What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Lucifer smiled. "Of course she does, you're her son." He then spoke up. "So Mrs. Winchester, what is it like to finally get to see your two sons again?"

Dean looked at Lucifer surprised.
Sam smiled smally, but the bond showed he was feeling very insecure. "Somedays I don't feel worth, Luce."

Mary smiled fondly. "Its wonderful to have my boys together with me and happy. I never thought I'd see them again.. until a certain sweet addicted archangel brought Dean to me.. and Dean brought sammy"
Lucifer squeezed his hand gently. "I know." He responded.

Dean smiled softly at his mother.

"And?" Lucifer asked. "What do you think of your long lost sons? If you don't mind my asking."
Sam squeesed his hand back, love running through the bond.

Mary smiled fondly at both her boys. "I think they're wonderful, Lucifer. They grew up to be the strong, comapassionate men I knew they would be." She replied, taking the last bite of her food.
Dean blushed a little and looked down as he finished his food.

Lucifer smiled at Sam lovingly. "Yes they did..." Though he was clearly talking more about Sam than Dean.
Mary smiled softly, going to get the pie for every one to share. "Of course sweetheart."

Michael and Castiel sent love through the bond to Dean as they helped clean the dinner table and plates.

Gabriel kept a neutral face, but inside he was burning with jealously over not having Dean.
Mary smiled and let Dean help her with the pie, and Sam had gone to wash his hands.

Michael and Castiel finished up the dishes with Lucifer's help.

Gabriel ate a chocolate cupcake, formulating a plan to make Dean like him.
Mary smiles softly, toasting her boys before taking a bite of pie.

Michael and Castiel smile, toasting also.

Sam blushes and eats his pie silently.

Gabriel still has a nuetral expression, but on the inside he's still jealous and plotting.
Mary smiled. "of course sweetheart. Glad you liked it." She replied softly, kissing both her son's heads.

Castiel and michael smiled, Sam blushed. "Dean, Castiel and I have somethings up here in heaven to attend to. think you could get back on your own?" The smiled knowingly at each otheras the blocked Dean from their thoughts.

Gabriel smiled also, glad to have given Dean a little joy.
Michael smirked a little. "That's a secret, Dean." Castiel just nodded in agreement.

Mary chuckled softly. She had an idea of what it was.

Sam smiled softly. "If you want to Luce."

Gabriel had just gotten an idea.
Lucifer smiled and presented Sam with some roses. "France, I guess I was feeling romantic."

Dean blinked in confusion and looked over at Michael and Cas. "I though Micah and Cas needed me for something up here..."
Sam's eyes widened, and he took the roses gently, smelling them. "Wow.. I've never been.. thank you Luce."

Michael shook his head. "No mon couer. Just Castiel and I. I didn't mean to confuse you." he replied softly, giving him a kiss.

Gabriel made no move, but his eyes showed just a tinge of jealousy.
Lucifer smiled happily then pulled him close by the waist and kissing him softly. "Would you like to hold me... outside of a dream?"

Dean seemed even more confused but nodded. "Alright... guess I'll head back to the hotel..."
Sam blushed a little as he kissed him back, yaking in a breath. "Yeah.. I'd like that, Luce."

Castiel kissed him this time before he spoke. "Don't worry. just go back to the motel. We'll be back soon."

Gabriel smiled. "Want some company, Dean?"
Lucifer smiled happily and snapped their clothes away before kissing Sam deeply and pushing him on the bed.

Dean hesitated uncertainly but knew that even if he said no Gabriel would persist or just come along anyway. "Sure..." He said uncertainly, hugging his mom goodbye before zapping back to the earlier hotel room.
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