It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Silver did not rush her. Her first time, he wanted her to enjoy. The few fumbles made him find her all the more cute. However once she managed to get him inside, he was amazed by the tightness. Her cunt was much tighter, and much much more sensitive then Yang's. The fact was clear she was very tight, thus he would go real easy on her. Gripping her hips he gently helped her get him all the way in. She was tighter the further we went, then there it was, his head hit her hymen lightly not breaking it yet.. "Are you ready?" He asked once more, if she accepted there would be no turning back. She was shaking, he could tell she was a bundle of nerves right now.
Ruby held still when it came to her hymen, just taking a moment to get used to sensation. This was incredible, but she knew what was coming next, Yang made her painfully aware of that. Opening her eyes, she looked at Silver, giving a simple nod, she was ready. Then, with a sudden cry out, she lowered herself past the point, fully taking her virginity away as he hips met his. She held there, panting getting used to the feel of his whole length, deep inside her. Her nails dug into his shoulders a little, though thankfully weren't nearly as long or sharp as Blake's.
The moment Silver punched through her hymen there was small trickles of red... Silver however didn't think it wise to stop there, she wouldn't want that. His hips began to push up slowly, taking more time letting her stretch for him at a slower rate. Each of his 7 inches sliding in slowly her pussy opening a little more. She was juicy, but tight and very sensitive judging by how tight she was and how moist her channel became the more he moved.

"This is a pretty nice cunt little sis." He said in a playful bit of banter, his cock thrusts in as he helps her plunge down the water ebbing and flowing mixing with swirls of Ruby's innocence. "This actually feels much... nicer then Yang's don't tell her that though." He wasn't wrong on that either Ruby's barely touched pussy was so much smoother and tighter then either Yang's or Blake's whose pussy's likely at this point has enough space to hide loose change in.
Ruby bit her lip, gasping and giving little moans as he began to move. Her petite body rocked with his, her hips grinding smoothly with him. Every motion got a reaction from her, clearly the most sensitive of the girls, no surprise there, not after what happened to Weiss. She continued to hold him close, head pressed to his chest as her eyes closed.

When he spoke, she quickly nodded, blushing some a that thought. "Thank you... big brother.." First time she managed to really call him that, seeming to now getting into the idea. All the better for the little family fantasy they had going on now, with Ruby both participating in the sex and the roleplay. Her voice sounded heavy and heated, seeming she was straining as she got closer and closer to her peak.
Groaning, he begins to push his cock deep up inside her after a few slow thrusts. Hearing her call him big brother brought a surprising reaction to him, a grunt escaped him as his cock began to throb deep inside her. He then began to slowly speed up his thrusts, curious if she'd use her semblence or not during sex, he had seen it, the speed she possessed, so if she could apply it here, it could really get a rise out of them. "I wager your pretty fast with her semblance how fast could you go with it in this position?" He wondered as he leaned in to kiss her, his lips part tongue buries into her mouth a truely passionate kiss likely to cause poor Ruby's heart to skip a beat.
Letting him kiss her, Rub did indeed take pause there. Her moan erupted from her throat as the girl melted into the passionate kiss, letting his tongue have its way inside her mouth. Her own tongue ran softly against his, but clearly submissive compared to his. The kiss eventually broke though and the girl pulled away, cheeks like roses as she opened her eyes again.

"Well... I've never tried it like this but..." Ruby gripped his shoulders tight, getting a determined twinkle in her eye. "Hold on, little brother." Her hips began to move up and down then, at first at a very sedate, mundane pace. Then, her semblance began kicking in and the girl began slamming down rapidly, faster and faster. The impacts built up quite the force with the speed she went and the water, the entire surface was rippled from the constant motion.

This however seemed to soon set Ruby off as she cried out in her first true climax. Walls clamping down, her hips slowed as she lost focus and her motions became slower and more erratic. Eventually her hips stopped a she was left panting atop him.
His brow lifted a moment she said little brother "You mean big brother...." Then there it was she began to speed up, and like a hyperactive jackhammer her speed increased as her thrusts now were forced downward faster. The water churning and splashing all over the place getting on the floor, and all over the walls.

The best part about her going faster is she milked his cock with so much force he groaned out and finally was able to reach exctacy he blew a huge load up in her his cum splattering against her womb and cervix as he slowly groans "That was awesome sis..." He lays back and pants a bit.
Ruby panted as she clutched Silver close, a content look on her face as she slowly came down. The feel of his cum inside her felt nice, as did his cock, which she had no plans of letting go of right now. "That was amazing..." Looking up at him, she blushed, smiling though. "Can see why sis and Blake like to talk about it... Well, sis mainly, but sure you know that by now."

She soon recovered, sitting up more herself rather than slouching against him. Looking down, she pulled off him, watching his cock with some curiosity as it pulled out of her, giving another cute moan as it left her tunnel.
The young man smiled at her and looked into her eyes, reaching up a hand he would brush her bangs back, that had been jangled loose during the wild splashy fucking. "Just don't become addicted to it like they have, you are meant for so much more then being cock hungry Ruby..." He spoke as an authoritive older brother, before looking at the mess they made. "Well, we should work on cleaning up, and getting ourselves cleaned up don't you think?"
Ruby nodded, getting back to finishing up cleaning, which didn't take too long, seeing as all the fun was focused on one area. Stepping out of the bath, the girl wrapped a towel around herself, looking to Silver with a blush and smile. "Thank you Silver, for everything." Turning, she takes a step out into the room itself...

Only to run into the rest of the girls... more specifically run into Yang who quickly dragged her to the balcony. Clearly to get all the details, even though it was likely the girls all heard. The girls themselves seemed to be trying and mind their own business, well not all the girls actually. Leona was suddenly by Silver's side when he stepped out of the bathroom, flicking through her scroll. "Another girl in the harem hey? Should I go and order you a big tent and some outfits for your birthday?" The Ferret girl asked with a cheeky grin as she gave him a glance.
Silver heard Leona's humor and looked down at himself only wearing a towel around his waist. "I've never had a birthday, could be fun, are you paying for that or am I?" He teased as he moved to grab some clothes the only two not out interogating Ruby was Weiss and Leona, and Weiss looked a little red. " Hey sport how ya doing." Giving her a firm pat on the back right across what would likely be a large welting sunburn. The slap would upon contact cause every burnt cell on that section of Weiss's skin to scream out.

"Ohy looking a bit red there, you forget to lotion up there Snow Crab." He was teasing her then went to get into his pajama's which was a simple button up shirt with some tight shorts. However the sound of his scroll going off alerted him, and he checked it. "Well, looks like Ozpin has something for us to do once we return, might be a new mission." He had no idea how much the other girls were drilling Ruby, but she hadn't run away screaming so hopefully everything was okay.
Leona rolled her eyes at that, though did like that he so far hadn't crumbled to her taunts and teases, more challenge for her. "Well, you never heard it from me but... Winter might be making plans for such an event. By that I mean the birthday, not the Harem... I hope." Biting her lip, she got thoughtful all of a sudden, shaking her head after a moment. Seeming to be clearing whatever images came to her.

Weiss grunted through clenched teeth as Silver patted the sunburn, giving him a glare. "I'm fine thank you..." Stubornly refusing to admit she screwed up on something so simple as sun cream. Though it was clear, Ruby might be a red head, but Weiss had the palest, most sensitive skin of the group.

From the balcony, Silver might catch the girls asking about how it felt, what she did and so on. Ruby seemed to be taking okay, not running away, but still going back to her shy self. It would seem that even with tonight's actions, Ruby wasn't going to become anywhere near as eager as her sister, or the cat in heat, or the warrior looking for a rematch... or the curious friend that was biding her time for taste.
The sight so as revealed from the balcony showed that nothing unusual had changed about Ruby. Sighing he would turn and look to the fair skinned Weiss and asked. "Would you like me to apply the sunburn cream on you so you can atleast try and sleep soundly, I don't much enjoy sunburns either, so I bring a bottle of the stuff if I go somewhere with lots of sun." He grabs a squeeze bottle of cream, if Weiss was clever she might use his offer to rub the cream on her to get back at him for the time she had to rub cream on his dick.

"Also, tell Winter, she will find me pleased with such an idea, I've wanted to live like a normal lad, though even as I progress towards being a hunter." He settles on his bed, which was the smallest, and the girls had been granted a large bed for all of them, meaning the lone male got his own bed and the girls shared a large one.
"Hmm, if you're so willing to volenteer, I guess you wouldn't mind doing my whole back?" The heiress lay on her front, looking back at him as he got out the bottle of cream. "Wouldn't want any of the rest of me to burn up, would you?" While nowhere near what he made her do before, this would some what make up for it. Granted, she knew she was still heavily in debt for what happened, but she was still of the opinion that she suffered enough...

Leona gave a thumbs up, leaning against the wall idly to watch Weiss and Silver. "That's exactly what Winter was thinking. Course, sometimes I think she's trying to spoil you like her little boy. But hey, I'm just the help to keep the cheeky brat out of trouble."
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