What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Sam slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

Michael smiled, and Gabriel set a pie on the table. "Mary sent more pie.. We could have some?" He asked hopefully, smiling softly.

Castiel just rolled his eyes. his older brother and Dean were more alike than Dean realized.
The other angels sat and ate their pie also.

The next day, Michael was already dressed in a well tailored suit when he woke up Dean. "Time to get ready for our Date, Mon couer." He muttered softly, squeezing his shoulder slightly.
Dean blushed brightly at the kiss and nodded, zapping into one of his available suits he used for missions. "Alright..." He murmured, still not quite liking Sam dating Lucifer.
Michael gave him a sympathetic look. "I know Mon couer. but trust me, Luca loves him. It will be fine." He promised, kissing his head before popping them to the resturaunt for breakfast.

Little did they know, John Winchester was out of hell and walking the earth. He happened to be walking past when Micheal leaned in for a kiss to the cheek. John saw this and ran in. "Dean Micheal Winchester! What the hell do you think you're doing? I thought I beat this fag crap outta you whrn you were young? who is this fucker?"

Micheal looked ready to smite Dean's father where he stood.
Dean sighed and nodded before blushing at the kiss and looking down shyly as he was kissed on the cheek before his eyes widened in shock, slight joy, and a whole lot of shame. "D-Dad...?" He asked, shocked.
John Winchester looked ready to burst. "You're damn right its me! I sold my soul for you and this is how you repay me? Shaking it up with some guy? That's sick, Dean! Where the hell is the Impala?! We're going. Now." He growled, glaring at michael.

Michael could fell the the emotions coming from his mate, so his anger was quelched some. instead of hurting hurting john winchester, he simply popped them back to the motel. "You will not land a finger on my mate. I am the Archangel Michael, and he is not yours or anyone's to command, John Winchester!" His voice boomed, So loudly that Dean's other two mates appeared and stood next to him protectively.

John looked Flabberghasted. "Who the hell are these two, Dean?! One not enough? You had to slut yourself around?!"
Dean stood stoic at his father's accusations but on the inside he was breaking, guilt, shame, embarrassment, and sorrow filling him. He then blinked in surprise at Michael's words and Castiel and Gabriel's appearances. He looked away, his shame and sorrow growing at his father's insults, but he knew better than to speak up against his father, it would only make him angrier.
Michael looked like he was ready to rip Dean's father's throat out. "How dare you insult the mate of an archangel! You have no idea what you're getting yourself into, Boy." it was kind of funny to watch Michael in a stare off with John winchester when he looked almost like a younger version of him.

Castiel held Dean tight while Gabriel stood next to his brother, all fury at the winchester's father. "You scum! Do you have any idea how much you're hurting your son with your words! Mary would be ashamed of you if she were here!" He bellowed, power radiating around each brother.

John winchester growled. "Who the hell are you to tell me how to talk to my children, let alone talk about my wife! You don't even know what you're talking about! You two arebthe reason he is back being a fag!"

Gabriel's power crackled from his fingertips as he glared at John. "I'm the archangel Gabriel, and Dean is my mate also. You don't know the hell he's been through trying to make you proud! You don't deserve to talk to him at all!!" He raged, Castiel sitting in the corner with Dean silently trying to soothe him.

The burst of power from the two archangels was so much that Sam and Lucifer appeared. Sam looked horrified and pissed all at the Same time. "Dad?!" He asked startled, so many worred, angry and scared emotions running through the bond into Lucifer.
Lucifer's eyes widened for a moment in shock of seeing John alive and he wrapped an arm around Sam protectively as he felt the emotions through Sam.

Dean wouldn't look at his dad, turning his head away as he didn't react to Castiel's comforting, only keeping the tense, stoic face up that he'd perfected in dealing with his dad.
John saw the way that lucifer wrapped his arm around Sam and he started raging again, but It was only partially directed at sam. "Samuel Henry Winchester, who the hell is this?! Has Dean turned you into a fag too?!" He raged, and micheal and Gabriel smirked at each other. ohh, he so didn't know who he was dealing with.

Sam cowered slightly. "N-No D-Dad. This is my Lover, Archangel Lucifer." He muttered softly, looking like a moose in headlights.
Lucifer's eyes flashed slightly in anger and he was about to open his mouth to reprimand the father before he heard a shout. "Enough!" Dean shouted from beside Castiel and stood. "That's enough dad." He said, stepping between Sam and John, his back to Sam, like he'd done so many times breaking up fights between them. "Dad, I love you, I've done everything for you. I gave up my life for you so you could get revenge. I threw away my childhood taking care of Sammy so you could get revenge. Now. I'm asking you something, for the first time in probably ever, I'm asking you to stop. Whatever you think, stop. I love these men. We are all happy with the relationship. And Sam loves Lucifer, and Lucifer loves Sam, I can tell he loves him beyond anything. So unless you want any of us, me and Sam included, to smite you for how much you are hurting all of us, step down."

Lucifer blinked in surprise, impressed at Dean standing up to his father.
John lost his breath. Never before had Dean ever fought back. He had always just took it, always just listened to whatever his father ordered him yo do orbthink. Henhad no idea how to respond, so he ran a hand though his hair, taking another breath. He really didn't wang to die, guessing that if he did, he might end up right back on the rack. The anger dissipated quickly. "Fine. I don't like it, but if you two really are that happy.. I guess I'll just have to live with it. But.. Did you really just say Sammy's in love with the devil?" he asked, now looking more worried than pissed off. Well, that had been like flipping a switch.

Michael, Castiel and Gabriel squeesed Dean's shoulders, looking so proud of their mate, and bled through the bond.

Sam nodded softly at his father. "Yes. Lucifer is the love of my life. But he's not the devil Dad. That's more Crowley's job now"
Dean blushed softly at his partners' supports and nodded reluctantly at John's question.

Lucifer smiled softly at Sam as he said 'love of his life and squeezed Sam close to him. "I would never hurt your son Mr. Winchester, but I WILL hurt anyone who does." He said in a warning tone.
Michael, Castiel and Gabriel just smiled.

Sam leaned into Lucifer, squeezing his hip affectionately.

John held up his hands in surrender. "That's understood, Lucifer. But I just have one question.. why aren't you in the Cage?"
Dean tensed worriedly, now this could also anger his dad. He took a breath.

Now it was Lucifer's turn to speak before Dean. "Well, our original goal was the apocalypse, so the angels as well as the demons broke all the seals on my cage and then a demon underling tricked your son into breaking the final one. In fact, your younger son was destined to be my vessel, your older my brother's. But you don't have to worry about that now. It's impossible for us to have the apocalypse now.
John peaked an eyebrow, taking another a breath in, flexing his fists. "Okay, The apocolypse is averted. Must have been yellow eye's fault. So, why exactly is it impossible to have it now? Also.. you guys are posessing some guy, right?" He asked, tilying his head curiously.

Michael spoke, anger squashed for the moment. "No, my brother Gabriel and I have created our own vessells with our power. Lucifer is however posessing a man who lost his wife and child tragically. He sent his soul to heaven first though. Despite what is said of him, he is quite compassionate" he explained, looking at John.

John nodded. "Okay, fair enough. But what about you, blue eyes?" He asked, looking to Castiel.

Castiel tilted his head. "His name is Jimmy Novak. He is a devout man. He actually prayed for this."
Lucifer nodded at the explanation.

Dean spoke up. "And Jimmy is no longer in the vessel correct Cas? After that incident where he was about to die when his wife was possessed by a demon, you sent his soul to heaven since he was about to die anyway right?"

Lucifer spoke up. "In answer to your first question, Sam and Dean are now incapable of becoming our vessels because they are no longer human. When an angel marks a human as their mate, they become angels of the same level as the angel that marked them. So Sam is an archangel, and Dean is probably the most powerful angel out there since he got marked by two archangels and a soldier angel." He said simply, Dean's eyes widening in surprise, he didn't realize he was THAT powerful.
Castiel nodded. "That is correct Dean. He is quite happy there. After Michael reistated my status in heaven I went to see him. He and I have since become friends." He explained, smiling fondly at the thought.

John's eyes almost bugged out of his head. "So my sons are angel's now? Huh. bet that comes in handy when hunting. So, how do you guys know Mary? She died in a fire along time ago."
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