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Stolen (Amaria and Distain)

Hanna was glad she braided her hair, the short wisps that didn't reach whipped around her as they climbed higher into the air. So this is what a bird feels like. Her stomach had calmed itself but she thought she would never get used to flying through the air like this. Below her the landscaped changed from small farms to houses and then closely packed buildings. The river looked like a road made of glass that rolled and rushed along, cutting straight through the center of the city.

She had been here once with her family but this time it was different, not just the view but why she was here. It still surprised her that she would soon be part of the Council, but the bond stone around her neck proved it. Hanna wondered how all the nobles would take too a Innkeepers daughter on the council, she wondered if there were any as young as her. The picture in her mind was older stuffy men in fancy robes casting spells in a dark room. She thought of Allidon and laughed out loud, he was far from that image completely. Thinking too much on him made her blush and being so close to him, even though they were flying, made it hard not to think of him.
He smirked and pulled his wings back and entered a dive diving nearly straight down descending nearly 300 feet in less then 10 seconds. Only inches from the water he pulled up skimming just over the waters surface letting his finger extend cutting the water with his finger. They rushed over the water threw the city before he began ascending. He quickly lead her up the mountain behind the city as they neared the top he began flying straight for the mountain.

He did not pull up as he flew straight at the rock wall, moments later they where standing in a large entry way. "I am sorry i should have warned you I leave that illusion up to mask my home. " The inside of the home was cool but not cold like the air outside a large door separated this cave from the home that was inside. "Did you enjoy your flight? " He smiled giving her a soft squeeze before slipping his hands from hers and began undoing the large jacket over them both.
Hanna was shaking. It was terrifying and fun at the same time , but apparently her body only registered the terrifying part. "I'm having difficulty feeling my legs." she chattered, but there was a grin on her face and a wild look in her eye.

"You do enjoy walls of illusion don't you? Everyplace you've brought me so far has one. and yes the flight was wonderful. A little frightening but wonderful none the less. If you were trying to scare me it worked." she helped him with the jacket and then the straps, looking around at the cave the whole time.
He smiled freeing her from the straps except her legs and undid the ones on himself. "Oh you mean this? " He smiled putting the key in the lock again opening the door. Tossing the harnesses and jacket inside the room. He then closed the door smirking as he walked to the large door it opened before him allowing him to enter his home. "That is not an illusion it is a conjuration. The key creates the room. " He smiled holding the door open for her smiling brightly waiting for her to enter his home.

The home was large 2 stories with a large staircase in the middle of the hall that they had entered. 5 doors lined the hall all where closed for the moment above a lovely railing surrounded the floor above them. The entire home looked as though it was made of different colors of marble with not a tool mark in sight in the whole home. "Welcome to my home I figured you would like a nights rest before you met the council."
"...yes... a nights rest would be best..." she looked around the house in awe.

"Is there anything about you that's NOT amazing?!" her hand brushed against the smooth railing as she turned in circles her eyes resting on one dazzling thing after another. Nothing in Brown House was this nice.

She turned back to him with a large grin,"You have a lovely home, Allidon!"
"It is not a home yet simply a place where i stay when I am able to be in this town for a night. " He spoke softly he had put in rooms for children even a room for his sister if she ever decided to come live here. As of now the only rooms that had been used where the ones designed for him. "Let me show you to your room. Do you remember the spell i cast to resize your dress?" He spoke softly placing his hand on her lower back leading her up stairs and to the left. He passed 2 doors before leading her into the large bedroom he had built for his guests.

It was lavish a large bed sat near the back wall a canopy perched on for pillars hung over it with nice curtains to surround it. Large dressers to one side and 2 closets to the other he smiled brightly as every thing one could need was in this room. "There are cloths in both dressers you are welcome to them if you did not bring night cloths. " He smiled leading her to a door near the back of the room it was his pride and joy in this house. What most would call bizarre he loved inside was a modern bathroom.

"You have hot and cold water at the turn of a nob in that door is a facility much like an out house but do not put anything inside the whole you wish returned to you it will never come back. " He spoke softly walking over the tub that had a curtain in front of it. "If you pull this cord water will stream out of the ceiling at the perfect temperature for a bath. I got the idea when i was forced to bathe in a waterfall. " He smiled brightly she was the first person he had ever show this room to. "The way the water feels on your skin is amazing i recommenced trying it tomorrow morning instead of a bath. "
She looked curiously at the cord and then up at the ceiling. "I've heard of this before but thought they were only in the noble's houses." she thought for a moment. He was a member of the sorcerers council and he had a fine house like this, maybe he was a noble too. Hanna didn't put it together until now, he just seemed so different from those that had passed through the Inn. She felt a little ashamed of the bad comments she had made against them knowing he might be one.

"Thank you so much. I have never stayed in a room this nice before. I've never been this far from home before either." her words trailed off softly and she was trying not to start crying again. He had done so much for her she didn't want him to feel bad.
"Noble's have to have someone fill a tank with hot water. There is no tank from here the water comes from a stream not far from here. " He smiled quite proud of himself for having developed this system. He could tell she was sad. He spoke softly stepping up close behind her placing his hands on her sides rubbing them softly. "You are not that far from home when you get stronger i will teach you a spell that will bring you home quickly so you can visit them when ever you like. "

He wrapped his wings around her just below her breast hoping that seeing them would distract her from her sadness. He could hear and feel the nervousness in her voice and it made him sad he hated taking her from her family. He pulled her gently into his chest trying to make her think about something else. He wanted to say something to make it better but he was never good at making a girl feel better.
She relaxed into his embrace and cried. Silent tears falling down her cheeks onto his silver wings. How could she be a sorcerer or even impress the council if she cried like a baby for her family. Leaving home was coming one day so it should not be too difficult a thing to adjust to. "Thank you, if it was anyone but you I don't think I could do this." She turned and looked up at him, sliding her arms around him. "You'll be there with me...when I stand before the council right?"
His wings pressed her into his chest firmly holding her tight, a bright smile on his face as he looked down int her eyes. This was his favorite use of his wings holding someone close making them feel comfortable and safe. "I will be standing right next to you the entire time. " He smiled his hands rubbing her sides lightly for a moment before he pulled his wings back and slipped from her grasp his hand resting on her lower back. "I will go get your bag so you can get ready for bed why don't you lay down while i step into out. "

He lead her into the room to the large incredibly soft bed before turning pulling the key out and slipping it into the air. He opened the door and went into the area where she had changed gathering her bag and the dress. He came back out the door closing behind him moments later setting the bag next to her bed. He turned and placed the dress on a chair silently not certain what to say now.
She sat on the bed, or rather hopped up on it. The bed was huge, large enough for her and two or three more people. She ran her hands along the soft coverlet, her eyes closing slowly. "A rest does sound like a good idea, it's hard to believe flying could make me this tired, and I didn't even do any of the work." Hanna had stretched out just to feel the softness of the bed but soon found herself drifting off to sleep....fully dressed, shoes and all.
When he returned with her things and saw her not respond to his entrance into the room he chuckled. Walking over to her he very carefully scooped her up in his arms his wing lifting the covers carefully. Once the cover was up he laid her down his hands moving slowly undoing her her shoes slipping them off slowly before covering her up.

He smiled brightly once she was tucked in and looking comfortable his hand brushed her hair out of her face. He smiled before turning to leave the room, he made his way to the library down on the first floor. He spoke softly taking a deep breath relaxing setting there reading a book studding the words to a new spell. He stayed up for a few hours before heading to bed his room was across the the large balcony from her's he left his door cracked so he could hear her if she needed him.
She awoke sometime late in the night, scared and confused. Still dressed but without her boots she untangled herself from the sheets and bed covers. If it were nto for her new night eyes she would have been twice as afraid, but she made her way to the door easily. She walked the hall memory slowly returning of the flight with Allidon and coming to his grand home. At least grand to her. Following the soft glow of a light somewhere in the house she crept silently down the stairs and rounded the corner to see him sitting and quietly reading.

"Allidon..? I couldn't sleep." her voice startled him. She had a habit of moving silently that the bondstone seemed to have enhanced. Little did she know her form was nearly transparent and ghost like.
Allidon was setting there in front of a few candles holding a letter up that was his orders for his assignment. He was going to need to figure out how he was going to be diplomatic enough to hold them back from yelling at the young girl. When she said she could not sleep he sat up slowly folding the letter slipping it back into the drawer next to the chair. "Come in and set down we can talk a bit till you get tired again. " He smiled looking up at her even his keen eyes could barely make her out he was a bit confused as to what was happening.

"I see you have developed a knew ability that one will be more difficult to control. " He spoke softly his eyes wandering over the ghostly form standing in his door. He had never seen a person react this way to their stone before clearly the stones reacted to their personality. He smiled at her as she felt a hand on the small of her back urging her into the room. It felt identical to his hand though his hands where both resting on the arm rest. "What woke you?"
She felt the pressure but said nothing, she couldn't sleep but her reactions were still tired and slow.

"I guess the strangeness of being away from home. The bed and room are wonderful don't misunderstand but I just.. can't stay sleep." She lifted a hand to her mouth to stifle a yawn and stopped. She held he hand up in front of her looking wide eyed at her transparent hand. "At least I don't have to hide my eyes anymore but now.. this...what if I disappear before the council, Allidon?" It sounded silly saying it but she had know idea what she was facing. She looked to him for some sort of comforting words. Instead of sitting in the chair across from him she slid down, sitting on the arm of his chair. "And how can you be right beside me if you can't even see me?" she tried to laugh at her little joke but it turned into more of a sigh.
He smiled walking over to her mumbling some other words to quickly for her to catch she could see a ring of ruins on the ground around him over 4 feet away from his body at all points. As he walked to her he smiled as the ring passed her she became visible again. "Because if you remain in this ring you will not be able to become invisible. " He smiled looking at her putting his hand gently on her cheek rubbing her cheek with his thumb. "Do you want me to put you back to sleep or just come sit with you until you drift off again? "

He looked deep into her eyes his eyes exploring hers trying to search them search her for a clue as to what would happen to her next. He felt terrible for the young girl when he found his stone he had been a mage for 15 years. She had not a clue the stone was forcing its power on her and there was little she could do to control it. A faint sadness washed over his face he felt slightly responsible he had been asked to bring the stone to them but had denied the job.
She stepped close to him, leaning her forehead on his chest. As she spoke her arms went around him. "Why is it a man I only met a few days ago has such an effect on me?" she didn't wait for an answer, didn't really expect one. She just sighed, her faint voice muffled by his clothes. "That would be nice, come sit with me please."
He smiled slipping his arms around her his hands running over her spine holding her close. "I would guess it has something to do with the stone. " He spoke softly he had never had a woman feel for him even a little since his change. It made the thought of this girl actually liking him feel very strange he liked it but he did not trust it. "Let's get you up to bed." He smiled slipping his arm around her as he lead her from his room slowly he was growing rather tired himself and hoped she would drift off quickly.

He lead her into her room and smiled setting down on the edge of her bed smiling softly. "You will most likely sleep better if you change into something more comfortable. Did you bring night cloths or do you need me to find some in the dresser. " He smiled he was fine either way he had meant for the clothing in this room to be given to whom ever came to stay here. Though he did think when he bought it that it would be his sister so the clothing was less alluring then and more practical.
"It doesn't matter" she yawed already half sleep and curled and arm around his. "I'll sleep fine with you here." she was sleep as soon as she finished the sentence, still cradling one of his arms.

She normally slept alone but in this new place she needed the comfort from someone and Allidon had found a place in her heart the few days she had known him. She wasn't ready to admit exactly what kind of place but was happy not to be alone.
Allidon looked at her as she drifted off against his arm shaking his head before crawling into bed. He had been looking forward to his own bed for a week but it looked like he would have to wait another night. He smiled brightly kissing her forehead before slipping the pair into bed. He smiled and watched her sleep for a short while before laying his head down falling a sleep slowly.

He slept peacefully threw the entire night with out moving a muscle the room chilling a bit. His wing slipped over her to shield her from the chill air that followed him in the night. He slept late into the next morning he had stayed up a bit longer then he had meant to his reading taking longer then expected.
Hanna woke the next morning more refreshed than she had felt in a long time, but a little confused. She stared at the silver wall around her until she realized what it was. Turning her head she saw Allidon sleeping peacfully next to her after her surprised died down she reached over and brushed aside a stray lock of hair covering his face. He stirred some and she blushed, glad he could not see her studying him so closely. It was not only his wings that were beautiful... he was a handsome man, "..lovely indeed." she whispered, as she boldly caressed his sleeping face, her thoughts causing her own face to grow even more red. She was laying next to a man and she had never in her life slept next to any male other than her brother. She had to stop this line of thought, it was awakening feelings she was not sure she wanted to deal with nor was she sure they would be returned and besides she had a Council of Sorcerers to deal with some time today. Hanna sighed and stirred some hoping to wake him but it only reminded her of how their bodies were so closely pressed together.

"Allidon, wake up."
When she started to stir Allidon slipped his arm around her stomach to quiet her movements. His body longed to stay in sleeps embrace. He pulled her light body tight against his with a soft groan before he said his name was said. His eyes shot open hearing the statement he needed to wake up. Once he was awake he looked around to see if there was a threat, neither seeing nor feeling one he settled down smiling. His face turned a light pink as he felt her form pressed against his, eyes locked on hers for a moment as he smiled.

"Stay under the covers for a moment i will gather you a robe the room is going to be chilly. " He smiled closing his for a moment resealing the magic inside him that chilled the air. He stood his wings tucking in behind him as he walked to the closet pulling out a big fluffy fur lined robe. "Lined with the fur of a cold weather bear guaranteed to keep out even the strongest winds or chills though it may tickle a bit. " He smiled standing next to her bed holding the white robe open revealing the dark brown fur." Are you hungry or would you like to clean up before you eat? "
Hanna would remember how snuggly he was in his sleep for future reference, maybe she would always need him to sleep beside her, it didn't seem likely but it was nice to think about. That excuse would not last long, she was no child and he was by all means a man, a lovely man, inside and out.

She slipped into the coat giggling even before it touched her skin. "I should wash first though I am very hungry, I slept in my clothes and that thing you have in the bath sounds inviting. " Her face clouded over for moment. "When do we need to be at council?" she couldn't avoid it and they were expecting the bondstone.
"I have not contacted them yet, they most certainly know that i am at home though i have not informed them about finding the stone yet. They may think i am home clearing my head before going back out to search. I was thinking we would like go see them after dinner it would allow you to relax a bit more. " He smiled slipping his fingers over her shoulders his thumbs her shoulder blades with a gentle firmness.

He let a happy sigh slip from his mouth it felt nice having guests in his home he had longed for so long to do so. "Why don't you go clean up and come down once your done I will leave the dinning room door open so you know where it is. " He smiled turning and walking from the room slowly.
Hugging the coat close to her she walked to the small room with the corded bathtub. This would be interesting. Quickly undressing, careful to hang the fine coat on the hooks on the wall. She finger combed what was left of a braid in her hair and loosened it. Her dark brown wavy hair spilled all around her shoulders reaching he center of her back. She stepped into the tub looking up at the odd shaped hole where he said the water would come through. Hanna judged the distance and pulled the cord. Warm water pour down just in front of her and she carefully stepped into the stream. Once again she giggled and laughed quite loudly. It was one of the best things she had felt in a long time, aside from sleeping next to Allidon. She took her time in the warm water quickly washing her body and hair and then just enjoying the flow over her skin. She wasn't even sure how long she had been in there.
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