Stolen (Amaria and Distain)

Allidon smirked when he got a reaction clearly something about her eyes bothered her. When she spoke he chuckled softly and stood up slipping his claw into his robe. He smiled brightly seeing she was blushing clearly she was stumbling over her words trying to avoid a particular topic. "Yes but then you would be following me not to be with me but because you wished to travel. That is my delema to find a woman who chooses to be with me because of me and accepts the rest because she loves me. "

He smiled placing his hand on her cheek giving her cheek a soft rub on her cheek bone. His skin was warm like most the air around him remained normal. "Why don't i let you return to your work perhaps tomorrow we can have lunch. " He smiled letting his fingers drag away from her seeming to want to cling to her skin. Inside the sleeve of his cloak a strangely shaped shadow remained still almost like something was setting in the cuff of his sleeve.
That infatuation could become a real thing. She could do nothing but stare at him as he caressed her face, not knowing her eyes were now a swirl of blue the same shade as the stone. Hana pulled her eyes away and glanced down. She caught a glimpse of something odd in his sleeve. Her head was to full to grasp what it could be.

"You're right. I have been chatting away the evening while the others do my work." she stood too the warm stone rolling against her breast. She clutched it. "Thank you for allowing me to keep you company, lunch tomorrow might be hard but I'll try. Good evening." she tilted her head in a slight bow and excused herself.

Hanna avoided the kitchen, she had no desire to listen to Aunty and Adda gab on about the man that took her attentions all evening. She was sure to hear it in the morning though. Instead she headed straight to her room. Once there she looked into her mirror, sure enough her eyes were blue orbs the same shade as the cracks in the stone. With much effort she willed them back to their brown color. It was difficult but she managed better than last time. Soon she would need to talk to someone about this, but then she would have to admit to stealing the stone. Maybe questions of other things she had stolen would come up. "Ah!" She sighed and flopped on her bed. Flat on her back she pulled the stone from her blouse and held it up. It was such a beautiful thing to her. There was no way should would give it up.
Once Allidon reached his room he pulled the extra sheet from the bed pinning it in the door. With great care he kept the cloth hidden not wanting anyone to know where the cool air was coming from. He took a deep breath once the room was sealed and began to chill again. At least tonight the temperature would not drop to much. With a soft happy groan he returned to his normal form stretching his silver wings in the room. He longed to slip out and take flight but that would draw to much attention to him. He smiled laying down on the bed holding his claw up inspecting it trying to remember how he felt when he found it. Scared, confused, lost, he needed to find who had it before it bound to them and they lost it.
A knock at the door startled her. "Hanna?" Her mother opened the door and came into the room.

"Oh. Did you need me to help with the kitchen?"

"No Adda and Rachael are taking care of that. What's this I hear of you spending the whole evening talking with some young man?" her mothers eyes smiled, but she tried to look casual.

"Mother! He was just asking about the town. I think he's a merchant or something, new to this area, I never quite figured out what it was he did he was so.."

"So what?"

"Nothing." her face was turning red again, just thinking about it. She was friendly with everyone but she had never in her life sat and talked with a man not related to her before. All these new thought crowded her mind along with this stone. "He as just friendly and wanted to talk. Am I in trouble for leaving my duties?"

"Oh no dear not at all." she sighed and changed the subject. "I could use your help though. Your father wants all the empty rooms checked tonight. He doesn't want some trickster hiding in an empty room freezing us out again. Just grab half of the register to keep track and put it back when your done. Your brother is doing the down stairs rooms I just need you to check this floor." she rose to leave "Can you do that for me please?"

"Yes, I'll do it right away."

She met her brother at the front desk. "Here Hanna. I've already finished. You find any brat spellin the place holler for me, right?" he grinned left the book with her.

"Oh so you can fight again and get beat my a mage? I'd love to see that, Jared." she heard him laughed as he clumped down the hall.

Flipping through the register to find the right page she climbed the stairs to the guest rooms. Quietly she started on one end began to check the empty rooms. There weren't that many but they were spaced apart. With the book in on hand and the stone in the other, absentmindedly rubbing it against her chin, she walked on matching room numbers.

"Allidon Volarian..."

She looked at the name and then up at the matching room number. Her face felt hot again and she quickly moved on. He was the first to rattle her calm and it bothered her. The next door opened just as she passed it.

"Oh!" she dropped the book.

"I'm sorry Miss Hanna! I didn't mean to scare you!"

"It's no trouble Mr Helmstad, is there something I can get for you? I'm on my way downstairs."

"No not at all I was just going to get some air. Can't sleep is all."

"Very well, becaerful then." she nodded and moved on, picking up the book and smoothing the pages. The stone hung in the open and she had not noticed.
Allidon sat there for a short while before taking a deep breath he needed to find out more about these stones. He sat up and reached into a small pouch on his belt, from the pouch he produced a large book. He quickly began pouring threw the pages trying to read trying to find a clue as to what he was looking for. He read on the effects the stone first had on those who took it and he began to remember he knew the one holding it was going to need some aid soon.

He paused putting the book away thinking he heard his name being said out side. Hearing nothing else he stood putting the book away and laying down for the night. He needed to make the young girl trust him even more today he needed her to realize what she was dealing with. If she had the stone he had to find out tomorrow. If she did not he needed to return to his search.
She finished her task and returned to her room, but she couldn't sleep. The bondstone around her neck pulsed preventing sleep. She tossed restlessly all night, by morning she was a tired mess. It took great effort to get up and start her duties the next day. Not wanting to bother with it she left her hair down. Her only job was cleaning rooms today so she didn't have to bother with anyone till lunch.

Lunch. She thought of her promise to Allidon. Well she said she'd try, maybe he wouldn't remember. She wanted him to though. Maybe she could tell him about the stone. Hanna shook her head, it was too difficult to think about. If there was a possibility she wouldn't bring trouble to her family she was ready to tell anyone. Another sleepless night and everyone would be worried.

She went about her tasks cleaning rooms. It took her all over the Inn. By lunchtime she was walking through the dinning hall wondering if he was expecting her.
Allidon woke early and went out on the town he let out a soft sigh as he did not see her at breakfast. He was sad and a bit nervous if the stone was in her possession and there was any magical affinity in her blood the stone would find it. Bring that blood out of her and it could get dangerous if she did not learn to harness it soon. He paced the town continuing his search if there was someone in this town other then her he would find them.

He came back to the in just before lunch 2 meals and 2 glasses of wine smiling to her mother. "And if you could give your daughter lunch off i will pay double. " He smiled batting his eyes at her hoping that she would see him as a possible husband and allow him to spend time with her. Even if that was not his intent he was not above using a mother desires for her daughter to get what he wanted. He had reverted to his human form and sat there in the corner smiling fiddling with his claw and sipping at the wine while he waited for her and his meal.
Heading back throught the kitchen she wa sstopped by her mother. Her large smile alarmed Hanna. "What now?"

"Nothing. Asa matter of fact how about I finish the last few rooms. You really do look tired. Adda prepared a meal for you two. Go on into the dinning hall and enjoy it."

"You..two?" Hanna was confused.

"Yes, that nice young man paid double just to eat lunch with you now you be a good girl and sit with him. You never told me he was so handsome." she leaned closer and whispered. "And his clothes tell me he is from a good status."

"Mother! I talked with him one day.."

"Hush child and go eat. You really do look tired dear." her last words held a bit of concern in them that made Hanna feel bad.

"Fine I'll go. Thank you mother." she walked into the dinning hall and immediately spotted him. He was handsome and he did stand out from the other men in the room with his dark locks. She sat down across from him.

"So, you charm my mother to make sure you have lunch with me?" she tried to smile brightly but she could not hide her tired eyes. It took a lot of strength to keep them brown, and lack of sleep was making it worse.
He smiled as she walked up wondering he she would feel about his bribing of her mother to give her the afternoon off. "There is something about you that made me want to ensure our lunch together. I figured i could give you a hand in helping you get the afternoon free. I hope you do not mind the way i did it. " He smiled standing pulling out a chair for her pushing it in once she sat down.

He moved back to his side of the table looking at her eyes they where brown again that explained why she looked so tired. "Are you feeling okay? This is the second day in a row you have seemed a bit off when you came into this room. " He wanted her to reveal herself to him with out having to do the same. If he said he was a mage she would think he was after her stone. If he told her he had one she would think he wanted to arrest her.
"No not at all. I am rather tired, but not from work...I just haven't been sleeping well." she struggled with telling him. She still wasn't sure how..or even why she felt the need to tell him. "I don't feel sick or anything I just can't sleep. I'm sure it will pass."

"Were you out this morning? Able to find what you were looking for?" her voice was shaky and her hands visibly shook as she reached for different items on the table. There was no way she'd be able to hide it much longer and she could tell her feeble attempts at covering it were not convincing to him. She could barley meet his eyes.
"I think i may have I am not certain though. Still waiting on a bit of information to clear up if it is actually what i am looking for. " He smiled glancing at her mother as she set down the food and the wine. "Do you suppose i could take her out for a walk after we eat? I would hate to short hand you to much I could help her finish her work when we returned. " He looked at her his eyes saying he was sorry for asking her mother first he was very traditional and he knew she had a job to do.
If her head wasn't pounding she wound have been shocked at how her mother replied, but she concentrated on maintaining some of her composure...and her eye color.

"Oh my certainly. Maybe some fresh air will do you some good. And nonsense! A guest will never work around here. You just have fun Hanna." Their family was well known so Hanna's mother felt she was safe as long as it was a short walk around town. Let Adda know when you return, I'll be busy in the garden."
When she walked away he looked at her smiling and began to eat. "I am truly sorry for asking her before you. I hope i did not offend you if you do not wish to go for a walk with me i understand. " He took another sip of the wine his eyes watching her every movement he was looking for that last sing. If she clutched anything unusually he would be certain she had the stone. He remembered the way he acted when he was trying to hold the nervous tick.
" not at all. As a matter of fact it would be best if we go now. I'm feeling quite stuffy in here all of the sudden." The stone grew warm and she held onto it, feeling its smooth surface beneath her shirt. She no longer cared about maintaining her appearance she just knew she needed ...something to make these strange feelings go away. "That's is if you don't mind, I really don't have much of an appetite." She looked at him and her eye flash bright blue.
"Certainly i do not mind at all. " He stood offering her his hand to her to help her from her chair. He watched her eyes waiting for her to look into his when their eyes met he allowed his eyes to change his irises changing from dark blue to pools of sliver. They only changed for a few moments before he smiled at her and they returned to 'normal'. He gave her a look that said it all telling her he understood what she was going threw. His hand gripped hers lightly pulling it away from the stone as he helped her up and lead her outside.
She watched amazed as his eyes changed from blue to silver. "You're a ..." she was afraid to finish the sentence as he ushered her out the door. How much does he know? And is he going to turn me in?! He has been sent by the Council or is he someone else?

Hanna couldn't think straight anymore though his compassionate look did calm her some. She paid little attention to where they were going, it took all her strength just to not appear drunk. She leaned on him heavily, giving the appearance of a loving couple.
He held her up with ease his arm slipping behind her lower back as he lead her out of the town and into the woods. "Do you want to rest for a short while? I can help you if you need help getting some sleep. " He slowed their walk as he found a large tree worth setting on. Very gently he sat her down keeping his hand on the middle of her back. He held her up giving her something to lean on. With a soft breath he moved to straddle the log setting down facing her. "Can i see it? I will not touch it unless you allow. "
"I must be the 'thing of interest' you were looking for huh?" Her eyes watered a bit but she didn't cry. She debated for a moment then pulled the stone from her blouse. Carefully she lifted the leather cord over her head and held it out for him to see. The small egg shaped stone was gray and the blue crack were shining brightly. "I can't sleep I have no appetite and it take everything in me to keep my eyes the normal color. What's happening to me?! I know it's a bondstone but no magic is in our blood as far as I know."
Allidon leaned in close inspecting the stone he smiled and nodded his hand rubbing her back softly. "There is magic in your blood that is for certain. " He smiled producing the claw from his rob it was positioned between his middle and ring finger held out like it was his claw. He touched the tip of the claw to her stone and it vibrated firmly. He smiled and recoiled the claw slowly twisting it in his hand toying with it nervously. "Well that certainly is a bond stone but you can be certain you will not be forced to give the stone up. " He smiled patting her knee with the back of his right hand.

"You are now a member of the council of mages Hanna. I will take you under my wing and make sure your transition is as easy as possible. That is if you wish me to do so after we meet the council. " He spoke softly with a bright smile on his face as he slowly rubbed her back. "Why don't you lay down for a short nap. I know a spell that will make even the shortest rest very relaxing. Do not fret i will watch over you while you sleep. " He smiled moving himself to set on the ground still holding her back to keep her up.
It was hard for her to take in everything he said. "I'm a what? the council? I don't understand any of this! I'm just so tired!" She looked down at his eyes gazing at her and smiling. "You'll help me? and more importantly I'm not in trouble? I did steal it ya know."
"The stone chose you the council will not be pleased that is why you will be training with me. They do not like me either. " He chuckled softly his hand urging her to set on the ground next to him. With great care he made her as comfortable as he could before he placed his hand on her cheek. "Get some rest and we will talk about this when you wake up. " He spoke a few deep words and she could feel the energy flowing from his body into hers. With in seconds she was sleeping deeply she would remain asleep for only an hour but she would be as rested as if she slept all night.

"I am sorry you needed rest i hope you can forgive me. " He knew she was asleep and would not hear him but he still wanted to say he was sorry he hated casting spells on friends. He took a deep breath and stood removing his over robe laying it over her small form she disappeared beneath it. He was now walking around in a simple tshirt and light pants he milled around for an hour letting his form return to its natural state his wings tucked close to his back as he walked around trying to think of a way to speak help her control the powers of the stone.
Hanna's head was no longer throbbing but there seemed to be something wrong with her eyesight. She blinked a few times but the silver blur didn't go away. It took a few seconds for her to remember she had gone for a walk with Allidon and how he had helped her fall asleep. She rubbed her eyes, pushing back the robe he had laid over her. Sitting up on her elbows she focused again on the silver form. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. Without realizing it she had stood and walked towards him never moving her gaze from the amazing silver wings.

She did not know if he noticed her or not but she did not care, she had to touch them. Hanna was after all a thief, with an eye for beautiful things, and his wings were the most beautiful thing she had seen aside from her bond stone. His back was to her "Allidon...they're beautiful.." her voice was a soft whisper.
A soft high pitched squeak came from the robe as she got close he smiled and at the same time she spoke he did the same. "Your awake!" He did not realize she had gotten up and was so close to him as he turned to face her. He stepped briefly back out of shock someone had been able to get so close with out him knowing. "Thanks for the warning Kegan it took you long enough. " He chuckled looking past her to his robe.

"What is beautiful? " He spoke softly his wings sucking tight to his back staying as small as possible. "My wings? " He looked at her confused as he stretched them out and curled them in around him like a shield. He held them close to his body completely covering him from chin to foot from the front. "Are you serious?" He spoke softly looking at her he had become so used to be berated by and called a monster on the count of his wings.
She looked from his robe on the ground to his silver eyes back to his silver wings. The sound startled her but she was to enraptured with him to focus on what it was. He towered over her but it no longer surprised her. She lifted her right hand towards him and hesitated, "Your wings...can I touch them?" Her eyes sparkled blue and she looked at him with a sweet pleading smile. "I've never seen anything so lovely before." Hanna had stolen many things but nothing this lovely silver color.
Allidon smiled and extended one wing out slipping it behind her pulling her slightly closer to him with it. The other wing reached up and pressed itself lightly into her hand with out words telling her she was more then welcome to touch them. "I am glad someone likes them. The cover me nearly completely. " He chuckled as an angry sounding squeaking got closer and closer to them. Soon a tiny lizard the size of a large mouse floated in on a cushion of air resting in Allidon's hand.

"This is my best friend Kegan. He is a complete pain in the neck most of the time but he has his moments. " He chuckled softly his thumb curling up to rub the lizards head only to be met with a soft bite. The small creature was covered in what looked like tiny beads they where black for the most part with a deep blue speckling him.
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