It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

The slap of panties took her off guard, pulling them off quickly, only to see it was her sisters, frilly and lacy like hers. "Uhh..." However Silver kept talking, grabbing her hair, pulling her right up against his cock, looking like it's had a snake constrict around it. She wanted to protest, but with how Silver was right now, she was sure that was a bad idea, right now. Biting her lip, she had to endure it. "Okay, I'll get right on it..." Her tone submissive and meek, not a normal one for her at all.

She brought up the cream, squeezing a fair amount into her right hand. Turning her gaze back to his cock, she bit her lip, slowly reaching forward. She hesitated before grasping him, the first cock she'd actually touched, before now it'd been toys and the girls. She then began to rub the stuff in, taking her time and her actions focused on getting cream in and not pleasuring him, though it'd possibly do both.

The girls in the room had various reactions to seeing all this. Blake watched with wide eyes, interested, still in clear sight of Silver as she watched. She was ready to jump in and assist, especially if it meant some of that treatment. Yang was watching, half hidden away under her covers. She really didn't want Silver to snap and he seemed close... Ruby on the other hand, lay on her bed, eye mask on, headphones quietly blasting music to her. She didn't want to see or hear any of this....
The cool cream stung a bit as it was applied, but she unlike her sister was trying to be gentle. Also he could voice concern if ever she wasn't being very gentle obviously. She was shaking like a leaf though and taking glances to be sure.

His grip lightened up on her at some point not that it was any more of a cause to relax, he could snap at anytime, the girls didn't know what to do about the fact he clearly had no issue killing when he was in his loose cannon state. The way it stood he could blow at any moment. Yet, as time went on and Weiss applied the painkiller cream he relaxed a bit.

"Thanks there Powdered Donut... now... be sure to wash your hands after this doubt you want your sisters gunk all over your hand after I'd had her bouncing on me for about 4-5 hours..." He grumbles, thus revealing as to why he was so cranky, he looks at the other two who were cowering, well one was cowering the other was looking like she would have enjoyed him cutting off a bit of her ear if she'd let him.

Calmly seeing he was causing a bit of an air of discomfort in the air among the group, he pulls his pants up. "Gonna go relax outside and maybe get some sun..." He said as he drew out one of his guns and looks towards a comfortable looking bench in the school courtyard.. Seeing a nice one, he aimed and fired, using his semblance to switch places with his bullet, relaxing back onto the bench and looking to the sky trying to not think about girls or anything, slowly for a bout 15 minutes he slept, even when the pressure of some soft... round. He woke up staring to see what was sitting on him.
"Ewww..." Was all Weiss commented from the sisters gunk comment, slowly pulling away now he felt she was done. She didn't really dare comment any more about it now, he was clearly cranky and she was already in his bad books. She still had a feeling he might be the monster she feared, but less now, and under control anyway. A monster with some humanity... For now though, she wasn't going to provoke him, not again. So she quietly went off to wash up, letting Silver leave.


Velvet Scarlatina was up bright and early today, getting some quiet time while her team slept the morning in. It was summer break after all, no one had classes to worry about and missions weren't mandatory, though many teams still took them. The Bunny Girl walked around with a clip board, looking through notes. When she wasn't out doing missions with her team or out with Coco, she was working on her other passion project, the school newspaper!

"Winter Schnee's visiting, sure it's a story but we don't have enough information. Hmm... maybe can get an interview, that'd be good!" Thinking for a moment, she shook her head, crossing it off her pad. "Scratch that, no way she'd let us see her."

So engrossed in her work was Velvet, that the faunus woman was on autopilot to her favourite bench. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but some tired soul was already in it. She settled herself down, chewing on her pencil, so distracted it took her a moment to realise. The bench never normally felt this bumpy. Slowly she looked down, leaping up as she saw Silver under her. "Eek! I'm so sorry!" She spun around, ears on end and nervously holding her bad to herself. "Sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't see you there, sorry!"
Silver didn't seem to stir much seeing as he had gotten plenty comfortable at this point but. The moment she got up and was making a lot of unnecessary noise he looks up at her... "You know most people look at the bench before sitting, who knows if you walk around and sit without looking.. there could have been nevermore scat all over the bench and you'd never realize it."

He didn't sound like he was being harsh towards her on purpose the young man had some serious bags under his eyes. Reaching back to his head he itches it and sits up as he moves over and points at the spot next to him. The messy look of his hair made him look funny as it was all poofy and all over the place, as opposed to spiky.

"You want the spot you can have it, I can snooze sitting up..." However looking at her note pad, he tilts his head to the side seeing the Newspaper Clubs logo on the back. "Oh...your in the Newspaper Club... hows Thomas doing the president.." Velvet blinked at Silver for a long time, her eyes had been wide but now they had softened and she sighed plopping down next to him. "Oh... him, he got kicked out of the school.. for posting an image of Glynda taking her pants off in the newspaper, apparently an anonymous person sent the image as Black Mail.. apparently Glynda did not like that, so the previous club president was kicked out three days ago."

This brought a surprise to Silver's face, as he scrolled through his phone and dialed up Thomas, a few rings and he picked up "Hello, Thomas Blue here..." He said being interrupted by Silver shouting loudly into the speaker. "YOU DUMBASS WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH ALL THIS DATA NOW HUH!" Silver hung up on the man and turns his attention to the wide eyed surprised Velvet. "So, you the new President huh?" He wagered.
"Just a bit distracted this morning, trying to get the summer edition of the paper up. Not used to anyone being out this early." Velvet blushed, embarrassed about her stupid mistake. The bunny girls substantial ears lowered a little too at this, seeming Faunus were very expressive with their ears from what he'd seen of the three girls recently.

Taking the seat he offered, she settled down, lowering the notepad to her lap, allowing him to see it. Thus the conversation about the ex-president and Silver's sudden outburst, getting a surprised, but confused look. "Well.. yes, the names Velvet...." Frowning suddenly, she tilted her head, putting two and two together. "Are you... Thomas' anonymous source, are you a photographer of some kind?"

She didn't seem mad, she actually seemed a little intrigued as she looked him over. News worthy photo's were sometimes hard to come by, so if he was able to get them regularly. Velvet's mind began to race, thoughts of possibly being able to exploit a new source of information.
Silver looked to Velvet after hanging up on Thomas. Taking the time to roam his sleepy gaze over her. "Not so much a photographer.. but I may or may not be Thomas's inside source and cause of the image that got cycled in the latest tabloid." He relaxed back staring up at the sky in a daze. "By the way... the look of rather lack of enthusiasm for a newspaper journalist on your face tells me you've not had any good stories in a while yes?"

Meanwhile Team Rwby were left dealing with their marks which weren't coming off no matter how hard Yang and Weiss scrubbed. "You know he might be right about you Yang..." Weiss pouted wagering it was Yang's fault for being so infatuated with Silver.
Velvet sighed and slowly nodded, looking to her pad, the list of notes being fairly slim, even for just a school tabloid. "Yeah, about only noteworthy story is Winter Schnee is visiting for a unknown period of time. But on it's own it doesn't give me much, best I could hope for is to be aloud to interview her and doubt that. Thomas never even got Weiss to agree to an interview back when she first started."

Velvet bit her lip as she thought, turning to Silver suddenly. "Any suggestions, seeing as you seem to be able to dig up dirt secrets if that call is to be believed." She didn't seem above using some of what he had.

Yang stopped her scrubbing, glaring at the half naked Weiss. "Excuse me Princess, but what did I do to deserve being called a whore?! I don't sleep around!" Ruby gave her a knowing look, causing Yang to glance away. "...Much... Besides, could of got a worse name for you, especially after what you did!"
Silver rubs at his chin, well she wasn't hounding him to fuck her. He also did have a soft spot for faunus....well some anyways. But the round desperate bunny eyes of hers caused him to conscede. "Alright, tell ya what.... I may have some dirt... question is, is your shovel strong enough to dig it up?" He said crypticly, basicly testing to see if she had the will to handle the dirt he was packing,

Meanwhile Weiss drooped her shoulders at that. "But... he is.. dangerous.. don't you girls remember how he was during.. during that isn't natural... " She stammered.
Velvet smiled some, giving a nod, seeming to get a little excited. She'd never really handled shadier reporting, but the prospect of trying it, kind of exciteded her, even if she knew it was wrong. "I think I can handle it. Can't say I'd be able to report it all, don't want to lose my job like Thomas did, love working here too much!"

Yang frowned at that comment, gesturing around the room. "All of us can use our souls to keep safe, one of us has super speed, another makes clones, you do magic and I can punch an Ursa out cold. We are all pretty damn far from normal human, I'd wager." A cough from Blake got her attention. "Far from normal human and faunus, thank you Blake. Princess, did he hurt us during that time, did he not infact go out of his way to save us?"
Looking to Velvet he reached out, and gently pet her between her long floppy ears. "No need to worry Cinnamon Bun, you won't get anything to dirty, just the bits.. perhaps... maybe about the more private natures of team Rwby, what they like, what they dislike.. what color underwear they have on, if they sleep with a night light... start it small.... in return think you might help me get back into photography if you model for me a little some, wager you got a great smile." Silver's silver tongue working its charm.

Meanwhile Yang and Weiss continue to bicker. "You weren't there... I saw him stabbed 12 times, he should have died from it, there was no aura protecting him..." Yang and Blake still not happy about Weiss admitting to attempting to kill Silver, Yang lunged at Weiss pummeling her to the ground.
"Model well..." Velvet thought about it, having never really been subject to someone else's photography. "I suppose no harm in it, haven't really been a model before. Sometime today good?" She was eager to get something to write about. An article on team RWBY, one of the rising stars of the academy was something good to work with.

The fight was a very messy affair, not the first time the girls came to blows, but usually not this bad. Yang went in swinging, though Weiss was quick to defend herself by pulling at the bigger girls hair. This only pissed Yang off more, giving a angry cry as she pulled at Weiss' nicely done hair. The entire time Ruby and Blake watched, glancing at each other before going back to their books, trying to not get involved.
Silver looked to the window of team Rwby's dorm room. It was open and he could hear blows going off. This was when Silver stood up, and offered to help her up. "How bout we head there now. I wager you don't want to lollygag around." He said taking her hand then moving to the photography room. Letting her enter first before pulling out his private memory card. "Now would you like to see the dirt I have?" He said.

The fight between Yang and Weiss only got worse till Yang got the upper hand shoving Weiss's head into the toilet dunking the heiress and holding her there, but Weiss swung her elbow aiming right for Yang's stomach hard. It was far from over.
Velvet took his hand, hopping up to her feet. Following along, they quickly arrive, the girl putting her pad to one side before turnning to Silver. She pulled out her own scroll, giving a nod as she took the memory card to see. "Now, let's see what you have here..." The first one she came across was when he had Blake, Yang and Pyrrha lined up on the mat, face down ass up. "Oh... Oh my goodness..." A blush spread across her cheek as she began flicking through.

In the end the two were convinced... by way of Ruby and Blake pulling them off each other, to take it outside. So the team went out to the little disused arena, geared up and ready to go. Ruby and Blake stood to one side, letting the two line up. "Going to kick your ass Princess..." Yang growled out, raising her fists as Ember Celica extended into their fighting state.

Blake sighed, stepping forward and holding her arm up. "On the count of three.... one... two..." She then dropped her arm, signalling the start. Where immediately, Yang leaped forward, firing a shot backwards from her gauntlets, propelling herself forward. Aiming to punch Weiss out quickly before she got the chance.
Silver settled in a chair behind her looking at a costume closet. Seeing one he liked, he got up fetching a tight fitting bunny girl suit of colors similar to Velvet's own. He set the suit down, having fun watching her scrolling through the 100 plus images. The way her ears twitched rose and curled was funny to watch. "So any of em you can use?" He asked her, noticing her nose twitching like a rabbits as he settles up behind her, one of her feet thumping on the ground. "Velvet?"

Weiss saw Yang coming and was prepared. She used her dust to create an ice barrier which Yang smashed through her face battered and bruised, and Yang's face covered in deep scratches.
Velvet didn't answer at first, eyes wide as she looked through. Her face was pink and her nervous, well, getting aroused habits began to spike up. Silver would see her lingering on a picture of Pyrrha and Yang together. However, him coming close and saying her name snapped her out of it, turning to him suddenly. "I uhm... Well.." She coughed, putting her scroll down and trying to regain her composure. "Not for the regular newspaper no... most of this is uhm... very erotic... Would need a whole other magazine for that..." Velvet seeming to think that was out of the question.

Yang grunted as she crashed through, slowing her momentum and having her land short. Her eyes began to burn red and hair starting to pale. Her aura was a little out of it since last night, so she didn't try to use it. She charged forward again, this time on foot, this time seeing to quickly punch and knock the princess down.
Silver gently pat Velvet atop the head slowly and gently. Causing her to thump her right leg and foot harder. The bunny girl looked up her eyes sparkling, oh dear he knew that look. "Um.... Si...Silver, would... would you like to um... give me more of those.." Her thighs rubbing, Silver hadn't noticed but now he could see Velvet had a wide pair of thighs, and likely she was blessed with wide hips. Then he groans, his boner starting now, and it was a little sore still, but Velvet's glazed eyes told him she was gunning for him.

Weiss's barrier broke and Yang proceeded to beat the crap out of her. Yang stopped punching her once Ruby grasped her sisters arm. Weiss lay battered bruised, and sobbing. "You.. and that monster are perfect for eachother..." Weiss said before passing out.
Velvet glanced down noticing the tenting starting in his pants. She glanced up again a lewd little grin escaping her, slowly running her hand across his clothing covered member. "I'd... very much appreciate it." The lust along with the fact she was already in heat hit her hard. Granted she was more in control than Blake, Coco kept her satisfied. But still, all this and the photo's left her wanting and Silver was in the firing line. As such, she reached up and slowly went to unzip his pants, tugging them down.

Ruby sighed and glared a little at Yang. "Happy now?"

"A little, yeah... She needs to get it into her head that Silver is fine!"

"Your fists are sure the best method for that I'm sure." Blake rolling her eyes.

Ruby picked the unconscious girl up, sighing as she carried her off alone to have the school nurse look at her.
Silver looked down at Velvet. The cream had worn off, and when she popped it from his pants she could see that it was bright red from Winter's rough riding. The cock had clearly become very sore since then and hadn't had much time to rest. The boy had hoped this wasn't happening as cuming like this could be painful however... a sound of someone kicking the door in could be heard as Coco walked in and saw what was going on. "Okay, someone better explain what I just walked in on... or someones getting a minigun up the ass..."
Velvet leaped from her seat, literally almost hitting the ceiling, the Faunus girl able to leap when she was startled. She spun around, facing Coco with a blush, flusstering. "I... Coco it's not... I was just."

"Just what?" Coco Adel lowered her glasses, looking at the two suspiciously. She wasn't stupid, she saw what Velvet was doing when she burst in, plus she knew Velvet was in heat, making her a little... irrational. Coco herself was pretty territorial when it came to her little bunny, so didn't exactly have plans for Silver to get his hands on her. "I hope you didn't have any funny ideas, did ya buddy?" Her weapon hanging from one arm, compacted, but ready to deploy at any moment.
"No... no I didn't fact I should thank you for showing up when you did..." He pulled back away and slowly side stepped around Coco. Being very sure to have his pants back up, however the memory chip would be left behind. Making his way away from a messy looking scene, Silver came to the room to deal with another mess the room in shambles, Weiss with her face all banged up, Yang fuming and everyone else at bay. Silver sighed having a feeling this was his fault, it wasn't even 1 O'clock yet... and already he was knee deep in complication. Yang stopped fuming and told him all that happend. "Also why am I the whore huh? I'm not that cheap, and she kept calling you a monster." Yang said in a huffy tone. Reaching up resting his hands on her shoulders and guides her to sit. "Yang... she's right.. I am a monster... if not a monster... then a devil..."
Yang sits with Silver as directed, a frown on her face. She still didn't agree with it, even coming from his lips. "No, a monster just kills, you saved us and only killed the bad guys." Frowning, she gestures over at Weiss. "Besides, wasn't what she did far more monstrous, you weren't trying to hurt her and then she does that to you!"

He could see Ruby and Blake sitting out of this, but listening in. They both had an opinion on this but not as strong as either Weiss of Yang. Plus Ruby seemed a little upset with Yang right now, seeming to be taking care of Weiss for the moment.
Silver looked sadly at Yang, then the rest of them. "I used to have friends back when I was working as a mercenary, people I was really close too.... you know what happened to those people.. I killed them, I killed them.. because I was told it was the right thing to do... the men and women who saw me as their friend saw a monster as my bullets shot them dead... and the first of my victems was my best friend... so I don't need your sympathy... cause one day, I... I could very much do the same to all of you." The way he spoke, it was like seeing a man making a threat, Yang gritted her teeth, then socked him hard in the face. She grabbed his shirt collar hitting him again and again.. this time no one stopped her. She finally stopped and kissed him firm on the lips tears in her eyes.
Yang held onto Siver, wrapping her arms around him as she continued the kiss. The tears went a little longer, all for him, sympathy and sadness rolling together. Pulling away again, she gave a sad smile. "That is not happening again. You aren't with those horrible people anymore, you're with us now and we aren't letting the monsters get to you."

Blake stepped in at this point, kneeling down by the side of the bed where they lay. "Trust us, we aren't letting anyone else get inside your head, you aren't the only one molded by monsters."

Ruby chipped in here, still up on her bunk, looking down. "Yeah, anyone tries we'll kick their ass!"

Yang smiled a little again, looking down at him. "Besides... if anyone manages to exploit you, promise to kick your ass and knock you out before you hurt anyone. Just don't you dare stop yourself being happy because of fear, you got it?" Tears clearing up some, as the same old Yang look came back to her.
Calmly the air began to cool down, and Silver felt a hitch in his throat. Seeing her like this, his bruised face puffed out. Tears beginning to well up on the boys normally serious face. Then he buried his face into Yang's breasts and began to cry. For about 5.3 seconds, but then he pulled back and shook his and looks to Yang... "I think... I pegged you wrong.." He looks around and grabs for the bold marker and then looks to Yang... "Hey might... might I update your ink, I made a huge mistake last time."

Yang looks to the group then flashes them a cheeky little smile as she rolled over onto her stomach on his bed. Then let him see where he left the mark "Silver's Blonde Whore." The Blond Whore part was quickly crossed away, and using a gold tipped super bold permanent marker he wrote over the scrawled out black mark, "Silver's Gold." Then Yang got a look at it in the mirror flushing. "You are such a wierd little brother..." Yang said. "and you are a very strange older sister..." Silver countered.


Thus the day of the trip arrived, and of course Silver was the first one waiting at the ship landing zone. His gaze looking to his watch every 5 minutes. The girls were taking for ever to show up.. It would be amazing if night didn't fall before they showed up. Having switched to his Summer Attire for this trip, he had a pair of grey cargo shorts with sandals, and he had removed his vest and wore a plain white t-shirt the belt of his shorts seemed to have straps that could act like suspenders but they didn't seem like they'd fully go over the shoulders so the flopped loose around the back. His fashion sense was in question right now, but that stopped when he saw Nora dragging Pyrrha with her "Well, looks like you two understand the notion of being on time." He teased.
"You're both weird!" Ruby chimed in, seeming to still a little perplexed by the sudden adoption of Silver by Yang. This got a chuckle out of Yang who just got up and ruffled her little sisters hair, getting a small pout from her. "Well you still are!"


Pyrrha and Nora were also in their summer clothes as they showed up. Nora of course was at the head of things, dragging poor Pyrrha along. "Well of course we're on time, none of this fashionably late crap, need to get there and do stuff now!" Nora was evidently pretty damn eager to get their, grinning wide.

Pyrrha was finnally able to stop, Nora having stopped now they were here... and forced to wait, seeming to annoy the energetic girl. "I told you there was no reason to rush Nora, Weiss probably hasn't even finished packing yet." Getting an annoyed whine from Nora. Shaking her head, Pyrrha smiled and hugged Silver, not too tight, not like a Yang hug, more of a caring embrace. "Ready for the trip Silver?"

The next girl to arrive was Leona, the girl in a similar tanktop and shorts outfit that she normally sported, though coat though. She hummed as she walked, quickly coming to Silver's side like she belonged there. "Hope you don't get into more trouble on this trip you cheeky brat."
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