What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Lucifer shrugged. "I came here to woo Sam. Mikey gets to woo you, why don't I get the same privilege?" he asked matter of factly, crossing his arms.

Michael made a face. "He's just bring cautious, brother. He's protective of Sam." he was trying to be a corgial as possible, not wanting to start a fight that might change his brothers mind on the apocalypse.
Dean frowned as Lucifer said he was here to 'woo' his brother. He simply huffed at Micah's words and turned away to walk outside, needing to cool off.
Michael sighed, running a hand through his hair. He had no clue how to handle this. "Luca, maybe you should come back when Dean has cooled off." He muttered softly, and Dean would feel so many emotions flowing through Michael. The apocalypse may have been avoided, but now he was feeling torn for a whole new reason.
Michael sighed softly, placing Sam back in his bed before walking out where Dean is. "He's gone for now. You can relax" he walked closer to Dean reach ing out with the bond, asking if he wanted to be touched, wanting to kiss him, do anything to make him feel better.

Meanwhile, Sam was having a nightmare about Jess, and his mother.
Michael nodded. "okay Dean. If you need me, just reach out." He replied softly, Pressing a soft chaste kiss to his forehead before disappearing with a fluttler of wings.

Castiel appeared just then. "Hello Dean. Michael warded the room before he left. Sam is safe. How about we go imbibe some alcohol? That usually helps you feel better." he suggested tilting his head.
Dean looked up as Castiel appeared and chuckled softly, still seeming tense. "Well, I don't know how good you'd be as a drinking buddy but..." He sighed. "Sure, let's do that."
Dean nodded and took another few shots once he'd finished his beer, letting out a breath as he shook his head. "I just don't know what to do, things have gotten too complicated lately..."
Castiel looked curious, sipping on his beer. "I wish I knew how to help you Dean. But know I'm here if you need me." he replied, squeezing dean's handprinted shoulder. He could feel his grace trying to reach out to Dean. He wants so badly to be Deans like michael is.. but he doesn't date try.

Meanwhile, sam was dreaming of Lucifer. "So, what brings you to my dream? You don't need me as a vessel anymore."
They continued to drink in silence for a moment then sighed. "It's kinda annoying how possessive Micah acts about me. Like, did you hear his muttering over angel radio?"

Lucifer tilted his head. "Has it occured to you that maybe you summoned me here because I confessed to you?"
Castiel nodded. "Yes, I am aware of Michael being posesseive. I wish I could do something about it, but It is part of his personality to be protective over those he loves. I'm afraid that the bond only makes it worse. You're lucky its not mating season. He means well, Dean." He explained sighing softly.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "I'm not even sure I believe you, lucifer. why would I call to you?" He asked, his own face curious.
Dean sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I guess." He said as he took another chug of his fourth beer.

Lucifer smiled softly. "Maybe because you want me too."
Castiel sighed and nodded. "I know Dean. But things will work out as they should. Don't worry." he was trying to be supportive.

"I'm not even sure what I what I want, Lucifer. My brother's an angel, anf your brother follows after him like a lost puppy.. and Cas mopes cause it can't be him.. all this sexual tension is getting to me so much I'm starting to miss the trickster." he sighs exasperated, but he's a little jealous of his brother, because any love he tries to have, dies.
Dean chuckled. "I thought we were all beyond the whole 'following fate' thing."

Lucifer, as if reading his thoughts, approached Sam and cupped his cheek. "I won't die on you Sam..."
Castiel chuckled also. "Yes, I suppose we are. Fate comes in many shapes and sizes, Dean."

Sam closed his eyes a moment, letting himself feel for a moment. "How do I know I can trust you?" His voice was small, resverved. It wasn't trying to offend the angel, but as a hunter, he had to be ever wary.
Dean shrugged and rested his head on the counter. "One thing I miss about being human is being able to get drunk easily..."

Lucifer thought a moment, seeming to consider the question. "I suppose you don't know. But you can keep an eye out and, over time, realize I just want you. I won't ask you to be my vessel anymore. I won't talk about the apocalypse, or my father. I will not say how we're alike but admire how you are so much more amazing than I am. How does that sound?"
Castiel sighed. "Sorry Dean. Angels don't have alcohol." he replied, frowning.

Sam hesitated, but nodded. "I suppose that's fair. I still don't trust you, but I can live with you hanging around. You're not bad to look at. your vessel, I mean" He mutters softly, blushing.
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