It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Ruby was certainly having fun, just walking around with Silver, enjoying the sights, sampling the food. Ruby for sure had a sweet tooth, sampling many of the treats at the various stalls, of course having cotton candy as she went round. The girl was relaxed now, just hanging around with Silver and enjoying there day, so far it had been perfect.

Then the punks showed up, getting a frown from Ruby but not much else. She continued to cling to Silver, not really much in a typical fight. Leona on the other hand, kept an eye on things, frowning. Picking up a rock, she got ready to intervene, seeing how Silver would handle it to start with.
Silver calmly sighs. 'On the first day of peace I've had in a while you start causing a fuss....' Calmly looking towards where Leona was he then looks back to the punks. "Listen fellas sorry for the trouble, sorry for scuffing up your jacket there... hope you are alright though?" He was acting cool, and his face clearly following the acting well. "Yo, you making funna me punk... get em boys." The men lunge for Ruby and Silver but they all belly flop into a pile the chink of a coin replacing Silver and Ruby. "Hey listen if you boys cause to much trouble could hurt someone." He scolded being a few feet behind the punks. "Leona leaving them to you, I'm on my day off." He said patting Leona's shoulder before leaving it all to her.
Ruby got to have the thrill of her first teleport, one minute her and Silver were about to get jumped, the next they were behind the group. When Leona was mentioned, Ruby looked to the Faunus girl, confused. "Huh, when did she get here?" Tilting her head to see the Ferret woman standing there.

Leona just ruffled Ruby's hair, getting another annoyed grumble. "Don't worry about it, you two have fun." Then she turned to punks, giving a small smirk. That was until her skin turned to rock and she walked over to them, fists held out, that got the cowards running away pretty quickly.
Upon returning Silver could see the following with each of the other girls. Yang was massaging her breasts muttering "Grow, Grow..Grow." Blake was curled up on a towel reading her book, Weiss was tanning or rather sunburning, and Nora and Pyrrha were out in the water. Sighing he looks at the scene. "Nothing unusual thats good..." Looking over Ruby was still starry eyed from her first time moving with him during one of his teleporting. "You enjoyed that I see."
Ruby looked to Silver again, giving a quick nod. "It was awesome! It's like when I use my semblance, but even faster! I can barely even imagine using that in a fight." The eager gun nut back it seems, which of course brought a barrage of questions from the girl. "So how far can you go with it? If you kept shooting up could you fly? Think if you shot a Grimm you could swap places with it?"

Vixen had evidently returned, going back to sunbathing, unlike Weiss able to hold a tan. Weiss tried none the less, but she was such a pale girl, paler than the natural redhead of the group. Yang was the first of the girls to notice Silver return, stopping her breast massage and jumping up to give Silver and Ruby a hug in one fell swoop. "Got a feel for the sights, think you can show little sis a good time, little bro?" Yang giving the two a wink, honestly not minding taking a side line for Ruby to get some attention.
"I think I have a date in mind yes... by the way what was that ritual you were doing?" He refered to what looked like some secret chant she did to grow out her boobs... Which hadn't changed at all, and Vixe still being 4 cm larger. Calmly he pulled free of Yang and smiled at Ruby, beginning to answer her questions. "If I shoot up I will eventually have to come down, if I shoot a grimm I do not switch places with it just the bullet, and I can go about 50 meters." He may have been spouting out his ability a bit to much, as those who wanted to fight him could use such info.
"Oh, I was just..." Yang scratched the back of her head, trying to come up with an excuse. "Just preparing to go into the water, rubbing lotion, stuff like that. Nothing to concern yourself with little brother." Ruffling up Silver's hair now with a smile.

Ruby nodded, genuinely interested in what he had to say. Course a select few others were making notes, mainly Weiss and Pyrrha, both wanting to fight him for varying reasons. Leona had popped back at this point, just back to laying back on the beach like nothing had happened. "Gotta take care of yourself brat, Winter wouldn't like your pretty face being messed up." The ferret girl teased as she glanced over to him.
With Yang tousling up his hair, the noting on his hair maintaining its spikiness even still was due to how much gel was in it. The moment Leona arrived he twists and turns looking at himself. "Why do I look like I'm getting burnt." Feigning ignorance of what she meant. But from there the group played till the sun began to set. The group parting to the hotel. While he and Ruby went back to the festival, there the two had a lot more fun. Then they stopped at the recommended restraunt. His eyes big, "We can't order liquor Ruby we are both to young..." He muttered.
Ruby for the evening had changed, not because she wanted, but because Yang insisted on it. So after a quick bit of getting ready, she was back out in her dress, sans the high heels this time round though. Dress or no dress though, she certainly had her fun, it all having come much more alive now night fell. Everything was in full swing, the lights bright, filling the night with colour as tourists and locals alike enjoyed the fun. Ruby, the hyperactive girl she is, started dragging Silver along to try all the rides and activities. By the end of it all, Ruby had just about worn herself out.

Course the prospect of good food perked the girl back up, dusting herself off to head in. Turning to Silver at the prospect of drink, she scratched her chin. "True... but do we need it? I mean Uncle Qrow would never let me try any of his... well actually, dad forbid Qrow from it. But can't be that great can it?"
The fact that Ruby was going back and fourth on the idea of having her first drink. Silver took the moment to order them both some fruit juice instead. Then ordering a light meal for the both of them. Taking charge of the date as a good man should. Turning his attention back to her while the waiter went on to get the food. He and her spent some time talking about weapons, and stuff like that. The calm quiet evening was nice for a change, save for a whole table of girls dressed up in disguises to try and blend in. It would seem, the rest of the group had been quite curious to see how a date with Silver went between him and Ruby, thus doing the most cliche' go as a group in disguise and watch them.

Yang and Pyrrha went back and fourth. About how nice they look together. Blake had been enjoying the picture of fish in the menu for a bit, Nora and Weiss didn't know why they agreed to this. Then there was Leona, whose entire task was to be on his tail.
Ruby didn't argue with the decision, going ahead and taking the juice. She was much more comfortable at this point, relaxing as the two talked about things. She didn't notice the other's watching, luckily being smart enough to sit some distance from the two, otherwise Yang and Phyrra's constant chatting would blow it all. This was why Leona ended up taking a separate table from the other girls, annoyed at how unstealthy they all were.

Soon a question came to Ruby's head, deciding to voice it as they waited for food. "Silver... when Ozpin gets you a team. We'll still be friends right? Know for a fact Yang and Blake would miss you, just hope we won't see less of each other when we part ways like that." She was genuinely curious and seemed sincere about wanting to keep up with him.
Silver would take the plates as they were being settled down. His gaze going over the room, there were couples hanging around, some older then them, some way older then those couples.

He watched the food be settled in with a little help form him the waiter thanked him. "No need to thank me your wrist looked a little sore carrying the plates around, so thought I'd help out." The waiter calmly lifted his lips in a grin and bows. Then goes back to serving the others. Silver was delaying answering Ruby's question obviously.

"I... will always be your friend, I'm just going to be on another team, I'll still be at Beacon, and I will still see you all when your at school, after all Pyrrha and Nora are of a different team, and they are your friends, so, nothing stopping me from staying this way once my new team gets all set up." However the sound of someones scroll going off had him look over at one of the other tables. Seeing a few people who looked familiar, and let out a silent sigh and looked to Ruby and flashed her a smile, "Anyways, I made some adjustments tot he design you did for Comet and Cupid, you will have to see it some time when we get back to Beacon, they now have this pivot that turns the turns the guns into swords more fully its great!" Seeing her moping didn't sit well, so he changed up the subject to something she enjoyed while they ate.
Ruby listened to him having been worried they might lose contact with him, his reassurances making her feel a tad silly for asking. Of course he wasn't going anywhere, he'd still be in Beacon, just like Pyrrha's team. When the subject turned to weapons again, she smiled, instantly hooked. "Awesome, hope to see them in action sometime! We still need to get in a proper battle... not one where the bad guys cheat..." Frowning as she thought back to the bandit encounter.

Tucking into her food, she eagerly and quickly ate. Ruby was not lady like in the slightest, so table manners weren't her thing. She was much happier to enjoy her food, as a result, finishing her plate quickly.

Meanwhile across the room, some of the girls were berating Yang for getting them spotted. "I wanted a cute picture of my sister dating!"

"I swear Yang, sometimes you act more like a mother than a sister." Weiss sighed with a shake of her head, still not entirely sure why she was here. Glancing over and seeing Blake had a plate of fish brought over did not make it any better.


Miss Angell confidently walked into the White Fang base, ignoring the various growls and glares of protest. She just strode up, right to where the current Lieutenant was standing, a tall, hulking figure. She hadn't been dealing with Adam, he was off with a Cinder apparently, it was no concern to the cyborg, this got her results either way. "Mercover is going to need more men, less incompetent ones than those you provided for the shipment."

Said lieutenant, wasn't very happy with the woman or Mercover, not after the loss of his men. "Why would I do that... you are almost as bad as Torchwick and still human..." He seemed to contemplate breaking Angell and send her crawling back to Mercover as an example... A terrible idea for sure.

Angell tutted again, extending a open hand out to him. "My dear boy..." Then her arm opened up, revealing a small cannon extending out of her hand. "Need I remind you, that we are not exactly human either... Need I also remind you what happened to your predecessor when he threatened Mercover. I assure you... it wouldn't be so quick for you." Giving a sadistic smile, she walked off, throwing a scroll to him. "Have your men gathered at that location, if things are done properly, it'll be well worth your while..."
Silver talked and ate with Ruby not really giving Yang and the others any notice. Sure he knew they were there already, they weren't exactly hard to notice. For one they all had hair unique to them. Plus, Yang's voice was easy to pick out from the group. They were no stealth corps that was for sure. Silver looked to Ruby. "Come to think of it, you and Yang are from here..."

He decided to focus on things now that were outside weapons and the types of cookies they both liked, of course he enjoyed peanut butter so long as there was more salty then sweet to it, he enjoyed rock music. Basically as he spoke, Blake, Yang and Pyrrha kinda were able to pick up on things he liked and disliked, so it was a learning experience for them as well, he didn't like sugar, he was fond of orange juice, but not so fond of cranberry. His favorite fruit was grapefruit, he enjoyed dark hot chocolate. His favorite flavor was either salty or bitter. His favorite color was like his name sake, silver. They would likely enjoy knowing some of this very info.
Blake, Yang and Pyrrha were all taking mental notes, even if it looked like Blake was chowing down on fish. Weiss remained indifferent, enjoying a meal while the rest of the girls spied on him. Nora also seemed to take some interest, but seemed kind of bored sitting around not doing anything. Leona for her part remained in her little nook watching, mainly for threats, though also for anything to use as blackmail on Silver.

The evening went on and the two finished their meal, Ruby reclining back contently in her chair. "So... full..." Giving a small content moan, she really enjoyed the meal and the company. Looking over to Silver she smiled, a much sweeter smile than most of the looks he usually got, lately most of them being lustful from the other girls. "This was great! Suppose we better head back to the room, don't want Yang to be too concerned about me...." Blissfully unaware of the fact everyone was a few paces behind them.


Shadow slowly entered Mercover's current hideout with some caution, glancing back and forth as he walked. Shadow was a horse faunus, a tail giving him away, otherwise you'd never know, the rest of his body was just bulky and muscled. He could handle himself in a fight, which in his line of work as was helpful. While not a member of the White Fang, his operations often had him working with them, so right now, he worked for Mercover.

Approaching the augmented human, he cleared his throat, announcing his arrival. He carried a hefty case, slowly gesturing to it when he got Mercover's attention. "Your companion got me the specifications you were looking for... These should give the upgrade you requested... for the agreed price of course." Holding the case, he opened it up, revealing parts from a heavy duty cannon, modified to be fitted to his arm, plus several specialised green dust cartridges. Not normal dust weapons, these were a very experimental and powerful new type of ammunition being tested in Atlas.
The fact she avoided saying anything about this being her and Yang's home land. It was simply something he was happy to shrug about and not poke and prod about it. Then nods in agreeance to the whole returning before it gets to late idea. Silver stood and paid the tab for the food and drink. Looking over to the table with the eavesdroppers. Tossing the table a coin and would depart with Ruby making sure she got back to the hotel safe.

Once they arrived Silver took a whiff of himself and would peww. "Well, I certainly smell sweaty... gonna head to the shower." He said grabbing a towel or two before entering the bathroom but before he opened the door something was tugging on his sleeve, he turned his head and asked. "What... you wanna join me I'm guessing.." It was just the two of them right now.


Mercover smirks at his arms dealer friend, the man had begun to wear a more comfortable combat trench coat armored and a pair of camo military trousers with thick brown boots. The big man with the augmented arm couldn't be happier then to see the crates of experimental dust ammo, and the new augment for his arm. He would have to have Angell install it right away.

"I tell you Shadow ma'boy you do me good business, you shall have your payment I assure you, and with this in hand I'll happily be able to show the world Aura... is worthless, the only power we need is technology.." The man flexed out his augmented arm inside it one could tell it was just a Frankenstein of different weapons all in one arm shaped compartment.. The sickening sound of rotating blades and gyrating metal klanking and clunking. It was clear that Mercover while being out of the mercenary life still had his connections. "Now then don't you have a White Fang party to attend over in Vale... some sort of seedy Bar that hires teenagers and faunus... to work there... if I remember correctly you like them younger then 19 or so yes and faunus... yes... the faunus part.." He flashed a smirk.
Ruby happily followed him back to the hotel, the night was warm and it'd been a long day of activity. Ruby wasn't quite tired yet, being a bundle of energy normally and dozing most of the morning. Plus... the nerves were starting to sink in.

As they entered the room, she bit her lip, looking at Silver as he announced he was going to go shower. Her thoughts went back to when the girls relations started with him, when Blake went into the shower with him... So, she tugged his sleeve, looking up to him with a blush. "I was thinking... maybe can thank you for a good night like Blake did for you saving us." He could hear the nerves, but there was a determination there.


"Human, Faunus, I'll take either. Nice young girls look pretty just as nice bent over naked, Faunus or not." Shadow grinned, not hiding his perversions. He never did anything with it around here, Angell was both too old for his tastes and although she looked good, he knew all too well how much of her wasn't human.

"I will leave you too it then, that is all the ammunition I could acquire right now. Experimental weapons don't exactly have good stockpiles to exploit. But if you need more I will certainly be happy to provide." With a smile, Shadow left, heading back to Vale for the party. The party was a business trip, sure, but he planned to enjoy himself while he was there.
When she asked to join him, Silver turned and grasps her adorable big head. Then began to sniff her over, doing it in a way that was kinda like a big brother doting on his baby sister. Then released her and pews. "Sure you could use a scrub as well." He teased opening the door and letting her in first. Silver stripped without much regard, he was soon standing before Ruby naked. "How bout we make it a bubble bath." Pointing at the tub. "That way we can relax a little." He turned facing her his dick flopping around.
Ruby scowled a little, much like when Yang did this to her. He seemed to take the big brother role well, that was for sure. Heading inside, Ruby began to slowly slip out of her dress, soon down to her underwear, white with roses on it. She turned about to say something, only to see Silver standing naked before her, her eyes immediately drawn to his manhood, her mind going blank. At the suggestion of a bubble bath, she gave a nod, slowly tearing herself away from staring at his length with a blush. "Yeah... Sounds good."

The bath was quickly made, Ruby making it how she normally would. As the water was running, she at last stripped fully naked, slow and nervous. He'd already seen her naked, after all, he came in on the aftermath of the girls orgy the other night. The evidence was still on her, a slowly fading Ruby Rose on her lower back. Although fairly petite, Ruby did have some curves to her, nowhere near her sisters level. It was a close match for sure between who had the flattest chest between her and Weiss, though Ruby had an excuse of being younger and still growing.

With the bath made, Ruby was quick to slip into the bubbled water, like a child she'd made it so the bath looked to be more bubble than bath. It was all in all, deep enough that she could hide most of herself inside, only her neck and head poking out right now, turning to Silver again with the ever growing blush.
Silver watched her... that innocence... it was heart renching to him... To think, he may well be causing this girl to lose that child like innocence... But he had to treat her fairly... as a team mate. He watched her bend over noticing a little blackish red patch above Ruby's virgin folds, they didn't even look like they'd ever been touched.. which he knew they had... Walking over his cock swaying making it hard for her to not watch. He slid into the bath, however it proved to small for both of them, thus he slid under her forcing her to sit in his lap, and just like that he went to work lathering her up and rinsing. Unaware that the others may return any moment.
With Silver sliding in and under her, Ruby quickly be aware very aware of what she was sitting on and his close... It was. Taking a deep breath, the girl relaxed herself, closing her eyes as Silver began to lather her up and wash her off. She began to return the favour, starting with his arms, before reaching back to do his chest. Her small hands ran up and down it, starting to feel put his scars much like Blake had the first time they showered together. "You've been hurt, far too much..." The girl muttered as she looked them all over.


The girls wouldn't be arriving home, not just yet. No, Yang had decided to drag them off shopping again, all except Leona who had already arrived back to keep an eye over Silver. Yang figured, it was time to treat everyone again, mainly to try and impress Silver, though that begged the question...

"Why am I here?!" Weiss huffed as she was dragged around.

"Because you still owe everyone an I said so. Besides, you might get sympathy points with Silver if we dress you up nice." Yang proceeding to shove lacy lingerie into the girls face. "Try it.

"Nora... Why are you here?" Pyrrha deciding to bring up why Nora was with them... And eagerly checking out the underwear.

"What... Can't I have a peice of this guy? He's hardly exclusive!" This got a glare from Yang, Blake and Pyrrha, at the announcement of more competition.
Silver heard Ruby reacting to his scars. "They are old... some of them are." On several places fresh looking holes looked like they just healed over along his body, two in the shoulder from the bullets he took, and 12 other spots on his arms, legs and torso. It was a wonder how he survived, let alone got so banged up, normally the gift of Aura came with natural protection, the fact so many scars dotted him should bring to wonder how weak his aura was. "Unlike my skin...yours is very soft." He let his hand trace her arm.
Ruby closed her eyes as he began to trace her skin like she was with him. Ruby was flawless, though truth was, it was unlikely to stay that way. Hunters and Huntress' gain scars throughout their career for sure, an Aura only goes so far to protect you, Weiss already was proof of that. "I hope can help avoid you getting more of them." Ruby turned around at this point, more straddling him now, her legs running either side of his hips. She began washing his chest more vigorously, soon switching to his back. Her breasts began rubbing against his chest at this point, giving a soft gasp as her hardened nipples brushed against him.
Silver gently looked at Ruby. Grasping her hips suddenly. Then his cock rose up and was placed between her legs as she was laying atop him. His hands moved from hips to her butt gently, very gently groping. His hard cock slid in between her legs. The member poised itself. Silver didn't push it anywhere, but his hands did not leave her ass. "Ruby..... would you like to do the honors..." He spoke to her very gently, his tone asking if she was ready.
Ruby gasped as silver suddenly took hold of her, shuddering at the feel of his length between her thighs. He was waiting for her, she knew he was, soon him speaking up to confirm that fact. Biting her lip, the girl gave a small nod, hands moving from his back to his shoulder, gripping them tight. Slowly, she rose up, lining herself up as she felt the head of his member against her piratically virgin slit. After a couple of misses, she managed to slide down, the head spreading her open at last. She stopped, moaning out at the feel, starting to slowly move down him to take more. Yang had already somewhat prepared her for this, so she didn't feel much pain, but still, she was tight and she moved ever so slowly down. Her eyes closed as her tight tunnel began to be filled by him, inch by inch sinking in.
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