It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Silver looked to Pyrrha passed out and now unconscious. She had cum herself to sleep. When Yang began speaking about Mommy being put to sleep. He would chuckle. Then he would carefully sweep up Pyrrha into his arms and tucked her into bed. Then returns behind her. Pyrrha had slept pretty deep so she would be unlikely to wake for the rest of the encounter.

Silver then kneels down behind the two of them. His cock hard and pushed up inside her. His cock buried inside her cunt grabbed around him. Silver rests his upper half over top of Yang and reached under her and grabs her huge breasts. Fondling them and rolling them around, apparently these were a big weak spot as she moaned out loud the moment he latched onto them with his cock down inside her cunt. "Ohhh little bro... so big, ahhh my breasts... ahh."

She was drooling again it was getting all over her chin and neckline. His cock thrusting inside and pumping her, the whole thing wound up being to much for Yang and thus, she had her last orgasm for the night. Slumping down collapsing under his weight. He pops out and would look at her picking her up next, moving her to bed and tucking her in.

Silver then turned his attention to Blake. Who, had looked back one last time. He then smiles "I'm sorry my dear Blake, I've left you neglected haven't I?" He spoke to her like she was his pet cat, while this would have upset her if it had been someone else, for Silver she seemed okay with it. Thrusting her ass out and wagging her ass around "Fuck mew now." Her way of speaking becoming very cat like with mew's and mewls replacing some words.

"Yes yes, I know you want me in you as well huh... by the way mind explaining why your wearing my clothes?" He asked her as he mounted up behind her and pressed the cock head of his up against her folds. "Ahh... they smelled... like mew... so meow... I couldn't ahhhh." She didn't get to finish as his cock plunged inside her. "MEOOWWWW." She cried out as the cock penetrated her, last night she hadn't been this aroused, but the long wait, and the heat it was to much for her.
When her returned to fuck Yang a second time, she'd been expecting her ass, however a second round in her pussy was also great. While she hadn't expected to get as worked up as before, seeing as her semblance had been spent, she was wrong. With Silver playing with her breasts, her pleasured quickly built and her expression from the first time returned.

Her climax came all too soon and the blonde collapsed into his arms. Sleep hit her quick like it had for Pyrrha, but she still managed to glance up to Silver, big smile on her face. "Hey... little bro... fuck her good for me..." Referring to Blake as her eyes fluttered closed again and Yang let sleep take her.

Blake watched the ordeal, having been bad and look back to watch him carry each girl. Now here she was, still in his shirt and boxers around one ankle. The tail, looking oh so natural on her swayed with her ass, showing what the girl really wanted. All day heat had been hitting her and now the object of her desires was looking over her.

When he approached she thrust her ass out, desperate. "Fuck mew now!" Slipping into a more childish cat like way of speaking. She wouldn't dare do this in front of anybody, anybody but him right now.

She was soon rewarded, Silver moving forward and plunging into her, earning a loud meow. Panting, the girl began to rock back with each thrust. She couldn't speak, unable to form sentences, only moans and meow's left her. You'd think she'd been paid to imitate a cat with how far she went, but this was really just her when she got this horny in heat. Luckily for Silver, her heat had a good week or two before it ran its course.
The thrusting began, his hands gripped down on her hips. Unlike yesterday, Silver had built up some stamina and after having been with her once before. He knew her insides quite well. So, it didn't take him long, and with how pent up she was she wasn't going too last very long. Little did he know while he was fucking the ever loving 9-lives out of Blake, Yang opened her eyes a tad and would shove her hand down inside her pants... she was wet yet again. But she knew Blake had waited long enough, so she brushed herself up against Pyrrha.

It wasn't long though, a few hard thrusts and a loud wet sounding meow here and there from Blake. He pushed her into at least 5 different orgasms within 17 seconds of fucking her. "Wow, your really pent up..." He said, looking at her, and was surprised. She was panting tongue out drool all over her face, eyes dilated and rolling back. Her head turned and she simply meows.

She couldn't even fathom speaking right now, having gone from faunus to just a cat that looks like a person. Leaning in however Silver caught Blake's face and kisses her as he leans over her, this producing far more then just a little lust from her, it drew a flush from her, something not many save Sun had ever gotten from her. Though this one was returned more intimately by the Faunus who had opened up for this human more then anyone else but Yang, how had he done it, how had he come and swept her so far off her feet that she would willingly let him treat her like a cat, she didn't know... But she knew it happened, and when the kiss broke a simple phrase was spoken.

"I love...mew..." She said before going bright red and lowering her head, resulting in a sudden shock when his cock hit her deep. Then resulting in the both of them cumming at the same time. The two of them stayed panting for a while. He looks at her and leans in kissing her between the ears before picking her up, setting her to the side as he settled into the center of the bed letting them all sort of have him during this time.
The three girls were a mess after this, Yang had never been fucked so intensely, Blake never for that many orgasms and Pyrrha. Well Pyrrha entered a virgin girl with very conservative views on sex. None of the girls would really be the same and Silver could expect a lot more fun.

The three began cuddling up with each other in their sleep. The moment they felt Silver though, they were all over him. Yang and Pyrrha on each side while Blake curled up atop him. Yang avoided resting on her ass, all those belts to the ass leaving it a little tender.


Morning came and the four were able to get back to school fine. Blake ended up having to buy one of the more modest outfits from the love hotel. It was quoted as a biker chick thing, being a pair of tight leather pants and black bikini. Needless to say, Blake got some looks, wearing pants that tight, but the regular shirt she'd... borrowed the previous day from Silver helped.

They came to find Ruby pouncing into her big sisters arm. Evidently worried sick for where half her team had disappeared to. She however did seem back to her normal self, especially after reassurances from Yang.


Pyrrha parted ways as the group reached the dorm, heading back to her room... Where she was promptly pinned against the wall by Nora. "Details!"

"I.... what?" Pyrrha wondering if this was how Ren felt sometimes, utterly confused by her companion.

"You were gone all night with Silver, I'm not an idiot. I... want... details!"

Pyrrha blushed looking at her companion. She suddenly felt something hot against her hand, turning to see Ren handing her a cup of hot chocolate. He gave Pyrrha a shrug, an apologetic expression on his face, presumably for Nora. Yeah this'd be a long day...


In one of the free periods, Ruby had quietly ducked away from the group. She went to the workshop, a rarely visited part of the Academy by most students. It was designed for weapon maintenance, but a large amount of the students didn't have complicated weapons to worry about that with.

Ruby however came here often, least anytime she felt something was wrong with Crescent Rose. Something was certainly wrong, the bandits that took it from her hadn't handled it correctly! So now here Ruby was, sitting down alone with tools, just her and her weapon. Humming away to herself as she began fixing, cleaning and tweaking her scythe.
To escape from it all Silver had managed to slip into the weapons workshop inside Beacon academy. No one used this space much, as most now a days got pre-made weaponry. Either factory, or hand-me downs. Silver's Comet and Cupid were clearly hand me downs, they were so old fashioned in workings, they also weren't very effective at times.

So he had come, not only to escape from the fact that two members on his team had been hounding him all day to fuck them, and the other fact Pyrrha was trying to get him to fight her again, when he really wasn't in the mood. He had gone to the bathroom by the time Ruby showed up leaving the weapons in pieces and on the work bench. So while she was working on Crescent Rose she noticed the two revolvers.

"Oh... hello there you Silver around..?" she said. Speaking to the two weapons in pieces as if they were people. Sifting through the parts laid out and getting wide eyed and bushy tailed about seeing such old parts."Wow, I've not seen parts like these outside of museum books." Which as a 15 year old resulted in it being a proven that Comet and Cupid were working with some rather dated gimmicks. The sound of the toilet flushing in the other room caused her to jump as Silver had been standing behind her for a bit and looks at her "I'm sorry for using outdated weapons, I just wager if they work, they work." Ruby jumps having not been focused on watching her back and having been so interested in the old pieces and parts of the weapons.
Ruby jumped around, quickly spinning to face Silver, her cheeks red with embarrassment. "No, no it's not that at all!" The girl scratched the back of her head, silver eyes dipping to the floor. "The old parts are actually pretty cool. I mean, these days everything comes from Atlas, all machine made, copied over and over. The old handmade parts are... well, unique."

Feeling a little less embarrassed the more she talked, the girl smiled, turning to where she set down Crescent Rose, looking over the scythe. In all honesty, it was a terrible weapon, unwieldy, over-engineered and all laws of physics say the thing should break any time she actually tried to swing it, especially at the speeds she moved. But she wanted to make a weapon like uncle Qrow's, so here she was, her Crescent Rose.

"Uncle Qrow always said, the more of the weapon that's hand made, the more of the makers soul goes into it. Something made with love and dedication, will always trump the... how'd he put it..." Ruby, blushed a little, glancing around to be sure her sister wasn't here. She then made her best attempt and copying how her uncle talked, kind of adorable coming from a high pitched 15 year old girl. "'The souless crap Atlas churns out.'" She giggled a little, happy to have gotten away with that, immature enough to find swearing more funny than anything else.

The little Rose soon snapped out of her little talk, turning back to Silver with a slight blush. Typically most people tuned her out when she went off on one like that. "Sorry about that, did you need any help with anything?" Figuring she could offer him a hand with his guns.
Silver sighs and settles down beside her on one of the workshop stools. This place was dusty, and filled with mothballs and cob-webs. "I didn't build them though... they were given to me by a friend... who.. I... don't have anymore..." He said as a hint of sadness rolled upon his features, he remembered the day he had to put down the wielder of these two... The way he used them to kill him...

"I am sure.. you remember all to well the day... you were captured right... how I looked, what I was then... I have often been told I have no soul... or that I am some kind of monster or freak show..." He looks at her and gently reached out and begins to stroke her upon the scalp itching her head as if he were treating her like a little fragile puppy. Before retrieving back his hands.

"Well, back to the topic of why I am here, I wanted to try and install a better method of close ranged combat in with my two here." He said pointing to Comet and Cupid. "So, I was thinking of forging a pair of katana bayonets for them." He said pointing to the sword designs in a manual he found. "What you think would these be good?" She seemed like the weapons buff, he simply wanted to have a better survival rating in this school, the fight with Pyrrha had proven to him well enough if he were to get into a fight with someone who was another possessing Aura to protect themselves he was going to be lacking any impact if his shots didn't work.
Ruby placed a hand on his shoulder when she saw the change in his features, smiling reassuringly. "But someone did, you friend I guess? If so, then a little bit of your friend is forever part of the weapon." She wasn't sure if she was helping, but he could tell she was trying her very best to, in the way she knew how.

"You are no monster Silver, sure I was a little scared there, but, the whole thing was scary. I was afraid for me team, afraid for my sister, afraid Yang would end up like... her..." Ruby trailed off again, eyes going distant at the memory. Even here, she'd still be able to close her eyes and see it.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Ruby turned her attention back to Silver as he talked about modifying his guns. She looked over the manual he brought, flicking through it very swiftly, Silver eyes flashing back and forth across the page. It was a simple one, sword guns were the most popular class of weapon, so many, many books were available for all the various kinds. "Heavy, hanging a lot of weight off each grip. They can handle it, but it won't be nice to hold, not in one hand. Two handing one gun would defeat the point and they'd hate to be separated." Ruby stopped talking, rubbing her chin. "No, no... maybe... no terrible idea. That could, yeah... wait no." Suddenly, she snapped her fingers together, a flash of inspiration hitting her. "This will work!" Suddenly, Ruby was gone, dust in her place, having used her Semblance to run across the workshop to the blast furnace, firing it up. The wide grin on her face showing she had a plan.


Weiss frowned as she stepped out into the outskirts of the Vale, glancing around for trouble. A note was left in her pocket once more, telling her to meet. Weiss wasn't stupid though, her rapier was in her hand and she was ready for a fight. She wasn't going to talk into some ambush lightly.

Reaching the point, she saw her, the woman. Now, she wasn't aware of thee raid Silver had taken part of last night, not the details anyway, so wasn't aware of this ladies involvment. But she still felt uneasy around her. "This better be important." The Heriess, impatient and still ready to fight.

The woman laughed, tilting her head back as she walked over to Weiss who stepped back nervous. "Relax, I'm just here to help you deal with that monster. Remember the Music Box?"

"Yeah... the other guy says it makes him go berserk, so not going to use it."

The woman tutted, wagging a single finger. "Now, now, pay attention. He said he loses his humanity."

"Yeah well I don't see..." Weiss stopped, thinking about it. Her frown left, her expression wide with realisation. "Oohh.... That will be perfect!" Looking back up, she went to speak, only to see the woman had vanished, leaving Weiss a little confused, but plotting.
Ruby would get to work on firing up the working gears of her brain. Sure she wasn't smart, nor was she strong. But the girl had an imagination that trumped even his logic. When she got to work there was no stopping her. The two of them spent a good night together with her working and smithing out a change for Comet and Cupid. "By the way, you never told me their names?"

"Their names?" Silver asked for confirmation.

"Your weapons don't they have names?" Ruby asked.

"They do yes..." Silver said being back to being edgy as he watched her at work with her big idea.

"Well what are they?" Ruby asked while she was busy at work making the modifications for his guns.

"The right one's name is Comet, the left one's name is Cupid." He said simply.
Ruby was satisfied that moment, and then she had one last question. "Hey... Silver... what.. whats... feel like?" Had Silver been drinking anything he may have had to do a spit take.
Ruby had started off with taking a pair of Katana blades from the shelf.... Yes Beacon is the sort of place where you could pick up those sorts of weapons up in the workshop no problem. She knew from the get go that Silver would have a hard time trying to swing a pair of full sized Katana's, especially from a pistol grip, but by the time she was done with them they wouldn't be full sized.

Her plan was two fold, make a pair of segmented blades that snapped into sword length, then modify the each guns hilt, allowing it to pivot into a more suitable position. It was simple really, well simple for her, Silver might get lost as Ruby began bringing out tools, super heating the blades so she can cut them, dissembling his guns and so on. But she knew what she was doing.

That's when she started up the conversation, firstly to find out the names of the fine weapons she was working on. But the other question soon came and she watched his face for his reaction, seeming surprised she brought it up. Here she quickly went back to her work, cutting and modifying the steel of the blade. Working on something helped calm her nerves for the topic she brought up. "It's just... I heard you and Blake... at it." Blushing as she thought back to the other night. " and... you and sis, I think had sex with her too." Her blush increasing before looking back at him. "Never thought to... look into it before now." Seems like the girl hadn't looked up porn or erotica into her puberty if she was asking these sorts of questions.
Watching her at work making adjustments as she saw fit. The way things were looking she seemed to have gone with fashioning the blades inside the pommel of the guns. Two short katanas known as tantos were fashioned to the hilt of each of the guns and then were attached with a device which would retract them inside the butt of the guns to keep them from being in the way while holstered. "They look amazing Ruby."

He said giving them a try out, as she was still sitting there after she finished thinking about her question. Silver hadn't answered her did he not want to tell her what it was like. "Now... why would you ask me about... about sex... I mean oh... your sister and Blake... right." Seems the cat was out of the bag or rather his cat was likely at home sniffing his shampoo to get off on what he smelled like. "Well... its something a man and woman do together."

Ruby puffed her cheeks out, she may not have known about sex, but she knew what it involved. Her cherubic face had a sort of pout on it. "I know what it involves... I asked how it feels... does it.. does it hurt, is there any... any bleeding..." Silver stopped admiring her handy work for a moment to look at her, she was younger then him by a year, but she would eventually be his age and well, she was already budding into a perfectly capable young woman, what could it hurt to tell her. So, he went into detail, a little to much detail about how it felt the first time.
Ruby smiled as she watched Silver enjoy her handy work. He seemed happy with his new weapons, weapons that she helped create, well half way anyway. She didn't tinker with the inner workings of Cupid and Comet, they were perfectly fine and would of been rude. It was honestly one of her more simple designs, nowhere near the complexity of Crescent Rose. It was just a basic extending bayonet idea, but it was solid and would function well.

Still, he was avoiding answering the question which frustrated her, getting just the basic answer. However he got to the point, oh how he got to the point. Ruby sat herself down and listening, eyes wide as she took in every detail, slowly gasping and giving small exclamations. What Silver might not notice under Ruby's dress that she was getting a little turned on by this. She was vaguely aware of such feelings before, but it never came like this.

Blushing as Silver finished, she coughed a little, turning away and back to Crescent Rose. "Sounds like fun! Doesn't it Rose?" Talking to her Scythe as to try and clear the thoughts that were filling her head. She was completely blaming Silver for making the young girl think about those stories with her in the roles, nothing to do with her budding urges, nope.
Ruby gave Silver a look and calmly clears her throat back. Grabbing up Crescent Rose waddling a little as she got up. Her panties had been soaked from that way to descriptive explanation Silver had dropped. So she was trying to not make it look like she just peed herself listening to him. "Well, um I need to go to the bathroom you just enjoy your new adjustments.. oh um no.. no don't follow please."

She uses her semblance and dashes into the bathroom and closes one of the stalls and settles Crescent Rose up against the door kicking her shoes off and would pull down her leggings to get to her panties which were pure white with strawberry patterns on them. They were really stained with wet looking streak. "Oh no... I peed myself again.." She said in a groan not realizing it was actually she had gotten wet hearing Silver's description.

Silver was surprised to see Ruby leave so suddenly, but it was when he was getting used to the changes to Comet and Cupid that he got a message on his scroll. "Come to the unused combat arena in the back of the school." Marked with Weiss's face as an emote but it was set as an anonymous text. "Does... she not know what anonymous means?" He wondered and then collects himself to go to where she was asking for him, he hadn't heard anything from Weiss since he got back from the mission yesterday.
Weiss paced back and forth in the arena, waiting for Silver. She'd spent a few hours today setting this fight out, planning every movement of it. She practised it, danced the fight out like it was some play, picturing every move. She'd seen Silver fight a little and had a good idea of his abilities, enough to figure how to counter any trick he pulled. Still, she was restless, this all wouldn't work if she couldn't beat him into submission, but she had plenty of tricks to use.

She stopped pacing when she heard him approach, seeing the confused look on his face. She stood still, waiting, listening.... The moment he crossed the entry way, she snapped around, raising her weapon. In that instant, a Glyph formed behind him, giving him a moments warning before a wall of ice formed, cutting off the main way into the arena. She couldn't have him running away, not from this, she wouldn't let him.

Lowering her rapier again, she held both hands behind her back, facing him. "I don't care what the others think, they are clearly not thinking straight." Speaking with cool, cold, confidence, laced with anger. "I see you for what you are 'Silver' and if you think I'm going to buy into your act like the rest then guess again." She quirked her lip into cold smile, raising her rapier up in front of her, pointing at him. "A duel, here and now. I will not tolerate you being around this school any longer!" Her eyes narrowed into a cold glare, if looks could kill... "Come, let it be lain bare the monster you really are..." She wasn't taking no for an answer, she'd cut him down if he tried to escape.
The whole situation, should have felt funny to him. But, it was the fact he had gotten so used to life here. That he never expected someone he was on the same team with would want to fight him, or at the max end his life. However, he saw the look in her eyes. Then the wall of ice behind him, she wasn't going to let him go. Then there he saw it hung from her belt was the music box. "Why do you..."

Before he finished talking she summoned up glyphs and fired off spikes of ice at him. He drew quickly and would jump back, he didn't have much ammo on him, and he hadn't gotten any time to practice with the adjustments to his guns. But from the look in her eyes, she was all to aware of how he fought, and how he normally worked, his normal tactics wouldn't work.. The ice spikes would breeze past him and the ones that hit him shattered upon contact to him but sent him flying back. He hadn't been prepared, and now he was seeing the result of him losing his edge.

"What are you trying to prove... why go this length...?" Silver asked standing his ground he was assessing the situation when he saw it she reached for the music box and opened it up and began to let it play "Now let me see that monster, let me kill the monster!" Weiss said, the tune began to play and he began to feel his mind go blank as he reacted to the special tune from the music box it was then he lost the light in his eyes. That she would be made aware of the monster, soon as he had gone from his normal state to this one however, she had it all figured out she would create a box made from a slab of ice and then hold up 'that' dust crystal.

His bygone mind didn't react to it, but whatever consciousness in him there was saw that crystal and did not like the look of it. "Why do... you...?" But the look in her eyes proved that she planned to use it... That dust crystal was only owned by one person... It was to late by the time he realized, he was trapped in the prison of ice.
Weiss didn't give him time to ask questions, if he wasn't ready to fight it was his own damned fault! She shot ice out him, for one to get him ready and secondly to test his aura. He had one alright, he was human like a real hunter. But how long would that mask of lies go? She planned to put him to his limit wanted him to show his true colours.

Stage one was simple, get him worked up and use the music box. She'd already wound the thing up, so opening it started the song. "Show it to me..." She whispered to herself after the announcement. Weiss had trained to be a slayer of monsters, she was very good at it, she wanted him to show his true colours, so he could be just one more monster to kill.

As the music played, she saw the change, the blank look in his eyes, that was the monster she remembered! She didn't give him a chance to get her though, this was all planned to. With a quick flicks of her rapier, she used a practise move, forming Glyphs on every side of him. Channeling the ice dust, he was trapped in a box, exactly as planned, didn't even put up a fight. "I have you now! Yes, just like one of the Grim or the men who kill for fun that call themselves humans. You are just like them." She pulled out the dust crystal at this point, taking a moment to breath. She wasn't entirely sure what this did, but she'd see soon enough, as she channeled her Semblance, creating Glyphs and channeling the dust through it....
The changed Silver had suddenly been trapped in a box of Ice, he couldn't move. The consciousness inside him was still there, the constriction of being caged, he would lash out and begin to bash and kick and move trying anything he could to get out of the prison of ice she had created. Though he had no expression and was basically throwing himself into the ice as if to mindlessly assume it would get him out. His semblance wouldn't do anything for him in this state even would he have still had it. The look of lifelessness in his eyes, had a clear view to the fact that his aura had slipped off.

There it was, the monster the mindless beast throwing himself against walls like a caged beast. She didn't show any mercy, she was going to kill the monster. Thus, with the channeling of her aura into the strange crystal it shattered and then beneath him a glyph she wasn't familiar with opened up beneath him. Then suddenly, a very gruesome effect went into play as several metal spikes came up from the ground...

There was no aura protecting him in this state ripping through him impaling him... There she could see it, blood dripped down the spikes... The very thing Grimm nor monsters did, was bleed... Suddenly, Weiss had her reserves about what she just did... 'What have...I?' She questioned internally, the boy was impaled on several spikes, the blood it splattered over the walls of ice he was trapped within. The look on her face the hardened stony look had dropped. Then, behind her she could see the woman from before wit the cloaked figure.
Weiss' confidence shattered there, watching Silver, a human boy but a year younger than her, impaled on spikes. Her look turned from hate, to uncertainty to sudden panic at the sight of his blood. She'd just... killed someone, a boy, in cold blood because... Weiss quickly waved her rapier, breaking the wall of ice with some quick glyph's and some fire dust, careful not to do any more damage. "Silver!" She started to run to help him.

Weiss however collapsed, only a few steps in, a strong gas making her feel weak. Falling to the ground, her head slumps, only getting a brief glance at the duo before her eyes closed. Sleep overtook her and the girl was rendered helpless.

The woman, Angell, tutted as she approached, walking through the gas without issue. The gas had been set up by her in fact, several small canisters planted earlier. But she breathed it no problem, her anatomy modified to the point where air was filtered before it got to her lungs. She reached down, picking the heiress up with one hand, nails digging into the girls dress. "Shame, almost thought she'd go through with it too."

A sadistic smile crept onto the woman's face, lifting Weiss over her shoulder. She turned to Mercover, she knew what she got to do now. "I'll go get the little heiress prepaired for fun. Figure you have plans for the brat." Refering to Silver of course. She herself began to walk off with Weiss.


Weiss awoke to find herself, well, tied up. Gagged and tied to the ceiling, her weapon and the music box was gone, also her spare dust crystals and her scroll. All she had were her clothes, so it was something. The room was a dark one, but she could make out various impliments, and tables. Medieval torture dungeon seemed to be about right, not boding well for her.

Unable to do anything but swing a little from the ropes forcing her arms to the ceiling, she tried the next best thing, use her semblance! This got little more than a puff of a Glyph that broke. At that point she realised her aura had been disabled, much like last time. Only this time she was alone, waiting for someone to come.... sadly, the person who comes is someone she doesn't want.
Mercover entered the room his hood down. The man just exuded the feeling he was pretty evil. "Seems the princess is awake, nice to see." It would seem this was the man that raised the boy she thought she killed. The man was a big guy standing easily 6'4 bald and had a black beard that covered his jawline. Behind him the cyborg woman was with him. "You seem to be looking plenty confused... I don't blame you, the act of seeing a monster and then finding out it bleeds..."

He tisked and walked back and fourth pacing before her like some dark lord. His arm remained covered up, yet the sound of rotating and clacking moving metal pieces could be heard, it was clear whatever was in. "I thank you though for subduing him and bringing him back." He pressed a remote and a curtain opened inside a room where some sort of chamber where he was left in stasis she could see his body the places he'd been hit, where she had caused him.

The room he was being held was lit with a sickly hospital or examination table white green colored light. It was like seeing a lizard in a tank at he zoo rather then looking at a person. "Now then, my assistant here shall fill you in on what will be happening to you, I wager you are regretting your decision now seeing the boy that way, but you had the chance to kill him when you could, and you squandered it, now we have to wait..." He grins darkly at the girl the sort of grin that would make Weiss quiver in fear.

She was swinging and wriggling to get away from the man as he slipped his sleeve up the arm had a various mechanism of blades rotating and moving and closing and opening, it was a freakish sight seeing such a thing attached to a human shoulder. Then he moved the mechanized bladed arm in close the blades shredding her clothes as they press in but he pulls back before the blades cut into her clothes.

"My assistant would you be so kind as to hook up the dust battery and the bolt plugs, I wager we can have fun with this one fro a while see how much she could take." His gaze turned to Weiss who looked at him defiantly, but the look was a facade, as the sound of trickling left her, the look of a puddle forming beneath Weiss. "Looks like your not as brave as you think you are little princess." He smirks watching the woman wet herself before him, the fear was masked but it was there in her eyes.
Weiss watched the two, confused, concerned and scared. She didn't show it though, her face giving an ice cold glare as the two walked towards her. Cracks soon showed in her facade though, right as she saw Silver, shame coming over her. She had done that to him and now because of her, the two were captured and she had a feeling... things would get worse from here.

Angell circled around Weiss as her lord talked, the same sadistic smile on her face. She was more than happy to explain things to the girl. "Now, I suppose you may have been kidnapped before and it's always been the same. You are a Schnee and daddy will pay anything to get you back safe, so you endure nothing more than some looks till the ransom comes." Waving her hand in a bored gesture as she talked. "But no, that isn't happening here. We have more than enough resources where we aren't desperate for Schnee money. We're much happier with a little... toy."

This brought the fear in her eyes, that and Mercover coming close to ripping her dress. She knew what was going on, her head shaking, silently begging for the not to do what she was thinking. That was when the trembling started and her bladder gave out in fear.

Angell grinned through all of this, moving over to bring over a large dust battery, hooking up some plugs to it. On the other end of the plugs were some nasty looking clamps, sparking a little as she gave them a few snaps. "Now, as our little doll. We will play with you, but we aren't going to break our doll, you'll live for more over and over. Then we.... discard you when we tire. But my lord has urges, urges that a sweet little thing like you can sate better than I."
The unconscious Silver was hung in the room on the otherside. He wasn't bleeding out though something about the room he was in keeping him alive. It was clear Mercover never actually wanted the boy dead, he just wanted to have him face death nearly. Calmly he looks over to Weiss and laughs. "Give her a little zap Angell, I wanna hear her scream and whimper, maybe teach her what pain without an aura feels like upon a human body... tell me girl... you ever been without your Aura, ever known actual pain, actual fear of dying? If not your in for a rude awakening, everyone in this building has forgone the need for an aura... we are a society slowly being built, to rid the world of the need for... aura. For if we rid the world of it, we may well rid the world of this infestation known as the grimm..."

Mercover spoke like he was some sort of revolutionary it was clear this man, was very much like Silver but evil the way he spoke, the manner in which he held himself, it was like a soldier, no not a soldier like a warrior, a fighter... Someone who had fought wars not against grimm but people. The man watched his assistant charging up a jolt for Weiss. "Now Angell be sure she isn't hurt... to badly I still like them atleast a little unmarred.."

His eyes drift to the scar on her eye and would trace it with his human finger and smirks. "You have a pretty face... just like that damned sister of yours..." It would seem Mercover knew her sister, and he nods to Angell. "On second thought show her no mercy, I want her sister to have this sent to her as a video... I wager seeing her dear sister being raped by you would be far more painful for her." It would seem Mercover had a vendetta against Winter.
While Mercover talked, Angell made sure the camera's were set up. What was the point of all this torture if Winter never saw any? Well, it's get the two of them off, but that was a bonus. Making Winter suffer and see what they did to her little sister, that was the real goal here. So she took a moment, letting her lord monologue to their prey while she set up, walking back over to the battery once she was sure they were ready.

Weiss flinched away from Mercover, the scar the only mark on her otherwise flawless body. It was a reminder for her to not be sloppy, not fail and get hit like before. She did not appreciate the way he traced it and her face, nor the fact he was aware of her sister. Granted, the thought of Winter coming in and kicking this self righteous pricks ass, was a pleasant thought for Weiss to dwell on.

What wasn't pleasant was the moment after, Angell came in, pressing the pair of clamps against her back. The moment they made contact with her, Weiss cried out in pain as electricity ran wild through her body. The heiress' body convulsed and the screams were clear through the gag. When Angell pulled the clamps away, the dress at that point was charred, her skin marked where the clamps met. The scream was gone, replaced by small quiet sobs, Weiss wasn't suited for torture.

"Do not cry little one, we've barely even started yet." With that Angell pressed the clamps into Weiss again, this time one clamp each side. The result was the same, the girl screaming, cloth burning and skin marking. Once again, she was left sobbing as the cyborg pulled away, for her part seeming to get a sadistic kick out of the girls pain.
Mercover would walk into the room with Silver, leaving Angell on pure autopilot while he went and inspected the boy. His shirt was gone and he was left in little more then his boxers as he was pretty much held up on a crusifix. The man stood before the boy and shifted his blades to a series of needles at his hand.

Then punctured them into Silver's body. Causing the boy to cry out and look around. Then he looked to Mercover and snarled "YOU BASTARD!" He shouted, no one had ever seen Silver lose his cool like this outside of that moment with the music box. The fact Weiss was busy sniveling and swinging in her soiled panties in front of Angell left her incapable of knowing what sort of history Mercover had with Silver. Mercover looked outside the chamber which held Silver. "Angell I want you to proceed with stretching her out... I want that camera rolling nice and good when you make her holes nice and useless... understood?"

Weiss heard those words, and she began to out right start crying, she was scared, she was powerless. Then when she looked to Silver, her only coherent thought other then 'Oh god no..' was 'What have I done...' Then there was a little mutter she had beneath her gag which sounded a lot like. "Daddy save me." But he wouldn't likely hear her, there was no rescue for this damsel this time, atleast.. not yet.
Angell bowed low to Mercover, more than happy to oblige his request. Putting away the clamps, she walked behind the trembling girl, being sure to linger close, filling Weiss with more fear. Even though she couldn't see the eyes from here, she could feel and taste the fear coming from the princess, the air was thick with it. Then, after making her wait a long moment, a quick couple of cuts were made and the girls panties, along with a good portion of the back of her skirt fell away, cut to make room for what was next.

Weiss squirmed and struggled some more. She knew she was bound up good, the rope good quality and strong. But she wasn't going to give up, she had to do something anything! She tried to make a Glyph again, but nothing came, whatever device disabling her aura doing a damned fine job. Then she froze, hearing the sound of some sort of motor firing up.

Angell did a quick test, smiling at the results, she had to be sure her machine worked. Then she wheeled it out behind Weiss, the thing coming the rest against the back of her bound legs. The thing in question was some modified pieces of equipment, designed to piston a pair of rods back and forth, when one came up, the other came down. The noticible modification in question were a pair of oversized metal dildo's. Maybe twice as big as Silver in size and girth, the sort of thing you'd see pornstars play with.... not 17 year old heiress' who've been pampered their whole life.

The cyborg woman adjusted them, making sure they were angled just right. She gave a sadistic smile when she got them just right, glancing back to the camera she'd set up, smiling into it. The Schnee family would get a very, very good view of this.

Weiss cried out again as she suddenly felt the cold steel against her two holes, squirming to try and get free again. But it was too late, with a flick of a switch, the motor fired up again and suddenly, without preparation or ceremony. The first shaft forced it's way into her pussy, Weiss frozen and silent. Then it pulled back, as it did the second hitting against her puckered hole, she was able to keep it out, but this was just the first thrust.

Angell gave a sadistic grin, watching off to one side. After all she couldn't be blocking the camera for this shot. Watching, she waited till the girls ass began to give out, then, with a turn on a dial on a little remote, the thrusting picked up the pace. The scream that followed signaled Weiss' ass being taken, a little bit of blood trickling down the machine to show it wasn't pleasant. Smiling, Angell continued to ramp up the machine, as Weiss cried, begged and screamed for mercy that would not come.
The ravaging came for another 30 minutes. Weiss was breaking from the outside in. Her anus and pussy being stretched and worn out. She would be lucky to be able to use either of these holes again. Weiss would have been considered a tight ass before. But now it was stretched and gaping painfully and her pussy was being destroyed by the rough pumping of the machine.

Mercover settled beside Silver who was now conscious but still in bad shape. He tried to jerk and free himself to go and save her, but his hands were nailed to the cross, and his wrists bound by some really strong rope. Weiss had been crying and begging for it to stop the whole time, it wasn't even painful anymore, her legs covered in the blood of her virginity, and the ruined anal muscles the machine tore through. "Alright Angell... thats enough footage to send to her sister.. I want it sent to her, and have it marked come alone, or her darling 'son' will be in worse shape then her sister if she comes with her entire army."

He takes a snap shot of Silver and slipped it into the film reel with the entire footage of Weiss's anus and pussy getting destroyed. "Also get her down and throw her in here... I wager the two of them should... bond before the other Schnee Heiress gets here to try and save her poor sweet family." He said pinching and rubbing Silver's cheeks as the boy tried to bite the man, who dodged the attempt and smirked. "Why anyone would find a rabid dog like you cute is beyond me..." He would then take his leave and head up to talk with his other subordinates.
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