It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

It would seem, Blake scratched in her sleep because at class the next day he had a few scratchs on him come morning. Now he was in class, thankfully it was Dust Ecology and no one really did much this class if they weren't proficient users of dust, like himself though he did have grenades for whenever the use of dust was needed. Pyrrha was extremely chipper today and thrusting a plastic bag with a box inside.. "You,...made lunch... for me?" Yesterday he had fucked the teams Pet cat basicly, so nothing was surprising him.

Especially with the fact, Yang who hadn't wanted to be near him much come last night was now seizing him by the arm, and well... Blake.. had sort of claimed his lap as her favorite spot in the whole wide world. "I guess it couldn't hurt to have a look and see..." He said taking the bag and opening it up, inside he took out the box and set it on the table. The three around him pretty much watching (ie Yang, Pyrrha and Blake), he opened it and inside was a few egg rolls, and a bit of rice. "Hmmm, well its a good balance I suppouse." It was still the middle of class, but today some odd reason the teacher didn't bother to show up... So it was study hall anyways.

He took a plastic fork from the bag and gave the food a try... Taking it, and chewing blinking, something... was bad about this.. But, he swallowed it. "You, get.. a C for effort..." He said packaging the box back up, it was clear after yesterday he wasn't going to bother being nice all the way, if his face wasn't a reference with the fact Blake's nails were sharp he was now dealing with Weiss glaring daggers at him, and that kinda hurt.. Ruby, was looking at everyone like they were the most alien things she had ever seen, and for once she hadn't spoken at all today. Turning his gaze back towards Ruby he spoke, "What's up Strawberry Shortcake? You've been quiet all day... no ramble about how squeeky clean Crescent Roses works are at all.." He just generalized a topic she might start up in the morning really.
Weiss had spent the morning glaring and giving the silent treatment to Silver, Blake and Yang too. So much so that the heiress sat herself down off to one side, away from the rest of the group. Walking in on the sight of Yang was startling, but it had happened before to some degree, the girls walked in on each other all the time. The thing she was really pissed about was Blake and Silver in bed together, very clear they had been together. So the Ice Queen was keeping her distance right now.

Blake on the other hand had been very, very cuddly. Sure she couldn't help where her claws went when slept, but so what? Silver was hers right now, also her ass had taken one for him and she hadn't quite been comfortable sitting around, though his lap was nice and comfortable. She'd of clung to his arms too, but Yang would of likely punched her out.

Speaking of Yang, the girl who had spent the night with a vibrator in her ass, which died some point before she woke. So she was about as sore and walking as oddly as Blake. She'd spent the day trying to get close to Silver, Blake relenting to letting her cling on to the man. Yang was happy, she could work on him throughout the day, maybe get her shot later tonight. However Pyrrha showed up.

Pyrrha frowned at his response disappointed, in herself for the most part. "I see... sorry about that, I will work on making it better next time." The warrior girl was no cook, even with a half asleep Ren instructing her.

Ruby glanced over at Silver, having been quiet till now. "Crescent Rose is okay, she wasn't damaged...." Seeming... distracted, disinterested, which was odd for her, especially for a weapon nut like her.

Despite the lack of lesson, they weren't without staff for long. Soon a certain Ozpin came in, smiling a little as he approached Silver. He wan't oblivious to how the girls hung over him, clearly he'd made himself popular. "Silver, mind joining me outside for a moment?" Not waiting for an answer, he strode back out, waiting outside the door. When he was sure Silver had joined him, he handed him a scroll, mission details on it, a stake out of a White Fang location.
The moment he was called out by Ozpin he took to it quickly. Usually the headmaster didn't seek out anyone personally unless it was a matter of utmost importance. So, when he was simply silently, handed the scroll after Ozpin spoke of something to do with the White-Fang, he couldn't rightly say no.. Thus he was dismissed from class, and went to the room to prepare for his solo mission.

The young man was in the room strapping on some gear fit for a covert operative more then that of a hunter, he swapped out Comet and Cupid for some semi-automatic military grade machine pistols which were equipped with combat knife bayonets each. He put on a whole bunch of different gadgets for stealth operations.

Little did he know he had two of the schools, well known bruisers peeking in on him getting dressed. Yang would look away to look at Pyrrha and Pyrrha looked away to look at Yang sparks were flying between the eyes of the two as if they were silently communicating to each other 'He is mine bitch.' It was safe to say that Silver was either the luckiest young man alive, or he was the deadest man ever to walk Remnant and had no idea at the time. Still, that wasn't gonna stop him from thinking he was going out there to do a peaceful quiet stealth mission.

Equipping the last bits of his repertoire which was a pair of EMP dust grenades. He turned and began to walk out the door, to only be grabbed from each side, by two of the strongest girls in Beacon, blind sided you might say "Hey what the?" Silver said rather surprised by the sudden pincer attack, a well played manouver for two girls who right now would happily strangle the other would Silver command it..

Meanwhile, elsewhere outside the window of the dorm room a figure stood darkly cloaked and watching as Silver did his routine. The face under the cloak was shadowed and unseen, a grounds keeper on duty noticed the figure readily enough. But the moment they blinked he was gone, and so to was the music box, which would later be placed in Weiss's skirt pocket while she wasn't looking.
Yang and Pyrrha had followed Silver out, watching the brief exchange with Ozpin before he went to get ready. Ozpin saw the looks in their eyes from the get go and rather than try and deny them, let them past. He knew not to get in the way of a pair of women when they were like that, especially two of his best students.

They came to see Silver gearing up and exchanged a look. Like Yang and Blake last night, they had the same idea. This time this wasn't going to be settled by a game of chance. They were both doing this and winning Silver for themselves, no matter one. So at this point, the duo stormed in, looking determined.

"We are going with you." Pyrrha stated as fact as she came one side of Silver. The look in her eyes told that no wasn't an option.

"Yeah, can't let you go with no backup. So the schools best fighter will have your back." Yang cockily pointing to herself.

"Exactly and sure Yang can provide some distraction." Pyrrha got a glare from Yang at that comment. The two had never actually had a one on one fight not with their actual weapons.


Weiss would feel the sudden weight in her pocket. She turned, looking around for anyone behind her, but saw nothing. Raising a brow, she slowly reached in, pulling the music box out. It didn't take her long to recognise it as the one Silver came back with, only raising more questions as Silver had left to prepare already. Curious, she opened it up, playing the tune.... That's when she remembered the little tune playing as Silver saved them, things starting to click for her. This had an effect on him for sure, she would need to test this further...
Silver had been completely sidewinded and he wasn't equipped right now to handle them. Ozpin had said he wanted this to be a clean mission, and with the way these two were acting, clean was not likely to be the case... Yet for some reason he felt like telling either of them no would likely wind him up in the hospital. So, he sighs and gives them bot a shake of the head. "Alright, just don't let Ozpin or anyone of importance know your coming along, this is a stealth mission... and I will need for you girls to be nice.. and quiet during the mission got it?"


Why did he even think this was going to work with them. They had been making their way towards the Vale Docks and he already could see the chance of success this mission was going to be quite low, for starters the two of them hadn't let go of either of his arms since going, second of all they kept bragging about who'd make the best wife for him. "Ladies, I am not marrying either of you, and please let go, if things get trouble some I am gonna need my arms." He tires tugging them out, but sure enough they were locked tight between their grips and bosoms.. "Guys?" He said, it was clear his opinion in this situation did not matter, this was a matter between them, not him in truth.
"Well of course I'm better for him, my problem solving goes beyond punching it." Pyrrha had tried to keep quiet for the mission, she really did. But right now Yang was making that all but impossible, so Pyrrha had to fire back!

"We saw your cooking, I'm surprised you know anything outside of fighting honestly. What do you even do for fun outside of school?" Yang was more or less ignoring Silver's complaints, dragging the boy along with her strength.

"I do things...."


"Well I... Hang out with me team and.... Train."

"Exactly! Least I go out to clubs, have fun, live a little!"

"Well maybe if you trained more you'd actually get somewhere, plus not be so top heavy!"

"Why you little!" Yang was about to throw a punch, only to stop when her fist almost slammed into Silver. Luckily she stopped in time and kind of froze at the look he was giving. "Sorry..." She glared up at Pyrrha. "My body is perfectly fine the way it is, thank you." Not that it stopped her arguing.
Silver had nearly been punched today, and stabbed twice.... Shaking his head he would continue to make his way to his location. It was a good thing, he seemed to be the water Yang needed to douse her fire or he would have been in the hospital or missing his head from one of her punches. He crept up behind a series of boxes.

Then began to set up in various locations hidden cameras and various other stealth items. It was then when he was done and night had fallen he came back to the boxes he'd left them behind and could see.. They were still loudly whispering in competition about each others stronger points... "Girls!." He said in a harsh loud whisper. "We need to be quiet now I need to focus on what they are bringing in, now you two glare at each other quietly..., and behave."

He said taking a stand, having gotten sick of hearing them argue since they came with him, this was supposed to be his mission and all they cared about was if either of them actually had any sexual skill to speak of.... most of what Pyrrha spouted was down right tall tales, and what Yang spoke of was downright... probably true and gross.
"Back in Mistral, I was the most desired woman about, any man with the courage to court me was never disapointed. My skills far extend beyond a sword and I'm naturally good at it all." Pyrrha was bragging, a hand to her chest as she held her head high.

"Uhuh, how many men is that?" Yang didn't believe her for a second.

"Well... Dozens!"

"So that's why everyone in the school is too scared to try anything... And that you've spent the last year trying to get Jaun to notice you?" Yang raised a brow, watching as Pyrrha averted her gaze. "Now me, you have no idea how many guys will hit on you in the clubs. I've taken my fair share of them, taken it every which way imaginable, even had four guys at once!" Rubbing her greater experiance in Pyrrha's face.

The two didn't get to continue this however as Silver came in and put his foot down. The two glared at each other wanting to continue but... He was right. This was a stealth mission, they didn't want to ruin it and turn Silver off from them forever. So they quietened down, trying to act a little more professional, though still gave glare between watching for trouble.
Silver sighed, and shook his head. Either of them would be lucky if he decided to fuck them. He was still a little red around his cock from where Blake had him first. It was amazing that he was getting this much female attention, and it was certain other men in Beacon would kill to be in his position, however after living a few months in a dorm of just girls...

It was safe to say, the guys who dreamed it would have his nightmares, let's just say team Rwby wasn't exactly the gold standard for decent women in beacon, it was flat out apparent after spending a few times with them, neither Ruby nor Yang knew anything about being prim and proper at times, Blake left hair every where during certain periods, and Weiss had make up all over the room at spots. It was just not everyone's dream to spend. However his thoughts broke when a few men from White Fang approached the ship designated as a smuggling ship. Silver took up the nightvision goggles, and began to watch. Several men laid out a gang plank and they began unloading some large scale weapons. "Great... so they are planning something big..."

However as he was bent over the box getting a look he could feel hands crawling up his legs, and he looked down at the two of them. "Can you girls, not distract..." However he looked back towards the ship again and he saw them continuing to unload the weapons on to trucks. It was clear they were planning something. He slips down the box and huddled into a sitting position looking to the two of them. "This isn't looking good already..." He grimaced, and then looked to the two of them, they had a wierd look in their eyes, kind of like Blake had the night... "Oh god you guys can't be serious right now..."
When Silver bent over the box, well, the girls could hardly resist! Yang was first the bolder of the two, so she began running her a hand up his left leg, slowly moving around to his thighs. Pyrrha frowned before joining in with his right, she was not going to be outdone by her!

They stopped when he turned and sat but they both looked at him with lust in their eyes. It was quite unlike them, but something about Silver really got the girls worked up. That plus the competition was actually spurring them on more. "Right now, maybe not." Pyrrha glancing to Yang, wanting to be serious and save it till after the mission.

Yang glanced between the two, holding her hands up. "Fine, fine. How bad is it down there?" Bending over the box herself to get a look. She couldn't see much, but amongst the White Fang she saw something a little unusual. "Is it just me or is there an unarmed woman down there?" Sure enough, overseeing the shipment was a lady, human too, out of place from the rest of the white Fangs.

(Will describe her in next post, when back on the comp and possible with a pic.)
The moment the two stopped thinking with their vaginas he heard them talking about noticing an unarmed woman among the White Fang shipment group. He took the nightvision goggles and looked over. Spotting the woman and blinks, he didn't recognize her from anything. She was human clearly, and nothing seemed off about her. But she was working with the criminal organization, meaning she was surely nothing good.


Meanwhile back at Beacon the cloaked man had been following Weiss discreetly, he was clearly up to no good. But something about him made him impossible to detect. The man waited for Weiss to settle outside by the fountain in the courtyard, watching her with the music box. He approached her standing behind hand rested upon her shoulder. The man gazed down at her through his hood. "You... wish to unravel him don't you." The cloaked man said, then the whole air became rather tense for Weiss, the man had an imposing-ness to him, something about him felt dangerous.
The woman stood tall, around 6 foot or so by the looks of it. She had casual clothing on, simply wearing a tank top and what looked like baggy camo pants, a pair of thick boots to go with them. She didn't seem to have an obvious scarring and her hair was tied up in a bob, otherwise kept short round the front and side. She walked with authority and whenever she spoke, the white fang seemed to listen. This wasn't the first time the organisation had worked with a human, but it was still unusual.

Yang bit her lip as she examined the woman, clearly the head of this operation. "Okay, let's get her, can find out all we need!" Yang announced, quickly dashing out to try and get closer, diving between cover.


Weiss sat by the fountain, watching the water flow down. It was quiet right now and she liked that. Her mind raced with thoughts, all in suspicion of Silver. She pulled the music box out again, examining the thing, trying to find any significance to it. Outside the song, it seem ordenary enough, so maybe it was just the song...

The girl froze as she felt a hand on her shoulder, head snapping around. She looked up at the hooded man, eyes narrowing in suspicion. This man, she could sense the danger from him and her fight or flight instincts were screaming at her. However she settled them down, frowning at him before speaking. "You mean Silver? What do you know about him?" She did her best to not show fear to this man.
Silver looked at the woman and looked back to the two of them. However, it seemed neither of them wanted to just sit back and do nothing. "Alright you two, I was told by Ozpin if anything looks suspicious about this we are to carefully assess....Yang...what are you?"

He watched Yang make a stand and watched her going for the woman. Blinking, she was going to blow their cover. Silver quickly reached up and grabbed Yang by the shoulder. "What are you thinking!" However, that was all that was needed to blow their cover as the spotlights turned to them and then the sirens and armed men turned their weapons on them.

The fact they were carrying standard weaponry meant they hadn't planned on a hunter and two huntresses to be spying on them. "Well.. the cats outta the bag now... you two hold off the soldiers... and whatever you do, don't engage that woman..." He said there was something about her, he doubted either of them could take her, however, there was a look about Yang saying she wanted to confront the woman.


The cloaked figure took up the Music Box from her. "This tone, makes him lose his humanity, it is driven into him as a sign he is being ordered to kill..." He slips into her hand a dust crystal a special kind. "Use this, to bind him... he is deathly afraid of being bound..." The man said, and looked to her. "If you wish to know more... face him yourself, I will say no more then this..."
Pyrrha face-palmed as Yang and Silver got the group caught. "Lovely..." The warrior quickly pulled out her weapons, shield coming up to block the incoming gun fire. Her weapon itself she changed into gun mode, starting to return fire on the White Fang, managing to snag a few of them while they were getting their weapons ready. Dashing forward she moved between boxes and containers, closing the gap.

The woman turned to see the team, taking a moment to sit and assess the situation. With a small smile, she gave a shake of her head, seeming to not care about any of them. With that she turned and walked back to the ship, not even running, just a slow walk, hands behind her head.

This royally pissed Yang off, who despite what Silver said, ran forward. Course some of the grunts got in the way, but Yang just rushed past them, punching them out as her gauntlets extended. It didn't take her long to get to get in range before she sent out a quick one two punch, launching a pair of explosives from her gauntlets.

The woman for her part sighed, waiting a few moments for the projectiles to reach her. Then, twirling about on her foot, she smacked the two shots out of the air, exploding to the side of her. Her hand seemed unscathed for having just knocked a pair of explosives out the air and she did not seem amused.


Weiss took the crystal, gripping it in her hand. Determination seemed to fill her, a fire to find all she could about Silver. Looking up to the man again, she nodded. "I will... Why are you giving me this though?" She was grateful, but this was a very suspicious circumstance.
Silver watched Yang rush head long in towards the woman, doing exactly what he told her not to do. "I will have to spank that girl later..." He groans, knowing she'd likely not think of that as a punishment.

Then stray shots were coming his way as they bounced off Pyrrha's shield and he would take the time to rush past the fighting. Dodging the line of sight so that he could make it aboard the ship and gather the documents aboard that detailed the delivery and what they were shipping. However upon reaching the captains quarters where the info would be. Two weapons came to life turret droids, from Atlas...

The manufacturer of those droids was from Atlas... "So, this sailed in from there..." However he had little time to think as the droids came to life and started opening fire, but the moment they started arming to fire bullets entered into the barrels of the guns of the machines. Causing the droids to blow, and he ducks his way into the cabin.


Outside the battle was still raging, bullets were getting past Pyrrha's defense shredding her clothes from the looks of it. Yang was now confronting the super surprisingly tough woman. The whole ordeal was just unpleasant at this point.

Guards were being dropped thanks to Pyrrha's relentless assault on the enemies. However, it was at this point the two of them were now back to bantering with each other, even as their fights were causing their clothes to be destroyed.


The cloaked man chuckles at Weiss. Lifting his hood back a little letting her see his face, an older man about his late 40's, bearded, and balding, blue eyes. His right arm was always completely covered and the sound of metal continuously clinking and shifting as the sound was clear the arm under that sleeve wasn't a human arm. "I just want him to be brought to light, a devil in human's clothing... there is no place in a school for monster hunters, for a monster." With that, the man was gone leaving her with a choice, fight him herself, and see his resolve as a human... or end him herself.


Back in the dorm, Blake was meowling and rolling around rubbing up on a pillow. Meowing out Silver's name like a cat in heat, she really seemed to miss her Silver. Even though they had just fucked yesterday.
Pyrrha, dove in for close range, snapping her gun back into a spear, as she dove in. Switching back and forth between spear and sword, she began cutting through the guards with skill. Using her semblance she was able to deflect off many of the bullets, leaving her Aura mostly untouched. However so many came that she couldn't deflect them by much, as such her clothing took the brunt of it. Pyrrha did wear armour, but when it was held together by mostly leather, in places not that thick.. yeah, soon her semblance was being used to hold her breastplate on as she fought slowing her down.

Not that it stopped Pyrrha from ribbing Yang, especially the more she saw Yang's clothing suffer, where these guard's aiming to strip them? "Hey Yang! That's my tenth, how many do you have!" Combat, combat is where Pyrrha could honestly prove herself over the hotheaded blonde.

Yang herself was essentially snarling, trying to punch the woman but each time being deflected by quick martial movements. Between that and needing to disengage to deal with a few guards herself, didn't bode well for Yang, her skimpy outfit becoming skimpier. "Four, I'm kind of busy right now!" Her hair glowing the more hits her aura absorbed from the bullets, not having the same way to stop getting hit that Pyrrha did.

Noticing the competition and how their outfits were suffering more than they were, the woman gave a slight smirk. For the first time she struck, giving a quick slash with her hand, nails cutting like daggers. Yang hopped back, but not before the shoulders of her top was cut off, the garment falling to the floor. She walked away again at this, amused by the little game.


Weiss wanted to question him further but the man left, leaving the heiress frowning. Just who was that guy? For now, she put it to one side, knowing one thing for sure, Silver was a problem. What the man told her seemed to be true and she agreed... this school was no place for monsters. Setting the dust crystal in her pocket, she stood up. She would prepare to challenge Silver, see just how human he really was, her blade against him.


Blake groaned with a low meow like sound. She hated this time of year, hadn't even realised it was upon her till it was too late. She like most faunus, went into heat around this time. Normally it was manageable but... The sex with Silver had come just at the right time, now she had an itch that she knew how to scratch but... he wasn't here to scratch it! She lay mostly naked in bed, his bed to be exact, letting his scent wash over her as she tried to be as close to the absent Silver as possible.

Course, that wasn't all she did. Raiding his draws she pulled out two things. One, a shirt of his, putting it on, which helped ease her a little.... a little, but not much. The second was a pair of his boxers, in particular the pair that smelled the most like him, she was a cat, she had a good sense of smell. Holding that to her face in one hand, her other dived down to between her legs, starting to rub her fingers over the wet slit as she closed her eyes, thoughts on Silver.

Ruby Rose for her part, walked into the room, saw what Blake was doing and shuddered. Ever since Silver turned up, Blake and Yang had been acting up and Weiss had been more pissed than usual. Rather than deal with that... Ruby walked away again, trying to get away from all the sexual things people were doing around the girl.
The mission had lasted longer then he wanted, and it was a mess to explain once the White Fang had successfully been routed from the area. Silver walked out of the ship, to find Yang and Pyrrha tired, battered and looking pretty beat to hell.... The white fang that had been defeated littered the harbor dock, and no such sign of that woman from before.

However, what he was noticing was Yang's breasts hanging out, her panties and shoes and her weapons all that had survived the fight. On Pyrrha's end she had lost her armor to the point that it looked a little like she was wearing a slave girl bikini from a bygone eras science fiction film.

Silver looked around at the situation and blinks, as he holds up the information he obtained. "Thanks ladies for coming along, though not the cleanest of Spy Missions I've ever done, it was adaquet... did any of you detail the face of the woman...?" He asked them, as he looked noticing the way it appeared was he was gonna have to take them to some cheap clothing store before heading back, no way they would be heading home with them looking like that. Yet, the feel of the ocean breeze on the air the slightly warmer nights. "I think we may be experiencing our first Summer Night.." Silver said calmly. However then there was a flash of lights over yonder, and the sound of heels clicking as someone approached sure enough Glynda Goodwitch had been dispatched to check on the mission.
"So Yang, your outfit is great for fighting in isn't it?" Pyrrha taunted, hand on her hip. Sure she looked bad, but least her breasts were covered. "Very practical and helps let you move free." Poking Yang's side boob, the blonde having moved her arm over to cover.

"Pyrrha, I swear..." Yang's threat was interrupted by Silver coming over and speaking up, turning to face him with a smile. She knew he'd seen her fully naked so this wasn't too bad. Pyrrha was blushing meanwhile, still being a little less confident sexually. "Tan skin, deep blue eyes, somewhere around 6', Black hair in a bun. Think I could come up with something."

However, that's when Glynda Goodwitch arrived, surveying the sight. White Fang everywhere, no clear sign of a leader and two of her students half naked. Both students in fact weren't on the mission, but Ozpin had informed her that they'd likely be there. She ignored them right now, well not entirely ignore them actually. She walked past and with a quick crack of her riding crop, gave each girl a sharp smack in the ass, getting a small cry from each. However her attention was focused on Silver. "Report?" Straight to the point, she didn't want to waste time.
Despite the proceedings Silver remained very calm, he was in the mission zone he didn't let his calm break. Even when witnessing Pyrrha and Yang half naked and being spanked by Glynda with her riding cropt. "Here is the intel that we needed.. though we seem to have stumbled on this mission.." He hung his head, if he had been alone he could've done this mission without even being seen, but.. he didn't push blame onto either of the two of them despite the fact they likely knew it was one of their own faults.

"Miss Goodwitch I also need to see Ozpin about a certain bit of info I picked up... lets see." He holds up a piece of metal that was on the destroyed drone. "It would seem the ship sailed in from Atlas, or was a commandeered Atlas vessel... I should say, its not a good sign to find robots from our neighboring lands being used to guard a smuggling vessel." It was odd that a boy shorter then both Yang and Pyrrha was standing as calm as Ozpin around Glynda, he truly was a little more used to being in front of those who were quite intimidating to say the least. "I wager Ozpin would like to know that Ironwood has to keep a better watch on his Navy sometime..." With that Glynda nods her arms under her bosom, however by some rare chance the moment she did so, the top most button of her top popped open and flew right hitting him in the face. "Owwie..." He said, it appeared that attacks he didn't see coming nor react to drew this rather child like response from the normally level headed and stalwart young man.

Glynda's expression softened as she would pinch close her top and clears her throat "Good.. will see to it that Ozpin knows of it... oh and girls... do be nice to Mister Belsh, he didn't die on this mission for what its worth." The fact he got Glynda to soften up a little meant this boy was really good at getting right under the psychological barriers women put up, even hardened huntresses like Glynda seemed to falter around him. With that Glynda turned and went to work ordering the police to round up the unconcious White Fang.

Silver turned and walked up to Yang and Pyrrha. "You two may wanna scroll in your lockers." He said taking a picture of this situation of them both in such a state, and saving the data to a seperate memory chip. "I am sure this will come into work later if I need any favors." It seemed while he was all work and no play, Silver had his moments of cheek as well.
Yang and Pyrrha watched the two talk, surprised how Silver was handling himself. Glynda easily scared half the school, yet here Silver was not batting an eye. Not only that but he got her to soften up, granted that was after her top blew open. The incident got a giggle out of Yang... who immediately took another two wacks to her already sore ass from Glynda's crop. Pyrrha bit her lip, trying not to laugh at Yang's misfortune while Glynda was still around.

"Don't worry mam, we plan to be very nice to Silver." Pyrrha snapped back with a smile as Glynda spoke. This got a raise of an eyebrow from the witch, who began to walk away. Not before giving Pyrrha a couple more smacks for what the girl was implying.

This left Yang and Pyrrha, rubbing their sore cheeks, Yang having even let her breasts run free... right in time for Silver to snap a picture of the two. Both girls turned and blushed, looking at him with some surprise. Speechless the two darted behind a container, calling in a change of clothes. When they came back, both girls were in their uniforms. And both took an arm on either side of him.

"Technically a succsesful mission for team SPY!" Yang announced triumphant despite everything.

"Team SPY? Oh... I get it... We best get back to the dorm before more trouble breaks out." Pyrrha shook her head a little, clinging to Silver's left while Yang took the right.

"We? Planning on joining us are we Nikos?" Yang teased but then glanced at Silver lustfully.

"Well, don't plan on letting go." Silver would see that Pyrrha gave him the same look.
The three of them walking back to school it was nice an warm, and not just because the two of them were cuddling both of his arms. It was amazing how soft this two were now that they were just walking with him, it was a strange sight to be sure for those walking around to see three students from Beacon arm in arm with each other. The walk brought them close to a nice looking restaurant.

Then the sound of someones stomach, rather three stomachs grumbling in unison. He looks to the two of them. "You... uhhh wanna grab a bite to eat before we head back?" He asked with his hands gently stroking along the thighs of the two of them, ever since the night.

With Blake he kinda stopped ruling out anything, and if he had to reward them with dinner for helping him he would. "I wager we could go for a quick bite..." However a little across the street there was the bright pink neon sign of the Aphrodisica love hotel, and he looks at the two of them... The way they looked at the building together.. "What are you two... hey wait..." They would in unison begin to drag him towards the hotel, it was gonna be another long night for Silver wasn't it.
With all that the girls had gone through today, they were understandably worked up. Talking and teasing about sex, trying to entice Silver, their clothes getting blown off, all kind of builds up on you. So when they saw that pink neon sign, they had to go for it. Still they were all hungry and making love on an empty stomach. The two girls looked at each other before nodding, a silent agreement being made.

So in the end Yang dragged Silver off into the hotel, buying a room for the night. Any complaints he might give, she ignored, easily able to bring the boy along to the room they got. The room was well furnished and comfortable, also sound proofed, for reasons...

Yang pushed Silver onto the bed, grinning lewdly as she eyed him. "Sorry, going to keep your kitty waiting a little longer." Since the latest session between the two, Blake was basically acting like his cat.

Pyrrha after a few minutes, came in with some bags, filled with take out food from the restaurant. She set it all down, dishing out the various containers with plastic cutlery. "Eat up, you'll need your strength." Pyrrha grinned, taking some food for herself as she settled down next to him, Yang the other side.
The moment he was dragged inside the room. He looked around and sighed, he wasn't getting away with this was he... So he would settle on one of the beds to be adequately pounced upon by Yang and forced back. Her comment about Blake likely causing the poor girl to sneeze somewhere. But over all when the food arrived, he had at it, and pondered... It wasn't really filling but the choices seemed to be specifically around the idea of increasing testosterone, and... cum amount. The way it was seasoned and prepared, along with the drink being some sort of weird tasting energy drink..

He grimaced. "Ya know, this stuff isn't great... Pyrrha's cooking was way better then this..." Silver seemed to mutter as he sounded like he had actually gotten attached to the bad tasting cooking Pyrrha had made for him, it was his weird Mother-con showing up, as the idea of a home cooked meal had in fact come back to him, and it did feel like something his mother would have done, if he had been born a normal kid...

The whole memory of the day his mother and father threw him out on the streets, the begging to be let back in the pain, the suffering of being bereaved that way... However, there came a moment when he turned his head, looking at the two of them, they were beside him and each one of them had a hand on his thigh. When he looked to one side.

Pyrrha caught his face and kissed, with Yang kissing his cheek, the moment he turned towards Yang she kissed him, and Pyrrha had kissed his cheek, causing him to blush in the most adorable of fashion a young man could possibly.
"Yeah... guess the place had people for the love hotel in mind." Pyrrha smiled though when he somewhat complimented her food. She slowly finished hers off, putting the rest to one side for later. She, like Yang was watching him and noticed his expression change. He was troubled, she could tell and she wanted to do her best to help him. So, as he looked between them, she caught his face, pressing her lips to his.

Yang wasn't oblivious, she also wanted to comfort him, kissing his cheek as Pyrrha got the lips. This was followed by the two reversing roles, Yang getting the lips and Pyrrha the cheek. Both girls pulling off with a smile as he blushed. Yang, now finished herself, wanted to get to the real reason they were here. Getting a thought, she grinned lewdly, deciding to push Pyrrha. Heading over to a trunk, she began to sift through, pulling out various outfits. "Sexy nurse, Bunny girl, Blake..." The last code for catgirl. "French Maid... What do you think Silver?" Grinning to see what he'd pick for her.

Pyrrha's eyes widened before frowning. She wasn't one for outfits like that but.... Sighing, she swallowed her pride and got on her knees next to Yang, also pulling out outfits for him. "Leather fetish, school teacher... our school uniform is nowhere near this skimpy." Pulling out the classic porn school uniform.
Looking at the two of them, he was flushed deeply. Looking at the outfits they pulled out and he bit his lower lip. Well, they wanted to do this, and unfortunately now he was actually kinda excited which caused that tent to form in his pants. He looked between them and calmly he gulped a little. He pointed to the sexy apron outfit for Pyrrha, and then he pointed to the sexy school uniform for Yang.

"If... if you do those, you would... feel like a big sister, and a mother to me... umm and maybe you ... could call me son.. or little bro?" He said, wanting to try to see and hear how it felt to be called these things, he never got to with his real parents, and if he had any siblings they didn't know of him to do so.

The girls looked at each other and Yang grabbed Pyrrha and dragged her into the bathroom to talk among-st themselves. Taking the picked out outfits of course with them. Yang would call out. "How did your mother wear her hair?" She asked him, and Silver flushed "She... wore it down, in a wavy fashion...?" He was now curious what they were doing.
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