It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Angell went over the camera she'd set up, not bothering to turn the machine off. After all Mercover never said for her to turn it off, least until he ordered Weiss brought over to Silver. So she stopped the footage and got what she needed, preparing the video to be sent. Then and only then, did she let Weiss' torture end, turning the machine off and pulling it away from her, leaving her holes bleeding and gaping.

The woman cut the rope holding Weiss to the ceiling, the girls legs giving out leaving her slumped on the ground. She was still bound, the knots keeping her hands tied behind her back while a bar locked her legs to be spread apart. Angell undid the bar, picking Weiss up effortlessly once more. Dumping her next to Silver, she for one last act of cruelty, cut the gag off, leaving another little cut along the girls cheek. She then left, with Mercover to send the message.

Weiss was left there, sobbing after the ordeal. Now she had some freedom of movement, all she could do with it was curl up into a ball. She didn't speak, just continuing to sob and cry after the ordeal. An ordeal she brought upon herself in the grand scheme of things.


Winter Schnee sat at her desk, staring at her monitor. The normal cold expression on her face was gone, instead horror and rage replaced it. She'd question what monster would do such a thing, to her Weiss no less, but she knew the answer to that. Mercover made not attempt to hide himself, he was calling her out. Danging Weiss and Silver as bait for the trap. Winter had no choice but to walk right into it. But she'd be damned if she was letting Mercover get away with this. Pulling out her Scroll, she sent a quick message, she would need backup and there was one girl right for the job.

Leona Hazel walked into Winter's office as requested, a confident smirk on her face. She was 5" 7', pale skinned and most defiantly a Faunus. Poking through her brown hair with creamy highlights, were a pair of little ferret ears. Not only that, but she had a bushy tail poking out of her shorts also brown with cream fur towards the tip. Her outfit was simple, a pair of boots, cream shorts and tank top and a pair of fingerless gloves. Over it all she had a Atlas coat resting over her shoulders, the only thing that showed her to be part of Atlas. "What's the op?"

"Rescue, my sister and Silver. Mercover wants a rematch." Winter was busy getting her weapon and suiting up as she spoke, she had no time to lose. "He wants me alone, understand?"

"Yes mam." Giving a quick salute, the Leona gestured to her back, where under the coat, her weapon was slung. "I'm all ready to go."

With that, they got on a transport, just the two of them. Heading on out to where Mercover told them to meet...
Coughing and looking down at Weiss.. "You really did hate me this much huh..." He looked at her, he wouldn't fake sympathy for a woman who had him impaled 12 times. "How and why did you get involved with that man... why would you go so far as to trust... did you want to kill me so much that you'd toss stones into water and if that water came with a chance to grab at straws..."

Weiss stopped her sobbing and looked up at Silver, seeing the state he was in, it was... It was to much for her to bear, his words stung more then the pain in her ruined rectum. The words he spoke were true, she had been so blinded by her desire to see him destroyed... That she was blinded. "I...I am so.. sorry.." She crawled close to him, as her legs simply would not work and her ass hurt to much to move her legs. "You should be.... now your sister will be dragged into a fight against that... that man." He remembered when Winter's unit caught Mercover off guard, and that being how he had gotten free of them.

Meanwhile Mercover settled on a helicopter pad, waiting for Winter arrive. His arms were both on display but this time some sort of weapon was attached to the mechanical arm. It appeared to be some sort of anti-aircraft weapon of sorts. "Angell, how fast do you think they will get here? I so want to crush Winter into paste..."
Weiss lowered her head in shame, hiding away from the truth. She knew full well this was all her fault, realised that he did not deserve for what she did, what she tried to do, almost succeeding in doing. All in all, she had only herself to blame, well her and Mercover, she wasn't going to let those two get away with this. "Winter will save us... I know she will."


Angell watched the skies as she stood by her lord. Her eyes, far enhanced past being human anymore, kept watch on the way to the helipad. There was only one way Winter could come and it'd be this way, right into Mercover's line of fire. "Projected time of arrival, based on where the Atlas fleet is currently station, puts her fastest possible arrival time 1 minute and counting. Allowing her time to watch the video to the point Weiss' torture starts or is raped. 10 minutes."

Sure enough, 5 minutes later, Winter's transport showed up. Flying low and fast, she was expecting an attack so wasn't going to be a sitting duck. Angell pointed this out to her lord. "Target sighed, 11 o'clock, elevation 200 meters." She didn't act on it herself though, she knew Mercover wanted the kill after all.

Winter's ship came in to land, slowing to a stop and turning to have it's rear facing Mercover, such a tempting target for them. But soon enough it settled down and the ramp slowly lowered, the ship plenty big enough for it to have a small army inside. But when the ramp lowered it was just her, Winter Schnee, standing with rapier and dagger in both hands. Her eyes turned to Mercover, glaring at him as a Glyph began to form behind her.

Leona wasn't on the ship with Winter, she bailed part way through the landing, dropping into the treeline all covered in steel. By this point, she was off to one side, using her semblance to blend into the treeline as she crept around. Her eyes were trained on Mercover and Angell though, ready to make a move should Winter need the help.
Mercover saw that Atlas military ship dropping in. Laughing, she really came alone. His arms spread wide as he watched Winter arriving. "Ahhh Winter, it is so good too see you again... your looking every bit like your mother, the snarl and snag in your eyes as well..."

Winter sneered at Mercover her weapons at the ready, she said nothing and attacked pouncing on top of the man toppling him over. "Where are they scum... if you've hurt either of them... I will end you right here and now.." Winter said in a harsh tone it seemed she was letting her emotions show, something Winter truly rarely did. However Mercover raised his arm out and fired a shot at the ship. The impact was enough to bring the ship crashing down in a blazing ball of fire into the sea which faced the back of the helipad.

"You, take so much more after that father of yours everywhere else it would seem..." He reached up and shoved Winter back, and she recovered enough to catch her feet on the landing. "You speak like you've known anything about my mother, and my father, you know nothing scum, now release your captives or I shall free them myselves." Her eyes scanning the forest out of the corner of her eyes spotting Leona and giving her a signal which was a small wink. The signal for Leona to keep moving. Winter looked between Mercover and Angell only to suddenly be struck in the back when she lost sight of where Angell was.
Angell sighed as she looked down at Winter, the proud heiress in a heap like her little sister. "That was far less challenging than I hoped it to be. Really is like her father, stumble in with a blind rage." The Cyborg scanned the skies again, frowning. "The rest of the Atlas fleet will come searching for her no doubt. Would be prudent to move site before they get here." Angell suggested, leaving Mercover to handle Winter.


Leona was able to sneak through the base easily, honestly finding it all too easy. Mercover had seemed to expect Winter to hammer head first on. Winter herself was really just a decoy, a decoy that Leona didn't like using, but it got her in. Creeping through the halls, her eyes and ears were alert, didn't take her long to come across Weiss' sobbing.

Weiss' head shot up at the sound of metal snapping. Looking over she saw the door collapsing, its hinges cut in twine. Then, from the now clear doorway, Leona appeared, confident smile on her face and some sort of sabre over her shoulder. It was no typical weapon, the various indents and cuts along it showing it certainly unfolded into something. She also caught sight of a dust crystal being stashed away as she walked in.

"Well then, let's get you two out of here." Moving over, she quickly unbound Weiss and Silver, both of which weren't in a great state, but enough to move a little. "Well, that was the easy part." The faunus girl grumbled, looking back nervously through the doorway she just cut open.

"Where's Winter?" Weiss demanded quickly, slow to get up, the pain in her ass and abdomen really making standing a difficult task. She stood though, leaning against the wall for support.

"Mercover has her right now, freeing her is somewhere between step three and six. Your sister is insane..." Leona shook her head, glancing back to the two. "You two think you can fight if we got your weapons?"
Winter had fallen in a rather unlady like position her face down and her ass raised up into the air. Mercover laughs and would see the heiress in the compromising position assuming it was safe. He kneels down and begins to pull down on Winter's pants and would get a view of Winters puckering anus between her cheeks, he hadn't bothered to just pull down the tight pants he actually went as far as the woman had a patch of white hair on her cunt it was in the shape of a fuzzy triangle and was clearly trimmed to look fancy.

"You really are like your father." His human hand came down smacking Winter on the ass before he calmly changed his mechanical arm up and it switched around to an injection syringe head. He had inside a tracking device which was nano-size. His injector would then be poised to Winter's anus and then suddenly the tracking device would be injected into Winter's rectum.

Then would grin, he had a master plan, he was all to aware that the group was going to be getting free, he wasn't stupid he knew how the Schnee family worked. It was never truly alone. Then he would smirk down at Winter as she would begin to stir. "Good morning princess." He smirked when she recovered she'd likely feel something sliding up into her ass causing her to shake it violently.

"You.. what did you?" Winter asked , Mercover laughs darkly before he holds up a remote and clicks it, and Winter's body suddenly started to convulse violently as if something inside her had been turned on, she groans and clutched at her stomach trying to stand it felt like her stomach was on fire, and yet it didn't feel like anything was moving coming out or going up. The fact she had no pants on was long ignored as the feeling in her gut began and her pussy began to juice unimaginably vast.

"You have just been the first of many to be subject to Mercovers, most dangerous method of rooting out Aura, which for some strange reason, is always vastly more powerful in women you might wager.." He walks around back in fourth before the indisposed Schnee who was clutching her arms around her stomach and squat down as if she had a real bad stomach ache. "It is designed as a special injected suppliment that if you ever try to activate your aura, you will feel a very sharp and painful arousal in that gut of yours..." Mercover laughed.


Meanwhile back with Silver and Weiss, the two of them sneaking out with Leona and for whatever reason. Silver was actively hounding Leona "Is Winter okay, she's not being stuck with Mercover is she? It be awful if he did to her what he did to Weiss." It was clear as Weiss listened to Silver along the way of having been saved by her sister, that her expression softened up, and yet she sighed, sure she couldn't walk very well and had to lean on the more injured Silver to move but she had her wits still. "My sister will be fine, you have to worry about yourself first..."

Even if she had no idea if her sister could even handle herself without her Aura. They all gathered at the place where the weapons were being held. Thus leaving Silver to grab his guns, however he also grabbed a few bits of ammo so he could use his guns effectively. "Alright... so Leona... is Winter in good health?" He asked again sounding like a child asking if his mother was around.
Winter snarled up at Mercover, still clutching at her stomach. She tried to surpress the pain, tried to not call upon her aura, figuring if she wasn't using it the chip might well die down. "Do you really think... I need my aura to kill you?" She then reached for her weapons... only to find them gone.

Winter wasn't confused for long, Angell stood behind Mercover, twirling the rapier in her hand. "Nice try Ice Queen, but we aren't done playing with you yet." The cyborg lady smiled, looking over to her lord. "Say, think if we can get that stuff into all the Beacon girls we can turn that place into a little 'toy shop'." Angell was always eager to get more toys to play with and the girls of Beacon were such prime candidates.


Leona had to keep hushing Silver the entire time. It was very hard to pull of a stealth mission when the two people she were escorting kept talking. Luckily, it seems this was a small facility, not many troops, likely not Mercover's main base of opperation. Guess too much to hope that he'd give away his main base when he called Winter out. She settled down though once they were in the armoury, getting the weapons back. "Silver, Winter will be fine. She know's Mercover isn't going to straight up kill her, bastard wants her to suffer."

"Well when you put it like that, it's so reassuring." Weiss grumbled, pulling out her rapier and the various dust crystals she carried.

Leona rolled her eyes a little, hands on her hips. "Relax, Winter know's what she's doing. Besides, we are going to rescue her now. Then find a way off this rock... little tricky with our ship gone, but hey, one thing at a time!" Leona began to lead the two back outside, no other way really, they'd have to somehow deal with Mercover. Granted her plan was shoot him the moment she got out the door, her sword snapping into the shape of a magnetic rifle, the chamber sparking as the magnets fired up.
Mercover chuckles, "You know Angell I think we should let them all go, don't you agree, we've had our fun, and we now have someone carrying our child inside their poopshoot.. I wager we leave her here, tell her nothing about whats inside her other then what we have... and heck lets even throw in an airship they can take home, I wager after a long day like today... We could all stand to sit back and relax right." It was strange to hear Mercover saying these things.

Winter's face blanched a bit, as she realized she was going to be carrying something... Possibly dangerous around inside her, the moment her emotions welled up to say something a sharp pain in her stomach, rectum and groin began to become apparent as she groans and squats back down her ass still hanging out looking shapely as ever... "You.. bastard.." Winter said, but Mercover simply smirked and would grab Angell by the waist and move to the edge of the pad, and smirks.

"I was always wanting a change of scenery weren't you how bout somewhere warm and tropical next to the Ocean." He said smirking as he and her made their escape via a special private chopper. "OH! and Winter, give your sister a kiss for me would you." Mercover said as he laughs and makes his escape with Angell. Winter didn't feel any pressure in her stomach any more and staggers up, and sighs "This is... not good." She would hear Leona kicking open the door all commando style, and she was there standing with her pants down.

This, she did not rectify till Weiss showed up, she would slowly pull her pants up, then Silver came up and she for the first time ever eeked at her state of pantslessness and quickly pulled them up before he saw and cleared her throat resuming her military like appearance letting nothing seem out of place. Then she looked around to be sure there were no cameras around, it would seem she was very familiar with how Mercover worked, as it was exactly how Silver worked to get his blackmail. "You three are you alright?" The moment Silver saw Winter however the boy who was always super serious and never cracked for much well not openly, scrambled in close to check on Winter looking her over to be sure she wasn't injured anywhere. "Winter... your.. your okay?" He said having been deathly worried Mercover would have done something to her, not aware that he actually had, but the expression on Winter's face showed she wasn't going to say anything publicly about it, her features relaxed and she smiled ever so lightly giving Silver a hug.

"Yes, Yes I am alright Silver." She rocked him in her arms, having forgotten that the other two were there, a deadpan stare from Weiss got Winter looking at Weiss with a protective stare... "Did she get you dragged into trouble Silvy... you're all banged up..." She was speaking in a motherly way it was truly an odd sight to be sure for Weiss who had dealt with the overly strict tone she was familiar with from Winter.
Angell quirked a brow, she'd have expected to take Winter away, make torture her a little. Heck maybe cut of her arm like she did to him. But no, he was clearly playing the long game here. Shrugging, the cyborg draped an arm around her lords shoulder, walking by his side the escape helicopter. "Tropical sounds lovely my lord."


Leona kicked through the door, rifle raised, ready to kick some ass! "Freeze you sack of...huh..." Leona looked around, no Mercover, no Angell either. Just Winter, crouching there, pants down, thighs looked a little slick even. "Mam, I know kiss and make up is a thing, but that's a little extreme." The faunus girl jokes, getting a glare from Winter, who right now wasn't in the mood for it.

Weiss burst through the door not far behind. "Winter!" The little schnee girl about to run in. However, Silver ran past her first scrambling over and checking on her. The exchange that followed slowed Weiss' pace, getting a confused look out of her. Winter was never like that with her, yet, here she was doting on Silver like a son.

Leona noticed the look, glancing between all of them. "Not to interrupt the family reunion, but maybe we should get going. I'd hate us to be caught with our pants down, literally in some cases." Earning another glare from Winter, but Leona ignored it. She was the best at what she did, so she could get away with teasing her boss over and over.

Walking over the helipad, she saw the wreckage of the airship the came in on, giving a small whistle. "General Ironwood is going to be pissed..." Shaking her head, she soon spotted another small airship, quickly leading the group over so she could fly them all out of here.
The villains were nice enough to leave them an airship though. Everyone was motioned inside. Weiss, Winter and Silver sat with each other while the designated Pilot ended up being Leona. The three of them though were sitting in silence for a long time. Once airborne however the two sisters got up walked to one end of the plane to have a talk.

Resulting in Silver, who was given a spare t-shirt to wear somewhere along the line to move up and take the seat next to Leona. "So, your Winter's tag along then... thanks for busting us out of there... would have been hairy if you hadn't shown up. His casual chat with Leona was then interrupted by the sound of a sharp crack of a slap, he didn't turn his head though. He was all to aware of what had gone down.


Weiss and Winter in the back of the ship. Winter looking quite sternly at Weiss as she crossed her arms under her bosom. "You care to explain..." Thus Weiss did, she held no details out of how they became to be there.

"So... I sorta.. tried to defeat him, and kill him thinking he was a monster..." That was what warranted the backhand, not just the fact that she used the help of a mad man like Mercover, but the fact she tried to kill Silver. "Do you really have no sympathy? No hint of a soul that you would try and kill another human being, and after he saved your own life?"

Weiss was whimpering her eyes watering with tears as she was biting back the need to cry not because she had been slapped but because she was being scolded, and everything she was being scolded for was true. "I... I'm sorry.." Weiss said her throat hicking with the forcing back of her tears. Winter however sighed, and knelt down hugging Weiss in close and then kissed her square on the lips. Then stood up "You better go and apologize to him.. not me." She said.
Leona was reclining in the pilot seat when Silver came to her, glancing over the various readouts. An airship could fly itself long distance, she just needed to be there for the tricky bits like take off, landing and anything unexpected. She turned her head to Silver as he joined her, smiling at thank you. "Winters little black ops gal really, names Leona Hazel." Extending a hand to his to shake.

The sharp crack sounded then, causing the girls ears to lower a little from the sound. She glanced back, tutting with a sigh. "Winter ain't happy it seems, guessing the girls screwed up big time?"

To answer her question, Weiss came into the cockpit, eyes a little red with tears, but none right now. Hands were behind her back, fiddling nervously with them. Her dress was still in somewhat of a state, though Winter had given Weiss her panties to cover it up a little. "Silver... I'd like to apologise for my actions today." Returning to the more proper tone she used before all this happened. "It was uncalled for and I was wrong for doubting you, or ever trusting that man." Her lip quivered and her head lowered as her voice began to crack. "Please... please forgive me. I'm sorry for what I tried to do..." A few tears starting to run down her face again.

Leona stayed out of this, glancing back and forth between Weiss and Silver. It was down to him whether she was forgiven or not, she had no say in this. Winter meanwhile was in the doorway behind, watching, also curious to see what Silver would do.
Silver looked up seeing Weiss, her eyes red from crying. He had to say while she was just like her sister in some regards. There were other ways she was so very different as well. Calmly he listened as she spoke, he kept his face calm and stony.... Then he looked to her "Hows your ass feeling by the way? You seem to have recovered from the pounding... so I am going to ask... do you really think... I am just gonna let you off with just I'm sorry... Getting stabbed with 12 spikes hurts ya know."

He said slipping into his moody phase near the end. But stood up and calmly looks her in the eyes, shaking his head. "You owe me exactly 13 favors, 12 for every spike that went into me... and from before... You know as well as I do, I don't do anything for free.. so, when we get back to Beacon you sure and be ready for when I ask you for the favors I have planned... because its going to be something your going to not like, but... if you want my forgiveness you will do them without question." He spoke in a calm tone, before moving next to her, and making a slow step towards Winter.

Weiss had it sink in, he wasn't asking her for money she would likely be doing... favors for him, well he had seen her get fucked by a machine and yet, she wasn't all to confident about letting him have at her body. " just want to have my body, like you did with Yang.. and and Blake... you just go around making girls swoon all over you... and... and I bet your not even that.." However, before Weiss finished speaking Silver smoothly captures her face and kisses her square on the lips, this was not like how Winter kissed her this one was full of passion and it showed that what she had just tried to say was completely wrong, her legs giving out on her as she drank in the kiss.
Leona watched the two with interest, having never interacted with either before. Sure she'd seen them both, but she was always back, typically in the shadows. She'd been on the mission with Winter that saved Silver and cut off Mercovers arm, probably a good thing he wasn't targeting all of the people on that mission. Still, the kiss was getting pretty excessive and Leona decided to make light of it. "If you two are going to fuck, take it out back please." This got a look from both Winter and Weiss, the two sisters having the same expression. "What? Ever tried landing an airship with two people going at it on the controls? Not easy."

Weiss shakes her head, looking to Silver as they parted from the kiss. Her arms had wrapped around it during it, using him for support. Her legs weren't great right now anyway, the kiss just made it worse. "Fine... I'll do anything you wish to redeem myself. Just... don't feel great after that ordeal."

"I'm sure Silver will let you recover a little." Winter spoke, looking sternly at her. "However, your friends will not, not after they hear what you did. You will have to be ready to satisfy them in addition to Silver." She had an idea for that regard, but it'd wait till they were back at Beacon.


The trip back to Beacon was fairly quick, seems Mercover felt it best to set up shop close by. Arriving, the four parted ways, Leona and Winter going to see Ozpin directly and explain what happened. This left Weiss and Silver return to their dorm, where the two got to explain their little adventure, something that was sure to go over just fine and have no negative consequences....


"You did what!" Yang stood there, eyes wide and gritting her teeth. She was about this close to punching Weiss' head off for trying to kill Silver, only thing that stopped her was that Weiss already suffered for it.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think th..."

"No, you didn't think." Blake interupted, also just as pissed. She was in fact growling a little like a feline about to pounce at something. The girls weren't happy in the slightest and it looked like they were about to lay into Weiss from Silver's position.


Winter meanwhile didn't have things much better. Turns out when you inform someone that you have an unknown device injected into your ass, they kind of want to check to see if it's safe. So here she was, bent over a table with her pants down again, though in a more controlled enviroment. This time a nurse was behind her, lubing up a camera to take a look inside, seems she wasn't done with her humiliation. Glynda was off to one side, Ozpin waiting outside for the results.
The situation was a strange one. Yang and Blake seemed angrier then he was about the whole thing. They had forced Weiss into a chair, Blake had Gamble Shrouds ribbon binding her to the chair and gazing at Weiss her hair on end like an angry cat. Yang was glowing red in fury. However, it was getting a bit much Weiss was sorry, she had said so, and while he still hadn't made her pay her debt he had accepted her sincerity, however sincerity didn't put food or rather someones back into a bed.

"Alright... alright.." He had enough watching the angry blond and the pissed off cat. His hand grasping their shoulders and pulling them off of Weiss. "Once she is fully recovered you two can just sit back and relax, I will make sure she pays me back 13 times over... no make that 12.. the kiss was also a favor.. if not taken a little sooner." Silver clapped his hands a few times before giving them both a pat on their rears. Then looks to them as he then would notice he had a stack of mail by his bed.

"By the way who fetched the mail..?" He asked switching gears almost to naturally and would notice he got one that looked nice "Oh a trip to the beach for... 7 it looks like.." He turns his gaze to them. "That reminds me, its almost Summer Vacation, have all of you picked out your swimsuits?" He teases, noticing Ruby over in the corner just being by herself reading a magazine while her headphones were on and she was rocking out by herself with some music, so he plucked out the headphones surprising her from the looks of things. "You know its rude to zone out while people are talking around ya lil sis." He flashed her a smile. Standing up and walking around fine. It was amazing for a guy who had been stabbed by 12 long spikes, he seemed to have an amazing pain tolerance, and an almost inhumane ability to recuperate.
Yang and Blake pulled back, but still pissed at Weiss. Course anger directed at Weiss was not uncommon in the group so it would pass in time, especially after she's paid it back some. When Silver mentioned the paying him back 12 times, Yang grinned, giving an evil look to Weiss. She knew what he meant and knew she might be able to suggest punishments.

When it came to the mail, Ruby rose up a hand, having one ear uncovered by her headphones. "Yo." She was half paying attention, not feeling a need to get involved. Yang and Blake were pissed, no need for her to add more heat to it all. However she soon took her headphones off when Silver talked again, it wasn't the rude comment, Yang told her that all the time. "Lil sis?" Titling her head confused.

"Oh yeah, Silver is lil bro now, big bro for you." Yang came up behind Silver, throwing her arms around him. Pulling him close she closed her eyes, glad he seemed okay.

"Uhh... okay?" Ruby was very confused by this, Yang would have to explain it all later. For now though, her mind went back to the swimsuit topic. "Have my usual pool costume."

Yang laughed at that, shaking her head. "No sis, that won't do. I'll take you shopping tomorrow for a new one."

"Do we have to wear them..." Blake grumbled in the corner, showing off out on a beach not seeming to be her thing."

"Of course ya do and you aren't aloud to bring your books to the beach either kittie." Yang got a glare from Blake for that.

"I kind of need a new one for this year..." Weiss muttered in the corner, still tied to the chair.

"Then it's settled!" Yang then grinned to Silver. "How bout it, care to escort four ladies clothes shopping tomorrow?" The look on Yang's face suggested he didn't really have a choice in the matter.


"Find it?" Ozpin asked, calmly drinking his cup of coffee as Glynda came out into the waiting room. He'd been patiently waiting for news, giving Winter the privacy from himself. He didn't think she wanted him around for such a... delicate matter.

"Yes...." Glynda sighed, shaking her head for what she was about to say. "However it's... buried so far up... there, that it'd take a major surgery to remove, even then not guaranteed."

"Can't she..." Ozpin tried not to spit out his coffee as he spoke. "Force it out?"

"Some women could..." Glynda looked at the ceilng, trying hard to keep a straight face. "But Winter is far too... tight, for that to be an option."

Ozpin nearly spat out his coffee there, but he kept his composure. "I... see. Suppose just have to keep her for observation while we find out more about this thing..."
Thus, just like that everything had settled down. Then come morning Yang dragged everyone out of bed to go to the Summer Vacation close out ceremony. "And thus my hunters and huntresses in training, good luck in your Summer endeavors." Ozpin closed out after a long grueling speech yet, for once Yang had been eagerly eeking and oohing like an excited school girl.

"You really like the Summer don't you Yang.." Silver commented which got an eager reply back to him from Yang with a quick and energetic "Yeah, its the best... wearing less, hot weather, tanning... boys in shorts... did I mention boys in shorts." Which got Silver nodding and looking to Ruby who softly shrugged, her eyes a had bags under them seems Yang had gotten her up way earlier then she would have liked.

It was from here on-wards that Yang would be leading the party, as they headed into town to go shopping for Swimsuits. For once Yang wasn't hanging off him and pressing into him, for whatever Summer seemed to have the effect of making Yang much to energetic to just hang onto him. "So, Yang where exactly did you say you were taking us?" Weiss asked, looking at the shops around them at this point which was more selling adult focused wear and items.

"OH you will see there's this cute swimsuit store that only opens at the beginning of Summer." She said humming and walking with gusto as she approaches a specific shop on the board walk facing the sea. "Ah here it is." She points to the shop, which had some of the most risque swimsuits the girls, and even Silver surprisingly had ever seen. The display swimsuits were slings and Bonita styled bikinis very risque. "How do you even wear something like that?" Ruby had to ask Silver assuming he knew. "Very carefully... or carelessly... I'd wager." Was Silver's response.
"I was thinking something a little more... dignified..." Weiss glancing through the swimwear wasn't really taken by the stuff. Seems she was happier with a the more conservative, frilly swimsuits. "How the heck do you even..." Muttered as she picked up something that seemed more string than clothing at this point.

"I kind of agree with Weiss here, this is kind of excessive." Blake wasn't that much happier either, preferring not to really show off that much. Sure her nightgown showed plenty of leg, but it wasn't something she wore outside the room.

"Well, Weiss doesn't get a choice after what she did and Blake, I will not have you hiding away all summer... again." Yang announced, before gripping onto Ruby's ear who had been half hiding behind Silver in her sleepy state. "Come on sis, let's get you dressed up!" Yang announced excitedly. The face Ruby gave Silver looked like she was saying 'help me', before Yang dragged her further into the store.

Silver might notice at this point Leona was hanging out in the store, seeming to have come in behind them. She didn't have her gun, or the coat, but still had the same general outfit. She'd actually been following Silver all day, doing her best to be subtle. Kind of worked since he'd only notice her now they had stopped in a smaller store.
Silver watched as Ruby was dragged off by Yang, to the back of the store... "Do they even have clothes designed for someone Ruby's build.." But as he said this to himself loud enough for Weiss or Blake to hear he spots Leona over in the shops corner looking at something.

He moves over while Weiss and Blake while reluctant to be here did take the time to look at things and ponder how in the world you put something like that on. "Don't you think having it wedged up there all the time... might be uncomfortable.." Blake asked Weiss as she was examining this really tight looking sling bikini. "And what is it even covering..." There is no way the little strings would cover ones nipples, much less the areola. "Would... would Silver like something like this maybe.."

She thought because she knew young men liked seeing women in skimpy clothes. Blake was shimmying her thighs together, thanks to her love of books she could read into things with a vivid imagination. "Oh... Silver no naughty boy." It would seem just thinking about Silver seeing her out in the public like this got the heat riddled cat juicing up in the middle of the store.

Weiss was about to say something, however Yang appeared out of nowhere and dragged her into the changing booth as well. "You didn't think I forgot what you did to my little bro did you Weiss." The look of abject horror on Weiss's face showed true she feared what Yang had in store for her, being dragged in and stripped and put in one of the skimpiest things she had ever seen. In the corner of the changing booth was Ruby clutching her chest to hide it as Yang had put her also into a really skimpy bikini.

Silver while standing next to Leona watched this all happen with very little actual sympathy. "Its.. never a dull moment with them.." Silver said openly before leaning over Leona's shoulder looking at what she was looking at. "I dunno if that suit fits your style or not?" He teased knowing from the ride on the ship he and Leona had a gift for the gab.
"Oh we can find something, I found something when I was her age." Yang shot back, shoving her little sister into the changing room.

"But Yang!" Ruby trying to point out that even at her age, Yang was built way, way different.

"No buts, come on, got a whole day of this!" Much to Ruby's and soon, the rest of the girls horror.

Blake however seemed to be settling in with the thought of finding something to impress Silver with, her heat not going anywhere anytime soon. The group would actually see her looking at the many cat themed outfits, her thoughts to the other night where he shoved a tail on her.

Leona glanced up to Silver, seeing as going undetected was no longer possible. But Winter never told her to not be seen, so it didn't much matter. "Seem the interested bunch you have there and all with the hots for you, lucky boy." Using the term boy despite being the same age as him.

She was currently looking at a skimpy a bikini, the bottoms being closer to a G-string than anything functional. Grinning at the comment, she turned and held it against her. "I like the colour, but I dunno, maybe doesn't show just enough skin. Dunno where in a place like this could show off like that." The sarcasm clear in her voice as she grinned. "But how about you Silver, wouldn't it be a shame if you don't have appropriate clothing to go with your ladies?"
The sounds of Yang forcing a variety of unspeakable clothing based horrors on Ruby and Weiss persisted. Resulting in the store having to deal with the "Its never going to fit." Coming from Ruby, and the "Eek, Yang its to tight pull it out." Which came from Weiss. While a little ways over Blake found a cute purple sparkly bikini with a strap top with a clevage window in the shape of a cats head. She looked left and right before pulling the one in her size down. Then zipped into a changing room.

"Yeah, they are pretty fun to watch..." Silver retorted with a straight face, then pulled a tight speedo off the men's side. "Your right I should match their absurdity..." He said stretching out the speedo between his two pointer fingers.
Leona glanced over at Blake disappearing before returning her attention back to Silver as he pulled out a speedo. "Tame, not feeling one of those monstrosities?" Gesturing to the mankini's, trying to not burst out laughing at that thought. She turns back to the women's isle again, shaking her head. "Maybe we can get Winter to try on some of these, that'd be the day..."

The ferret girl head snapped around as she heard something, but it was just some girls outside the window, teasing and bumping into each other as they chickened out of actually going in. Sighing a little, she relaxed some, ferret ears still twitching a little. "Sure you already guessed, but Winter wants me to stick around with you for awhile. She doesn't want a repeat of yesterday to hit you."
Upon suggesting the mankini. Leona would be given a lesson on why Winter affectionately dubbed him 'Cheeky Brat'. Because when she suggested it, he stood looking at it as if taking her suggestion seriously. Then he raised a hand to summon a clerk over. The two women working the shop went big eyed, and one of them looked to the other and walked over. "How may I help?" The clerk asked before Silver pointed, everyone thought he pointed at the mankini, but in truth he pointed to a pair of grey black swimshorts. "I'll think on your suggestion but I'll take those." The clerk and everyone sighed in relief, as the clerk got them down he got a nice view up her skirt, before looking to Leona. "Well no I didn't assume that, but the fact you revealed it without me having to tickle it outta ya." He flashed a smirk it was clear he had figured it out without being told.
Leona rolled her eyes at the display, cheeky brat was a name, pervert was another with how he looked up the girls skirt. Still she grinned, he was a fun one alright, she would have to keep pushing, see just how far he went. She wasn't going to lose out to him. "Tickle it? Please I am a master at infiltration and interrogation. I'd sooner have you spilling the girls dirty little secrets than give anything to you!" Confident as she went and picked out a few outfits. "Took a look through your mail by the way, I'll be joining you on the little vacation."
Silver watched the way Leona pretty much turned around without any effect from his sort of display. "You know I don't keep secrets, I'm no agent, if you want info on any of them I've observed enough to know enough..." However he was interupted by a sound of a woman heavily heaving and oohing. In one of the stalls at the changing station a pair of familiar sounding heels clicking could be heard. "These certainly do not fit..." The sound of Glynda Goodwitch came from the booth, as she was struggling to pull on some bikini bottoms that just wouldn't go over her large voluptuous ass. "Huh didn't know you shopped her too Miss Goodwitch." Silver said blatently standing outside the changing booth.
"Will keep that in mind, but right now I don't think knowing Blake's favourite position is useful to me." Leona countered, turning to see Silver get distracted by a sound. Sounded like an older woman trying to squeeze into something, an issue the ferret girl never had, she could squeeze into just about anything. Still, Silver seemed intrigued, so she moved to one of the changing rooms quickly, figuring may as well be serious about trying stuff on. Besides, she might be able to push a few of Silver's buttons.

An oddly girlish eek came from the booth, odd from the source. Looking at the bottom of the certain he'd see the woman's heels, seeming she insisted on keeping them on. Quickly she turned and seemed to give a few more struggled sounds as she forced the bottoms on. Opening the certain, Silver would be faced with Glynda Goodwitch, frowning at him as she wore a tight bikini set. Seems she insisted on getting smaller sizes, but her shapely ass wasn't agreeing with her. "Silver... what are you doing here?" Giving him the stern look she normally gave, despite her current form of dress.


The store was popular enough with groups of girls that there were a few group changing rooms. This is where the better half of team RWBY resided, with Yang forcing clothes onto her two companions.

"Yang, it won't fit!" Ruby cried out as she was forced to cover her chest up, the outfit doing nothing to cover her, smaller chest up.

"Fine, you're right, you're right. Don't quite have the right curves for that outfit." And before Ruby could comment, Yang shoved another one in and demanded she change.

"I am not wearing this." Weiss was glaring, back to a corner as she held up what was basically a thong.

"But it'll show your ass off great!"

"I don't want anyone to see that right now!"

"Oh relax you big cry baby, your ass is fine, I looked."

"You... but....argh!" Weiss bundled her clothes up and stormed off, quickly diving into another changing room. Silver might even catch her as she changed, just in her frilly white underwear.

Ruby bit her lip as she watched Weiss go, turning to her sister before going back to changing. Something was clearly on her mind and Yang picked up on it. "What's up sis, I'm sure we'll find something for you, don't worry!"

"It's not that... uhm..." Ruby dipped her voice low, trying not to be overheard outside this changing. "What's sex like... I know you and Silver have been at it and..." She didn't even get to finish before Yang went off into a long, overly detailed explanation of how sex was, Ruby paling a little as she was subjected to this again....
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