What happens when you get an archangel drunk? (Krystal x Katizakat)

Michael sighed. "Castiel." was all he said, not elaborating, but the obvious grumbles of "No mine Cassie" Could be through angel radio.

Castiel blinked at Dean coming in wuth Michael, his only expression of emotion a slight fown. "Yes. I wanted tk make sure you stayed safe from other angels coming to approach you or Sam.." He replied somply nodding at michael in greeting.
Dean raised an eyebrow at Michael then blushed a little at the possessive muttering he heard via angel radio. He nodded. "Well, thanks Cas." He said, giving him a slight smile though seemed a little embarrassed at having brought Michael inside. He yawned and sighed tiredly. "I'm going to bed. I'll see you in the morning." He said then crawled back into bed.
Castiel smiled a little as he looked at Dean, nodding softly. "Of course Dean." He replied softly, simply sitting in a motel chair by sam's laptop.

Michael followed Deannto bed. "Can I lay with you?" He asked softly, looking hopeful.
Michael smiled softly, taking his shoes off and Getting into bed with his hunter, asking through the bond for a bit of cuddling, Thinking maybe he might sleep better that way, and wanting the confort from touching his mate.
Michael pressed a chaste kiss to Dean's fore head and wrapped his arms around him, much in the way he did that first night together.

Castiel huffed softly, frowning in jealousy before leaving in a flutter of wings. Micheal was slightly smug through the bond over winning this round.
Dean felt Micah's want but as he didn't ask he pretended he didn't notice it and nodded. "Sure, breakfast sounds good." He said, sitting up and looking around. "I'm assuming Sammy's on a run but where's Cas? He said he'd be here this morning..." He said, Micah able to sense a bit of disappointment in him.
Michael put his hands together in a clapping motion. "Okay! What are you in the mood for? I know you like bacon. Father used to like bacon to.. It was quite strange." he admitted, sad smile on his face and dean would feel and see the arangel's memories in his mind. A time where they were a family. He sighed softly. "I don't know where castiel is." He muttered, jelousy coming through the bond.
Dean looked at him sympathetically, understanding missing the 'good old family days.' He then blinked in surprise as he sensed Micah's jealousy and nodded softly. "Um... some eggs and bacon is fine."
Michael grinned. "Eggs and bacon it is!" He replied happily, grinning and singing a random metallica song while he cooked. Even archangels had music tastes, and Michael found he liked what Dean did. He ended up cooking the eggs four different ways, not knowing how dean liked them.
Dean blinked in surprise when he stepped out in some clean clothes and saw the change. "Are we... still in the hotel room or did you zap us somewhere...?" He asked as he sat down to eat.
Michael chuckled. "We're still in the motel. I just.. upgraded it a bit. You deserve better." He replied simply, Fixing up the bathroom now that Dean was out of it, giving it all the good fixins. "It'll disappear when we leave for good. but for now, its more homey." He added smiling at Dean, Telepathically actually askkng for a kiss.
Dean nodded at Micah's explanation before he blushed a little as he mentally asked for a kiss and swallowed what he'd been eating, wiping his mouth with a napkin before gesturing for him to come to his side of the table, blushing softly.
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