Stolen (Amaria and Distain)

Wonderful. It was the only thing she could say. Not remembering there was a man attached to the beautiful wings she lightly ran her hands along them. Just her finger tips at first then long smooth strokes gently with her whole hand. All the while a girlish smile danced on her face. She beamed up at him "Wonderful! Absolutely beautiful."

"Pain in the neck? He couldn't be! He such a darling little thing. You forget you are talking to a thief and I've never come across any gem that could compare to your wings or his rich tones." She tucked her hair behind her ear so she could look closely at Kegan. His skin looked like it was made of tiny onyx stones. Hanna had a habit of comparing beautiful things to precious stones. "Precious indeed, will he allow me to hold him?"
Allidon let out a soft sigh as she touched his wing so gently. He had never felt them be so delicately and lovingly caressed. He had never heard anyone speak so highly about him let alone his wings or scales. He smiled looking at her as she asked to see Kegan he was about to tell her she could when the small lizard leapt from his hand. He laughed as it landed on her chest just above her breasts and crawled up onto her shoulder." It would appear he is just fine with you holding him."

He smiled his eyes locking on hers as he placed his hand on her cheek mumbling a few soft words. "You look better with brown eyes. Now you will not need to worry about forcing them to change. No matter who looks at you they will see your eyes as brown. It will last until late tonight long after you go to bed. " He smiled rubbing her cheekbone with his thumb lightly for a few moments before pulling it back slowly. He needed to put his personal feelings aside if he let them blind him she would be the one who suffered.
She squealed and giggled as the tiny claws softly crept across her skin, the black lizard partially hidden in her hair. She touched his small body. "He seems comfortable now." Her smile fade some as she thought about the days events. She felt a rush of power as he touched her face, but not as strong as when he made her sleep. When he pulled his hand away she looked at him. "What happens now? I'll have to leave here won't I? I thought only stuffy nobles became part of the Council." she could care less about that, for now she didn't like the thought of leaving home. Her adventures as a thief had brought her to the next few towns but the thought of going so far made a lump rise in her throat.
"I promised them i would return it in one month you have 25 days to settle your affairs. All mages who become bound are part of the council though only a select few become a member of the elders and make decisions. You will most likely be paired with a mage who compliments the way your powers develop. A spear and shield is how i like to think of it. " He smiled reaching up patting Kegan on top of the head smiling. "He can stay with you if you like he is able to communicate with me so if you need anything you can just ask him and he will alert me. " He smiled brightly closing his eyes as he his scales seemed to shrink and disappear into his skin as did his wings. He thought they would need to be returning home soon.
"Pair with another mage?" she wanted to add more but held back. "The only difference I have noticed is being able to see better in the dark. I don't know how that will help anybody."

How would she tell her parents, her family. They would be proud that she was a mage but being married off to a noble mage sounded better to them. Her hand reached up a softly caressed Kegan, a great comfort to her already. "We should be getting back, it will be time for evening meal soon. "You won't tell them I stole it will you?"
"We need not mention the bindstone to your family. If you would like i can just tell them i can simply say i sensed magic in you and i wish to take you away to train you. " He spoke softly smiling turning walking back towards the inn. He moved slowly allowing her to keep up with ease as he moved his robe lifted from the ground and floated over him dropping onto him from above. He chuckled as he saw the colors changing back to its normal blue with light blue runes.
Her steps matched his long stride as she thought about what he said. " That would be the best, not just for me. I don't want to ruin my families name." It was the first time she felt ashamed of her 'hobby'. She prided her self in never being caught but tried not to think of the consequences for her family if she should. She put her hand on his arm, "Thank you. You could have handled this differently but I'm glad you were kind to me. I'm a total stranger," in a lower voice she added "and a thief at that. Do you think the Council has uses for a thief?"
"They will find a way to use you. I can certainly think of ways you are useful. " He spoke softly looking at her he hoped that she would not have to see the horrors of war but he was fairly certain she would. It was the curse of all non-noble born mages they would be sent out to deal with the problems. "If you need help getting caught up on your work let me know i am not above giving you a hand. " He spoke softly looking at her patting her back lightly pushing his hair from his face with his other hand.
Hanna sighed. "No there's no need for that, it was only a couple of hours, though I feel like I slept a day. Feel free to talk with my father about all this, he can be found in the stables, it will be easier if he hears it from you. I'll be busy around the Inn and you can fill me in later how it went."

They arrived back at the Inn just before evening meal. Walking in so refreshed and standing so close with Allidon made her mother beam. "Oh Hanna you're back and it looks like a walk in fresh air was what you needed. You're face is so flush."

"I do think it was the fresh air." Adda mumbled.

"Adda!" Hanna reddened even more. "I..I have my work to do. When I finish we can talk more in the back gardens." She walked away quickly, waving to Allidon, before Adda could say something embarrassing again.
Allidon smiled and walked over to her mother a glancing into her eyes. He smiled Kegan having hid behind Hanna's neck when they entered. "I am going to be a bit late for dinner i need to go speak to someone. When i come back please have Adda make what ever she sees fit again she has yet to fail me. " He smiled slipping some coins into her pocket before turning and slipping from the building again. He brushed his robe clean as he walked back to the stable. "May i speak with the owner please. " He spoke softly but firmly a calm pleasant look on his face.
When she entered the first vacated room ready to clean she lifted her hands in order to tie up her hair, nearly knocking Kedan off her neck. Hanna had forgotten he was even there, her thick hair serving as a hiding place.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you. Guess I'll have to leave it down to give you a place to hide. You certainly are not going to crawl around in my shirt." She gently stroked him as she spoke.

She had the room clean along with three others, all in time to meet Allidon in the gardens. She missed dining with him and she had barely known him two days. She used the back stair to head out to the gardens so she didn't have to pass though the kitchen or guest areas. She didn't see him right away so she walked a bit stopping on one of the main benches to wait.
Allidon smiled softly as he spoke to her father walking threw the stables slowly talking in hushed tones. "Sir I am pleased to inform you that your daughter had show the potential to harness great magic. I would like your permission to take her with me to train her. I fear if she does not receive proper training she may lose control of her powers and harm someone accidently. " It was a speech he had given countless times as he went to fetch young mages from around the nation.

"There is no magic in our blood that i know of sir? Are you certain that my daughter has these powers? " He seemed worried that the young mage simply wished to steal his daughter away. "How will she ever find someone if you take her away to train? "

"Sir I do believe she was the cause of the chill the night before. It is showing in her mood and the way she is feeling. Has she not felt tired and acted ill for the last several days? " He again loved carefully wording she was the cause of the cold because of her theft he had arrived to make it cold. "Sir many a young woman has met a fine husband training to be a mage. He training will be with me and take her around the world meeting fine men and women."

"If you swear to watch over my daughter and keep her safe she may go with you. But i do not like this idea. "

"I swear sir she will remain safe. " He smiled shaking his fathers hand and with that he turned and went inside to eat. Smiling and talking cheerfully to her mother allowing Hanna to handle telling her mother. Once he was done eating he moved into out to the garden arriving not long after her smiling brightly. "I am sorry I am late. Adda continues to pile the food onto my plate. I swear i will put on 5 pounds in a month here. "
"Oh I just got here myself." she hesitated. " spoke with my father? What did he say?"

She was eager to hear what he had to say after speaking with her father. All day she thought about he life here and how all that was about to change. Stealing that stone seem a good thing and then a bad thing, she went back and forth with that thought depending on her mood. Walking towards him Kegan peeked out from beneath her hair.

"He has been a comfort to me today, others may think I was a little more prone to talking to myself lately but he is a very attentive audience...when he isn't tickling my neck."
"Keep an eye on him he is a flirt and a perverted little lizard. He used to jump down my sisters shirt before she tried to use him as fish bait." He laughed as Kegan squeaked and glared at him. "He understands every word you say and he will try to respond to you when he can oh and he will kiss you sooner or later. " He laughed moving to set down next to her scratching the tiny lizards head before being nipped on the finger.

"Your father does not like the idea he does not believe you have magic in your blood." He looked at her pausing for a few moments deciding what to tell her not even thinking that he was implying that her father said no. "But he allowed it as long as i promised to keep an eye on you. "
"And you wonder why he keeps biting you, so cruel to him!" she playfully scolded him as she gently rubbed Kegan. It had become a habit that he clearly enjoyed. If a lizard could look smug he did.

"I'm surprised my father agreed, but I'm sure he thinks I'll be more likely to marry a noble if I'm closer to them. I don't care at all for marrying any nobles. From what I've seen of them they are all full of themselves and greedy little beasts. Do you know I've stolen from them and they had so much they never even knew it was missing? Who needs that much stuff. This stone id the only thing I've kept of all the things I've stolen." she took it out from within her blouse and gazed at its surface. the color never ceased to amaze her every time she looked at it. "I'm glad I did though. I think I'm ready for a change, just not one my parents have planned for me." she smiled up at him. "I'm glad I met you Allidon, I hope you know you have your hands full dealing with me." her eyes swirled blue and brown, but this time she allowed it to happen on purpose.
"I think a dragon can handle dealing with a small girl. " He winked playfully at her as he took out his claw playing with it in one hand. "These stones have that way about them they make you love them. " Allidon glanced at her smiling it was going to be a very strange being followed around a woman he had gotten used to being alone. He smiled glancing over at her chuckling as Kegan pressed his nose into her cheek in what he called a kiss. "I told you he was a flirt. "
"I don't mind at all" she smiled holding him against her cheek. "He feels so nice against my skin." she grinned and nuzzled him.

"You should be worried Allidon." she pointed a finger on his chest. "I may my a 'small girl' but I can be very troublesome. You forget I am a thief?" she thought again about leaving and all that she must learn. "Is there anything you can teach me now? Some way I can learn about what abilities I have. Lately I've been noticing..small things..more than just my eyes." she seemde suddenly shy.
Allidon smiled and looked at her he nodded softly as she snuggled the tiny lizard. He smiled speaking a few soft words placing his hand on her arm a short burst of power and she felt clean, cleaner then after a the best bath of her life. "I can show you that? It will help you clean the rooms around here cast it twice in each room and they will be spotless. One cast will clean an entire sink of dishes. " He smiled repeating the words slowly waiting for her to repeat them correcting her grammar and teaching her her to say the words perfectly.
The words were not to difficult to learn Hanna was a fast learner. "That will be useful, but I'm not going to use it on dishes. I want to keep it a secret. That way I can go clean room and have a break all to myself. Maybe spend more time with you. Learning more of course.." they walked some in the garden as they talked. Pausing some as she repeated difficult phrases for him it was like learning a new language almost.
He reached into a small pouch on his belt pulling out a book the size of a dinner plate and almost an inch thick. "Here take this, it is a is a book on the language of magic it will at least help you learn the language. Once you know the language learning the spells will me much simpler. " He smiled walking along next to her leading her away from the inn and out so that he could return to his draconic form. He smiled as his wings and scales grew out from his body glistening in the low light of the evening. "How long do you want to set your affairs straight? " He glanced at her smiling looking at her smiling.
"I've been thinking of that. I feel it would be best for us to leave as soon as possible. Maybe a day or two more to say good bye to my family. I mean... I don't want to go but I feel like I need to go now. It's strange, this stone has changed me, I'm starting to feel odd around normal people, like I'm out of place now. Does that make sense to you?" she reached out a hand to touch his wings again. "May I?" she couldn't resist not touching them and hoped he didn't mind. The fact that he was so kind an patient with her made it even more wonderful.
"Look what it did to me? If i walked into your inn like this i would have been ran out of town. " He looked at her chuckling as she asked to touch his wings gain he smiled and extended one around his arm so she could do so. "I do not mind at all. Though i am starting to think around you that i am going to need to keep these hidden. " He winked at her playfully teasing her he though her affection for his wings was cute and pleasing.
"Some may want to do that, but you may be surprised at how accommodating mere commoners can be. Now, a few greedy merchants may try and make a buck off of you but I don;t think they'd harm you. But I don't know about things like that. All I know is they are beautiful, you are..." she turned away from him slightly and added softer. "And they give me an excuse to come close to you."
"You have yet to see the reason i enjoy them the most. " He smiled looking at her smiling Kegan on her shoulder gave him a dirty look. In his mind he could hear Kegan claiming her and it made him burst out laughing. "Kegan your just to funny some times. " He smiled shaking his head before reaching into his pocket. "You know i think it is time that we find your stone a proper setting. Having it bound in that leather does not fit such a lovely stone. "
"I agree it does need a good setting. But it is late and I must speak with my parents tonight." she sighed. " I have to tell them I am leaving soon, before they make excuses to stop me." she felt Kegan nuzzle her chin and cheek again. She had gotten use to his attentions already and she automatically stroked him.
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