What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Castiel tilted his head. "I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, Dean. As more than just a friend?" He asked, head still tilted as he sipped his beer.

Sam drank his beer quietly, trying to relax after blushing do much.
Dean blushed in embarrassment and nodded. "W-Well yeah, I mean, Michael seems pretty sure you do so..."

Lucifer smiled and rubbed Sam's back a little. "You seem tense."
Now it was Castiel's turn to blush. "I-I do, Dean."

Sam could feel his shoulders relax as lucifer rubbed them, and he let out a soft sound of pleasure. He blushed a little.."I-I-I'm just not used to this kind of affection is all."
Dean's eyes widened in surprise and he blushed brightly, looking down in embarrassment. "I-I see..." He muttered.

Lucifer shivered a little, loving the sound Sam made and smiled softly, kissing his ear as he whispered. "Well you should get used to it, because I don't plan on leaving you alone..."
Castiel blushed. "I'd understand if it is unrequited" He muttered dejectedly, and he could feel the heat in the hand that had gripped Dean and raised him from perfotion. His grace itched to touch Dean's.

Sam blushed again. "O-okay.. Lucifer"
Dean blushed madly and hesitated. "I-I wouldn't say it's... unrequited..."

Lucifer smiled and continued to rub Sam's shoulders, just wanting to see him relax.
Castiel tilted his head. "It isn't?" He asked softly, sounding much more hopeful than it should be. Dean already had a mate. It was unheard of for an angel to have two mates.

Sam slowly relaxed, letting out happy sounds and blushing.
Dean blushed brightly and looked away in embarrassment. "I-I mean... I don't hate you... You've always been my buddy... so... I wouldn't mind if you... l-liked me..."
Castiel blushed. "But.. do you like me back, Dean? I know you're kind of stuck with michael.. but.. if I'd have marked you like that instead.. If I still wanted to.. would you want that?" He asked, head tilted.
Castiel stroked his cheek softly and kissed Dean, his grace Thrumming inside him happily, begging to mingle with Dean's. He blushed more feircely.

Michael tried to ignore what he could sense happening with dean, though sad emotions came through the bond. He couldn't keep his "Why am I not good enough?" From seepibg through.
Dean blushed madly and kissed Castiel back softly before he blinked in surprise and sighed in frustration at the emotions he was feeling and the words Micah sent him. "Micah..." He said back. "I've known Castiel longer, I didn't hate him for as long as I hated you... I just..." He pulled away from Castiel and rubbed his forehead. "I just don't know Micah..." He muttered out loud.
Castiel's eyes were closed as he kissed Dean, savoring it a bit just in case it didn't happen again.

Michael closed his eyes. "I'm sorry Dean. Just.. I have some of the same self worth issues you do because of father. I understand. I do."He muttered through the bond, sighing.

Castiel blinked. "Something wrong, Dean?"
Dean sighed, rubbing his forehead as he really seemed torn and on the verge of tears even. "It's Micah, he's talking to me through the bond, making me feel like shit for this..."
Castiel frowned. "Perhaps I should talk to him. Just.. stay here and drink. I'll be back." He replied softly, pressing an affectionate kiss to his forehead before disappearing.

Michael had seen this coming, "Castiel. Lets talk then." He replied softly, closing his eyes a moment. His head is hurting because so is his mate's.

After about 3 hours of arguing, They'd finally come to the conclusion that they both loved him to much to make him feel so badly, so they had decided to share. Castiel returned to Dean. "I think we figured it out." He muttered, though cas looked a bit worse for wear, a few scatches that hadn't healed from Michael's blade yet.
Castiel nodded. "I'm fine. Don't worry. Michael and I came to an understanding. We fought a little, but he conceded. He will in his words "Try stop being an emo kid and share you" Are you opposed?" He asked, watching him curiously
Castiel nodded. "Of course. Neither of us wants to see you hurting, Dean." He replied simply, Stroking the hunter's face. the only emotions coming through the bond were apolgetic, full of love and agreement.
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