? Does it have something to do with your Boyfriend? Besides, seems I was right. angels are watching over you, baby." she replied, still curious. She wanted to know more.
Dean sighed. "Well... Michael... the one who was supposed to fight Lucifer... kinda... marked me... made me an angel so I can't be his vessel... same with Lucifer and Sammy."
Mary raised an eyebrow again. "So you're telling me that the devil passed up a chance to kill his brother in a vessel that isn't his true one to be with his own true vessel?" She asked, just watching her son. She wasn't sure how to react to this, but one thing she did know was that the apocolypse had been averted. "Do you love Michael, Dean?" she asked curiously, eating her own piece of pie.
Dean had been eating and sighed, setting the fork down. "I... I don't know... I mean... I FEEL him mom... the bond makes it so I feel everything he does. It's hard not to feel something for someone in that situation."
Mary nodded. "Okay, let me ask you this. If the situation had been completely different, and you weren't a hunter and he wasn't Archangel Michael.. Would you have still fallen for him?" She asked, taking another bite of her pie. She was just trying to help. Trying to guide him in the right direction, and hopefully stop him from killing his little brother's boyfriend. Sometimes fate had a funny way of bringing soulmates together.
Mary shook her head. "You're definently your father's son. always thinking in one way, never looking at other possibilites. Much as I loved that man, he could be pretty pig headed. Now, let me ask you another question. If Sammy weren't who he is.. if he's stayed at stamford, and Lucifer was instead.. Luke or something.. would your brother have gone for him? Look at it from his point of veiw. Sam learned from you baby. He's cautious."
Mary smiled. "Then that proves it. You're meant to be with him. I'd like to meet them, Dean, and I'd like to see Sammy and meet his guy too, judge for myself on Lucifer. Would you.. Bring them to see me?" she asked, looking curious and hopeful.
Dean's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed madly as she asked that and looked down in embarrassment and nodded softly. "I-I... suppose we can... come up sometime..."
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