It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

When Pyrrha out right hugged him, the cheeky brat he was gave her ass a nice gentle pat when she came in close. He then squeezed the cheek his hand was over flashing Nora a wink giving her a little show before. Pulling his gaze back from over her shoulder to looking her in the eyes. "I am as ready as any of you, I don't need to pack a bunch of clothes for a three day trip, I've spent a month in the same clothes before thanks to my... work before all this... but you can bet that I have changed my clothes since coming here.."

Eventually he pulled free to see the stragglers they too were in their summer clothes. Ruby was being carried half asleep by Yang over her shoulder. Weiss looked a little better, her face a little less roughed up. His face was also better by the way... Then there was Blake who was wearing a wide brimmed straw hat over her ears and had the purple ribbon tied about it. "Bout time you four showed up...." He said faking the attempt to sound like he was scolding them.
Pyrrha flushed a little as Silver groped her ass. However the woman didn't pull away from him, just holding the hug for a little before letting go. Well, she didn't entirely let go, clinging to his arm, pressing her chest against him ever so slightly. She hadn't had good contact with him in awhile, so missed this. Nora on the other hand just rolled her eyes a little. "I'd say this trip was an excuse to get you laid, but it's clear that isn't an issue." Nora commented, getting a blush from Pyrrha again.

"Sorry, Ruby had decided it was best to prepare at the last minute.... then fall asleep mid packing." Weiss huffed, slowly coming back to herself, but flinched often from Yang and Silver.

"It's fine, little sis is here, we got her packed and she can properly enjoy a summer here, rather than just paddle while I have the fun." Yang commented, clearly familiar with the resort they were going to.

"Is it nice?" Blake was the most covered up, but her clothes light enough to not be to hot. She also carried a book, because they couldn't convince her to leave it.

"The best! We'll have fun, even without Silver, fun with him is a bonus." Yang gave a wink, getting a blush from Blake and Pyrrha.
Taking a moment to view the summer options each girl chose he nodded his approval once they were all here. Though Pyrrha clung to his arm, and Leona still seemed to stand an inch close to him. Looking at Leona. "Good to see someones calmed down at the very least..." He teased her about the other night though for what it was worth that night wasn't the most enjoyable bout of intercourse he had. Thus they all got on board the airship to Patch Yang and Ruby's home. While they were onboard the girls took spaces a distance from him and chatted about things till Nora popped the question. "Sooo hows Lil'boy Silver in the sack you three must have stories to tell of him." She loaded the question at Yang, Pyrrha and Blake.
Leona actually blushed a little at that comment, though it was brief before she shot back. "Yeah, got plenty of reminders of Winter and her Cheeky Brat. Sure the girls will love to see." Waving her scroll a little threateningly. For once, it seems Leona had more blackmail on Silver than he did on her, course it was blackmail on Winter too..

Settling down, the girls listened to Nora's question, each giving a blush of varying degrees. "But.. I already told you..." Pyrrha mumbled.

"Yes, but tell me again, maybe you are more willing this time round."

"Well... It was a stormy night, we'd just defeated the White Fang, but only with Silver's intervention. Our clothes were in tatters, so Silver took us somewhere warm and dry. There he took us in a manly fashion..."

"Because you're pretty?" Nora chimed in

"Because we're pretty. He was after me of course, but he, being the selfless soul, shared himself with Yang and Blake too when she came looking for us, concerned we'd need a rescue. It was so hot and romantic." The warrior woman giving a fake swoon

"But that wasn't what happened at all!" Yang protested, slamming a fist down on the chair. "We kicked the White Fang's ass, then in the heat of the moment, him and I kissed, taking me right on the docks! You butted in so we allowed into our steamy love, like when Blake showed up later, desperate for her man!"

"I wasn't desperate!" Blake countered, getting a look from the two girls. "It's just... he was saving me from the pain of heat..." Not really having much ground to stand on herself right now, still in heat infact.
Silver didn't really know he was being talked about in some strange way one might think of a movie hero for. Thus while he had this side of the ship to himself he relaxed reaching into his bag and pulling a new camera out. It was given to him by Velvet the day before in hopes on this trip he got some good shots. Setting it up, he took one of the best photos ever, of all of them, not doing anything unusual in the slight the photo was of them at their most natural.


The talking between the girls continued lots of which was about Silver. However getting bored Ruby in her sleepy state moved to sit next to Silver resting her head on his lap, and his response, no crude sarcasm in the slight, instead he gently pats her head.
Ruby glances up at him with a smile as she pats her head. Ruby was the only girl out of the team to have not made a move on him and not see him as a monster. She'd just treated him the same, spending the time before the trip as her usual self, occasionally checking on his improved weapons. Keeping her head on his lap, she watched the other girls talk, furrowing her little brow for a second. "Sounds like sis really enjoys her time with you...."

Biting her lip, a thought came to her head, curious one at that. She tried to think how to phrase it, being a little nervous about it, but being Ruby, she kind of blurted it out. "Think you could show me a night like that..." She paused, blush and quickly turned, looking up at him apologetically. "I mean not quite like that, but it seems like you are a nice guy. Mean knew that already but, uhmm..." She blushed, shaking her head and trying to start over. "Think we could go, hang out, have fun or something?" She didn't seem to be after sex, not right now, more just genuinely asking him on a date.
Silver continued gently stroking her head, until she spoke of him showing her a night like that... "And what kind of night do you mean? Is your sister filling this adorable innocent head of yours with naughty thoughts..." He spoke to her more like a father then a big bro that moment. Listening a little more to what Pyrrha and Yang were spouting from their mouth holes. Then blinks seeing Yang flaunting his graffiti he put on her lower back... Clearing his throat he looks to Ruby. "A date would be lovely Ruby.." He could use a break from being fucked sore for a bit.
Ruby blushed at his comment, nodding slightly. "Not quite like that just..." She bit her lip, taking a breath again, clearly nervous. "I'm not sure if I'm ready for... that... But maybe a night out could be fun... besides gets us away from Yang and the others for awhile." Glancing over, she saw the chat before returning to him, her eyes widening into a smile as he accepted. "Thank you!" She reached up and ended up pecking his lip, before pulling away with a blush. Seems right now was more for traditional romance than the rest of the girls.


"Yang we all got those, even Ruby and he hasn't fucked her yet... I think." Blake pointed out, trying to convince her she wasn't that special.

"Yes, but mine he put in gold because I'm awesome!"

"Only because it had who..oww.." A quick punch to the arm silenced Blake.

"Seems a little... odd.." Pyrrha commented, though glanced over to Silver. She had to wonder, what he'd write on her if she was there, blushing at some possibilities.
Watching the girls paling around over yonder. He flashes them a calm smile, they acted like normal girls when they were with their friends.... How did he act back then with his... friends... Shaking his head he guides Ruby's head to rest on his lap, and massaged the back of her scalp and hums a little tune as he calmly reached into his pocket producing a small silver harmonica and looks it over.

Remembering his time as a mercenary for the first time in a while, looking at all the girls and calmly looks noticing another get up and leave the group this time it was Blake, who sauntered over took the seat next to him and laid her head down on the lap Ruby's head wasn't taking up. His hand gently moved to remove her hat and set it behind her and gently he stroked both of their heads.

The girls from the circle watched the faunus move to join the lap party going on with Silver's lap. The girls remaining look at each other, then they began to talk more about Yang and Ruby's home. "So Yang what is the place we are going like you said you know a few people that work there or that you hung out there often yes?" Pyrrha asked, being one interested in learning about others. Yang flashed a smile and began to ramble on about where she kissed her first boy, where she punched a guys nuts open... where she first skinned her knee.
Blake he'd notice didn't have the bow on under the hat, so lifting her hat off showed her cat ears off to the group. Granted everyone there knew Blake was a faunus, except maybe Leona, but the ferret girl was hardly going to make a fuss over Blake. Speaking of his bodyguard, the Ferret girl was reclining in her seat, away from the group but not quite next to Silver. She was the only one to bring her weapon, rest of the girls content to call upon them with their scrolls. But this was a holiday, who was expecting to need to fight?

"Yeah, went there all the time before I came to Beacon! When me and my friends graduated from Signal, we had a wild vacation there. Not everyone made it to Beacon, so was a nice last time with the gang before we split." Yang gave a happy little sigh as she reminisced about the old days, things were simpler then. However she wouldn't trade any of what she had now away for it.

"So when you say wild, you got laid there?" Nora bringing to mood right back into the gutter, wanting the juicy details.

"Psht, of course! Wasn't even my first time then, though did have it at the resort, just a year or two earlier." Yang then going into detail of her first time seeming to be around when she was Ruby's age. Miss Rose buried her head into Silver some more, trying to mute the sound of her sister talking about all that.
Calmly listening to the situations going on over, he saw Ruby pretty much trying very hard to drown out the sound of her sister talking many vulgarities. "Careful to what you admit Yang... I may wind up changing your status back..." He mutters low under his breath to prevent her from hearing him. Eventually the ship would arrive in Patch at the local airport. Dropping them off and they all were guided to the Hotel they would be using, apparently there was a stipend in the tickets, that the party would all be using one room... for 7 people.

Silver didn't seem to find any issue with this, and looked around the room. "Alright everyone put your tickets in a secure location, and decide on a shower schedule... and no... you may not all mark your time down to be the same as mine, I think some of you might take this trip as a chance to put yourselves in someone elses non-existant lead to my heart.." He looks from Blake, to Pyrrha to Yang. Then clears his throat and looks at all the girls, then looks to Ruby who was rather low energy since they arrived sleeping and walking against him. He gently shook her to wake her up. "Better not sleep this whole trip Lil Sis." He chuckles.
Blake and Ruby got a chuckle out of the comment, being the only two close enough to hear him. They remained close to him the entire trip in fact, walking side by side with him. Leona herself remained a few paces behind Silver the entire time, humming as she watched out for threats. She wasn't expecting any, but knew Winter would kill her if anything happened to her 'cheeky brat'.

The girls upon arriving, put there stuff down though none could decide who should share the bed. Well it soon became a contest of, who should share with Silver, mainly between Blake, Pyrrha and Yang. Weiss was still out of it, Nora hadn't made a move on him, Leona was trying not to do anything and Ruby? Well Ruby was half asleep.

Being shaken awake, Ruby's eyes fluttered open again, the silver orbs looking up at him. "I'm good, I'm good uhm... big brother.." She hadn't gotten used to that like Yang had, or Pyrrha had but wasn't admitting it to anyone. Turning to everyone else, she spoke up. "As leader of team RWBY..S, I'm in charge of most of you, so I'm taking the shower first! Also so I don't fall asleep..." That the girls agreed on, leaving Ruby to go in for a cold shower to wake her up from the early wake up and long trip.
Calmly he made sure he looked over the decided shower usage schedule. Seeing that Yang, Pyrrha, and Blake had been sneaky a few times until he managed to keep them in line and get them a proper schedule. He calmly relaxed back on the bed they decided would be for him while the girls shared the large bed. Pyrrha and Yang had tried to convince the others there wouldn't be room. But that was dis-proven by the way they chose the largest bed in the room.

Ruby, and Weiss agreed with him on keeping the girls off his bed for this trip. When Ruby had finished showering, the girls huddled into the bathroom to change into their swimsuits, while Yang and Nora shooed Silver to go down to the beach. So he did, manage to do so after stripping down to his swimsuit, while he didn't come with his usual weapons he kept a normal handgun for personal use in his bag. Walking out to look out on the beach that could be seen from their hotel. He stood watching the waves rise and fall from the shore.
Arriving down at the beach, Silver would find it mostly clear of people. It was a case where the resort owned the whole section of prestine sand and waves, so only the high paying members of the resort got a piece. Right now, most of the residents hadn't arrived yes for the summer rush and those that had were doing other things right now. This left him almost completely alone... almost.

Reclining back he'd see a faunus girl... Well girl might be stretching it, looks like she was closer to her 20's. There were two things you'd notice about the fox girl, depending on your mindset. The dirtier minded would see that her chest was large, larger than Yang's even. Everyone else might just notice the blanket of tails she was laying on. By the looks of it, 9 snow white tails splayed out across the sand, while Fox Faunus typically only had 1 one tail. Glancing up, the girl would notice Silver and give him a friendly wave.
Silver flicked up his silver glassed sunglasses and looked at the strange 9 tailed fox faunus who seemed to be waving her tails his way. The boy didn't know who this person was, could she be with Mercover.. was she an assassin who followed him here... no, no, no.... Mercover would not be this open about sending an agent, nor an assassin after him. So he did the only logical thing, he... ignored her. Turning his attention back to the sea watching the waves, wondering if some sea based grimm lived in the waters around here...

Come to think of it.. he'd not had to fight any since he came to Beacon.. "Probably a good thing, people shouldn't kill people... monsters shouldn't kill monsters." He yawns and would lay his head back only to have something large and squishy laid upon his head, reaching up he found the two objects were round in shape... Looking up between the valley between the two large sized soft objects. "Yang... no these are about 4 centimeters larger.."
"Why thank you." The Fox girl giggled as she looked down to him. The bust girl had come over evidently, quick and quiet as he hadn't detected her approach, that or he was too distracted. "I don't see any monsters here, just an interesting boy." Seeming curious about him as she looked him over. "Name's Vixen, who might you be?" Her tone was friendly enough and a smile never left her face.

It was then the first of the girls arrived, Leona in a fairly revealing swimsuit. Not to Yang's level, but she was showing what she had, legs and well tone abdomen, not so much in the breasts department. Arriving she saw Silver with his head propped up by another Faunus girls generous chest. Quickly taking out her scroll and snapping a picture, Leona shook her head. "Silver! Can you go five minutes alone without picking up another woman!" Her toe teasing as she walked over, tucking her scroll away again.
Silver looked over hearing the telltale snap of a scroll camera. Seeing Leona, having now lost the notice of the giant breasts settled upon his head. He seemed to take to it as casually as anything Yang might do. "Um, I would give you my name... but I need to know if I can trust you.." Then he grasps the underside of 1 of her 9 flexible and soft tails. "But judging by your tails your a fox faunus in some way, never have I seen a reason to trust a fox..." He said looking up at the owner of the giant tits he now wore as a hat. "Names Silver either way, so guess I know you or something... I've not shot anyone important to you have I?"

Soon the other girls arrived each with varying degrees of looks on their faces upon seeing Silver with the 9 tailed fox faunus with the giant tits. Yang was the first to say anything though "Holy shit she's gigantic..." She said grasping her own boobs as if trying to compare the size... "I... I've found someone bigger then me." She feigns a faint as she has finally found someone bigger then her.
Vixen let his curious hands wander, not having a problem with him grasping her bushy tails. "Not just any fox Faunus dear, I'm a little special. Besides, by that logic your Ferret friend there is up to no good either." Gesturing to Leona, still smiling.

"Foxy brings up a good point. Not saying I'm not a thief, just can't judge a book by it's cover or a Faunus by stereotypes." Leona shrugged seeming not to care much one way or the other.

Vixen returned her look to Silver, giving a smile. "Trust me or not, I'm here to enjoy my vacation, just you caught my eye. Seems regardless you've got your handful of women." Glancing over to the arriving girl's, though not moving unless he urges her. "So then who are your friends." Addressing them all, getting various responses from each of them, but they all introduced themselves.
"And thus you know who they are now..." He said looking over at them looking over their swimsuits. Especially eying the ones he hadn't fucked yet. Leaving those who he had likely getting a little jealous and trying to get back to his center of attention. Then he rolls out from under Vixen's breasts and gives them an open capture and squeeze as he stood up. "Alright Vixen, are you a local here?" He asked the ninetailed girl while keeping her breast hostage between his grasp. "I'd enjoy being shown around if you are.... might be nice to know what sights are good to see like... if someone wished to take someone on a date?"

He asked with a calm coolness to his tone with a toothy smile flashed towards Ruby, "Also we can bring along another person I assume yes." He looks to Ruby motioning her to come on over. "This is Ruby, my current leader while I am an extra at Beacon." He releases Vixen's breasts finally and then pushed Ruby out front using something cute and small to shield himself from the overly forward nine-tailed fox faunus. Ruby looked bright eyed at Vixen's 9 bushy tails. Then, hides her face up into Silver's chest getting shy.
Vixen watched him bring over Ruby, listening to his request before giving a simple nod. "Sure thing sweetie, I can show you and your girlfriend around town." Before Ruby could pull away, Vixen gave the girl a large hug, smothering her in the girls breasts much like Yang would. Ruby struggled a little as usual. But she was soon let go and returned to Silver. "Right then, shall we get going?" With that she began to lead Ruby and Silver off, leaving the other girls behind.

"Well, seems that bitch has made an enemy for life, no one outyang's Yang!" Yang slamming her fists together. She had taken issue with Silver ignoring her, seeming more focused on the new pair of breasts on legs.

"He seems rather eager to go off with her..." Pyrrha grumbled, crossing her arms. Looking to one side she saw Nora giving her a look. "What?"

"Pyrrha's jealous, Pyrrha's jealous!" The hyperactive girl proclaimed. She didn't seem to mind much what Silver was doing, she wasn't after him... Yet.

"Too be fair... He does seem to be wanting to get away from us.." Blake seemed fairly easy going about this, but was healing Pyrrha out.

"You are all too focused on him." Weiss huffed, going ahead and setting a towel down, going to get herself sunned up.

None of the girls noticed Leona had slipped away. The ferret girl wasn't trusting Vixen that easily, so was planing on shadowing Silver... Again. Seems her job was never done here.
Silver felt sharp chills go up his spine from way the girls were behaving. This made it a good time to let them blow off some steam on the Beach. So, he, Vixen and Ruby.... and the little weasle... I mean Ferret faunus. The walk along the boardwalk kept him in ear shot of the group should they call after him. Silver remained in his simple grey and black swimshorts, and Ruby remained in her swimsuit. The girl clung to his hand the whole time. "So tell me about the sites and where you recommend Miss Vixen?" His question given in his cool tone.
Vixe happily lead them through the boardwalk, slowly talking them through locations as they passed. It seemed like a typical tourist sea side resort, many gift shops, arcades, ice cream, fish and chips, as well as various other food places. "For a date with little Ruby here? Well the carnival is opening up for the summer, just a few blocks that way." Gesturing further down the boardwalk, where they'd be able to see a small roller-coaster. "Course if you are more the fine dining type, White Grimm Tavern has some of the best food and drink in the area."

Ruby, still clutching onto Silver's arm and hand, listening, taking in the sights. She'd been here before, but that was back when she was a little girl, when her mother had taken her and Yang. "Not exactly one to... drink." Unsurprisingly the young Miss Rose hadn't had alcohol, unlike her sister likely. "But otherwise sounds fine, what do you think Silver?"
Silver looked to the normally super energetic weapons nut being as shy and quiet as a church mouse. Gently he pets her head, softly tossling the neatly brushed redish black hair around. "I am thinking I am glad you behave unlike your sister. Had I brought her along she'd likely have told stories about her at every location and who she hit there, on the whole though, the festival seems like a good spot, lets go peek at it for now and wait till later to visit it just the two of us... or.... 3..." He looked over his shoulder narrowly missing Leona. He cleared his throat. "No definetly the two of us." He looke back towards Vixe. "And you have been a good tour guide, thank you."
Ruby grumbled a little as he messed up her hair, she wouldn't mind if she hadn't just made it look neat. At his comment about her sister she gave a small giggle, nodding. "Yeah, Yang kinda likes to boast, wouldn't be so bad if she didn't go into such detail. Kinda too much information." Giving a small nervous little laugh, but she seemed to slowly be warming up. It was clear the youngest girl of the group was outside her comfort zone here.

Vixen bowed her head a moment, still smiling. "Happy to be of service, feel like we will likely see more of each other. For now though, I will leave you two to it, until then." As she left she pulled a card from who know's where, handing it to Silver. It had her Scroll number and her room number at the resort. With that done, she sauntered away, hips and tails swaying in the breeze. She passed Leona on the way, who was doing her best to be stealthy, doing a fairly good job too.

Arriving at the festival, they'd find it fairly typical, having everything imaginable a place like this should. Various stands, rides and so on, taking up an area just off the Boardwalk, overlooking the beach. It was also the sort of place to be much more lively at night, but it was still opened for the slowly growing number of tourists about.
The festival was full of parents with young kids. As well as the staff, and a few young teenagers enjoying the date along the beach. Since it wasn't late yet, they just walked around having fun sampling the stall treats, he oddly didn't go for the sweet stuff, but today was a special occassion. They laughed as they walked by the funhouse mirror. The two of them already having fun, Ruby coming out of her shell. It was a fun little date till.. some punks came along delinquents at that. Bumped into him and began to cause a scene. "Yo why not watch where you are going there spikeball!!" The leader spouted out.
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