What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Sam blushed, but kissed him back, eyes fluttering shut as he ran a hand down Lucifer's back.

Castiel and michael disappeared, going to their respective rooms in heaven to get the things they'd need to propose to Dean.

Gabriel followed, flipping on the TV to Dr. sexy as he flopped down, lollipop in hand. "You don't have to be so scared you know, Dean. I don't bite.. at least not unless you want me to." He murmurred, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
Lucifer sighed happily at the man's touch as he kissed him deeply and needily. His hands ran over Sam's torso before slowly lowering to his groin to stroke him softly.

Dean blinked in surprise and looked away quickly to hide the blush as he sighed, this was going to be a long 'visit.' He sat down on the opposite side of the bed and watched the tv silently.
Sam moaned into the kiss, sending some of his grace through Lucifer to help his vessel better fontain him. "love you luce." he replied, his own angel mark forming on the former fallen angel.

Gabriel smirked, scooting ever closer to where Dean sat, wanting to ravish him.
Lucifer sighed in relief as some of the pain he was constantly in dissipated and he smiled. "Thank you, I love you too Sammy..." He then kissed him again, rubbing him a little faster as he groaned as he felt the mark forming, making a mental note to work on making himself a vessel like Michael had.

Dean was caught up in his favorite show and didn't notice right away.
Sam let out a breathy moan as Lucifer stroked quicker. He deepened the kiss that was given, onlynlove and pleasure filtering though the bond as he ran his grace through Lucifer, helping to ease the pain he knew his mate was in.

When Gabriel was sure Dean wasn't paying attention, pushed the other man down on the couch and kissed his hard. what he didn't know though was that in his own desire to be with Dean, he had marked him. It was almost like when it happened the first time with Michael. He pulled away, blushing. "If that didn't give it away.. I like you, Dean "
Lucifer sighed happily and kissed Sam desperately as he stroked him harder, eventually he was out of pain and he looked at Sam with pleading eyes. "S-Sammy... touch me too..." He murmured needily.

Dean's eyes widened and he gasped in surprise, letting out a muffled sound of shock as he was pushed down and kissed so hard. A deep blush covered his face as he stared up at Gabriel in shock, stammering his response when he finally got his bearings. "G-Gabriel I... I-It's not possible... I-I'm already with both Michael and Castiel... I-I can't ask them to share me anymore than they do..."
Sam smirked and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. His hands roamed all over the angel, pulling some of his wing oil from his back to start to open the angel up. "I want you ready for me luce.."

Gabriel smiled, though it was sadly, and there was a crash of emotions coming through the accidental bond. Rejection, loneliness, and love were just a few. He looked at Dean. "I know. Guess I just.. wanted you to know, Dean." He explained, not knowing the bond had formed.
Lucifer gasped softly and groaned a little as he was loosened up. "O-Oh... Oh Sammy..." He moaned.

Dean's eyes slowly widened as he felt Gabriel's emotions entering him. He stared up at Gabriel in shock and horror. "You... You didn't..." He muttered, also feeling more angelic strength in him as he scrambled to pull away.
Sam smirked, and kissed him again, but he then started to kiss down his mouth. "Tell me what you want Luce." He purred, finger invading Lucifers hole.

Confusion and hurt ran through the bond at Dean's emotions. "Didn't what, Dean?"
Lucifer whimpered softly and moaned as he panted, gripping onto Sam who was under him. "Oh Sam... I want you inside me... I want to feel you..."

Dean rushed to the bathroom and stripped down, searching his body, there was the hand print with wings on his shoulder from Cas's mark, there was the cross with wings on his shoulder from Micah but... "SHIT!" Dean exclaimed as he saw a freakin' lollipop with wings on his hip. "GABRIEL!" He shouted.
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Sam moaned at that and kissed him, Snapping his fingers to prepare Licifer before slipping in. "Mine" he growled, thrusting softly.

Dean would feel a small bit of fear coming from Gabriel through the bond as he appeared near him, eyes closed in case he wasn't decent. "What is it?" he asked, honestly not knowing he'd bonded to Dean.
Lucifer groaned in the kiss before he gasped and arched his back, pressing his stomach into Sam as he groaned deeply, whimpering softly at his growl. "Y-Yes Sammy... Ohhhh... All yours..."

Dean pulled his boxers on and shouted. "YOU FUCKING MARKED ME!" He exploded, pulling the side of his boxers down enough to show the mark before he began freaking out, gripping his hair. "Shit, shit, shit! What am I going to tell Micah and Cas!? FUCK!"
Sam looked pleased. "That's a good archangel." He purred, rewarding his lover with a passionate kiss and quick hard thrusts.

Gabriel looked like he was about to panic. "I'm sorry.. I.. Didn't mean to..." He shook a little, looking up at the taller archangel, blinking away tears. "It was an accident.."
Lucifer whimpered in embarrassment before he groaned in the kiss then began gasping and crying out softly with each thrust.

Dean was practically pulling his hair out. "An ACCIDENT!? Fuck! Micah and Cas are gonna be so upset! Gabriel I swear if you don't-!" He stopped when he saw the look on Gabriel's face and sighed, running a hand through his hair, he'd already done this with Michael when he marked him... hadn't he learned anything? He sighed. "Just... leave me alone ok? I need to figure out how to fix this." He turned and went to grab the rest of his clothes.
Sam moans, flipping them effortlessly so he's on top, smirking at him. He bites at Lucifer's neck, reasting his mate's legs on jis ahoulders as he thrust quickly, giving him a handjob with his wing oil.

Gabriel wimpered softly, looking at Dean as though he might hit him. Many crazy emotions flowed through the bond. "Okay Dean... I'll just go then.." He muttered, looking so lost. He was also afraid Dean's anger meant he rejected the bond.

Michael Could feel his mate's anger even deep in the heart of heaven where his mansion laid. He pinches his nose. "Fuck. should have seen that coming. Gabriel never held his emotions in well.." He mutters, grabbing the ring and going to find Castiel.

Castiel winced at the feel of Dean's anger. "Oh, brother, what have you done.." he wasn't so much mad as worried for the littlest archangel. Michael may put up with him because Dean loves him, but the eldest angel was very jealous. They didn't need another apocolypse over a mistake.
Lucifer groaned deeply as he panted heavily, gasping and whimpering at the hand-job as he moaned desperately, gripping the sheets.

Dean sighed in frustration, panic and fear now filtering through the bond. What was he going to tell Micah and Cas!?
Sam thrust up into him quicker, speeding his pace on his mates cock. "I love you, Luce."

Michael sent soothing emotions towards Dean, trying to make him feel better. Castiel did the same.

Gabriel went back to Mary, needing some comfort. "Mary.. i didn't mean to.. he's mad at me.."
Lucifer was moaning and crying out in pleasure as he panted heavily, gripping onto the bed sheets tightly as his eyes were closed, groaning and gasping desperately. "M-Me too... Sammy... Ohhhhh... I-I love you too..."

Dean blocked out the soothing that Michael and Cas tried to send him, he didn't deserve it, they didn't understand what had happened.

Mary looked up and smiled sympathetically, guessing something like this would happen she'd made him a batch of cupcakes and some extra chocolaty cookies. "You marked him I'm assuming?" She asked gently.
Sam kept thrusting quickly, head thrown back in pleasure. "Fucking yes! You feel so good. My angel. I love you so much, Luce. So so much. My mate."

Michael persisted. "Its not your fault, Dean." he murmured through the bond. He was kind of pissed, but at Gabriel, not at his mate.

Gabriel nodded slowly, blushing. "Yeah. It was an accident.. when i get really emotional.. my grace becomes a bit.. erratic. Now he probably hates me more than he did before..."
Lucifer was gasping and crying out in pleasure before his breath hitched and he cried out Sam's name as he came. "S-Sammy!!!!"

Dean shook his head. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He murmured over through the bond.

Mary rubbed his arm sympathetically but had a thoughtful look on her face. "I don't think so... I think he will come to understand." She said and smiled. "Call it mother's intuition."
Just as Lucifer cried out, Sam groaned out, cuming like a river inside his mate.

Michael and Castiel both send their confusion and worry through the bond. "Why are you apoligizing, mon couer?" he tried to sooth his mate once again.

Gabriel sighed softly at the soothing touch, eating a cookie. "I hope so Mary. I don't think I could deal with Dean hating me again... nor could I deal with michael and Castiel being angry with me.." he explained, sighing.
Lucifer moaned deeply and trembled, panting heavily as he felt Sam cum inside him.

Dean felt tears form in his eyes and they'd be able to feel his deep guilt and worry. "Gabriel marked me..."

Mary smiled sympathetically at him and squeezed his arm gently. "I know."
Sam panted also, pulling Lucifer close as he all but collapsed on top of him. "That was.. amazing..."

Michael and Castiel were confused. "So why are you apoligizing? If anyone should apoligize, it should be Gabriel." Castiel told him through the bond, very confused. You could just see the angel tilting his head.

Gabriel ate another cookie. "I hope so.. I.. don't want to be alone anymore Mary.. and he shines so bright, Dean does.. I.. just want a little of that shine.."
Lucifer was panting heavily as he groaned at the larger man on top of him but weakly wrapped his arms around Sam in a hug. "Y-Yeah..."

Dean blinked in surprise and replied. "B-But... I wasn't able to stop him..."

Mary smiled at him softly and stood up, hugging him gently. "Well, if Dean ever does agree to be with you, you know I'll welcome you with open arms."
Sam smiles, giving Lucifer a lazy kiss. "Love you, Luce." He had to keep saying it, because subconsciously he worried if he didn't his mate would be gone, or worse, get killed, just like all the others.

Castiel and michael sigh. "It isn't something you can stop. The mark is a direct link to our grace. Its why you can feel us. It seems like Gabriel likes you a bit more than he lets on. The mark can only be formed if there is great love for the wearer by the angel." Michael explained levelly in his mind, sighing softly.

Gabriel hugs her back, nuzzling her in the way a son might. "Thanks Mary. That means alot."
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