It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Ruby was relieved to see Yang thrown in with her, crawling over to her, she pressed her head into her sisters chest. Hearing the beating of the girls heart and steady breathing the girl relaxed some. Hearing two more in the cell across, she assumed it was Blake and Weiss, once more accounting for the team. Silver was missing but Ruby hadn't lost hope yet, she was the team leader, she needed to be strong.

Yang awoke a few hours in, the drugs wearing off, only to find herself bound and gagged. She panicked for a moment, relaxing only when she rose her head and saw Ruby by her side, though in the same state as her. Looking herself over, she saw her clothes were in place, little messed up and out of place, they'd searched her alright a little more intamately than she'd liked, but it was okay, they hadn't gone further. Seems they hadn't touched Ruby, that was all Yang cared about right now, that and escaping, which she began trying to break her hands free in the meantime.

Blake and Weiss were in similar states, Blake being the only one of the group missing an item of clothing, her bow to show her as a Faunus to the gang. Thrown back to back with each other, it didn't take the two long to sit up and begin messing with each others bonds. Not the sort to give up so easily, they took their time, slowly easing their way out of the bonds and would almost be out too by the time Roundstuff arrived.

Ruby and Yang watched him approach, eyes glaring up. They couldn't really talk right now, thanks to the gags, but the anger was their in the two siblings eyes. Fear was there too, but less so, they weren't too afraid of him. What they were afraid of however hit soon, screams, death, like nothing the girls had really experienced before, not like this anyway. That scared them more than the sight of the two men.
Up above Silver was going around with guns, and blades of varying sizes and ammo types. Men were dying as he was blazing a path of crimson, the boy was covered in the blood of the men he killed on his path towards the village. The young man had his hair and body caked in blood, viscera, and yet, there was a sort of... sadistic smile on his face... The murderer he was had come out, and it was enjoying all the screams of dying men, as they were hacked and ripped apart.

Roundstuff heard it, and knew exactly what was going on.... "Seems the brat is awake.. don't know how he survived two shots to the shoulder, but that sound above... that screaming and agony... do you girls know whose causing that..." He said, the fat man opened the door to the sisters cell and stood blocking the way, even should they have gotten free he was armed with a weapon made to crush buildings and bones with ease, they wouldn't likely be wise to fight him without their aura anyways... He leaned in and popped out the two girls gags, and stood there grinning at them, his fat meaty face a thing of shear perverse evil. "That boy your with, is more monster then any grimm could ever be..."

The sounds of more men being ripped apart above is heard as the man in the other cell the one with the gun arm had actually wised up to notice the two girls trying to free each other pressing the barrel of his gun arm to the head of Blake... "You two best stop... one false move, and your cat here dies... got it girly." The man was actually a huge racist against faunus, the gun arm of his was of a powerful caliber to an illegal extent in fact.

"Sharpee don't be to hard on the girls, don't want them wetting themselves or we may get charged by the white ones father for being to rough on his precious little darling.." Roundstuff called out from the cell with the sisters to the man with the gun arm, however his face would then be stricken with terror as there was an echoing of footsteps in the corridor, the screams had stopped, and the sound of a man begin dragged along with the footsteps could be heard. As well, as a certain chiming tone. "No... no... no he, he can't be... SHARPEE! STOP HIM!"

The fat sack of lard said, his tone wasn't fear yet, but it was surprise. The man with the gun arm would kick out from the cell with Blake and Weiss and would begin to fire at the one approaching, the girls couldn't likely see anything, but the fact these men would react so quickly, should have been a clue as to who it was. The moment Sharpee began firing the sound of bullets ripping through a man could be heard. However Silver hadn't been behind his meat shield the moment he started firing, and the man slumped to the ground riddled with bullet holes.

Behind Sharpee, Silver was clinging to his back, there had been no sound of metal either, and he was already behind the man. "What?!" Sharpee said, which would be the last thing he said, as the sickening sound of the mans neck being snapped by the blood soaked sixteen year old. The big gun armed man fell to the floor gurgling... Roundstuff staggered back and quickly fumbled to keep the door closed, Weiss and Blake's cell however had been left open thanks to the now dead brute laying on the floor. Silver stood up hunched over adorned with all the weapons of the men killed coming here... His eyes looked to the man and he flashed a big murderous smile.

"No... No.. stay back... stay back you devil!" Silver ripped the gun arm off of Sharpee, "Duck..." Was all Silver said as a warning to Yang and Ruby, and began firing through the door into the fat man, thankfully, the girls didn't need to duck much as very few of the high calibur bullets managed to break through the thick fat of the man, who fell back with a crash.... The girls, had just learned a very very Dark side to Silver...
Yang spat out at the man as she was ungagged, gritting her teeth. "Silver is no monster. He isn't the one who threw us in a cell!" But Yang felt good, what he said suggested Silver was very much alive. She ignored the evidence that it was likely him killing those men horribly. She justified it in her head, hunters were sometimes expected to kill people, especially bandit scum like these guys and it's their own fault for turning the Aura's off. Ruby however seemed unsure, she knew what she heard and what she saw on the way down, maybe Silver was a monster to get down here like this?

Blake froze as a gun was pointed against her head, yellow eyes glaring up at Sharpee. It was clear out of the group, these men considered her the expendable one. that or this man hated Faunus, also a possibility. This would hardly be the first time a racist like him pointed a gun to her head, just never one this big. Even with her Aura at full, she doubted she'd survive a shot from it.

Weiss cried out, eyes desperately turning to the man, pleading with him as her gagged mouth made sound. She wanted to try and plead and say her father would give them anything they wanted, but a gag hampered that of course. She heard the sounds, but right now was more concerned about the man pointing a gun at her friends head.

But then it happened, so quick and horrible. Weiss and Blake got a front row seat, seeing Silver, looking like he just swam through a river of blood, snap Sharpee's neck. Horror soon came over the two girls faces at the sight, Weiss had never seen a man die, not first hand like this, not this up close. Blake had, but it never made things easier.

When the warning came, Ruby was quick to throw herself against Yang, throwing her sister down just before the bullets shot through, sending the big man toppling down. Ruby's eyes slammed shut, ignoring the blood that splattered against her, red like roses... Weiss and Blake continued to watch, degrees of horror on their faces.

As the dust settled, Yang was the first to move, getting herself back up to look at Silver. There was fear there, but she was also concerned for him. "Silver... is that you?" She wasn't entirely sure this was the same man they entered the town with right now, the change was... drastic.
When the dust settled, he closed the small music box at his belt. Then, as if turning a switch on... and off, the light returned to his eyes. Looking around him, the carnage, the trails of blood.. The horrendous smell of blood and viscera... Then, Yang's question registered to him... "Yeah... its me..." He said, turning around, he could see the look of abject horror and fear upon Weiss's face.

Blake's eyes showed more then what her face did to that extent... He had just shown more about himself to them, then he had ever wanted... They had the right to fear him, he was the devil... or so he had always been told. "Are.. are you guys okay.." He said stuttering over himself, he was shaking now it seemed, he didn't want them to have to ever see that side of him, he didn't but, the proverbial cat was out of the bag...

He moved close and began to untie them, he hoped this wouldn't change anything towards him from them, but he doubted anyone unused to seeing that efficiency of killing happen so quick, so easily.. even the most battle hardened of Hunters and Huntresses, may well have been appalled by the carnage he wrought in his pursuit to save them.. The first one he untied was Yang, and then after he would look to Weiss in the other cell, she was afraid of him, it was in her eyes, it was in her expression, she would not want to be near him after that.... he knew the look all to well.

"Yang can you go help those two out for me... and be gentle.. alright?" His tone showed that he had never wanted that side of him brought to light not now, not ever... With Yang's help or not he soon unbound Ruby, "You alright little one... no bumps or bruises to worry about." He said gently reaching out to wipe the blood off her, the blood that wasn't even hers...
Yang was a little unsure, but she didn't move away from him, letting him undo her bonds. Feeling her wrists as she was unbound she gave a nod. "We're fine, think you got to use before they did anything." What they were planning they'd never know, other than ransom Weiss the rest was up in the air. At his instruction, Yang gave a nod, moving slowly to the other cell.

Ruby still had her eyes closed, flinching a little as he wiped the blood off her. "I'm okay, just... can we leave please?" She didn't want to be here, didn't want to see the bodies. She knew what would happen and even that thought didn't sit well with her, it wasn't just the fear of Silver right now. Every body reminded Ruby of another Rose, always her....

Yang slowly untied and ungagged Weiss and Blake. Weiss was doing her best to remain as far away from Silver as possible. She didn't trust him again, seeing him as a monster that killed like a monster, inhuman like the grim. She wouldn't say it out loud, this wasn't the place, they needed to leave, now.

Blake was much more calm about it, standing up and walking out, looking at the body with a small grimace. Slowly, she looked at Silver and seemed to ease up with how he showed concerned for Ruby. "Take care of them, I'm going to find our stuff." The cat girl then departed into the base, taking one of the many discarded guns, least till she could retrieve her own weapons.
Back on the airship to Beacon, the group sat in their seats... Ruby, Yang, and Weiss kept their distance. He had still been covered in blood, the only thing that seemed to have changed from now since before, was Blake seemed to draw closer to him now. She sat next to him, while the others sat across from him, Weiss looked appalled at him, he was covered in blood... and human entrails. It wasn't surprising the Heiress had never seen such brutality before. Yang was with Ruby coddling her to comfort her, and maybe... just maybe herself...

Looking over towards Blake, he didn't touch her, he kept himself from touching her. Dirtying her with any part of him in fact. "You all got to see a side of me, I never wanted to show.... but when... when I thought they'd take you all from me... I had little... no I did have a choice... but I took the wrong one... and now.... you have seen more of me then I ever wanted or intended.."

His eyes glance at the four of them varying degrees of uncertainty towards him, all warranted. However he looked over and Blake was in fact, staring him in the eyes the moment his head turned, she had something to say, they all did... But see seemed to be the only one willing to say it.
Blake had gotten everyone's stuff back easily enough, well almost everything. Annoyingly, her ribbon was nowhere to be found, so rather than take it off her weapon, she left her ears uncovered. Her being a Faunus was the worst kept secret in Beacon anyway, so it mattered little right now. Besides, the cat girls focus was elsewhere.

She remained by Silver, not to the degree Yang had earlier but, still close. She knew where he was coming from, knew he needed someone as much as the girls did and seemed right now, Blake was all he had. Who knew that the mistakes of her early life would allow her to help someone this way?

Slowly, she reached a hand out and put it on his leg, giving a reassuring smile. "You did what you must, those men deserved what was coming and you did what you did for good reason." Giving a small sigh, she figured it best to get him talking, get behind his mindset. "That man, the big one with the gut, he seemed to know you. I'm guessing you didn't start off as a hunter?"
Silver looked to Blake, her ears were bare... He reached up gently and begins to stroke and itch her to relax. For whatever reason, stroking the backs of her soft velvety ears of her helped him to take his mind off, the blood on his hands had dried. He would definitely be washing for a long time when the returned.

"I... have to come clean about my past with you all, I was.. not part of just any mercenary group, I was part of one of the most ruthless band of sell swords across the World of Remnant. I was inducted into them, when I was just 5 years old, my parents abandoned me out of fear of me, none of them had ever possessed aura to to the degree I had, no one had ever been a hunter or huntress in my family, so out of fear I was cast out... then Mercover and his gang... picked me up off the streets he and his gang didn't have anyone skilled enough with aura, so when he found me he took me to raise to be his perfect hunter.. of both grimm... and man... I will not hesitate to say.. I have been the cause of death for more then 21 people.... well with that gang of 36.... its now... 57.... and that includes faunus I am afraid.." He looks to her and then the others, the way he spoke of having been basically raised to kill, wasn't helping his situation it seemed. Weiss gave him a look and she wanted to snap at him, she did... He could see it..

"I know what you all witnessed must.. have been terrifying.. it should be for me... but I.. am far to used to it by now for it to bother me... death.. its... what I cause... and that is why I want to become a hunter, so I can stop being simply... simply a murderer.. I want to change to not be this.. awful monster I am...." He didn't bring up the music box, it didn't seem relevant to him as a point they'd ever wish to know about, and one he didn't want anyone to get a hold of and use on him.
Blake listened and sympathy filled her eyes and features. She let him itch her ears, the low purr returning but she wasn't focused on the ears, but on him. Child soldier, the boy had been forced down this path without a choice of his own, how could she be upset with him over this? She glanced around and saw sympathy fill Yang as well, Ruby was pressed into Yang and she couldn't see the reaction. Weiss however she could easily see what she thought and frowned at her, warning her to not start anything, not now.

Turning back to Silver, Blake smiled and squeezed his leg. "It's not your fault, you were forced down a horrible path. Yet here you are, trying to do better and redeem yourself. I admire your strength here Silver, I will do anything to help you out, help carry each others burdens." Though her life wasn't quite as bad as his, she had done horrible things herself. Helping another damned soul like hers was the least she could do.

Weiss huffed, raising her head and looking away. She didn't trust him and didn't want her friends anywhere around him! But it seemed Yang and Blake bought into that crap so she didn't have a choice. But it didn't matter, Weiss would have her eyes on him, make sure he never pulled a stunt like this again.


"He can't be trusted!" Weiss basically yelled out, arms up in the air. They were back in their room, Silver taking a shower while girls sat around and talked. Of course Weiss had barely waited for the door to close before she started, so he was bound to hear that outcry.

"He was dealt a bad hand and needs help." Blake frowned, the first to his defence.

"Plus he was trying to help us." Standing by Blake's side, Yang came up to defend him too, hands on her hips.

"Stop letting your hormones speak for you, you saw what he did! He's still a monster and likely always will be." Weiss was kind of pissed her teammates were in her eyes acting this irrationally.

"So no redemption for people born into bad situations? Only those with Silver Spoons get a chance?" Blake shot back, starting to feel insulted herself.

"This is not the same, he isn't like you... Ruby, Back me up, we can't let him get away with that can we?!" Turning to Ruby Weiss tried to get some support.

Ruby had been quietly rocking in her seat, listening but not partaking. Now eyes were on her, she glanced to the three girls, biting her lip. "He... doesn't seem like an evil man."

"Can't believe it, you're all as blind as each other...." Weiss turned and began to storm out the door. "Going to find Neptune or something, someone rational!" With that she slammed the door behind her.

Ruby took to her bed, curling up quietly. She was still shell shocked from the experience and needed some time to cope. This left Yang and Blake, both girls looking to the door. They both had the same idea, that he likely heard Weiss and needed some reasurance, today had not been good to him. Looking back and forth between each other and the door, they got the same idea as each other and knew the other was thinking the same. Silently and in unison, the two raised their fists, before shaking them three times... Blake came out with Rock, Yang Siscors.


Stepping into the bathroom, the faunus girl approached the shower he was in. Biting her lip, she thought about how to approach this, she could just stand on the otherside of the certain and talk or....

Taking a moment, Blake began to undress, dropping her dirtied outfit to the ground. She needed to wash anyway and what better way to help him than to help him get the blood off, maybe even more? Soon she was naked, taking a moment to approach the curtain, opening it up so she could step inside before he could protest. "Here... let me help." She offered with a reassuring smile, reaching forward to touch his arm.
Silver had been in the shower as soon as he had gotten back from the mission. Everyone who saw him had gossiped, the whole school in fact, anyone who had seen the boy bloodied and walking the hall was talking. Pyrrha had also seen it, and would definetly be asking about it the next chance she got. However, that wasn't the time now.


In the shower, Silver was sat upon a stool just letting the water hit him. His naked form just sprawled out in the shower. Looking about as dead as the men he killed. Then he heard them talking, his ears were sharp. Weiss was definitely not in love with him at this point... He didn't blame any of them, he really didn't.... However the moment he heard the door open, darn that broken lock of its. His gaze turned, and then... He flushed brightly, standing there was Blake naked as the day she was born. An audible gulp left him...

"B...Blake... wha... what are you doing here.. oh you... you wanna use the shower hold on let me vaca..." He was then stopped by the look on her face, she had swallowed her pride, and walked in on him stark naked, yet there was nothing in her eyes to him, that showed she was going to let him leave, she entered for his accord. "Would... would you like to step in.." He conceded, and opened the curtain of the shower for her to step in.
Blake stepped in as he opened the curtain, blushing, but not hiding any part of her from him. Turning, she knelt before him, looking at him at eye level. "They say, back in the wars. Comrades would bond by bathing with each other, helping clean the dirt and gore off to help them cope." With that, the Faunus grabbed the soap and and slowly began to clean him, just letting the water fall on her, wetting her hair and fur down.

She took her time, eyes following where she cleaned, mainly his arms and shoulders. But she came to his legs and ended up looking right into his crotch, her blush deepening. She didn't stop though and infact, getting bold, she slowly reached her hand up to it, running a hand along it all, though ready to pull away if he objected.
Silver sat there watching her. The water drizzled down and wet them both, her hair sticking close to her body as it got soaked over time. He listened to her speak of comradery... It sounded foreign to him, its not like Mercover's Sellswords were ever close to each other, just men without power using him as their pet weapon.

"I was never.. a comrades with those mercs... they made use of me because I could use my Aura.. trained me to kill and because I had aura, those who did not became so much easier to profit against.." He watched her get right to it, he was covered in blood still, some of it was still dried on, and then there was the shoulder wounds of his. Outside on his nightstand that little music box sat, he didn't say anything to any one about it... But it was there..

His attention fell back and he groans when she touched his crotch which, twitched and started throbbing to her touch. "Wait um, I... I wouldn't mess with.. with that spot..." To late though she had touched it, and the poor guy was now sporting a 7 inch boner, he wasn't huge, and it seemed like it be a perfect fit for her hand to wrap around. The mushroom head was a little pink, and the foreskin hadn't been peeled back, a perfectly virgin cock.
Blake looked up to him again, her soft smile returning. "You're right, you weren't comrades with them." One of her hands reached up to cup his face gently, holding him to look in the eyes. "You are my comrade, Yang's, team RWBY's, all of beacon. We stick together, we help each other, we live and fight together." Leaving him with that thought, she returned to clean him.

When she got to his member, she didn't stop running across it, watching it grow to full size. A good sized member, not overly massive and certainly enough for her. Glancing back up, her grin turned to a more naughty, playful one. "But Silver, doesn't the hero deserve a reward for rescuing damsels?" Her hand wrapped around it, lightly stroking the length of it as he other hand came to rest on his hip.
Watching her lips go into that sort of Cheshire smile, that formed on her face. The way she was looking at his dick, it was to much. "Um... have... you been reading some weird books again Blake?" But, it was then that he felt her eyes borring into his cock. She was really going to do this wasn't she, he knew the look of a woman about to make her move. It never happened to him before, but he had seen Morcover bring street walkers to the hide out often, he'd watched... or rather been forced to watch the process of how a woman worked on a man. "Well... if you insist... then I shall have my reward."

It was then he saw her hand go out, and she brushed a strand of hair back behind her human pair of ears, and leaned in sniffing at the start. Then she looked back up, flashing him a smile then wrapped her lips around him. She had a nice warm mouth moist and covered in saliva. The feeling of her was to much, and he groans out there was pre-cum leaking all over his cock now... "Blake.. um.. don't ehhh." She was now using her tongue which was amazingly soft along the underside of his cock swishing it along the base using the flat side and then teasing the vein that thick pulsing vein of his that ran from the base of his shaft to the tip of his cock.

"Where... where did you learn such an advanced technique." Of course the door wasn't locked nor closed, so sure enough a certain blonde, and her sister were well able to hear what was happening, and it was a good thing, that one of the two had a vibrator stashed in her drawer.
Blake was more than happy to slowly take Silver into her mouth, eager to please and show her affection. She wasn't a virgin, but it had been a while since she'd been with anyone, last time wasn't even on as good terms as this. So she slowly took him, running her dexterous little tongue along his length. Fun fact about cat faunus, their tongues were extra flexible like the felines, though lacked the sandpaper like texture.

When he began asking questions she giggled a little. Pulling her mouth off and letting her hand stroke him, she looked up, grinning. "I like to read, all sorts of books." Giving him a wink, she slowly lowered her mouth again, this time not breaking eye contact as she took him in her mouth. She steadily bobbed her head, letting her tongue do most of the work, even as she steadily took more and more of him inside her mouth.


Yang was going crazy out here, did they have to be so loud! Well, okay they weren't exactly, but she was kind of focused on the sound, even peeping through the open door. She wanted to be where Blake was right now and it just tormented her. By this point Yang was sure her sister was asleep, so, no guilt then for what she was about to do.

Moving over to her cabinet, she opened up a draw, digging through the underwear to pull out a simple slender vibrator. She wasn't huge into toys, preferring the real thing, but sometimes a girl had to do what a girl had to do. Settling down in her bed, she lowered her shorts, looking over to the bathroom door to watch and listen in. Closing her eyes, she turned the toy on, biting her lip as she imagined it was Silver teasing her as she ran the thing along her clit and slit.
Groaning, his cock wasn't experienced, as much as he was a hard nut on the battlefield. But it seemed, he was super sensitive sexually. The cock of his still needed the foreskin peeled back but even so it was still affecting him. He groans out, his moans were adorable, as it was. "Your way to good at this for some random school girl... oh.." His hands reached out buried into her hair as he grips the black strands tight.

It would seem he was strong indeed his grip tight on her hair. His hand reached up and he began gripping down, then relaxes his hand and relaxes back his back resting up against the wall moaning. "This.. this is amazing, oh god... don't purr ohhhh that... that feels good." There were times as she had him down in her throat she purred intentionally, and caused his cock to vibrate. Her applications were perfect and wearing him down, and then a moan erupts out as a thick load of very salty cum slides down into her gullet. There was so much. She likely would have to cough some of it up to swallow.

"I... like salty things, sorry if its not... tasty..." He gazes at her shyly, he was panting, but, this was not the end. In the other room however Silver could hear Yang moaning and groaning, and the light electric sound of something vibrating. But that was broken when he turned his head watching Blake turning herself around and then grasping at his cock she was positioning it for her cunt. "Wai...wait.." But she wasn't waiting, she was drunk on the moment.
Blake was enjoying how sensitive the boy was, making it so easy to torment him. She pulled every trick she knew, manipulating her tongue, very carefully using her teeth, sucking. Then came the more advanced things, using her throat and not even just deep throating. She discovered from her time with Adam, that if she sat the tip in her throat and purred... Never failed to work..

When he came at last, she had to pull off, boy had too much pent up. Pulling back she took the last few shots to the face happily, not that she was complaining, even winking up at him while the cum shot was over her nose and cheeks. "Salty is fine, I just like my cream." Grinning wide again as she teased him. Usually against cat puns, she liked using it in sex to an extent, helped tease her partner.

She wasn't done yet though, she rose up and spun around, subtle ass facing him. Gripping his cock, she guided the sensative thing as she lowered herself down. It didn't take her long to settle down on it, moaning out as he entered her tight passage. He was a good thickness and she didn't have sex often, not these days anyway, so she was nice and tight. Slowly she lowered herself, but was surprised to feel Silver's hips suddenly jerk up, hilting himself inside her and placing her in his lap. "Fuck... yes, Silver keep doing that." She encouraged between her moans.


Yang frowned, sounds like they were actually fucking right now. Not to be outdone, she began plunging her toy inside her, moving rapidly as she moaned louder. The moans were deliberate of course, trying to get at Blake and Silver. Her other hand wasn't idle, moving to play with her generous breasts, pinching the nipple as she fucked herself.

Ruby meanwhile got the great job of laying there, listening to everyone. Eyes wide as she was forced to listen to half her team fuck. Only thing that could make it worse was if Weiss was with Neptune in the next room and the girl prayed that she wasn't
Silver didn't have any time to relax. The moment Blake plunged herself down he groans. Hands grabbing at her hips, there was pressure around his cock, and as he pushed up inside her. He noticed there was no hymen. "Wait.. your not a virgin..?" He asked, in between his pants and moans her hips bouncing there was a nice jiggle from her toned ass cheeks as her hips met his. The spring board bounce to her hip impacts him.

Moaning out his fingers squeeze in there was a suppleness to Blake's tonedness, her body was lean but there was some thickness where it was comfortable to be generally around the hips which for her were nice and wide, meaning she was likely would make a great mother in the future. "You.. have some nice hips, I've read if your hips are above 25 inches in measurement... your destined to birth strong children some day..."

He groans out and then pushes forward, it felt to good, and the more she bounced upon him, the better it felt. "You feel good... oh god wow... never..never have I felt this before." His eyes were rolling back and his tongue was flopping out in a partial aheago state. Groaning, Silver forced her into doggy style, or cat style in her case, hands slapped down firmly upon her right ass cheek moaning.

He had no idea that, outside the two sisters were both very aware of the sounds of her and him moaning and slapping together. The sounds of his cock hitting the juicy center of Blake's body the sick wet sucking sound of his cock being clenched by her tight cunt was to much. It was sucking him down and the juicier she got, the louder and squishier the sound it made upon each impact.
Blake giggled again, rolling her hips happily, leaning back to feel his chest against her back. "No, I've been a naughty kitty over the years." She'd started on the younger side of things, but wasn't going to get into that here. Here she she wanted to feel him. His second comment got her to roll her eyes, reaching a hand back to cover his mouth. "Child talk and sex, not a great opener." She suggested with another giggle. She didn't mind, still amused at how fresh he was at this.

Still, he took some charge soon enough, pushing the girl to her hands and knees. Blake was eager, holding herself up and giving a sudden moan out as he slapped her ass. "Hmph, good... Keep that up and moving your hips... yes, just like thaAAAH." His thrusts hitting a sensative point as she rolled her hips into it. "YESSSS!" Her moans now getting louder and louder.

Lowering her head, she continued to rock back in time with his thrusts, her ass jiggling with every smack of hips, plus the spanks which she seemed to enjoy. She wasn't quiet though, she kept instructing him, guiding him just how to fuck her right. This all ended up with her first, strong, climax. Crying out, her walls clamped down, milking him for all he had while her whole body shuddered in need.

From the sounds of the other room, Yang also hit her first climax. At this point the dildo was shoved fully in her, the base against her clit. She was fully naked, clothes thrown across the room as she tried to get the most out of it. Back was arched up and she was roughly playing with her breasts the entire time.
As the fucking proceeded, his hands reached under her and he grabs her breasts. Resting his upper half upon her back as he begins to thrust into her more vividly, impact after impact the squelching sound everything about this moment was great. Silver grasped Blake's breasts something fierce the palm-able breasts of hers were a perfect fit for his calloused hands. She might have even felt the contrast between her skin, and his...which was rough in places and scarred.

However, none of that seemed to matter, as he continued, her body shaking beneath him. He pushed her up against the wall and stood up pressing her against that wall. Lifting up her leg standing at full height as he began to thrust into her from a downward diagonal upward insertion. Her leg being held out and the only thing keeping her from losing her balance, was that cat like dexterity of hers. His balls slapping against the side of her thigh now, as each impact made a head long move then it came, the last stride.

Silver groaned "Ohhh I think this is it... this.. is the big one.." He groans out and tried to pull out however, Blake with her dexterity reached around and gripped his cock holding it in place, the gaze she threw him told him, he pulled out she would never forgive him... So, with that as his cue, he came up inside her, so much of it filled her insides painting her internally with that thick hot salty smegma. Pulling out once she allowed him, he panted and sat back, she had proven to have quite the bit of stamina. As when he looked at her from this position he could see, she had just a little more gas in the tank...

She stayed standing and her ass was thrusted out, pressed up agaisnt the wall she stared down at him... "What?" He asked, but she simply moved her hand right to one of her cheeks and spreads it, there between her cheeks, was a puckering twitching hole... "You can't be serious?" Silver said in surprise, no woman normally offered that hole unless she was seriously into some kinky things.
Standing up, leg splayed out, Blake loved it. It was clear Silver was becoming more dominant and Blake had a slight submissive streak. She liked being well handled and fucked, something Silver was providing well. Course, he tried to pull away when he was going to cum, something she couldn't allow. Feeling the cum inside was the best bit and she wasn't in season so didn't care about playing safe right now.

Blake panted as she recovered from the fucking, breasts pressed against the cold tile wall. She didn't need long to recover and had plenty of endurance, practise from her early days. So looking back down at him she grinned, even as his hot cum dripped down her thighs. Reaching back, she spread her ass to him, offering with a practised gesture, this was far from her first rodeo. "Very serious, if you have another in you, I want another load, in my ass." Speaking frankly and to the point, lust in her yellow eyes.

"Oh come on!" Yang half shouted when she heard that, having figured Blake was done. Not to be outdone, she flipped herself over, face to the pillow and ass to the air, quietly grumbling. Pulling her vibrator out, she pushed it to her own puckering hole, giving a slight grunt. Yang was very competitive and she wasn't going to let Blake out do her!

Blake heard the outburst, rolling her eyes with a grin. Yang was really determined and wasn't being quiet about it. "Can't have Yang have all the fun, can we now?" Giving a seductive purr as she pushed her ass out to him, wet from the shower. "I promise I'll be fine with this, I'm not as fragile as you might think."
Silver's cock was covered in her juices and the loads of cum from before. So he was well lubricated. So the sound of her wanting him actually inside her other hole had him gulping. Then the sound of Yang's loud voice from the room came in and he blushed brightly, 'Oh god not her to.' The young man had never been attractive to anyone before, and now he had three women he knew of lusting for him, none of which he had ever thought he'd be fucking right now.

Yet he was, and he didn't really feel like he could escape her, he did have one more load though, so on shaky legs he pressed up against her. His cock still hard enough for another go. So he looks to her. "Okay, spread them farther..." He said, and grasps her hips as she did so, his cock poking up against her anus, pushing that well lubricated shaft down inside her this hole, had some clench. The moment he was inside her the tight, velvety walls clenched around him. The hole was squeezing down hard, it was trying to force the foreign object out. "God... oh jeeze your tight..." Her ass was massaging his cock as her muscles presses against him, as she clenched and pressed her asshole down on him, squeezing. "Its... tight..."
Blake moved both hands back, supporting herself with her chest against the wall. With both hands, she took each cheek in hand, spreading them out nice and wide for him. While not virgin she was rusty at this, so she took her time trying to ease and relax herself, knowing this could hurt if done wrong. Luckily for her though, she knew what to do.

Feeling Silver push himself in, she grunted, letting out a small groan and panting. It was an effort and his length was so filling in her tight walls. "Fuck... Certainly near my limits." She relaxed some, the velvety walls relenting a little. "Go ahead, start pushing. Take it slow but don't be afraid to use a little force." Closing her eyes as she felt him start to push his way into her.
Silver nods and grabs her hips. Thrusting forward and hitting her hips slow and gently. He was starting off nice and easy, and it was widening out the tight narrow channel of her anus. The muscle friction against his cock felt amazing, but there came the point, where he by sheer accident tore through one of the muscles... Blood dripped out along his cock from the torn muscle... "I...I'm sorry..." He said though from the looks of it, while it did seem to hurt, she didn't seem any more wanting to stop.

"Mmmm... may..maybe you thrust back on me a bit." Silver said, he was trying to be careful now, he had just ripped open her muscle passage at this point. He grimaced and began to push forward more gabbing her hips. Then began to bounce and roll her hips for her, wanting to get as much stimulation as he could. "Okay, instead actually.. clench harder as if your trying real hard to push me out." He said taking charge now, as his body started to feel fatigued, yet adrenaline was keeping him going and in the moment she clenched down as if she was trying to push out the biggest load she'd ever built up.

He felt the vice like squeeze, and as he pulled and pushed he started spreading her out, it was likely she'd be walking funny a little tomorrow, and that would likely need to be covered up more then her ears ever would... But then it was there he felt his cock being ground down and the hot throbbing began her ass likely felt like Yang had shoved a fist up her ass and lit it on fire. "I... I think this is the best thing thats ever happened... atleast today... ohhh" He moaned out and then there it was his cum spewing out filling her bowels up with the hot thick saltiness.
Blake grit her teeth as she felt the tear, stinging like a bitch. But she was so into it right now that she didn't want to stop. "Don't stop, I'll survive..." Starting to follow his suggestion, she began rocking her hips against him, followed by clenching hard against him.

Then he came, Blake moaning out happily as she took it. Her ass was on fire and the cum didn't help, but it felt so good at the same time. Plus she was content in the knowledge he was satisfied, much like she was now. Slowly pulling off, she slumped a little against the shower, shuddering. "Fuck... I really needed that..."

After getting cleaned up, the two would come back to the room to an interesting sight. Yang, passed out on her bed, ass up, and vibrator still buzzing away, half buried up her tight hole. This got a giggle from Blake, shaking her head as she pressed against him, purring like a kitten. She came out of the room with an odd walk, clearly sore from the sex. "Think room for two in that bed of yours?" Intending to curl up with him tonight.


Ren was having a lovely dream, he was walking in quiet woodland, no Grim, no people, no Nora... The point is that he was having a dream, because as usual, his peace was disturbed, though not by the usual suspect. Looking up he saw Pyrrha, the red head looking down at him, very much awake. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah... can you... teach me to cook?" Pyrrha getting to the point, scratching the back of her neck as she stood over Ren.

"You woke me up, in the middle of the night.... to cook?" Ren wasn't mad, just confused, a life time with Nora left him with a very high tolerance.

"Yeah... would that be a problem? Kind of want to try and make something for tomorrow..." Pyrrha was a little out of her element here, cooking was not her thing.

Ren just frowned before rising in her bed. "Whatever, come on, let's get started." Sometimes Ren didn't understand his team.... Sometimes being most of the time.


Come the next day, Pyrrha would meet the group in class, beelining right for Silver. She had a wide smile on her face and carried a little plastic box. "Morning Silver, I made some food for you, heard you all had a rough time yesterday," Holding up the box to him with a smile. This got a small suspicious look from Yang, wondering what was suddenly up with Pyrrha.
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