What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

After Michael did the sigils, Sam left for the library with his laptop. The archagel let out a soft chickle. "You're little brother is giving us space. I believe he thinks we wish to have sex." he explained, smiling a little.
Michael chuckled softly. "I'm gonna plant a kiss right on those shy lips." he muttered, tilting Dean's face toeards him before kissing him lovingly.

It was at that moment that Castiel decided to appear. 'Hello Dean."
Dean's eyes widened and he blushed madly at Micah's words before he gasped softly and whimpered shyly in the kiss. His eyes then widened in shock and he stumbled back from Micah's kiss, looking up surprised. "O-Oh! Hey Cas..." He said nervously.
Castiel raised an eyebrow. "Should I come back?" He asked, eyeing Dean and his brother.

Michael was slightly smug through the angel radio. "I get to kiss him and you don't' Castiel" He really could be kind of childish sometimes.
Michael's interest was piqued as well, looking at his brother.

Castiel sighed, "Las vegas. He seems to be enjoying some gambling. Hasn't appeared to hurt any humans either, which is odd, and could be s trap, but.. I don't know. Something about how he is acting.. its reminiscent of when we were young, Brother. Its strange."

Michael scratched his his chin.."You're right, little brother. perhaps there's hope of reasoning with him after all"
Dean didn't seem as convinced but he nodded, grabbing his bag. "Well, let's go." He said. "I'll go with Cas to the area, Micah, I'm betting he doesn't want to see you so you stick around here and protect Sammy alright?"
Michael nodded. "Okay, Dean. Just be careful. Lucifer might sense me on you and draw the wrong conclusions." he explains, handing Dean an archangel blade he'd made for him. "Just in case, Mon Couer." He then kisses his head softly before whooshing away to the library to keep Sam safe.

Castiel nodded. "Let's go."
Dean blushed a little at the kiss and looked at the blade, nodding. "Thanks." He replied then let Cas zap them since he knew exactly where Lucifer was gambling.
They landed in a large casino, table everywhere. "Lucifer is over there." Castiel muttered, watching Dean's back, looking worried for him. He wasn't sure this was such a good idea, even if he knew Michael would be here in a second if something happened. He looked to Dean. "So, what's the plan?"
Dean thought a moment before saying. "Well, we'll try to convince him first, since Micah's so dead set on it." He said, approaching where Castiel said Lucifer was.
Castiel nodded in understanding. "Then he really likes you. only people closest to him are allowed that nickname privelage" He admitted, face changing as they get to lucifer, who is winning money at gambling.

Lucifer Tilted his head as he spinned around to face Dean and Castiel. "So, to what do I owe this pleasent surprise, Dean?" he asked, eyes changing slightly as he senses grace not coming from castiel. "You reek of my brother."
Dean frowned and said. "Well, don't worry, I didn't say yes. He turned me into an angel." He replied. "So now there's no way I could become his vessel, which means there's no way for the 'apocalypse' to happen."
Lucifer's eyes widened a fraction, and if you weren't specifically looking for it, you wouldn't have seen. "He bonded to you? Well, what do you know. Prince stoic finally fell in love."

Lucifer looked curious a moment, weighing what Dean had just said. "No apocolypse, huh? Well, I'm not sure what to say. I don't have to go back in the cage, do I?" He asked, and if you looked, you'd see a slight twitch at the thought of being locked up all alone again. He really didn't want to go back there if he could avoid it.
Dean looked startled at Lucifer's honest, unhostile question and hesitated. "Depends on what you're going to do here. Can't have anyone wiping out humanity or spreading the croatoan virus."
Lucifer chuckled. "Well, currently, I'm gambling. I don't geel particularly hostile today Dean. I'm tired of being alone, and killing people off.. well, sounds like a pretty quick way to end up alone. Besides, that virus was Zachariah's idea, not mine." He admitted truthfully, sipping a maithai.
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