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Stolen (Amaria and Distain)


Aug 17, 2009
"It said to be one of the most powerful bondstones this year, so straight to the Council it goes."

"You know no one from here will bond with it."

"Not for lack of skilled people! It's the northerners, all them fine people too good to do anything else, so they line up their fine sons and daughters and decide which one looks the best in the Council blues." Gales of laughter filled the dinning hall effecting the thought of large crowds, but only a handful were there, gossiping about the band of guards for the Council messenger. A new bondstone was found and was being transported under guard to the Council of Sorcerers two days north.

"You're all just jealous! To bed with the lot of you. You know I can't til you do, now off!" Hana playfully shooed the rowdy crew from the dinning hall off to their rooms. Brown House was a modest Inn, usually filled with regular boarders from merchants to common laborers to the occasional diplomat. It was part of the 'Kings Route', a list of nicer Inns and establishments, that drew the mid to higher class guests.

Hanna's family had run this inn for generations, since she was young she wiped tables stocked and cleaned rooms, even served guests in the dinning hall. She was well known and loved always busy about her work. But if they knew of her night adventures they might not think too well of her, though some might find it humorous, she took no risks.

Hanna was a thief, a very good thief. She never stole anything from the guests or the Inn, she only gathered information. Travel weary guests are a treasure of information and walking back and forth cleaning and serving gave Hanna many opportunities to learn of the latest and best new thing passing through town.

This night all the talk was of the bond stone and she wanted it.

Why do they parade around something so valuable, talk of all its wonder and glory, and wonder why it takes so many armed guards to protect it?

With the dinning hall closed and the guests in their rooms Hana headed towards her own rooms. She would not take the stone this night , not here. It had been two days since the last stop so she estimated the caravan would not stop again until it reached the capital...unless the messenger himself suddenly became ill. And drinking large amounts of ethilweed in your tea is sure to cause one to get very sick.


Four men still sat on their horses, two were on the side of the barn and still two more stood in the front yard of the modest farm house, the glow of light spilling around them. Not able to travel any further they stopped here with the sickly messenger, choosing to stay the night and move on in the morning, he was already feeling some better. Little did they know the bondstone in the small pouch tucked neatly in a jacket pocket that the farmers eldest daughter held, had been swapped for a normal rock moments after they first stopped. It would be days before they would bother to question that farmer, only to learn he didn't even have a daughter.
"Allidon the the bondstone has been stole on its journey here. It is your charge to find who stole it and bring them and the stone here. Perhaps it is time that we start sending you to retrieve them instead peasants. "

Allidon cringed at the talk of his charge and the mention of him the people who traveled with it being replaced by him. He sighed and nodded his head his deep blue robs where scared with light blue runes splashed over it. His hood pulled far over his head masking his face completely in his fingers he twirled a large bone colored claw looking stone. It was his bondstone the reason he was chosen for this task. "I accept this mission and swear to return stone with great haste. I have already found the area where the stone dissapeared. It should be in your hands in less then a month. "

With that he turned and and left still twirling the claw in his fingers. As he walked away his body seemed to stretch under his cloths. He was well over 6 foot tall and his broad build was very intimidating. From slits in the back of his robe long silver scale covered wings stretched touching either side of the hall before folding to rest against his back. The air around him grew cool as he walked his eyes turning from deep blue to pools of silver.

He flew to the farmers house taking only a day to arrive from the council being able to go straight there cut a day off his time. He knocked on the door asking the man to stay for the night and was giving that. After speaking with him he discovered that the man had no daughter so the person who took the stone was a woman who had heard of it some time before.

His mind ran on finding her who could she be where was she from. She most be from the town a day south anyone who heard of it before that would have made there move sooner. Who is she why did she steal the stone it was worthless to anyone who was not a mage. He shook his head and went to sleep for the night tomorrow he would begin his search of the small town.
"That is lovely my dear, where did you find it?"

Hanna jumped at the sudden voice behind her. She had been leaning against the bar staring at the flecks of blue that sparkled in the morning light. The stone was now looped in a leather cord that she wore tied around her neck. Upon first glance it was a small grayish oval, the size of a robins egg, but when you looked closer cracks of blue shone in the light as if the whole thing would bust and crystal blue water would pour out.

"I got it from one of those merchants that came through last week. They're always trying to bribe more than what they paid. It didn't work but I still got this out of it." Lies came easy to Hanna, she did it quite often but she considered it a tool, just as useful as hammer or knife.

"No stranger has ever given me anything that nice, ooh to be your age again." her aunt set a chubby hand on the top of Hanna's head bringing down to caress her cheek. Hanna hated when people said that, it just reminded her that she looked younger than her twenty years. With her round cheeks and large honey brown eyes she looked much younger, and her height didn't help either. "The housekeepin' is never going to get done, love, with you staring at that all day."

"Yes ma'am. I almost forgot." She grabbed up her stack of bed linens and headed up the stairs. A few rooms were empty of guests this morning so all the linens must be changed out. While tucking the sheets on the last bed she heard loud voices in the hall.

"I'm telling ya it was stolen. Some two bit farmer got his hands on it and probably sold it by now. Every bondstone is different and they were all secret about this one anyway, so no one knows what it looks like."
Hanna stayed very still and listened to the men talk.

"They'll find it somehow, this is the Council we're talking about. They may be a bunch of nobles but they hold tight what they think is there's." the voices trailed off to far for her to hear anymore. She felt the stone, now tucked inside her shirt, it felt warm. Maybe it was just her getting hot from all the work she was doing. She shook her head and left the room. Soon she was busy about all the jobs she had that day.

Brown House was busy most days mainly because it functioned as a inn, tavern and stable. Her father and brothers took care of the stable work and the occasional rowdy drunk, leaving her mother and aunts to run the kitchen a guest rooms.

Hana had time between lunch hour and dinner to get a moment alone. In her room she sat on a small couch at the foot of her bed and stared at the small stone. She wore it tucked in all day and had to fight the urge to stop working just to gaze at it. She rubbed her hands on it warmth the smoothness calming her. This was unlike any object she had taken before. Usually she gave them away or sold them at some ridiculous price, much less than what she knew they were worth. But this stone she couldn't get rid of. Not only was it lovely but it was a bondstone, the fact that she was able to snatch it amazed her, it was too easy.

Musing on these thoughts she felt the stone grow warmer yet again. Holding it up to the light, it seemed the cracks were brighter some how. For a moment her vision blurred and it frightened her. Maybe the day was more tiresome than she thought. Hanna tried to stand but her knees buckled and she dropped back down. This wasn't right at all. The room fell more and more out of focus until the last she remembers is looking down at the stone as it glowed brilliant blue light that filling the whole room.

" the door! Are you ok? Hana are you in there, sweet?" The knocking on the door matched the throbbing in her head. Hanna lay flat on her back on the floor. She looked around and started at the last rays of sunlight flowing in through the window. Her head swam as she sat up, gripping the couch for support. "I'm coming dad." Nothing felt right, and from the looks of it she missed the evening meal. The door swung in just as quickly as she unlatched it. Her dad stood there with a worried brow, her mother just behind him.

"Hanna? Were you sleeping? Are you not well?" both her mother and fathers questions overlapped each other and it only served to increased the spinning and throbbing in her head.

"I don't feel well. Can I lay back down?" she didn't wait for an answer she just turned away and flopped down on her bed, while her parents exchanged worried glances.

"Hanna.." her mom spoke but her dad interrupted. "Let her rest a bit, we'll question when she wakes up. We can't ring our hands over her when we have guests to attend to."
Allidon did not wait for breakfast, no doubt the farmer was pleased about that. In this form he was exceedingly intimidating and most tended to recoil from him when they could. He took to the air from the porch flying low over the ground hoping to not alarm to many locals as he flew to town. A blue and silver streak was all most saw as he speed across the terrain. He swooped up just after dinner landing on the roof of the Brown House looking over the town.

His finger played on the claw in his hands twirling it lightly in his hand as he looked over the small town. He tried to ignore the roar of his stomach as he knelt down his finger curling out from the cuff of his cloak. He very gently scratched a symbol in the roof of the building and closed his eyes. Images flashed before his eyes every item with even a hint of magical potency with in a hundred yards of him.

Dozens of images danced threw his mind before the small stone he had been told only that it was small shaped like an egg and blue. He found the stone just as Hanna began looking at it below him. He saw the stone begin to glow and then flash it was so bright it nearly knocked him from the roof. He opened his eyes seeing the world with a blue hew. It is here. Why did it flash? He was not familiar with how many of the stones worked he rarely handled them. The council saw him more as a weapon than a peer, he was one of the few who had been given the gift for battle and destruction.

He slipped down behind the building changing into his human form as he fell to the ground. He began walking over to the front of the building the colors of his cloak turning brown the runes vanishing. He pushed the hood from his head letting his long black hair flow over his cloak taking a deep breath as he walked in. The whole world still looked blue to him he found it very annoying. He was a bit cross as he spoke to the woman at the bar. "A room i do not know how long i will be staying. I need a large meal what ever you prepare best and a bottle of wine. "

He then moved and sat in the corner continually blinking his eyes trying to get the world to appear normal again. It did not however even as he laid down in his bed after eating his meal. The air in his room was cool as he proffered it, he felt a bit of remorse for being so cross with the kind woman who worked there. He was sure however that if she knew why he was upset she would understand.
The third time she woke it was completely dark, but still not too late. Her mother must have come in at sometime and helped her change, for she now wore a light gown and her hair hung loose about her. Slowly she sat up not wanting the same experience as before she slid her legs to the side of the bed and gently rested her feet on the floor. Briefly she panicked as she reached for the stone, but it still hung around he neck. Memories of the flash of blue light raced through her mind quickly, she held the stone its warmth comforting her. It couldn't be something too bad, though she was confused, she was no longer scared.

Hunger drove her from her room. The dinning hall was closed so she didn't expect to meet with any guests. Silently she crept from her room and headed for the kitchen through the serving door connected to the family hallway. She was sorting through the pantry when a thought hit her, her sight was not hindered even though she hadn't lit a single lamp. She sunk into a chair near the pantry door and glanced around the room. It was dark but she could see things in the room as if a low light was burning somewhere. If it wasn't for the stillness in the whole building she would have guessed it to be just after dinner but she knew it was close to midnight.

The stone found its way into her hand as she ate the apple she dug out from the fruit bin. Grabbing a few rolls leftover from dinner she began the trek back to her rooms, if her mother checked on her she didn't want to be caught raiding the kitchen. Remaining unseen was a skill she developed long ago and she employed naturally as she made her way towards the stairs.
The cool air from Allidon's room had began to wash into the hall as night crept to morning the entire hall having chilled several degree's below the outside temperature during the night. Several times Allidon woke as his dreams ended in the bright flash he never opened his eyes he knew his room remained empty. He would have felt the rush of warm air enter the room if his door or window was opened.

When the light finally began to creep into his room he sat up taking a deep breath he pushed his hair back out of his face. He hung his hair behind his ear as he stood and left the room realizing how he had affected the hall he smirked. It would not be long before several complaining customers made there way down for breakfast.

His vision had returned during the night and that made Allidon smile he was glad to not have the world look strange. He sat down quietly at a table for breakfast he was still quite hungry from lack of food for 2 days. He planned to go looking for the gemstone after breakfast nothing in his mind had him thinking he should be looking in this building. If someone hear had wanted it they would have taken it the night it was resting here.
The warmth of the large kitchen oven was welcome this morning. The temperature seemed to have dropped unseasonably low during the night. Hanna busied herself assisting the cook today and as soon as more guests trickle in from their rooms she would be waiting tables.

"I'm telling you its fairies. Your brother said for sure its warmer outside than in here and it not being anywhere close to fall yet."

"Nonsense, Adda, its probably some young mage up to tricks, though I'd welcome it if it were heat instead of the cold, he could start the oven for me." the same chatter about the coolness had been going on all morning. Hana gripped the stone through her blouse. Her eyesight had change and she wondered if the stone had caused the cool air too. She thought on these things as she brought out the trays for the first guests.

Weaving through the half empty dining hall she made her way to the early morning guests. A mother daughter pair who had arrived the day before smiled up at her as she served them. "Good day, I trust you slept well?"

"Yes, thank you, the room was wonderful, I'll have to remember to stop here on our way back through."

"We'd be honored! I'm glad to hear that." Hana loved talking to people, when she chose to dress as someone else for a job it makes it easier to act the part when there is an actual person to think of in her head.

The young girl whispered to her mother giggling and keeping her head down. The mother smiled and looked closely at Hanna. "Well I agree. My daughter says you have the most beautiful blue eyes she has ever seen, its like looking at the ocean."

Blue eyes...

In all her nineteen years Hanna had prided herself in her honey brown eyes that matched her fathers and now this woman tells her that her eyes are blue?

"Are you well? Your face is rather pale." the woman looked concerned. Hana pulled herself together, "No..yes! I'm fine...and thank you, for the compliment. Please enjoy your meal." She turned and forced herself not to run from the dining hall but once she was hidden from view of the others she bolted up the stairs taking two at a time. She reached her room, slammed and locked her door. She crept toward the mirror and looked closely at her face. How could I not see it this morning? The same faced looked back at her, though a little paler than normal. But her eyes, the same eyes that were honey brown this morning were now a watery blue and getting darker by the moment, soon they would be....the same color as the bondstone.
Allidon's eyes had already found the young girl that morning she was quite charismatic. Giving a different birth she would have made a wonderful noble. She was so compassionate and every person she spoke to seemed to love her. He smiled for a while as he ate toying absently with his claw in his left hand as he ate with his right. He spoke sweetly to the older of the 2 women as she waited on him.

"I am truly sorry for acting so rude last night i had a long strange day traveling. " He smiled patting her arm lightly with his free hand his eyes watching the girl as she left the room. she could not be the girl from the farm could she? She was so young and she had a great job working in a busy in. She would not have been able to get to the farm and back with out being missed.

He shrugged it off and left the inn he figured the stone had to be in a near by home. The entire time he searched asking if anyone had seen anything strange in town lately, though no one had seen anything except a him entering the town. He began searching for a young woman who could meet the description he had to his knowledge there was only one. The girl that peeked his intrest in the Brown House was the girl he had to be looking for.

He re-entered the inn just before dinner setting down taking a deep breath. His eyes searched the tavern for the small girl he would need to discuss some things with her. He hoped that if she was the girl he searched for that she was not adept at lying. Though giving the ploy used to get the stone he knew that was not going to be the case.
Confused she stared in the mirror again. Still brown. After some time of fretting earlier that morning and staring at herself in the mirror she watched in shock as her eyes returned to their normal color. She didn't have time to rejoice, she had to hurry back down to work. If her parents came searching for her a second time she couldn't explain this away. She was sure this had to do with the stone but it was strange to her, as far as she knew no one in her family had ever developed a gift of any kind.

Hanna continued her duties for the day mindlessly, stopping to check any reflective surface she came to, in order to confirm her eyes stayed the proper color. Despite her nerves the day passed quickly and soon she was helping with the evening meal. She slipped around tables with ease refilling drinks serving meals. She did not show it but one man made her edgy, she was good at reading people and this man was searching for something. Hanna reminded her self to peek at the register to see how long he planned to stay, that information would speak volumes. Smiling brightly she made her way to his table.

"Good evening, sir. I trust your day went well? Will you be having a meal or just a drink?" Hanna spoke smoothly and confident as usual giving him her best smile, watching him closely, taking in his appearance. He was sitting but it was obvious to her he was a tall man, a very tall man. But everyone was tall to her.
He watched the girl as she moved around constantly picking up things and seeming to look at them. It slightly confused him earlier she seemed so poised now she seemed to a bit off put something was off at least to her. He began to wonder to him self as she walked towards him his eyes lingering on her. Do you have the stone? Is that why you are acting off is it doing something to you?

His eyes found her's the moment she began to speak and there they remained locked as long as she would allow him to see them. He returned the smile as she questioned him she did shy away for a moment that bothered him before he remembered his appearance was human at the moment. "Yes please wine and what ever it is your cook is best at making. So far they have failed to disappoint. I am starting to realize why this home has a reputation even among those of status. "

"I do have a question for you my dear. Has anything strange been happening around here lately? This place is giving me the strangest of feelings it almost feels like something is foreign in this town. "He was being intentionally vague he did not want her thinking he was searching for her not yet anyways.
"I'll be sure to tell Adda, she can never hear that enough. I believe roast chicken is whats on for tonight its a favorite of mine so I'm sure you will enjoy." It was getting difficult to talk to him. His eyes seemed to pierce right through her. She shied hers away from his gaze, hoping it appeared as though she was taken with his good looks, which she was but she wasn't one to flirt. Her cheeks reddened, he probably thought she was fifteen anyway, most are shocked to learn her true age.

"The only odd thing that happened here was a temperature drop this morning but Aunty says it was probably a young mage playing tricks. Other than that it has been business as usual and that means busy." her hands became sweaty and she felt the stone begin to warm beneath her blouse. "If you'll excuse me I'll bring wine sir and your meal should be ready shortly." she smiled went to fetch his wine, hoping to control the bond stone. She was sure her nerves and the stone were both responsible for the change in her eyes. All she had to do is serve him his food and be done with it.
She was a lovely girl though he thought she may be a bit young, though not as young as most would she was to well spoken and to confident to be younger then 18. As she shied away he smiled shaking his head he did blame his looks for her looking away. He knew he had a gaze that could make people nervous he smiled glancing up at her as she spoke on the strange climate. Her aunt was half right it was a mage that caused it but young not by a long stretch. He smiled as she walked away he wanted to speak to her someone who would know if she was out late the night the stone was stolen but he was not sure how to ask that.

He smiled brightly when she brought over his wine he smiled looking at her again slipping a coin into her pocket. He wanted to say something to her wondering if she would answer more of his questions but he would not push his luck for now. "You like working here seems like a busy job it must be nice meeting lots of people. " He looked up into her eyes again taking a deep breath he was going to have to befriend her if he was going to be able to talk to her about the stone.
She relaxed a bit at his casual question. It was not like she hadn't heard that before. She smiled as she felt the coin drop in her pocket. "Thank you. And yes, I do meet lots of people. Mostly regular merchants and a few nobles come through and stop here. Some days the place is so full we turn people away." his question allowed her to slip in one of her own. "What brings you to Brown House, may I ask? I usually remember faces and yours is not one I've seen before." she blushed again, her nerves made her clutch the stone beneath her blouse. Or maybe it was his eyes. The stone made her more sensitive and his presence made it stronger. The stone was warm again.
He looked at her his eyes finding hers again the way she brought her hand up made him wonder. "I will detail my stay here if you give me the honor of your company. " He smirked he would be better off either way if she did have the stone he could try to talk it out of her. If she did not he would have the pleasure of the company of a beautiful young woman for dinner. He looked at her his foot pushing the chair out across from him as he smirked. The claw stone he carried slipped from his robes again and slid into his hand where he began rolling it between his finger. The fowl claw had not only changed his appearance but it had given him an obsessive tick.
"I'll have to see if work needs to be done first. My father would throw a fit if he saw me sitting with the guests and work piled up. Give me a moment." she headed straight to the kitchens to speak with Adda. After confirming that the rest could be handled without her, Adda shooed her out, babbling on about young love. Moments later she returned to his table a little flush from the cooks comments but she'd hoped he thought it was from running back and forth so quickly.
"So now I have shirked my duties to hear what brings you here, don't disappoint me. My name is Hanna by the way. I'm the owners daughter." she smiled at him.
The owners daughter? Why would the owners daughter steal the stone? I must have the wrong girl.He smiled at her looking up at her, as he stared at her a small bump formed on his chest that seemed to move over his shoulder. He ignored it completely as he waited for her to set down. His right hand still fiddling with his claw as his left brought his glass to his lips. He inhaled deeply as if he was smelling the wine then let out a deep breath chilling the wine before drinking it. "I would hate to disappoint you. I am simply traveling on business searching the road for things of interest. " He smiled at her he had always been skilled at half truths, he tended to avoid lying out right thinking it rude. "My name is Allidon Volarian, I am very honored to make your acquaintance ma'am. "
She noted the slight surprise in his face expression when she mentioned who she was. What is he after? She debated whether he was a thief also, she had come across a few in her time and it was easy for her to spot the petty from the experienced. He didn't fit either category so she brushed that thought aside.

"Things of interest? Have you found any so far?" she slid into the chair across from him and gazed at him expectantly. If not a thief he should still have some good information to items that would interest her. Her interest was not a show, the stone had caused her some trouble but getting her hands on another rare gem always excited her. In her excitement she did not realize her eyes began to change again, subtle blue mixing ever so gently with the brown. The evening light was growing dim so it wasn't quite as noticeable unless you were close.
"It would appear there in this town then originally met the eye. " He smirked looking into her eyes instantly spotting the changing color. He took a deep breath tapping the claw on the table lightly not wanting to scratch the wood. "Do you ever get time off? Perhaps to take a day trip some where? " He smiled looking at her rolling his hand lightly he had been in human from a long time and he was beginning to feel confined. Her eyes are changing she is at the very least a young mage. If she actually stole the stone... there is no way it bound to her not this fast. He shook his head lightly trying to pin down his thoughts.
She tried to see what it was in his hand but he twirled it about so much, she couldn't see it clearly and she didn't want to draw attention to it.
"Day trip? No, not hardly. There's too much to do here for me to go that far. Most of my time off is spent right here in town." At least during the day.
Not a thief, his questions seem too forward. She came to believe he was a merchant of some sort maybe someone from a rival Inn. That has happened before, men from other Inns coming to see why ours was so popular. It didn't fit him at all so she kept searching. "I know this town well and should you need any help find anything just ask." she smiled and noticed his plate was empty. "Did you enjoy the chicken? Adda put extra for you because of the compliment."
"It was quite delicious just like the wine. "He smiled taking another sip groaning happily taking a deep breath chilling the wine again. He smiled holding the wine in his mouth his eyes locked on hers as he tried to recall what happened when he was bound. It had been many years ago and he had forgotten most of what was involved. "You are a good worker i can imagine that your truly missed when you are not able to work. " He had made up his mind he would ask her mother if she had missed work recently. If she had then he would know she had the stone and he just needed to find it. "Are there many mages around here? For you to be so calm about one toying with your environment they must be rather common.
"Not too often but common enough for us to be used to it. I'm sure many have come through and not made a spectacle of themselves." she rose and leaned over the table to grab his plate. "I'll clean this up for you and get you more wine if you like." as she leaned closer the bondstone in her shirt suddenly grew cold making her suck her breath in sharply. "I may be taking a small break but it's a habit to clear the tables. I'll be only a moment." she hurried off with the plate.

First hot now cold, what next? Hanna wanted time to sit and study the stone, but entertaining the guest was also normal for her. Changes in her pattern would be noticed and as a thief she did not want to be noticed, even outside of a job.
The dinning hall crowd was thinning out as guest either left or made their way to a room. She said good night to a few and headed back to Allidon's table.
When she drew in the sharp breath he glanced at her what had caused it? He shook it off thinking maybe she poked herself with his fork or knife. He watched her as she left and returned he smiled she was quite lovely he was surprised she had not been married off yet. When she sat down he took another sip of the wine glancing at her. "So tell me Hanna how is it such a lovely compassionate girl like yourself has not found a husband? " He smiled looking at her trying to keep the topics light hoping she would grow to trust him quickly.
She laughed "Husband?! Now you sound like my father. Every noble and rich merchant that passes through, he tries to marry me off. I'm nineteen, soon to be twenty I have time." her eyes twinkled as she smiled at him. "And where is your wife? You look the age to be living in married bliss yourself." she leaned on the table. The closer she got the cooler the stone was. Maybe he was a mage why else would a bondstone react this way. Hanna needed to find an excuse to stand close to him, in order to test her theory on the stone.
His stone did not react to other stones but to hostile thoughts leaving him a bit blind to finding her. He was frustrated there where mages far better suited to finding the stone but he was sent because of his looks. "I am 28 I tend to travel far to much to have anyone woman worth marrying wish to take on my life. " He shrugged a bit and the bump that went behind his shoulder now moved back over it across his back and down to his chest disappearing. Again he ignored it it was barely visible but given the inspection he was getting she may have spotted it. "Your eyes are very unique it is an odd color combination. " The blue creeping up into the brown was a bit strange to him.
She immediately looked away. "My eyes?.. Thank you." It was obvious she was flustered, a fact that irked her to know end. This ma,n in one evening had wormed around her defenses. She couldn't hop up and run away, that would be too obvious, but she couldn't think of anything else to do. Attempting to pull the topic away from her she spoke of him. "There are plenty who would wish to travel, I've never been far from home so traveling would be nice." Oh God! Now I sound like I'm throwing myself at him! her face turned red. Maybe this was ok. To seem like an infatuated girl would be easy to excuse, at least she hoped it would. This crazy bondstone was becoming bothersome.
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