What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Lucifer chuckled. "Oh, I beg to differ, Dean. If there's one thing about my brother that hasn't changed, its that when he has a crush, forst he annoys the shit out of someone, and then he sucks up to them. So, tell me, Who was it that brought you to your mom?" He asked, smirking a bit.

Sam and Castiel were still speechless.

Michael scratches his chin. "Hmm, you're right brother" He muttered, and lucifer smirked wider.
Dean was blushing madly and looked away. "W-Whatever..." he muttered and went to grab a beer. "Doesn't change the fact we need to stop him from killing people, even if they are assholes."
Lucifer smirks. "Oh, is Dean here blushing?" his expression showed though that he was just teasing, and had no further intent.

Michael looked contemplative. "Hmm, you're right Dean. Perhaps at dinner with your mother we can talk him down." He replied, sipping coffee.

Castiel just nodded, and Sam looked nervous at the thought of meeting her.
Michael and castiel nodded. "Yeah, we're ready, Mon couer." he replied, smiling.

Sam smiled. "Almost dean." He replied, calling to Lucifer through the bond. He was still pretty nervous, and his lover had promised to be there.
Dean nodded and waited for Sam to be ready with Lucifer.

Lucifer appeared, dressed in a nice dress shirt and dress pants with a pair of dress shoes. He smiled at Sam. "Sorry it took so long darling." He said, kissing Sam softly.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Are we ready now?" He asked, when everyone nodded he zapped them to his mother's heaven. "Mom?" He called.
Sam kissed Lucifer back with a blush. "You look good, Luce" He murmured, shivering nervously as Dean brought them to his mother's heaven.

Mary grinned. "In the kitchen, Dean!" She yelled, soft music playing from the radio.
Lucifer kept a comforting arm around Sam as they appeared in the heaven.

Dean called back as he approached the kitchen. "I brought Sam and our partners." He replied as he walked into the kitchen, the rest of the troupe in tow.
Michael and Castiel followed after Dean, and am leaned into him, walking into the kitchen behind Dean. He stood awkwardly next to michael, who waited to be introduced by Dean, hand at the small of his mate's back.

Sam folled behind them, holding onto Lucifer tightly. He looked almost worried that she wouldn't like him.

Mary hugged Dean. "There's my angel. So, Start with the introductions."
Dean nodded and gestured over to Sam. "Well, this is your youngest son, Sam, though I call him Sammy. And his partner... Lucifer." He said somewhat begrudgingly.

Lucifer ignored Dean's attituded and shook the woman's hand, smiling politely. "Pleasure."

Dean gestured to Michael, then to Castiel. "And these are my partners. Michael, whom I call Micah, and Castiel, whom I call Cas." He took a breath and said. "Well, I think that's everybody."
Mary glanced quickly at Sam, who still seemed a little bit worried, before turning back to shaking Lucifer's hand. "Likewise." she replied softly, smiling.

Mary looked up at Sam and smiled brightly. "You got so tall.." She murmured, hugging him tightly. It was hard to believe that he'd been just 6 months old the last time she saw him.

Mary then walked back over to Dean. She looked over his two lovers. "Michael? as in the archangel? Then why do you kind of look like John did when we were young?"

Michael chokes a bit. "Ah, yes. Archangel. when I created my vessel, I ended up looking like this. Kind of like Gabriel and his vessel." He explained, sputtering nervously under the scrutiny.

Mary looked at Castiel next. "Yup. I definately see why he likes you. So, who's ready for dinner?" Castiel just blushed.
Lucifer smiled happily at Sam as he was hugged by his long lost mother.

Dean chuckled softly at his mother's questioning and comments before he smiled. "Me!" He hurried to sit at the table. "Is there pie?"
Sam squeezed Lucifer's shoulder affectionately as mary hugged him.

Mary chuckled softly. "Of course there's pie, sweetheart." She replied, setting out the roast beef and vegstables as well as sweets, because she knew Gabriel would pop in.
Lucifer smiled and sat next to Sam who sat next to Mary, who's other side was met by Dean.

Dean noticed the sweets and looked uncertain. "Is... Gabriel coming...?" He asked nervously.
Sam smiled, kissing Lucifer's cheek softly in thanks for support, and being with him.

Mary smiled. "Perhaps. Gabriel pops on and out. Seems to like it here with me. like my baking I guess." she replied, handing the knife to dean to carve.

Michael and Castiel sat and waited patiently next to Dean.
Lucifer smiled at the kiss and squeezed his hand gently as he leaned into his lover slightly.

Dean swallowed nervously and nodded, carving everyone a portion of the roast beef while he had people pass around the veges to serve their portions.
Sam leaned into him also, Mary smiling at their cuteness. Michael had an arm wrapped around dean.

They all watched as Dean carved, getting their vegstables as Gabriel appeared. "Mikey, Luce, you'te actually not killing each other? Bravo Deano. Even I couldn't do that." he muttered, sauntering in and taking the seat next to lucifer. Mary just smiled at him.
Dean blushed softly as Michael held him and then tensed a little when Gabriel appeared. He glanced over at him and asked. "Would you like some roast beef and vegetables or are you gonna stick to sweets..."
Gabriel smiled. "Both I think. Mary's cooking is quite awesome. Better than anything I can conger up." He replied, Mary blushed at the compliment.

Michael pressed a reassuring kiss to Dean's head and castiel sent soothing tendrils of grace to him. "Don't be so nervous. you don't even like Gabriel." Castiel told him through the bond soothingly, smiling at him on the outside.
Gabriel took it, putting some vegstables on his plate along with a chocolate cupcake.

Castiel and michael started eating as did sam, smiling softly at his mother and brother.

Gabriel made a small sound in apreciation at the beef and vegstable.
Lucifer smiled as he ate. "These are delicious Mrs. Winchester. Thank you for the meal."

Dean frowned as Lucifer was sucking up to his mom but remained silent as he ate.
Mary smiled. "Thank you for the compliment, Lucifer. This was Dean's favorite meal as a kid." She explained, eatingbher own food.

Sam just smiled, talkine through the bond. "Looks like she likes you, Luce "

Michael, Castiel and Gabriel ate silently.
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