It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

Silver grabbed his pajamas and some men's bath wash, and moved to it. Entering the small bathroom with single stall shower, porcelain throne which was sparkling clean... "This sure doesn't remind me of any barracks I've ever been in." For all of Ruby's fuss about cleaning, someone took the time to make sure this room was clean. The one issue with this bathroom was, the door, in fact the lock on it was busted so the door would never completely shut all the way.

"I wonder how that happens in a room this nice... someone must have forced it open while locked at some point..." That really did seem like something the blond haired one might do, the young man thought... Calmly he began to strip down placing something up against the door to have it closed at least a little. However the way the door opened one would be able to peek in easily. He deposited his clothes he was currently wearing into the laundry hamper.

Silver's upper body wasn't very muscled looking at all, it was pretty slender as far as boys go, and his skin was a little soft looking, had it not been for the ugly nicks and scars all over his torso, some were a little red still, others had closed, but never quite healed. Then there was a sudden sneeze that came from him, as if someone was talking about him. He grimaced, wondering if they heard that, he didn't have any allergies honest. But he shook his head and got the rest off and hopped in the shower, the drain was clean of... wait no it wasn't as the shower was raining down on him, he lowers down and saw a strand of black hair in the drain. "There is only two people in this room with hair this dark..." He pondered and shrugged letting it go, and washed up.
Cleaning crew or not, Weiss was in no way going to let the bathroom be a mess. Hence it being near spotless, it was kind of a surprise to see the heiress scrubbing a floor like that. The lock however was all Yang's doing, Blake had been moping in the bathroom and no one had been able to talk her out. So Yang nearly punched the door off its hinges and dragged the girl out, as Yang does in being the big sister of the group.

Speaking of Yang, she stopped past the door, knowing just the right angle to steal a peek on anyone inside. What she saw sure added to the mystery of the young man. A normal boy his age shouldn't have that many scars of various ages, even a rookie hunter. Yang pondered just what could of happened to him.

"Yang, what ya doing sis, sit down." The all too innocent Ruby chimed in, being unaware of the door being that bad. She just saw her big sister stand around and stare at it. This did cause Yang to jump a little, turning with a little blush as she returned to sit next to her little sister.

"So.... What do you think of Silver?" Yang asked everybody, curious what the girls all thought of him.

"Needs a lesson in manners but he's hardly the only one." Weiss gave Ruby a glance at that before continuing. "But he can handle himself and he's hardly too bad."

"He seems cool and has a cool guns and he liked my scythe and he's cute and he seems awesome!" The ever chipper Ruby chimed in, course the girls knew better on the scythe point, but no one wanted to break it to her. Besides none of them really knew his exact thoughts on that.

"I suppose he's easy on the eyes and..." Blake was about to say more but then a sneeze came from the shower and her face paled a little.

"Blake..." Weiss frowned, Blake almost being as bad as Ruby when it came to keeping the shower clean.

"You really do leave hair everywhere, don't ya girl?" Yang giggled, finding it hilarious.

"I can't help it!" The faunus girl lowering her head and sinking into her seat a little.

She didn't get long to mope before Yang picked her up and squeezed the girl tight, right into her boobs as usual. "There, there, it's fine. Besides you're right, he's a cute one. Can't wait to find out more about him." Ignoring the half struggles Blake gave as she held her tight. A little squeezing was good for you in her eyes.
It was little over 15 Minutes before he had finished his shower, and come out in his pajamas. Which were in truth the most normal thing ever, he wore a button up white long sleeved shirt, with a pair of loose shorts which showed off his legs. He went with out socks, and since he had just finished his shower his hair was down and framed his face, making him a little cuter.

"That was quite nice..." He said having a clean masculine scent to him now, it was apparent that he used good quality body wash. Silver's eyes roamed all of them. Then he settled into his seat between Yang and Blake as was his spot. Then took up the hot cup of tea and looked at all of them once more. They were good girls from what he could see. The tea went down nice, it was good... "You impress me.." He said towards Yang, "I thought you were a little rough... but you can make a great cup of tea... you have a lead towards being my favorite so far.." He then looks over towards Blake watching her bow closely.
When Silver sat and took up the tea cup, the girls took up their own, in Ruby's case her strawberry milk. Taking a drink with him, the girls seemed to relax and enjoy themselves, Yang having taken good care of the tea for all of them. "I didn't realise this was a competition." Yang responded with a grin, before taking another sip of tea. "Honestly Tea is easy, would typically make dad a cup every day before I left home." The girl drifting off in thought for a moment.

The bow was a little odd the more he looked at it, it seemed to be mostly ribbon, but there was some solid core to it, holding the whole thing together on each end. Plus, the more he thought about it, the more he saw that it didn't really seem attached to her hair in anyway. Then there was the occasional twitches of movement, especially when Blake saw Silver looking at her. "Can I... help you?" The dark haired girl asked, a tone of caution in her voice.
Seeing the twitching of Blake's ears, he gently relaxed and settled back in the chair switching the cup to his other hand. Then reaching out his other hand and gently, it laid down between Blake's bow, right in the center. Between her two cat ears no less. Then he gently stroked around that spot slowly, gently no rough action, it was almost subtle the way he managed to do it.

"Mmmmm, faunus I take it?" He said, he had managed to piece together the evidence without much effort. The way she reacted before when being questioned about clogging the sink pipe, and then finding the hairs in the shower drain. Now that his hand was right there, he had found it out pretty much long before then. Silver then retrieved his hand and relaxed in drinking. "I knew a few faunus back then, most of them made good mercs..." Silver said opening up a little to reveal a little of his past.
Blake blushed and bit her lip as he began petting her, doing her best to not react. Her ears were very sensitive so it was hard not to give it all away. Not that it mattered, he was smart enough to see through her disguise. "But I..." She tried to come up with an excuse but none came to her so she sighed and dipped her head, a low rumble coming from her throat as he petted her. "Yes..."

"Go on Blake, may as well take it off, can't imagine its comfortable." Yang chipped in, some concern in the girls voice.

With a sigh, she reached up and untied the ribbon, the bow falling away to show her cat ears, twitching freely. She raised her head up and took a drink of her tea again, trying to relax again. "So, you were a mercenary, explains a few things." Blake spoke, yellow eyes looking Silver over as she pieced a few things together. Just because she hadn't been asking him things didn't mean she wasn't learning from her spot.
Silver calmly nods. "It explains all about me, and why it is that Weiss now owes me... I still have that sellsword policy ingrained in me soo, whenever your ready to pay up about it let me know, I can take my services in cash, or something of equal value, which you can decide what that is." He looked back to Blake and gently returns to petting her while he sipped his tea, his cup was grey, and the others had cups matching their color scheme.

Soon however, tea time came to a close, and the hooting of an owl outside the window brought his attention. "Well it was a relaxing first day, though onwards I wager this relaxing atmosphere may very well be different..." He said taking his empty cup to the sink and crawling on into his bed. He would settle into the bed and stretch out... "I wonder what's on the horizon... you all best not stay up to long a tired huntress is a less productive one."
Weiss frowned at Silver, she didn't really want them to know she'd agreed that that. However as he pointed out, payment hadn't been decided. "I'll get you what you're owed. A Schnee is good on their word." Going back to her tea, she figured it'd be easy to pay him off with dads money, not discovering yet that her father had cut her off.

When he went to bed, the girls soon all followed, taking their respective positions. They didn't all go to sleep right away, Ruby for one was too chatty and hyper to just sleep right away, so she rambled a little until Yang shut her down and they managed to get some sleep.


"Yeah so his name is Silver and he's cool, but kinda weird living with a boy, haven't done that before." Ruby was yammering on at the start of combat class as usual. This time with one of the few girls who could keep up with Ruby's energy, a certain orange haired member of team JNPR.

"Living with a boy?" Nora Valkyrie burst out laughing, hand on Ruby's shoulder. "Cute Ruby, you'll get used to it quickly. Though who knows, maybe this Silver is a little more frisky than the boys I'm with." Glancing back to her own team.

A few coughs from the middle of the crowd caught everyone's attention, everyone going quite and turning to the small arena Glynda Goodwitch stood in. "Thank you class. Now, as many of you may be aware, we have a new student." Gesturing to Silver with her crop before returning it to her side. "Mr. Belsh, if you wouldn't mind. I'm well aware of your record, but a demonstration would still be best. A sparring match between you and one of my students should give us a better idea of how to work with you."
Silver was now in his first class with his temporary team. Wearing the standard issue uniform he walked to the head of the class. A certain Red haired member of Team JNPR looked at Silver in interest. Silver looked right at her, he knew who she was easily enough. "So... yeah, names Silver Belsh everyone real glad to be here.. so Miss Goodwitch whose my target?" He said loading up Comet and Cupid and clicking off the safties and touching and loading all six of Comet's six bullets. Unlike most guns his were hard ammo, not dust bullets, they were made of iron and steel. He looked to see who he would be fighting, however that certain red head offered. "I'll do it Miss Goodwitch!" She said.
Pyrrha nikos eyed Silver the entire time, greatly interested. It wasn't because he was cute or anything, that wasn't it at all. Amongst her year, she was the most skilled and most experienced warrior of the lot. As such, she knew a dangurous man when she saw one. Naturally she wanted to see just what he had, so when Miss Goodwitch opened the room up, she was the first to step forward. "I'll do it Miss Goodwitch!"

Glynda gave a nod, stepping out of the arena. "Very well, I want a clean fight you two." Turning to watch once she was outside the small ring.

Pyrrha reached back, bringing out her sword and shield, ready to fight. She stopped to give silver a respectful bow, before taking a fighting stance, shield up. She wasn't too worried about the gun itself, more how he handled it and his powers. In any event, she let him make the first move.
The moment Pyrrah took the stage, he felt... excitement for he knew from her fame alone she was good. The fact that she was an opponent for him to fight was a great oppertunity for him to actually test himself. So gripping both guns in hand he took his stance barrels down, a draw stance that meant he could likely fire pretty quickly. "You may wanna go all out, I wasn't raised on the code of a knight, so I'm not planning to give you any more mercy then I would an enemy." His short speech ended, and the bell to start dinged, and he fired two shots from one gun straight for her legs. While aiming the other past her. The shots came out quick, and the third shot proved itself a feint, cause as the shot traveled, he vanished from in front of her to her side in the place he had been the metalic chink of the bullet landing where he had been. Gun in hand aimed for the side of her head.
"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Pyrrah smiled, tensing as she got ready. At the ring of the bell she was no slouch, stepping to one side as he shot. The bullets were easily dodged, especially as her semblance deflected them away, she wasn't worried. The third shot was baffling, it was way off target and...

The warrior swung her shield round, barely in time as Silver appeared next to her, shield just between the two. She smiled, giving a nod. "Changing positions with your projectile, if this was a true battle and I hadn't paid attention you'd of taken me out..." She'd learned what she wanted, his power and that he was very much trained to use it.

"But..." With that she swung her sword at his guns, dashing forward to put pressure on him, gun still raised. She wanted to now see how he'd handle being in close quarters, what better way than to attack?
Silver could tell she was very keen. The fact she figured out his semblance, atleast the barebones of it told him much about her. The moment he appeared by her she had been ready for him. In truth the bells on his guns jingled upon him reaching her side, likely how she got right to parrying him back so easily. Then she charged in at him, and shot another round right under her it zipped right between the gap between her arm and her side. It was clear when he shifted placement again, he was going well out of his way to avoid close combat. It was a key note that his guns had no secondary form, or if they did, it wasn't noticable. "You've got good sense and relfexs...." He said now behind her. Silver seemed to rely on fake out tactics and having a good handle on the trejectory of his shots. However, Pyrrah had a likely guess that he couldn't dodge forever he'd run out of shots before long.
Pyrrah spun around as he changed places again, shield up and ready again. Sure, he had teleportation but she could easily get the angle right, bullets went straight so she just had to pay attention to his weapons, which was a given in combat anyway. This time she was more prepared, so charged again. This time she snapped her sword into its spear form, sweeping at his legs to try and knock him off his feet. She didn't want to hurt him too bad after all, even though their Aura's protected them for the most part.
The moment she charged him he was aiming his right revolver upwards. However, she had come at him with a slightly different approach. Snapping her sword to spear form increased her reach, the sweep effort connects sending Silver tumbling down. However as he fell, he aimed his left revolver up shooting skyward. Then, once again he changed positions and was now mid air, he swung about and aimed a shot down at her from above as he fell back to the ground landing on his feet with ease. He stood across from her again watching. "You're definetly good..." However he definetly hadn't any advantage over her in this match up. The bullets used still litering the arena.... 'Its taken to many shots... guess I gotta do that...' Silver thought, as he gauged her, he then pulled a coin from his pocket tossing it it lands right at her feet, and sure enough the coin went where he stood, and he was right close, he swings his right hand gun up towards her chin.
Following his motion, Pyrrah was able to raise her shield skywards, the bullet dinging off her shield. Bullets were deflectable with her semblance, but only to a point, that was a lot of velocity to redirect, so direct hits were better to block. Still this stopped her long enough for him to get to his feet. "Not bad yourself, been awhile since had a good fight." She got back in position shield readied.

What she wasn't ready for however was the coin trick. At first she thought he was trying to distract her with a coin, so she kept her eyes on him. So she was naturally shocked to see Silver right in front of her and took a gun to the chin. Staggering back Phryya dropped her defences from the sucker punch, having to take a moment to recover before trying to take a blind swing at him, to keep him back.
Silver however was ready for her to start swinging. Ducking low he caught her sword arm by the forearm, and would use her stunned state, and her own momentum against her. Swinging her about and tossing her to the ground mounting her in the process of the take down. He sat atop her gun aimed right for her temples and he softly sighs. Pointing the gun a little to the side of her head and fired. The bullet hit the ground beside her head. Everyone in their own way was a little shocked, this new guy had managed to knock down one of the schools best. "So... if this were a real fight... I would have been the dead one here." She was a better fighter then him, he simply was tricky.
Before she knew it, Pyrrah was down, Silver stradling her chest and gun to her head. Eyes were wide, she was surprised that she lost, after so long of dominating these straight up fights. To be honest, a thrill ran through her from being bested and the position didn't help. Smiling up, she gave a nod. "Next time I won't hold back so much. Well fought Silver..." She conceded and the fight was over.

"That was amazing, did you see them sis!" Ruby eagerly jumped and down. "He's amazing, managed to beat Pyrrah, no one does that!"

"Yeah, he's something alright, kinda wanna have a tumble with him myself." Yang meant something else by tumble of course. He was cute and could handle himself, she was game.

"So he can fight, could of told you all that." Weiss still was impressed, having seen a lot more now with this demonstration."

"He was great." Blake said at last, short and to the point for her like always.
Silver dismounted her, and offered her a hand helping her up. Pyrrha was a tall girl, so when he pulled her up in the assist his face met her breasts. Which were covered in her breast plate so he was smacked in the face. The fact he had taken a hit like that after the battle drew laughs from more then a few people. The surprising thing was how he reacted to it... "Ouchie..." He said, the baby face of his and the way Silver had said Ouchie got a few girls in the crowd going awww. But the sound of Goodwitch's throat clearing things proceeded onwards.
Pyrrha accepted the hand, smiling as she raised to her feet, right into Silver's face. Much like the other girls, team RWBY included, Pyrrha's face softened. "I'm sorry." Gently wrapping her arms around him for a brief hug.

"Okay, break it up, break it up. Still a class to go." Miss Goodwitch announced, watching as Pyrrha returned to her team. Taking a moment, she looked over the class. "Well then class, let us move on to improving your techniques..."


"This doesn't look too bad, secure an abandoned village outside of Beacon. Low risk area, should be a fine first outing." Blake was looking over the mission board, looking over some of the ones cleared for students of their year. She had no idea that it was being used as a hideout.

"I hope we find Grim!" Ruby was eager to fight, espeically from the buzz of that last match.

"Of course you would.." Weiss sighed, shaking her head. "Job needs to be done, should be easy."

"What do you think, Silver, little trip outside the city, possibly a Grim or two." Yang was stood close to Silver, having clung around him at most times.
To say the last few hours after the fight with Pyrrha had been wierd would be an understatement. Since then, Yang had not been more then a few inches from him and now at the mission selection terminal with everyone Yang had taken the chance to cling to him as if she were his girlfriend. The sweet way she spoke and the pressing of her cleavage against his arm hadn't stopped since after the fight...

'What was with this girl.' When the question towards him about if it sounded like a good mission he blinked looking at all four of them. "Since when did I become the deciding factor....also Yang... why are you clinging to me so much... its... not stopped for 3 hours..." He hadn't realized either since lunch time Pyrrha had been making ogling eyes at him... Had he then he may have been really worried about if he were being set up for an assassination.

"Well... over all, I find it suspicious sounding... I mean outside of Beacon, a Village? I mean, it does sound like a nice cozy job... but there is just something to good to be true..." He checked the job, "65,000 Lien... its a rather high price tag for guarding an abandoned village from two grimm..." He then hands it back to Ruby. "But over all, its not up to me... your the leader here Ruby you make the call.."
Yang giggled a little, finding his reaction cute. He was a strong, capable guy, but it seems around women he was a little clueless. Well maybe not clueless, but least caught off guard when women were showing him affection. She'd noticed Pyrrha's interest, but Yang saw Silver first, so he was hers right now. "Oh, come on, spend most of the day together, what's three hours?"

Ruby took the scroll, giving a nod. She looked a little serious, more mature as she thought it over. In the end, she figured it wasn't anything she couldn't handle, especially with Silver around. "Let's take it!" Accepting the mission.


It didn't take long for team RWBY... well, team RWBYS right now, to arrive in the village. Apparently they wanted to try expanding Vale out, moving the border to protect from Grim further out. However the regular forces they'd sent off to clear it hadn't made it. Thus, they wanted hunters to deal with it, figuring it was close enough to the border that there wouldn't be much trouble.

So the girls had their weapons out, expecting a fight with Grim the moment they got there but... nothing. It was quiet, like the ghost town it seemed to be. Wooden buildings in varying states of repair, silently standing as the wind blew.

"You know... I do..OW!" Yang grunted as she suddenly felt a sting at her neck. Reaching back, she pulled out a small dart from her neck, frowning as she looked at the little bit of blood on the tip. "What... the..." Feeling woozy, Yang, the best fighter of the girls, collapsed, out of it.

A group of people stormed from the buildings, weapons raised. The group was surrounded, retreat cut off. Course they could still fight and weren't going to give up, the three girls surrounding Yang. "Checkmate, clear a path!" Ruby called out, concerned for her sister as she dug her scythe in, starting to fire into the crowd, bandits clearing out. Weiss and Blake charged forward, trying to fight through the crowd that far outnumbered them...
The whole thing seemed off to him, from the moment they arrived. Then when he watched the village. It became clear, this was all a sham, but he wouldn't get to voice his opinion as the men were surrounding them. Making it a rather cramped situation for him. He didn't like cramped, and was freezing up do to it, "There... there is no escape in this situation." Looking around, it showed that the space was being constricted as the bandits drew their weapons and it was clear they were organized, and some how they knew or... rather well it was a good tactic that Silver disliked being surrounded.

The girls would put up a good fight however, there was a strange humming in the air. Something had been turned on, as Silver looked over he saw a man turning on a strange tower that began to emit a large wave frequency, it seemed that the wave frequency was designed to disable the flow of aura. With the group rendered a little weaker, the men had an easy time bashing and knocking out Weiss, then going for Blake they grabbed her and would punch her hard in the stomach. With Ruby, they just... knocked the weapon from her hand, and a big guy picked her up, and walked off with her as easy as if she were a child.

Then there was Silver, who... was now the only one left standing... This was bad, however the one who walked forward to face him was someone he recognized, a big balding man with pierced ears, a beige jacket and a round belly, he was tanned and his large belly was left bare and visible. He lugged over his shoulder a giant wrecking ball attached to a chain. "You... your Mercover's favorite pet brat... I remember you..."

This was one of the 7 members of Mercover's Merc group that got away when the heat was put on them. "Roundstuff... so... good to see your as fat as ever..." The man whose name not by birth was dubbed Roundstuff by the silver haired young man. Roundstuff being called fat laughed, "Its better then being a scrawny wimp... your now a hunter or something..." He spits at Silver's feet. "You hear that in the air..." The buzzing in the air was apparent yes... "Yeah... some new tech you've smuggled out of Vale..?"

Roundstuff chuckles, and looks at it. "Its a gift... from the boss..." Silver heard 'The boss' and he could feel his stomach churning on itself, Mercover had gotten away that day, he was on the loose.. and he was still haunting him. "What do you plan to do with them Roundstuff?" He said raising the guns out and then there was a sudden moment when he broke out in a cold sweat there was someone behind him. As he looked back, there he was... Mercover's right hand man....

"You...." He tried to back away from the brute that had been behind him there was a man with a gun where his arm used to be it was aimed right at him, and the moment he looked up he was fired on. Taking a hard shot to the shoulder then, a shot to the other. Blood oozed out from the wounds, he grits his teeth.

Then slumped down on the ground. The men chuckle and would walk away, leaving him there. "Now, we have some fresh.. new.. merchandise to have fun with." Yang was being dragged to where ever it is they were going to be holding the girls, her limp form was the last thing Silver saw as everything faded to black. However, hiding from a tree in the shadows, a man drapped in a cloak tossed down a music box with a timer, it opened, and a tune began to play.... an hour pass from this point on wards.
Ruby flailed in the man's grip, but it was no use. He was a big strong brute and all she could do is pound her little fists into his shoulder. "Let me go!" But it was no use, she was taken off into one of the buildings, last thing she saw of Silver was him being surrounded and confronted by the biggest man of the lot.

From the building, they headed down a stairway leading down, hidden behind a large trapdoor. It wound down for sometime, getting glimpses of a various rooms on various levels, some kind of base? Ruby committed as much as she could to memory, trying to figure a plan for escape, if she could just get on the ground and use her semblance, maybe...

That plan went out the window soon, Ruby being shoved on a table. Before she could struggle a second man gripped her arms, while the first began to feel her body over. "What are you doing, no, get off!" Her struggles redoubling, trying to wriggle free.

"Gag the brat already." The first man grunted, getting sick of her whining. So the second quickly shoved cloth in and over her mouth, tying it tight around her head, leaving her unable to make more than a few muted grunts and cries. This let the men get on with feeling her up, which luckily was just searching her for stuff, taking away her scroll, her ammo, everything else she had on her. She was lucky, some of the men got real gropy with Yang and Blake.

Next she was bound, arms and legs tied up, leaving her movements limited to just wiggling, making her escape plans useless. Picked up again effortlessly, she was taken away to a small cell and thrown in carelessly, landing with a grunt on her side. The walls were all carved from the stone of the tunnels and there was a thick wooden door between her and the outside. There was nothing in the room, not even a bed. The rest of her team were each put in separate cells, likely to stop them getting each other free.

Hearing voices, Ruby who was surprisingly calm under the circumstances, wiggled her way across the room, raising her head to listen in on the door. "So are these girls important at all?"

"The white haired girl is a Schnee, we can get a good ransom for her I bet. Rest aren't too important it seems, least to me." A second voice, seemed to be just the two out there.

"So the Blonde..."

"Hold it there, we ain't doing anything till the boss says it's fine. Don't want to ruin potential merchandise."

"No fun, damn it. Fine, but if we get the okay, I've got first shot."

"Whatever, plenty to go around if we do and I'm not saying we will." The conversation died down after that and Ruby slumped against the ground a few tears in her eyes as panic set in. There had to be a way out, maybe Blake had slipped away, maybe Silver had beaten those guys, maybe there was rescue coming. But right now, all she could do is lay there and try and be brave.
Then the reality for Ruby would set in, her sister was next thrown in with her bound and gagged. Just like she was. Weiss, and Blake could be heard being chucked into the cell across from them. That humming in the air hadn't stopped, and they were underground. For hunters and huntresses, the vitality of aura to them was important, its what made them what they are, the degree in which they could manifest it was important.

However, try as they might there was not a spark of aura running through them, in this very moment all four of them, were as powerless as they appeared. An hour passed, and then.. another, soon the other girls would be waking. It had been three hours to this point... it was just them... if they had noticed Silver was not in either of the cells, it could be seen as suspicious... or it could be worrying in Yang's case. However, they weren't going to get much time to worry as Roundstuff and the man with the gun on his arm arrived to inspect them.


Meanwhile, Silver stirred awake the ground crimson with blotches of his blood dried. He grimaced at the sound playing next to him, the chiming song, the sound .... he hated it... Looking at the small ring box shaped item near him he sat up feeling his mind going numb he hated this song, he really hated it hearing it.... Caused nothing but trouble... yet... for once, he was happy to hear it.

In a split moment the calm face of his turned to a scary looking one, a massive smile across his face as he took some of his own blood still wet on his shoulders and began to apply it to his face in a makeshift warpaint look to it... the humming in the air was still apparent, but it wasn't going to stop him. He took a stick and sharpened it, and pushed the bullets shot into him out and tore his shirt and bandaged up his shoulder wounds.

Not the best patch work, but it would have to do.. Taking that sharpened stick in hand he climbed up the tree which had a branch over hanging the path, waiting and sure enough two of the bandits were patrolling past him, taking the sharp stick, he waits and sure enough they walk under him, and with a second sharpened stick in his other hand he leaped right down, and jammed the sticks down into the back of both the men's necks.

The gruesome kills were spurting blood on the ground as they fall gurgling and twitching, he reaches down and taking the music box, looking at the men dead before him with, dead eyes. He then attaches the box to his belt and would take the men's weapons for himself, and moved towards the town. The girls would take a while to hear all the screams of death among the town, as Silver was out for blood.
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