It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Silver ever observant as he was, couldn't help but watch as the rest of Team Rwby save Blake were changing and re-changing. The sight of Weiss stomping off to the changing room Blake was in, just in her tiny frilly panties had not gone without his attention. After a moment of rubber necking, he turned back to Glynda her curves forced into the tiny black and purple bikini, he saw the top straining, and the bottoms wedging up on her causing them to create quite the cameltoe. "Didn't think they sold swim wear to fit voluptuous 30 year olds here... just desperate teenagers...." He said in a flat tone. Glynda's calm was shattered by his cheeky comment. "I'm not 30 I" Then the sound of a snap was heard from the bikini, first from the top then the bottoms. The whole situation left Glynda beet red standing very near naked save her heels on with the curtain. "Awesome." Was all Silver said.
Glynda after a long moment of standing there in shock, nearly growled as she slammed the certain shut again, turning to get dressed again. "Cheeky Brat!" The woman called out as she changed, not so quietly fuming about the situation. A situation she could only partially blame him for.

"Wow, will have to tell Winter she stole her name for you." Leona commented, standing behind Silver. She had been very quick to change and was sitting there in a fairly skimpy tan coloured swimsuit. It, like most of the stock here, left very little to the imagination for her lithe little body. "So, what do ya think?" Giving a twirl, her tail lifting a little as she did. It seems she put this on deliberately to try and fluster him or get some sort of response.


After the little, over informative discussion, Yang wasn't quite done with her torment for her little sister. "You should try it."

"Excuse me?" Ruby suddenly blushing as she gathered what Yang was about to suggestion.

"You, ask Silver to show you the ropes, sure he'd be more than happy too." Given that Silver since he had gotten here has already had sex with three of the girls in the school, at once even, wasn't much of a stretch to say he'd let Ruby.


"I know, I'll ask him to show you tonight, so you don't have to worry!"

"Yang!" The grin on Yang's face and horror on Ruby's showed their thoughts. But Yang knew full well that Ruby wasn't entirely against the idea, she could read her little sister well.
With a calm look and a breeze of air brushing his hair as Glynda shut the curtain on him. The sound of Leona's voice came to his ears. Then his eyes roam over her. Showing, he was interested, but not nearly as much as she may have liked. He grabbed his scroll and dialed up Yang. "Hey Yang where do boobs come from?" In truth his calm face and lack of expression made it hard to tell he hadn't actually sent the call. He then heard a cute "nya" from behind him shifting his gaze over. Blake was standing shyly behind him with her arms raised imitating a neko girl from some manga. "You look cute." Silver said, it showed in his tone he thought a little more of Blake to be a dear pet cat.
Leona frowned at his response, annoyed he went for that low hanging fruit. So, not to be outdone she pulled out her own scroll from the bag she was carrying, the one that had her regular clothes in. Opening it out, she also made a fake call. "Hey, Sun? Wanna go over how muscles come about, got a friend who's practically a twig here." Eyes falling to Silver again with the same smirk.

Soon the attention was on Blake, who blushed a little, typically never being this public with her Faunus side, especially Neko stuff. But she wanted to get the most out of Silver, so here she was imitating a neko in her cat themed outfit she grabbed earlier. She smiled at the compliment, shifting her feet shyly. "You think it'll look good when we're together?"
Silver looked back at Leona for a second. Showing a fake reaction of shock. "Oh now thats just mean you know." However the sincerety in what he said was not there, it would seem the boy knew how to banter, and he knew how to counterbanter. Turning his gaze back to Blake he looked her over, and gave a nod of approval. "Despite the store it is in, that is likely one of the more modest choices." The swimsuit Blake had on didn't show to much, and it was the correct size for her. "You picked a good one." He said gently petting her which grew the shyest cutest smile from Blake as she purred and pressed into his petting. "And what about us huh, how do we look?" The voice belonging to Yang, who stood with Ruby and Weiss.
Leona chuckled a little, moving off to one side now the girls were coming in for approval. She'd win their banter fully eventually, besides Winter wanted her to stick with him, so she had plenty of time. For now, she went ahead and paid for a few outfits while the girls got ready.

Blake was happily purring and smiling as Silver petted her. Until of course, the rest of team RWBY came in. Yang, front and centre of the trio, was wearing a bright yellow one piece thing similar to a mankini sort of deal. The straps came down from her shoulders, over her breasts, just barely covering the nipples and surrounding tissue, before going down between her legs. Giving a quick spin, her ass was just as covered, not being afraid in the slightest of what she had.

Both Ruby and Weiss were much more modest, Yang letting them off the hook somewhat. Ruby had a black and red traditional style of bikini, one that clung tight to her very slight curves. Still a little revealing, but modest enough. Weiss in the meantime had gone with white and frilly, the swimsuit clinging tight and showing even less than Ruby's. It seems she went out of her way to find what would give her ass the most coverage, still a little self conscious after what happened.
As Yang and the others came out for inspection. Inspection they got. Silver began to walk around the three of them in an inspecting manner. The fact he was quiet the whole time, simply hmming and huhing all the while, had Ruby and Weiss looking as red as roses go. "Soo whats the verdict?" Yang asked sticking her chest out with hands on her hips. "My verdict.... you really do like to flaunt these things." He said openly groaping Yang's chest which must have surprised her as she eeked, then moaned. "If you got them show them am I right?" She said pulling back not letting Silver work her over two much, as she pushed Ruby and Weiss out front and center. "And them?" Yang asked which was quickly answered with. "They look cute."
"Cute is good." The two both say in unison, the two not nearly as attention seeking as Yang was. But both were somewhat wanting to look good for Silver, Weiss feeling bad and Ruby... Well, Ruby was having some feelings building after the talks...


Pyrrha caught up to Silver in town, having spotted him and the girls as her and Nora did their own shopping... Well Nora did the shopping, Pyrrha was the Ren replacement for the day. However, Pyrrha quickly dashed off when she saw Silver, a smile on her face now she got to speak to him. "Silver, I was hoping to catch up with you, hadn't seen you since yesterday morning!" Seeming eager to get in more contact with him. She was unaware that Nora was close by, eves dropping on the conversion.
"Oh hey Pyrrha." Silver said, he and the girls had picked out their suits and had just been heading on their way home. The group stopped, but Silver gave them the okay to head home. "I'll manage to catch up, also Leona head back and tell Winter I wish to have some time with her before we leave on vacation, haven't had a chance to spend much time with her since we got back." He then turns to Pyrrha hoping the rest managed to do as he said. "Now then, Pyrrha, do you have plans this summer.. if not the girls and I will be going on a Beach Resort trip to Patch.... and it so happens I have one more ticket to give to a 7th girl to tag along." He smiled at her.
The girls, nodded heading off as a group back to the dorm room. All except Leona of course he frowned a little but nodded anyway, special ops ferret turned into a messenger and baby sitter. Suffice to say, she wasn't that happy about it.

Pyrrha blushed a little, having not expected such a thing. However she quickly nodded. "I'm free, I'd love to come with..."

"Hold it, hold it, hold it!" Nora came barging in, suddenly wrapping her arm around Pyrrha's side. She looked at Silver with a grin smile. "Now, not sure if you're aware, but me and Pyrrha are a package deal."

"We are?" Pyrrha quickly got a swift hand over her mouth for the question.

"We are! So, you want Pyrrha for more fun, you have to let me tag along too!" Nora announced, more of a demand than anything as she looked at him with sheer confidence.
"I don't really mind, though I only have that one ticket left.. if you wish to come you'll have to buy your own ticket..." Silver said as he then looks to Nora. "Or force another soul to buy one for you." Ren somewhere sneezed and rubbed his nose. Back with Silver, Pyrrha, and Nora he calmly hands Pyrrha the ticket. "Here be sure to be ready by the end of the Week." Silver said, as he popped the ticket into her cleavage rather then her hands.


Meanwhile Winter was dealing with that stomach ache again and was humiliatingly squatting over the toilet trying to get whatever was inside her to come out, her cheeks flushed deep, thighs coated in her own juices. She no longer had any unstained pants much to her own displeasure. "Damn you Mercover.." She uttered.
"Oh I can get a ticket no problem, don't you worry bout that!" Nora proclaimed with a grin. She'd be ready to go for sure, speaking of getting ready to go... She quickly began dragging Pyrrha off after she got the ticket. "Come on girl, I know for a fact you need clothes for this!" Dragging the girl to a fate much like the girls of team RWBY


Leona had quickly arrived back to the room Winter had been given, hearing the slight panting of the woman. Curious, she heads over to the bathroom, hearing the girl at it once again. "Hey Winter, Silver says he's going to pay you a visit soon!" She wasn't sure why, but Leona started to feel kind of hot suddenly. Slightly horny like she was prepping up for sex, greatly confusing the ferret girl.


Meanwhile in team RWBY's dorm, Weiss was much like her sister, in the bathroom, panting. She was getting some weird cramps and feeling her thighs dampen. It was confusing the hell out of her, not appearing to be anything she normally had. To make matters worse, the other three members of team RWBY were feeling the lust too, doubly worse for Blake. The faunus girl, elected to dive into Silver's bed again, trying to get in his scent, leaving Yang and Ruby to watch the display as Blake wiggled about, face down ass up as she sought out Silver's scent.
Of course being the Cheeky Brat he was. Silver didn't wait to be summoned. Silver came to Winter's room. Walked right in, finding it odd that it wasn't locked. Yet, the scent of sexual juices and stale sweat filled the air of the room given to Winter. As he was a male and uneffected by the strange pathogen the Schnee sisters were dealing with he walked in noticing sounds of hot dry humping. Then noticing Leona's clothes on one bed, and a pile of moist white pants on Winter's bed Silver had a wierd feeling about the whole thing.. Then a loud moan erupted from the bathroom, standing before the door he knocked. "Silver? Leona?" The poor boy had a hell of a surprise waiting for him.
The sounds slowed, panting could be heard from the other side of the door. He could hear the sound of movement before the door opened, revealing a very naked, very horny Winter. "Silver... come on in you cheeky boy." Her tone affectionate and very, very lustful. Before he really had time to react, she wrapped an arm around him pulling the boy into her breasts. Leona meanwhile was on the floor of the bathroom, naked and panting. The wetness around her lips suggesting she'd just been servicing Winter, matching how wet the older woman's thighs were.


Ruby found herself on the end of what she could only assume was a sort of train. Panting sweetly and squirming in her chair, a chair she was tied to by a very familiar ribbon. Her skirt and panties were down around her ankles, leaving her sweet slit exposed to the world. Or more directly, exposed to Weiss who was busy licking into it, eyes closed and panting as she did it. Weiss herself was on the receiving end of a certain cats tongue, Blake naked behind the half naked Weiss. Blake was mewling and moaning away, her whole body shaking for what was being done to her. More specifically, Yang was behind her, wearing a strap-on and eagerly thrusting with an intense look in her eye as she gripped the girls hips. The girls weren't sure what the hell happened to get them here, but they were far beyond the point of questioning as they moaned into each other, over and over.
How long had it been now.. 30 minutes...? It felt like 30 minutes. Within that 30 minutes, Silver found himself stripped down, bound and forced to sit with his legs spread and was blindfolded by a soaking wet pair of white panties. With a balled up cloth gaging him. He could see through the nearly transparent panties just fine. However for the last few 15 of those 30 minutes. Winter had been bouncing furiously on his cock, the wet squelching and slapping down was all Winter who had taken him by surprise enough to render him in such a situation. Silver would have liked to have told Winter to be more gentle as she was twisting and rolling and riding really hard. But that gag was there. "Come on you Cheeky Brat." When she said that he shuddered.
For the first 15 of the 30 minutes, Leona and Winter had both been working him together, giving him a very wet and sloppy blowjob. The two had been very eager and even a little rough in making sure he was all prepared. So of course when it came time to actually ride him, Winter took seniority. Leona meanwhile had been stuck with the scraps so to speak. Knelt down in front of Silver, she'd been lapping at his balls, cock and Winter's pussy. The Ferret girl was giving small moans and whines as she licked, busy playing with herself to try and get off, however it wasn't enough. It was quite clear the moment Winter was done....

Speaking of the moment, Winter cried out as she slammed down hard into Silver's hips. Letting the boy hilt within her Winter moaned and panted out shuddering as her tunnel clamped down and shot her juices all over his lap and Leona's face. She sat there a moment, enjoying the feel of Silver in her core.

The moment passed soon, and Winter slowly got up and off him. Only to be replaced by Leona, facing him this time instead of away. "Now, it's my turn you Cheeky Brat..." Leona panted out, before slamming herself down on him. She began to ride him, just as hard and eager as Winter had, his ordeal far from over....
Soon as Winter finished he could hear her step under Leona and would take the place Leona had before. Leona was a little gentler then Winter, but that was still pretty rough as his cock had been used for quite some time in a pretty rough manner. The way it stood, or rather he sat, he was going to have pains for a little while when he popped a boner. Winter's noises were very moist and she seemed to enjoy swamping Leona and Silver with saliva as she used that well sudzed up tongue. The sound of a camera going off was heard, as he could only guess Leona had the same love of blackmail he did.

Meanwhile back in team Rwby's room Blake and Weiss had long since passed out. They all had been fucking on Silver's bed and then there was Yang dressed in Silver's clothes giving Ruby lessons while roleplaying as Silver.
Leona indeed had pulled her scroll out. She'd kept enough sense to grab it before jumping Silver's bones, after all, she wanted the blackmail. For one she got a shot of Winter riding Silver, always a good one to get. Now she quickly reached round and took a quick shot of Winter with her face buried in Leona's ass and Silver's balls. Then just for good measure, just for herself, she slowed alittle, pulling Silver into the kiss before snapping one more picture of the two of them. She kept the kiss going though, slowing her riding as she pressed her tongue into his mouth hungrily.


"Now sis, you open up those nice lips of yours... there we go. You are so good lil sis." Yang grinned, watching her little sister give her a blowjob. She was laying on the bed, in one of Silver's shirts and a strapon around herself. Right now, her naked sister was very slowly licking and sucking Blake's juices from the fake phallus, pretending it's Silvers as she instructed her. By this nights end, Yang was going to have Ruby ready to go the next time she got alone with Silver, or heck, the two of them and Silver, now that would be fun.
Silver grunted a few times. The ferret girl's kiss had been a surprise however, not as much as how bony her hips were as he rode him. She was dangerously to tight, causing his cock to get a little more red with each impact. The fact he was bound up like this made it difficult to defend himself. It was clear after about 30 more minutes after Leona finished with him, that this night wasn't gonna end swiftly. The night had been filled with them taking turns till the Sun rose. Only then had they let him go without sleep.... however when he returned to the room he got nervous, his pelvis was really red it would likely hurt if a boner popped. Entering the room, he saw all four of his team mates curled up in his bed.
By the time Leona and Winter were done, the two collapsed onto the bed, curled up with each other. Sating Winter seemed to make the device die down so the two weren't being overwhelmed with lust. Even if it didn't, they were both far, far too tired to keep going.

Team RWBY he'd find on his bed, the four all wearing one of his shirts and all naked otherwise. The exception being Yang who had the strapon dangling off her, slick with Ruby's spit and juices. Seems the young Ruby Rose had been broken in by her older sister, next stop would be Silver of course, whether he was ready or not.


Meanwhile, somewhere villainous... Angell was keeping track of the nanomachines, a readout showing in her augmented sight. She grinned at the latest update, going ahead and updated Mercover. "So we went from 2 infected to 7. Seems out Winter can't keep her legs closed anymore."
While the four teammates slept in his bed. The cranky cheeky brat grabbed a super bold super permanent marker. Then across the lower backs of the four of them much like a tramp stamp. "Silver's Pussy, Silver's Rose, Silver's Princess and Silver's Blond Whore." Then he left the marks to dry, not bothering to go to sleep at this point he moves and grabs an air horn and blows it startling all of them awake. The look on his face didn't look all to happy... "All of you get out of my bed..." He grumbles in a cranky tone. It was clear today would be a day the girl's delt with the cranky and sore version of Silver.
Blake, having the most sensitive set of ears.. well sets of ears, she really hated having two pairs of ears sometimes. Bolted from the sudden sound, like a startled cat diving into her own bed. From there here golden eyes, half opened peeked down from her perch, seeming the most well rested of the girls. "Silver? Where were you all night?"

The other three girls crawled out of bed none of them too happy. Weiss hadn't gotten her beauty sleep, Ruby and Yang had both been up the latest. Ruby didn't like being woken early and this was twice in a row, Yang on the other hand had been the most active of the four girls. Weiss was the first the rise out of the three, which cause Ruby and Yang to burst out laughing. Weiss spun around, confused and concerned. "What?!

"Oh, nothing Princess, just an in joke." Yang brushed off, the two laughing about the 'Silver's Princess' thing. Both girls were unaware of their own marks though.

However that soon changed when the girls got up and soon noticed each other's marks. The four came together quick, finding out what each of theirs was. "Hah! You got em good Silver!" Miss Rose not caring about hers.

"I guess it's true..." Blake mumbled shyly.

"I am no one's princess!"

"Why am I the whore!" Yang seemed the most troubled, glancing to her regular outfit with some trouble.
Silver's response to them was simply. "We are sorry Silver can't come to the phone right now, please leave your name and number in the complaint box here, and kindly fuck off." It was clear he was tired, and cranky his rather uncalled for choice of words not something they likely had heard from him, showing his Mercenary tongue sure enough. Flopping into bed he grimaced, his groin really hurt. "Hey princess, think I know what I want you to do as your first task, if you would go to the bathroom on the top spot of the shelf there is a squeeze bottle of pain killing cream mind fetching it..."
Weiss nodded, it seeming like the easy task for her. She quickly went into the bathroom, only taking a moment to find the bottle. She returned, dropping to kneel by the side of the bed and hand him the cream. "Here you go Silver, is that all?" Hoping that really was it for one of her twelve favours. The other girls crawling into their respective beds, giving Silver some distance. It was very, very clear he wasn't in the mood to talk to any of them, so they decided not to try and push any buttons.
"Is that all she asks..." He said outloud, the room was tense it was clear that Silver was in a foul mood. Then he chuckles darkly, and turns his gaze over towards the kneeling Weiss.. "You have 11 more tasks to go, and that iss not the end of the 12th task... So Weiss do you think your sister is a gentle person?" Silver asked out of the blue as he was taking off his pants. Ruby who was watching covered her eyes, Blake and Yang gazed at it and was surprised to see how red it was.

"Well I..." Weiss would be stopped by a slap of wet soaking and crusty panties, that belonged to none other then Winter Schnee. "Do you wanna know who could make a man's dick this red?" He said grabbing her by the hair and forcing her to look nice and close, the amount of cruel force he had to him in his rather tired state was a change from the usually passive Silver.

"Do you see the rings around my cock those red, rough looking rings... guess whose cunt caused that to happen.." Silver said looking at Weiss. "So, if you guessed your sister, then I wager you know why I'm having you rub the cream on now don't ya...." He said, meanwhile the sight of him forcing Weiss's face in so close to his cock so roughly had Yang and Blake gulping as if watching some really messed up porn.
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