Stolen (Amaria and Distain)

"Tomorrow we shall go for a walk after dinner. While your resting i will put your stone in a proper setting. I will warn you casting spells will tire you out quickly." He slowly returned to his human form as they walked back to the inn he smiled as he opened the door for her. "Have Kegan wake me when you get up in the morning. I will cast my spell threw him so you do not have to worry about your eyes tomorrow. " He smiled as the entered the lobby and he stopped at the stairwell to the guest area.
Hanna spent the rest of the evening talking with her family in the small den in the family wing of the Inn. After the shock wore down some the questions started about what she was going to do and where she was going. She answered as best she could and they had a sad time saying their goodbyes. The next day she would spend gathering her things and preparing to leave.

It was late when she crawled into bed, Kegan finding a spot near her neck and curling up next to her. She slept well despite all the changes that had happen and would happen in the next few days.
Allidon continued his days as normal gathering some information about the town and anything that may be of interest. When he was not busy doing that he slipped away into his room and began work on the pendant for her stone. It took him most of the day while she was preparing for him to craft the necklace and enchant it lightly. The stone would float at the end of the chain and she could remove it as she saw fit.

He smiled brightly as he sat in the dinning area of the inn on the morning they where meant to leave. He sat there eating quietly allowing her to say her good byes in peace. He wanted to avoid making it look like he was stealing the families daughter.
Hanna was too nervous to eat anything and she knew she would regret it later. It made sense to eat later than be sick now. Normally she wore her long dress and apron but on this day she wore the clothes she reserved for creeping around and stealing. A short tunic, close fitting pants and her boots.

She walked up to where Allidon was, her eyes still red from crying. "Ok, let's go before I change my mind." she smiled, twirling the strap of her small bag in her hands. She managed to smile a bit not wanting him to feel bad. She truly was ready to go hoping this would pass soon.
He smiled looking at her standing up pressing his hand into her cheek. "Lets take care of those eyes. " He smiled as her eyes changed to look completely normal with with a soft rub of her cheek bone he pulled his hand away. "Okay i suppose we should start our journey do you have a jacket it will most certainly get cold along the way. " He smiled as he lead her from the building slowly. He smiled brightly looking at her as he lead her down the street and out of town. He did not plan on walking far only as far enough to leave the sight of the town.

It only took an hour and a half for them to reach a small clearing near a stream there he paused and with a soft groan returned to his normal form. "Okay we have some things to attend to before we actually make the trip. " He chuckled softly turning producing a small key from his pocket placing it into what looked like nothingness. With a turn of his wrist and a push on the key it seemed a door opened revealing a large room. It looked as if he had cut a whole in reality and placed a storage barn on the other side. "Come with me please. " He smiled entering the door way returning to his Draconic shape.

Inside the room where 4 stables on the far end of the room. Massive book cases lined the walls, a alchemy table sat on the left a large desk on the right. The back of the building was piled with crates filled with things that he had collected over the years. Once she entered the room he slipped her bag from her shoulder walking to the back of the room and disappearing behind some crates. It was a small make shift bedroom simply a bed surrounded by crates to make walls.
"What..where.?" she couldn't form words. She looked on amazed as he opened the door and ushered her in. Is this where you live or just a place to rest?" she walked around looking at different items, running her hand along a few old books.

Kegan moved from his usual perch on the back of her neck down her arm. "I'm sure you know what he's up to." she rubbed her skin and continued to look around. She found i easier to adjust her eyes on her own and she did so, using her new sight to bring light to any shadowed corners became a fun game of hers.
"This is just where i store my things and sleep when i am on the road. " He said calling out from the bed area moving threw the boxes before finally settling on one and lugging it out into the middle of the room. "You can have anything you want out of here. You will need a nice outfit for meeting the council. I have probably 2 dozen out fits in this case. Do not worry about the size that can be adjusted easily. " He smiled as he walked over to Kegan smiling brightly as he reached out taking him from her smiling. "Okay kegan you wanna see your family!" He squeaked and began spinning circles in Allidon's palm.

Allidon laughed as the lizard began floating across the room over to the 3rd stable before vanishing behind the door. Allidon looked into Hanna's eyes taking a deep breath he knew what he was about ask was not going to be easy. "Can i please have your bondstone for a short time. I promise you i will return it to you in short order. "He smiled brushing her arm with his wing hoping that the touch of the wings she found so lovely would soften her to the idea.
Curiosity pulled at her as she watched Kegan float through the air, but it would have to wait. "My stone? What for?" her hand clutched it nervously. It still hung around her neck on the leather cord, but now she wore it openly. Without thinking she rubbed his wing, she couldn't resist and he was beginning to see that. "You have something planned don't you?" Despite her questions she handed the stone to him.
"I am a planner I always have something planned I promise you will enjoy this plan. " He smiled taking the stone that got warm in his hand. "Go ahead and look threw the crate your more then welcome to anything you want out of there. " He smiled turning and walking over to the massive wooden desk. Once there he began working slowly with the stone his back turned to her . His wings where held high to cover his work and allow him to surprise her when he was finished.
She sifted through the crate, odds and ends of clothes were piled in, of all different colors and styles. Even as a thief, some of these things she had never seen the likes of before. Talking to him with her head halfway in the crate, her voice was muffled. "What exactly am I looking for. It's not like I've been before the council. How am I supposed to dress?" She pulled out a long gown that would be plain if not for the fine silk it was made of. It felt cool against her skin as she held it up to her. It's blue color is what attracted her to it.
"Something nice that you think you could wear to a very fancy occasion with out being the best dressed person in the room. " He smiled turning in his chair to face her his hand hiding the necklace in his hand. "That is perfect why don't you go try it on? " He smiled wanting to see if it needed adjustments before he spent to much energy flying them around. " I am certain it will look lovely on you especially if you let your eyes show the stone's influence. "
"That's just it I've never been to a fancy occasion..well at least not invited." She moved behind a few stacked crates and changed into the gown. "Usually when I was there I was trying not to be seen, so I didn't see much hiding in back hallways and cloak rooms." she stepped from behind the crates wearing the dress. The neck line plunged a little lower than she was used to but she loved the wide sleeves and soft silk. The waist was high and embroidered with tiny silver flowers that reflect in the light. The hem however dragged the grown, Hanna was much shorter than whoever this gown was made for.
Allidon walked over to her smiling having slipped her necklace into a pocket in his robes he smiled brightly looking at her. "You look fantastic, let me snug it up for you. "He smiled mumbling the words loud enough for her to hear them and slow enough for her to learn them. As he pressed his palm into her side lightly they could both feel the fabric shrinking against their skin. With in moments the dress that hung beautiful off every curve now accentuated every curve. "I may have made the dress a bit more sensual then i meant to. " Every line fit her perfectly as if it was designed to be on her.

He smiled reaching up running his fingers over her cheek slipping his fingers behind her neck. "It looks beautiful on you. " Soon she felt the cold metal of the necklace on her neck. The platinum chain hung down just above the curves of her breasts. The blue stone hung perfectly just where he cleavage started. It floated freely below the socket of the necklace he smiled it looked wonderful on her just like he knew she would. "Now that is a proper necklace for a bond stone I chose that metal because you seem to enjoy the silver color. " He smiled his face turning a bit red as his wings curled behind his back behind him hiding them.
"It's wonderful, Allidon!" she stared down at the stone the gray-blue mixing well with the chain and her dress. "The dress is a bit much for me but the stone... oh Allidon you made this for me?" she didn't care that he was red faced and embarrassed she rushed forward and hugged him anyway.

"Thank you. You've done so much for me." she pulled back some but didn't move her arms from around him, her fingers automatically brushing against his wings. "But what do I have to do when I go before the Sorcerers Council. It's getting close and I'm beginning to feel a little over whelmed with all this. You will be there with me right?"
He froze as she threw her arms around him he was not certain what he should do. Slowly he slipped his arms around her lower back holding her loosely. He spoke softly his hands pulling back resting on her sides just above her waist. " I made it for you because i thought it would look nicer then the leather one with nice clothing. You can remove the stone from the necklace when ever you like. All you have to do is pull it away. " He smiled brightly rather proud of the idea he had for that necklace it was easily the nicest piece of jewelery he had ever made.

"Answer their questions honestly and do it with confidence. They will try to convince you that you should give them the stone do not. They have no need to touch the stone do not allow them to do so. I will be at your side protecting you from them as much as i can. I have been on the council far to long for them to brush off what i say. " He spoke softly smiling at her before taking a deep breath. "Why don't you put your normal clothing back on for now we have a long day ahead of us. " He smiled brightly not letting her go something about the way she held him made him not able to release his light grip with out her pulling away.
She let go slowly, reluctantly, and she was very unsure of her feeling about it. "I thought the bondstone spoke for themselves and if you had you were part of the council. I mean I've heard tavern talk of nobles forcing a stone on their children but wouldn't that mess up the balance or something? It makes no sense for the council to deny one who's bonded." she wandered behind the crates again to change. "What does the council think of you, if you don't mind me asking?
"They can not take the stone for you but you can choose to give the stone up. They will try to scare you into giving up the stone so that they can give it to some spoiled brat. " He spoke softly firmly it was clear he did not like those currently on the council. "They do not like me I do not fit their image of the council. They have to accept you into the council as a whole but they do not ever have to listen to you or give you the respect you earn. I am certain that you will be placed with me when the discover how you came across the stone. "

He grumbled a bit as she pulled away not truly wanting her to let him go it felt nice when she held him. "Do you want to ride? Or would you prefer to fly? " He spoke softly looking at her as though he was asking her if she wanted coffee or tea. Clearly he had become jaded to the fact that he was able to fly he thought it like walking at this point.
"Fit there image?! Well now, I suppose the country is in fine hands with people like that in charge of keeping it." sarcasm dripped from her words. The idea was absurd but she had heard of worse things. Still, to think that half the council was there for looks was very discomforting.

Hanna finished changing back into her travel clothes and came around the crates. "Ride or fly?! I can ride with the best of them but fly?...You mean with you?" The thought excited her immensely and she resisted the urge to hug him again, thinking it would annoy him if she seemed to clingy. "But I...if it.. wouldn't be too much trouble I'd love to!"
He chuckled looking at her smiling walking over to a crate pulling out what looked like a bundle of belts. "It is a long flight so i would feel better if you wore a harness. Would you rather fly facing me or facing the ground. " He smiled slipping on his half of the harness it looked as though it would connect her to him twice on his torso and once on each leg. He looked at her smiling brightly he could care less he rather enjoyed taking people for short trips. Longer flights where a bit stressful or they where before he ad this harness made so that he would not have to cling to hem.
She wanted to answer quickly and not let on that such choices both had very appealing qualities to her, but she hesitated anyway. Her faced turn a shade red. "Um..I supposed facing the ground. The view must be wonderful." she stepped closer watching him maneuver the strange harness. "How long will it take to get there? If we rode it would be almost a day and a half from here, but I'm sure flying cuts down on the time quite a bit." she was sure to enjoy the time in the air and with him.
"You will be sleeping in a bed by nigh fall. " He smiled brightly helping her slip on a thicker jacket to keep her warm. "It can get cold when you fly. " He smiled brightly as he slipped behind her taking a deep breath. He slipped the harness around her the first strap rested just above her breasts. The second not far below them both straps would use her rips to support her. Be flushed a bit as the last 2 straps hung down in front of her bucking about half way down her thigh. "Why don't you finish those straps and ill be waiting for you outside. " With that he turned around taking a deep breath he was never good at putting the harnesses on other people.
"Um..ok I think I can handle this myself." she giggled as he left and quickly fastened the straps, making sure not to make it to tight. She had no idea how it would feel to be harnessed to him but she didn't want to be uncomfortable either. she stepped through the doorway searching around for him. "I'm not sure how tight these should be, is this ok?"
"Only as tight as you feel comfortable wearing." He smiled walking over to her closing the door behind her putting the key away. He had slipped on a robe that covered the one he was currently wearing. He stepped behind her and connected the straps on her legs to his pulling them tight enough so her legs where nearly attached to his. He did the same thing for the ones on her chest her body pressed rightly to his. He carefully wrapped the robe around them both the neckline dove down so her head would come out of it he buttoned it slowly to her waist.

He smiled his arms wrapping around her waist holding her close. "I will go slow and stay low until your comfortable. " He smiled as his wings flapped hard sending them 15 feet into the air with in moments he carried them away a few feet of the ground going no faster then a horse.
Hanna's stomach flip flopped at first and she squealed with joy. Her hands instantly overlapped his holding him tight. "This is amazing!" She yelled.

She figured he got use to this view but it was all new to her. "Can we go faster and higher?" she quickly got use to the feel and began looking around at the trees and land. Even from just a few feet it was exhilarating.
"Okay I am going to keep climbing. I can only go a bit faster right now but i will dive over the river near the Council so you can feel the speed. Just tell me when you want me to stop climbing." He angled them on a slow rise his powerful wings driving the pair rapidly into the air. They where climbing easily 10 feet every second he smiled brightly her joy of flying for the first time made him happy.
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