What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

John smiled a little. "that's good. So, how is the impala, and who's camarois that oyt there? She's a buet." He murmurred, running a hand though his hair.

Michael smiled proudly. "That's mine. I've always been partial to the model." he replied, chuckling.

Sam looked curious. "Dad, why are you so hyper?"

John looked at him. "No.fucking idea, Sammy."
Dean blinked in surprise and nodded. "Well... me and Micah were about to have a date so... I guess we'll be on our way..."

Lucifer smiled and wrapped an arm around Sam. "How about I take you on a date as well?"
Dean nodded and waited for them all to leave.

Lucifer smiled and kissed Sam's forehead, zapping them to a beautiful temple in China that had a to die for restaurant.
Dean looked around curiously and waited to be lead to a seat. "Where are we?" He asked curiously.

Lucifer chuckled softly at Sam's excitement. "Why yes, yes we are Mon Couer. I figured you might enjoy a bit of travel."
Dean's eyes widened in surprise. "Romania!?" He asked shocked as he looked around.

Lucifer blinked in surprise and chuckled, kissing Sam back softly before smiling happily. "I'm glad you like it my love. Now come, let't have some authentic chinese food." He said, leading him in the restaurant.
Dean's eyes were still wide in surprise and he nodded softly, following Michael to their table.

Lucifer smiled and kissed his cheek softly before leading him to their table where he asked. "Can you read Chinese or should I order for both of us?"
Michael smiled, ordering for them, starting with coffee. "I come here when I have a spare minute. It's one of my fsvorite cities in the world." he explained, smiling softly.

Sam shrugged. "ai'm not sure I can. You better order, Luce." he replied, giving him s smile.
Dean nodded softly, still surprised as he thanks the waiter for the coffee and sips it.

Lucifer nodded and ordered two of his favorite meal along with some tea for both of them.
The waiter only mildly understands and smiles at Dean, while Michael properly thanks him in romanian. "Not everyone will understand english here, Dean."

Sam smiles and squeezes Lucifer's hand affectionately, waiting for their tea to arrive. "Its beautiful here, Luce "
Dean blinked in surprise and frowned a little. "Oh... Ok..." He muttered and sipped his coffee silently.

Lucifer smiled softly, lovingly at Sam and nodded, stroking his cheek. "Almost as beautiful as that soul I'm so drawn to..."
Dean nodded softly as he waited for the food.

Lucifer chuckled softly and kissed his cheek softly. "It's the truth..." He murmured as he thanked the man who brought their tea in Chinese and sipped it.
Dean blushed a little and waited for the food.

Lucifer smiled. "Try some, I promise the looks are the low standard." He said with a chuckle and ate some himself.
Dean nodded with an impressed look. "It's good." He mumbled around a mouthful of food.

Lucifer smiled. "In English it's Stir Fried Pork with Ginger and Black Fungus."
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