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Stolen (Amaria and Distain)

Mesmerized she reached a hand out to touch him, just as she had the day he showed her his wings. Her eyes blazed a brilliant blue proclaiming her excited state boldly, she had learned they reacted to her mood but had yet learned how to control it before hand.

She traced his form from the center of his chest, up to his neck and then down the arm closest to her, even going so far as to touch the cool scales of his arm to her cheek, smiling at the smoothness. Too naive and too much in awe she smiled at him, "A beautiful creature indeed, both inside and out."
His whole body tingled as she touched him he was grateful for the reduced sensation. If he could feel her touch as clearly as on skin he would quickly lose control. He took long slow deep breaths as she ran her hand over his body trying to keep himself calm. "Thank you for that it means a good deal that you think i am beautiful. " He smiled brightly looking over to her it was so nice having someone touch him like that even if she was just fascinated by his scales. "You know i have never had someone fawn over me like you do even when i was normal. "
"Well I am biased since you are the only man I have ever had the desire to fawn over. Shame on them if they couldn't see what I see, and I know people. I've hidden, disguised, among the foulest of the rich and the sweetest of the poor. And you are a pleasure to know...with or without scales." not as shy she continued to rub his arm.
He smiled brightly his hands gripping her waist pulling her to him turning her ever so gently so she was seated in his lap laying against his chest. He took a slow breath trying to calm his heart and body. He smiled reaching a hand up running his fingers threw her hair looking into her eyes. "I like your eyes they are quite lovely you could trap a man with those eyes. " He smiled biting his lower lip lightly nervous of how he should treat the young mage he knew she was new in the ways of love. "
"My eyes?...t-they could?...what color are they now brown or blue..I lost track." she was distracted by his closeness and was afraid of what other stupid things would come out of her mouth.

An audible loud sigh escaped Hanna's parted lips as he ran his hands through her hair. She glanced at him ..his lips, amused as she watched him bite his lip but comforted that he was just as nervous as her. "Do you feel trapped, Allidon?" her voice was barely a whisper.
"Only when i look into those beautiful blue eyes. " He smiled brightly leaning in pressing his lips to hers with a soft happy groan. He his lips teased hers coaxing her to kiss him in return hoping she would enjoy this. He groaned happily slipping his arms around her holding her tight as he gripped her side. His heart pounded he was ecstatic to be kissing her he was not sure he should though.
She gasped into his mouth surprised but enjoying the feel of his lips on hers. She eagerly returned the kiss in all her fumbling newness. In her excitement she found her hands gripping either side of his face gently, desiring to taste every bit of him he had to offer. After a few passionate moments she pulled away..a little shocked at herself but flushed and happy.

"I-I should get dressed now." she could not wipe the goofy grin from her face nor cool the heat that had risen between her legs. Hanna hopped up and ran from the room, "I'll be back in..a minute..just gonna get dressed." she tugged her robe closed, it had come open in the moment and a lot more of her was showing but her breasts were not exposed, just enough to see some of the familiar curves. She took the stairs two at a time giggling all the way to her room.
He was sad when she got up but he could not wipe away the smile it felt fantastic kissing her so passionately. Though moments after she left the room he realized he was glad she had moved and been wearing a thick robe the kiss had caused him to stiffen slightly. He quickly slipped his robe back on glad it was a loose fit to mask the stiffness in his groin. He smiled and went across the hall standing next to the door that lead to kegan's room. His mind racing on the way she reacted to the kiss hoping she enjoyed it as much as he did.
Hanna had managed to get dressed properly somehow, even with her mind floating on a cloud, but stood in the room for some time. She stayed there still red faces thinking of Allidon. His arms around her, sitting in his lap like that..the feel of his lips. Her face hurt from the permanent grin she wore and she wasn't so sure if she could look at him without blushing.

She was sure he was waiting for her by now so she braved leaving the room a slowly descended the stairs searching around for him. Kegan, he said we could go see Kegan and his family today. A happy thought but not distracting enough to take her mind off of him.
He smiled brightly when she came down stairs slipping his arm around her lower back as she got closer walking her to the door. "You look lovely your going to make quite the impression. " He smiled opening the door "Watch your step the ground can be soft in places. " He smiled leading her down the stairs into what looked like a small swamp no bigger then the dinning hall they had breakfast in. At least 2 dozen tiny lizards came scampering over all squeaking with excitement as kegan came up and scampered up her body to her shoulder squeaking. "They are all excited to see you. "
"Kegan!" she squealed and giggled with delight. If she had not met him before such a site might have made her turn and run instead she knelt down looking at all the lizards squeaking in excitement. "Why are they so excited? Only Kegan has met me." she gently rubbed the familiar lizard mumbling sweet things to him as if he were a baby.
"Kegan likes to talk apparently you made quite the impression on him and he came home and spilled it to them. They also don't get to meet many people you are the first person other then myself in several years. " He smiled stepping back letting the tiny lizards surround her all wanting the attention of the cute woman who Allidon had brought in their minds to play with them.
She allowed another lizard to crawl up her arm and soon they all wanted too. She laughed knowing she must look silly, tiny feet tickling her skin. "It tickles! And I think some of them are doing it on purpose!" she didn't mind too much until one slipped down her shirt. "Allidon get it out it tickles!!" she hopped in place a little, afraid she would squash one if she ran.
As they swarmed over her Allidon covered his face with his hand laughing silently his chest shaking with laughter. When his eyes caught sight of the one diving down her shirt he lost it laughing loudly. "Okay okay everybody off you can blame kevin he spoiled your fun. " As he spoke the ones on her body scurried down squeaking angrily. He walked over slowly putting his hand on her side to hold her still, his hand slowly slipped between her breasts grabbing the tiny lizards tail pulling him out slowly as he clung to her bra. He smiled holding the lizard in front of her face. "Say your sorry!" It squeaked and then wriggled free scampering away from the swarm of his family that chased him away.
"Well that was a fine welcome." she playfully punched him in the arm. "You were pretty late in coming to my rescue! And I think you train them to do that just so you can reach in and save the day." she adjusted her clothes cutting her eyes at him in fake anger. "Any other things you want to show me?"
"I do not train them but kegan tells them to do it because he thinks i need a mate. " He laughed softly as she asked if he had anything else to show her. He smirked slipping her hand behind her lower back leading her from the room. "I can think of a few things i would like to show you but i think those should wait for another time. " He winked at her playfully before leading her into the library to relax for a few minuets. "Have a seat get comfortable you wont be able to set for a few hours. "
"Well tell them diving down a lady's blouse is not the way to get a mate. It's a bit forward don't you think?" she winked back at him.

She found a large comfy chair and settled down in it, wondering what trick he had to show her now. She was beginning to see a more playful side of him that she suspected he rarely showed. Hanna liked it."Won't be able to sit? What do you have planned now?"
"No sadly we will be standing in front of the coucil being questioned and challenged. " He sighed remembering his first time meeting them. "I hope that they don't send us directly into harms way but i am fairly sure they will. " He sighed shaking his head a pair of small balls of energy twirling in his palm like stress balls.
"It's that time already then?" she knew she'd have to face them for the past few days. Now that it was soon time she was nervous. "Well all I can do is answer to the best of my abilities..and hope they will be impressed with my lovely dress." she tried to laugh but it failed miserably. And the thought of a bunch of snooty nobles staring her and intimidating her almost made her sick.
"You will be fine I am only concerned with where they will deploy us since you are not ready to go on combat missions yet. " He said softly letting out a sad sigh he wished he could find a way to get them to keep her but there was little chance she would be accepted into the mage school. "I may try to have you placed into the mage school though i would not be able to protect you there. "
The way he said mage school did not sound inviting. Common school was boring enough for her but she completed that years ago. "Couldn't I stay with you? You can teach me all I need to know. And battle? Why would they put a new mage...oh never mind, I see."

Hanna was vaguely aware of the politics of their small country, aware enough to know that the Sorcerers Council was putting the people at risk by turning it into a social club. Instead of protecting the nation as they were originally formed for, they just add their friends to high positions they are in qualified for.
Allidon slowly stood walking over to her kneeling down in front of her speaking the words to a spell clearly so she could hear it. The moment he had finished he placed his hand on her arm his eyes flashing brightly. Quickly the cool air around her no longer seemed to bother her the temperature of the room felt perfectly suited for her. "This spell will protect you from both cold and heat as long as they are indirect. " A small ice crystal formed on her wrist chilling it lightly just to show her that it would not work if she touched ice or fire. "That way when i chill the air in the council chamber you will not be affected. "
His statement made her realize she was glad she was on his good side. She would hate to see the results should someone make him mad. If he needed to go this far to intimidate the council , this was going to be harder than she thought.

"You really think that's necessary? Are they that thick headed? Turning away useful people is what's slowly destroying our country anyway!" she stared at the small crystal he formed on her wrist. " I can barely feel it."
"It is part of who i am to them. The think of me as a weapon or an animal to be sicked on things they no longer wish to deal with. Allow my chill to rattler their teeth reminds them that i allow them of who controls my power. " He smiled at her offering her a hand to help her from the chair looking into her eyes for the last time in a few hours. "I will not be the man you have come to know when i am in the presence of the council i am much harsher. " He closed his eyes and began quickly casting a spell hoping she would not catch most of the words. This spell was to powerful for her to control right now. "Are you ready? " He held his hand out a ball of light floating in his hand waiting to be released.
Taking his hand she stood up. Allidon acting harsh was easy to believe, she just didn't want to see. it made it easier on her knowing he was doing all of this for her. He could have just taken her straight their without all the pleasant detours and lessons. "Now or never." she said resolutely.
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