It's team RWBY, not RWBYS! (MoFo x DuxT)

It took a short time, but the door to the bathroom opened once more. At first no one stepped out, but then Pyrrha was shoved out the door. The woman was practically naked, the only thing on her was the sexy frilly apron. It covered her front fine, well mostly, the clevage was exposed and it only went down to her thighs, not giving her crotch much cover. Her legs, sides and rear were all exposed, able to get a nice veiw of her bare ass from here. Her hair was no longer held up, instead down and wavy, much like he had described.

Pyrrha blushed as she looked at Silver, seeing the bulge and how his eyes roamed. But she wasn't going to back down now, not with Yang so confident behind her. If she did, Yang would win and she couldn't let that happen! So she gave a soft, motherly smile, approaching. "Son, how was your day at school, mommy missed you while you were gone." She reached out, tracing a hand lovingly down his face, said hand slowly tracing down his chest and soon brushing across the tent in his pants.

Yang came out then, having hastily done her hair up in pig tails. The outfit was based on the Beacon outfit, only the skirt was not even half the length and the top barely got past Yangs breasts, leaving her midriff exposed. She bounded over, energetic with a child like smile, jumping down onto the bed. "Little bro, sorry I missed you earlier!"

"Yes, your sister here was naughty and went truant."

"But mom!"

Pyrrha gave her a look, silencing her. This was either pretty decent improv from the two, or they planned this. "I think your big sister needs some punishment. Mind helping mommy out?" Turning to Silver with a naughty grin. Roleplay or not, this would be great revenge.
The look on Silver's face said it all. he whipped out his phone and got a picture of the two of them right away. Before slipping into the innocent little boy improve he had practiced a while ago. "Mother, I have been doing so good in school, but I digress that we had health class today, and I came home with a rather stimulated side to me... can you check my pee pee to make sure nothing is wrong with it, teacher called it.. an err...erec... erection yeah! That."

Silver's performing was spot on, it showed he'd done lots of covert work where he had to play a by-standard a few times in his line of work. Resulting in a near professional actor status with the way he spoke. The naked apron looked good on Pyrrha, she had an interesting build to her unlike Blake, she was tanned and had a little more muscle on her, but not enough to take away from her feminine wiles. It was more like she had an athletic build mixed with a supple build sort of a hybrid, her long legs were met with thick but toned thighs which at her firm but rounded out butt which was surprisingly springy.

Then soon bounded out Yang, dressed up in that improved and modified Beacon school uniform. It was definitely not the school standard. It was short and showed off her toned form. While he observed the way she wore pig tails was great. However he was now observing the build she had, unlike Pyrrha, Yang was a little rounder, not fat. She was just thicker body wise then Pyrrha, and lacked the abs that seemed to be more apparent with Pyrrha as well. Her hips and breasts were bigger and a little wider. When she gave him a view of the back, he could tell and she didn't have nearly as much muscle making her a little softer looking, her butt was a little more of a bubble shape and bouncier . "Hello dear sister, fret not you have arrived and thats all I could ask for."

"Mother if you must punish sister please be gentle, hug her, and kiss her then maybe lay her across my lap and I shall spank her." He grins so sweet and innocently as he said this, the boy was a master actor.
Pyrrha tried to keep a straight face as she spoke. "Well honey, let me see your... pee...pee." She however had not gotten the routine down, face cracking a little. Yang giggled from all this, but it was keeping to her character. Bending down, she let Silver get a good look down her apron as she reached for his pants. Undoing them, she pulled them and his boxers down, watching his cock spring free. "Mmm, your...pee pee..." Another attempt to keep a straight face. "Is fine honey, nice erection you have too." Taking a moment, she gripped his shaft, giving it a good few pumps. "Yeah nothing to worry about my son, all boys get that when they see a nice lady and want to please her."

When it came to Yang's punishment, Pyrrha grinned, having hoping for that. Yang's smile didn't stop, so she seemed fine with it too. "As you wish my son, I'll let you take charge." With that, the athletic girl turned and wrapped her arms around Yang, before pressing her lips to hers. The kiss was more for show, but with Yang being eager and a tease, she pressed her tongue in, the two tongues wrestling for domination.

Yang won out and the two girls parted after a long moment, panting softly. "That was really nice mommy." Yang spoke sweetly, perfectly happy with her role. She was doubly happy to fluster Pyrrha and get her to blush some more.

Pyrrha shook the thoughts out, getting serious again. "Right, punishment, now." She moved Yang into place, settling the girl face down over Silver's lap. Her skirt flipped up, showing her bare ass to him, still having marks from the Glynda's crop. With how Yang was placed, Silver's cock was pressed between Yang's thigh and his stomach, being rubbed between them as she squirmed.
The sight of the two of them kissing, and Yang taking initiative had his boner being pumped up more. The way his average sized cock, seemed to get a little bigger watching the two of them, had him actually cringing and enjoying it, as his cock was getting harder and he was still not used to this much arousal hitting him at once.

The moment he rationalized that his cock was now visible to the both of them. When Yang bent over his lap, he felt those thighs binding around his cock and rubbing together. The thickness and texture to those thighs. "Big sis, your thighs are getting fatter every day, may wanna lay off the chocolate." He said pandering to not only say what he wanted to say, but get a rise out of Pyrrha to let her think he was on her side. "Now then Mama said your being bad." He said grasping his belt in hand and would flash her a smile. "Mama would you hold her down for me."

He said getting the belt nice and coiled up. It was clear Yang may have found out how much of a little sadist her little bro was. With the belt ready, he slaps it down hard upon the rounded ass of Yang's. The impact causing a belt shaped welt to pop up as her ass jiggled and wiggled.

The little bit of a puckered anus from last night was apparent to him as well as he saw her cheeks part with the wobbling it was puckered out due to having that vibrator in it all last night. "Hmmmm wonder why Sissy has an outtie here." He said in the most childish sounding voice, despite the fact he was 16 it was simply his way of messing with them.


Meanwhile Blake was growing agitated the longer it seemed to be taking for Silver to get home. Like a despondent cat she seemed to be clutching his clothes to her well... Actually she had put them on at this point and was now sniffing at the sleeve of the night shirt, she was wearing nothing but his shirt and his boxers and it was clear that she was eagerly waiting. Now to the point she was planning to go out alone and sniff him out.
Yang grit her teeth, unseen by the two of them. Normally the moment someone called her fat, she'd knock their lights out. But here she was, having to endure it for Silver's enjoyment. So she grit her teeth and grinned, enduring it. "But little brother, you know I can't get enough cookies..."

"You should really get on a diet young lady, my word." Pyrrha put her hands on her hips, tutting as she shook her head. She was having too much fun with this. The belt got a shocked expression from her, having not expecting him to go that far that fast. But if anyone could take a belt, it was Yang. So without complaint, Pyrrha pressed her arms over Yang's legs and back, pinning her down so her rear couldn't get away.

Yang cried out as the belt came down, not expecting it. Suddenly this seemed like a bad idea, but too late to back out now. Instead she grit her teeth and stayed in character, giving fake girlish whimpers. Letting the spanking continue for now... she needed to get payback later.

Pyrrha bit her lip as she watched, her own thighs rubbing together as desire set in. This display of dominance from Silver, she really wanted to experiance some from the man who beat her... In any event, she kept up with the act. "Seems she's been bad and has been doing naughty things, haven't you Yang?"

"Yes... very naughty!" She gasped out, her own slit getting wet against Silver's member. Pyrrha wasn't the only one who needed loving...


Blake, taking her weapon just in case, headed on out. She managed to sneak out easily, being a master at this, so the issue was, following the trail. She followed them to the docks, frowning at the scene of police rounding up White Fang. On the one hand she was happy, on the other it was White Fang and she would always have issues with them.

By the time Blake ninjed her way through the love hotel, in nothing but a shirt and boxers, she was getting suspicious. Coming to the room where the trail ended, she could hear the sounds, she knew what was going on. Regardless, she quietly picked the lock open with practised ease, creeping in through the door.

The sight was something else and Blake crouched there, almost on all fours as she watched the three go at it. Biting her lip, she felt her hand trail back down into the boxers....
The moment the girlish whimper came from Yang. Then rolled the belt back up. Then another leathery snap sound came after the first hit came down. Then, the next came down, and then the next. It was clear with each hit. His arm hit harder then before. If he saw it, he might witness Yang's eyes and hair starting to go red. Maybe not intentionally, but not everyone was in control of their semblance.

He watched Pyrrha rubbing her legs together he blinks, looking all nice and innocent. "Does mama need to use the bathroom, your leaking, are you wetting yourself." He giggles childishly, it was clear the young man was manipulating the fact they were trapped in the role, and should they disappoint him... well he did have the images of them caught on his phone, who would be able to stop him if he messaged them to the head of the school newspaper committee.

"Mama, Big sister, my pee pee is feeling weird can you guys make it stop throbbing maybe kiss it? Make it feel better?" He had no idea his pet cat had wandered into the hotel and was now watching them and making the spot outside their door rather moist.
Yang's hair went whiter the more her ass was beaten, energising her further. Not only did it do that, but the more beatings she took like this, the wetter she got with all the teasing. Turns out pain can be a bit of a turn on when your power is to absorb pain. She couldn't stop it either, so here she was, building up more and more energy as Silver beat her with a whip, slowly getting moans from the now fiery blonde.

Pyrrha turned to look at Silver's face blushing again. She still couldn't believe Silver and Yang talked her into this. She shook her head, smiling. "No my son, it's like how your pee pee is all hard. How us girls show we want fun too." The thought of the phone never occurred to her, she just didn't want to disappoint.

Speaking of not disappointed, the chance to start on his cock came up and Pyrrha was all over that while Yang was down. "Of course my son, here, let me." Moving between Yang's legs, Pyrrha was quick to move her head down. Slowly she kissed the tip, lovingly, licking along the head with a small groan. She held Yang in place for now, letting Yang's thighs rub across the rest of the length while she treated the head.
Silver was impressed, sure Pyrrha hadn't really practiced for this. But it felt so good. The moment she kissed and licked his cock trapped between Yang's thighs and Yang being incapable of getting up with Pyrrha keeping her forced down so she might be the one to get him off. However, Yang was helping in her own way moving her thighs up and down. The soft meat of her thighs grinding against his rough hard groin.

The more he moaned the cuter it sounded causing swoons from the two of them who now likely felt like the boy who was a true predator for the moment was their little prey. The two glanced at each other, and smiled as Pyrrha let Yang get up. Then they both dropped to their knees before him. Yang laid her hand on his right thigh as she sat at his right side, and Pyrrha sat at his left side and placed her hand on his left thigh, and then reached out together and locked their hand around his cock together.

"You two... are working together...?" He said in surprise, the group was so in the moment they hadn't even noticed Blake who was quietly squelching herself in the corner. For now, Silver dropped character and was amazed as they both brushed their hair behind their ears a really sexy motion Silver found of a woman before she got to work. Then Yang and Pyrrha began to rub him in motion together. "Hey...if you two are this in unison, perhaps you can... both.. use your tits on my cock.."
Silver was so cute when he was like this, Blake could attest to that, though she wasn't going to speak up for that. Blake just remained in her corner, getting herself off in his clothes while she watched two of her friends try and get him off. With a blissful sigh, she bit her lip, trying to keep quiet as she pressed two fingers into herself.

Yang and Pyrrha had gotten good at silent communication, possible now Silver was distracted from spanking Yang. Seems that Yang would have trouble sitting down tomorrow too. Getting up, they were quick to get in place, slowly stroking his cock with joined hands. Their eyes were focused on each other though, setting the speed for each other as they even now, tried to compete. This hadn't been planned, but the more they got into it, the more it seemed right.

Then he suggested using their breasts, getting a wide grin from both women. Looking up, Pyrrha spoke up, keeping up her character. "Of course son, mommy will take real good care of you." Yang just nodding and grinning wildly, having plenty of fun here.

At this point, Yang threw off the shirt, leaving just the short skirt on. Pyrrha quickly followed, undoing the neck strap and letting the apron fall around her own breasts, now only held on by her back. Both girls exposed their tits to him in all their glory and soon all three... four if you count Blake, would notice a problem. Yang had the much, much bigger rack, plenty big enough to engulf his cock alone. Not to be stopped however, Pyrrha wrapped her smaller chest around him, right before Yang pressed in. Now his cock lay between both their bosoms, the two pairs squishing together around him. Then, they began moving, very slowly sliding his cock up and down between them, eyes once more on each other.
Silver had now reached peak stimulation. The way the two pairs of breasts were pressed around his cock and began being rubbed against. The fact that he was now laying back moaning from the feeling could attest to how good it felt to be stroked like this. Sure there was a size difference between however.

Once they made accommodations it was clear enough they could make it work as he relaxed back however Yang had a cheeky look in her eyes. Then would swivel herself around atop him placing her ass right down on his chest pinning him down with her full weight, giving Pyrrha the time to fully engulf him with her breasts she flashed Pyrrha a smirk and looked out of the corner of her eyes spotting Blake now, but she said nothing it was as if she were stating 'It's my turn and you have to watch.'

Of course Pyrrha and Silver didn't know she was there yet, but then again Silver couldn't see past Yang's gluts which were twerking and rubbing against his chest she looks back and smirks tearing away his shirt so that he was bare chested. From his neck down the boy had nasty scars, some were likely not from combat and looked like he had been abused to get some of them. The scars were sickly things to him yet there was a moment he would feel Pyrrha tracing the scars, and then looks up to Yang her green eyes meeting the Lavender colored eyes and she softened her gaze wanting to actually know more about him, but this wasn't the time so she continued rubbing her tits against the young mans cock.

Which in turn brought a groan from him, and the way Yang was now leaning in sucking at his cock from the position she was in he was groaning cuter now, and suddenly there was a hot pulsing in his cock.. "Gonna... Gonna blow..." Sure enough the boy blew a spout of cum all over the both of them splattering it where ever it could.
Yang, now happily perched on his chest, lowered her rear once more to him. Leg's spread either side of his head, he was more or less stuck watching her ass wiggle before him as hers and Pyrrha's breasts worked over him. her own dominating the duo, but Pyrrha managed to get good contact in. She every now and then looked over to Blake, taunting the kitty with her prize, not letting her get any closer.

Pyrrha, still oblivious, worked on his cock some more, every now and then reaching down to lick at him. She was concerned about the scars, but now was not the time. Instead her focus as on getting him off and she did her best to work with Yang and make that happen. The endeavour didn't take too much longer, he was vocal and announced it. Pyrrha didn't move away though, moving her face over it.

Yang butted heads with her, trying to get a good position, right before he blew. Cum shot out between their breasts, shooting up to coat the girls faces. Closing their eyes, both girls got the full experience as both their faces and breasts were covered. Moaning low, they agreed, this was a great start.

"Mmm... making mommy proud." Pyrrha spoke up, slowly releasing him, followed shortly by Yang. But from the looks in their eyes, it wasn't over.
The moment he shot off, the two of them were coated and his face was nearly squeezed between Yang's supple ass cheeks. Then she looked to Pyrrha, then to Blake and flashed a smile. "You know what we have to do now don't you Pyrrha?" Pyrrha began to blink up at Yang and shook her head, never had she been prepared for something like this, but neither did she want to be shown up, not when the man who was possibly the only one to ever best her was before her and ripe for the taking.

So she stood up and looked at herself in the mirror that was the head board, it was clear she was looking at how she appeared, in the mirror she saw Blake though and was startled.. "What the..?" She said, but before she turned back Yang pounced on Silver's cock "I saw it first... its mine!" She muttered out and would press her ass out towards his cock, Pyrrha wouldn't have it...

She groaned and was upset by the fact she had just learned Blake was watching. But she wasn't going to stop. She began to press her own ass up against Silver's cock and began to rub and roll up against Yang's ass while she was trying to force the head of the cock to go for any of hers. Silver groans as the pressure and feel of their toned ass cheeks pretty much rubbing up against his cock brushing and rolling it around. Then there it was, someone managed to push the cock into themselves.
Pyrrha was confused by Yang's announcement, to be honest the warrior woman had been winging it the entire time. Yang was the sexual one, she wasn't, she'd barely even watched porn before now. Sure she'd read love stories and desired to be the wife to a strong man, but sex itself, all new. To her, but she rose up anyway and glanced at the mirror, seeing Blake. "What... why is..."

She was never given the chance to finish the question for Yang dove on, trying to slide Silver's cock into her. "Mine!" Not to be bested, Pyrrha ignored Blake for now, quickly lowering herself with Yang.

There was some hips rolling around and shoving, Silver's cock caught in between. It wasn't for long, because with a last shove, Pyrrha's ass won out. A sudden movement and Pyrrha felt herself shoved down, her virginity taken in one swift action. She froze there, a gasp leaving her as she finally felt it, she was his. Turning to face him, she began to move, biting her lip as she slowly rocked herself. Yang had moved so her green eyes fell upon his, a smile on her face. She tilted her head up, letting a long, drawn out moan as pleasure built up and her passage tightened around him.

Blake backed up now she saw she'd been noticed, however she didn't get far as a certain Blonde friend of hers pounced on the girl pinning her down with a grin. "I..uhh... hi Yang.." The faunus girl spoke nervously, trying to keep her voice down.

Yang just grinned down at her, getting an idea from her little sister. "Bumblebee." Getting a look of confusion from Blake, right before the two pressed into each other. Yang needed something and since Blake was the root of the problem, she'd make her help damn it!
The moment Pyrrha had impaled herself on his cock, he felt the tight hugging embrace of Pyrrha's vagina. Then the pressure of his cock head ripping her hymen the trickles of blood dripping down his shaft. He looked up at her, she wasn't relaxed despite how she was thrusting herself down on him.

The moment he felt she wasn't relaxing he reached out a hand to caress her face "Don't tense up, we are supposed to be doing something that comes natural to all men and women..." Pyrrha bit her lip, and nods, as she nuzzles into his hand and kissed the part of his palm below his thumb. Then calmly breaths and silently in her head counts to 10 as she slowly rises up her cunt to the tip of his cocks head then she thrusts down at the 10.

Her cunt relaxing up, and making things a lot easier for her first time. "There we go.. just relax and let your body take you through the motion." He said as his hands grip upon her hips helping her to bounce upon his cock in a continuous piston fashion then he grips her hips and slows her down so she could favor how much suction she had. Her cunt gripping down on him tight. "There see hows that feel." Silver said with a grin looking up.

Silver managed to turn his head and spot Yang and Blake, taking his scroll he snaps a picture of them grinding into each other "Yang if you wanna make her really want it go and grab a strap on from the rack and take her pussy first, then ass." He said having knowledge of how Blake liked it, and a mischievous grin came across Yang's face as she grabbed a yellow one off the rack and slipped it on. Pyrrha might have found it strange Silver knew how Blake liked it, but the moment his cock hit her center her mind went numb and her tongue rolled out flopping in the wind as her eyes rolled back "Soooo GOOOD!" She said very loudly shaking the room with her voice it was clear Pyrrha was quite pent up.
Pyrrha slowly began to relax into the motions with Siler's instruction, 10 then up, 10 then down. Her pussy had felt like fire before, the sting of her virginity being taken, but it soon passed away, turning to a build of pleasure like any other. She started moving faster, but Siler's hips slowed her and she gave a nod. "Feels... amazing.." She panted out happily before moving on.

Up and down she went faster and faster, the more they went the more it built. She'd heard about how good sex was before, but the stories couldn't compare. Her hands came to rest on Silver's chest, slowly tracing the scars. Her eyes closed and head tilted back in an expression of bliss. "Soooo GOOOD!" She cried out, clear for everyone to hear, she was loving it.

Yang didn't pay Pyrrha no mind, her attention was focused on Blake. Course, Silver soon came up with an idea, one that got a wide grin from her. Pulling away from Blake, she was quick to get a toy from the shelf and put it on. Before Blake could protest, the stronger girl flipped her over and took her pussy in one swift motion. "Take it Blake, you little kittie slut.." Yang spoke in a half growl, eyes still red from the beating she took, translating to hard rough thrusts.

Blake had gone looking for Silver to sate her heat, instead she got a wound up Yang. Honestly this worked out great! Blake lowered her head, ears low and voice a ring of moans and purrs. She gripped the carpet bellow, letting her friend fuck her hard and fast, unable to resist, even if she wanted to.
The moment with Pyrrha seemed to go on for awhile. The loud moaning and groaning from both of them, seemed to last for a while. The room was filled with chorus of moans, from Pyrrha, and Blake. Who were taking two very nice shafts, a look over he saw that Blake was pretty much submitting to Yang's powerful thrusting blows. "Dang Yang, you must be a pretty good dancer with that hip thrusting skill." He made a Yang pun, but over all that didn't seem to ruin anyone's mood.

The time went on and on, then there it was, a groan erupts from Silver, as he blows a huge load up inside her. Not knowing if today was a safe day or not for Pyrrha, and judging by her reaction for when she arrived she didn't know either. "I hope today's a safe day for you." Pyrrha's expression looked like her eyes were wide. "Is there a danger of it not being?" It was clear Pyrrha wasn't in many health classes from her rather innocent reactions. Then a look over to a loud mowling from Blake he saw her cum all over Yang's strap and he looked at all three of them.

Calmly he clears his throat. "Pyrrha go and lay out that long floor mat for me over there.." He pointed to the floor mat and then to where it needed to go. "Then once its set up I want all three of you to get into a fetal position on the mat facing away from me with your asses raised up into the air... understood." It would seem Silver was going to take charge now of all three of them.
Pyrrha cried out in her own climax, her tunnels clamping up as Silver hit his peak. She was just as sensitive and inexperienced as him after all. She slumped forward a little, panting while she recovered, giving a low groan of bliss. She wasn't sure what Silver meant by 'safe day' but she didn't care right now.

Blake and Yang were quick to finish up, though Yang was far from satisfied. The fire was still there as she looked over the horny catgirl, a wide grin on her face. She heard what was going on with Pyrrha and Silver, she'd be damned if she wasn't next in line. She gave Blake a spank while they waited, looking back at the other two.

Pyrrha by this point had gotten up, following Silver's instruction. The mat was laid out and Pyrrha took her place on the mat on one end. Yang was quick to follow, with Blake trailing behind, seeming to still be up for more in her heat. With how they were set up, Yang was in the middle, deliberate choice in the hope that Silver would pick her. In the end Pyrrha spoke up first, looking over her shoulder. "Ready son?" She still had the apron half on, like Yang still had the pig tails and skirt.
When all three of them had lined up like good little pigs. He would stand behind them. "Now girls, there is a rule to this session none of you can look behind you, you can turn your head and look to the one next to you, but you may not under any circumstance look back. If you look back the pleasure for you will be over, if you continue to look back you will receive a thumb up your ass." He said taking charge as his cock hung down now getting hard as he looked at their plump backsides being raised towards the air.

Yang turned her head to look over at Pyrrha and Pyrrha turned her head and looked away. Blake turned her face down and pressed it into the mat. Her ass wagging around if she had a tail it would certainly be swaying in anticipation. In fact he reached around and would grab a belt with a mood emulating cat tail. He would snap the belt around Blake's waist. Sure enough, as he expected the tail was swaying back and fourth to emulate Blake's mood as a cat. However his playing around came to an end, as his cock was placed between

Yang's ass and his hands would be placed on Pyrrha's right ass cheek, and then Blake's ass cheek and then pressed them all together sandwiching Yang in the center as his cock head brushed over the folds of Yang's cunt, he unsnapped the strap on from Yang and tossed it behind him as he settled into place cock poised to strike, each of the girls were shivering in anticipation trying hard to not look back.
Pyrrha stopped looking back at his order, not wanting to get in trouble. What they just did, felt oh so good, she wanted more of it. So Pyrrha behaved, looking away and biting her lip. It was hard not to watch, feeling his hands, Yang's ass, hearing the snap of belts. All made her want to know what was happening, who he was going to tease and fuck. She wanted it to be her of course, but Yang had been waiting long enough for it.

Yang watched the nervous Pyrrha with a grin, all so exciting for her personally. Feeling the strapon being undone, she wiggled her hips, partly to help, but also partly just to shake her generous ass in front of him. She had no problem looking away, what's more, she could feel both girls pressed against her like she was a Yang sandwich or Yangwich... that one might need some work.

Blake had to bury her head and couldn't stop wiggling. She felt so needy right now and this anticipation was killing her. Not only that but Silver strapped something to her and she had no idea what! In the end, she bit her lip, unable to take it anymore. A few moments in, she stole a glance back, trying to see, what she now realised was a tail, in addition to what was going on. She did trying and look away again before Silver noticed....
Silver's eyes were quite fast though, and anyone able to see a bullet moving in motion was likely to catch those ears turn and sway catching her in the act all to easily. His thumb would move towards her puckered anus, which was a little red still from last night with him. He of course had managed to pull his boxers off her which were now soaked in more her scent then his own at this point. The moment the thumb penetrated her anus Blake groaned and mewled it was hilarious to him, watching a girl who tried so hard to hide what she was, when the moment heat hit her, it was all for not.

The thumb surprised her more then anything as he kept it corked up inside, the tail belt caused the tail to stand up straight to react as if she were surprised. But then it fell back down, and Blake shoved her face down into the mat. Silver's cock was now pushing inside Yang's cunt now spreading the suction cup tight folds. There it was he gripped down on both Pyrrha and Blake's asses his firm grip kept them from being able to pull their hips away from Yang's resulting in every time Yang ended up being thrust into they would feel the motion.
Blake mewled out in surprise as the thumb was shoved up her sensitive ass. She'd been caught, it was obvious from this action, she just had to hope Silver would be kind to her later. Burying her head into the mat, she continued to wiggle and mewl, giving up on hiding her more feral nature. She was a cat in heat and right now, this was her only respite, having to share with two of her friends. Blake's claw like nails raked a little at the mat as she continued to moan and groan out.

Yang was the happiest she'd been all day, the moment he pushed in, she was in bliss. A smile plastered her face as she lay her head down, moaning out much like the previous night. "Fuck yeah little bro..." She panted out, Silver seemed to like the roleplay, so she could keep it going. Besides, could easily half adopt him as her little brother, whether Ruby liked it or not. She opened her red eyes, seeing Pyrrha quietly moan from the teasing, seeming the recent virgin wasn't done yet.
Pyrrha was groaning and shifting her ass from side to side. Her anus puckering, her cunt dripping down her thighs. She looked over towards Yang "How... How does it feel?" However the young man never said Pyrrha could talk. "Pyrrha... no one said you could talk right now..." Silver said a hand came down smacking her on the rear, he was including hidden stipends to the mix. The impact causing those toned cheeks to wobble like Jello.

Then he went back to thrusting in, his cock burying down inside would be gripped by Yang's cunt which was amazingly tight he hadn't realized she had activated her semblance form and was actually holding him in place with her strength. Groaning he began to pull with force back and thrust inside, it would seem hitting her directly caused her semblance to take a hit, resulting in her getting her flame red aura going.

Yang didn't turn her head though, she was way smarter then people gave her credit for, especially when it came to men and tricky rules of sex. Plus, her tongue was hanging out and she was drooling all over the place in delight, her eyes rolling back now as Silver's cock head hit her center a few more times. "Oh... oh god... oh god, My... My mind is going... going numb ohhh my beloved little brother fuck me... fuck me more... ohhhh!" Seems Silver was far more effective then he thought he was.

Yang was losing her mind, she had wanted this for so long and now it was happening. She couldn't contain herself. She reached over grabbing Pyrrha's face and leaning in kissing her forcing a lot of saliva to be passed between the two as she shoved her tongue inside Pyrrha's mouth sending the tongue down inside as she rolled it around inside her throat, throat fucking Pyrrha somewhat with her tongue.

Then she broke free and was shaking her hair all over the place wildly and moaning bucking back against Silver, which due to the strength boost nearly knocked him over. Yang's face was in truth showing all to well how much she was loving this, tears of joy rolled down her cheeks as her eyes rolled back, saliva bubbled out from her mouth as her tongue lolled out and flapped. "Ugh..ugh..Ughhhh..."
Pyrrha groaned a little as she was spanked, lowering her head to the matt again. This only turned her on more, her thighs dripping, between his dominance and Yang... oh lord Yang. Pyrrha turned her head to watch Yang, the girls expression that of lewd bliss, one that Pyrrha hoped to feel. She didn't realise half of it was the semblance, so Yang was going to always get the more intense end of things.

It really didn't look like Yang was up able to think straight or do anything, so the kiss caught her off guard. Well to call it a kiss would be generous, really Yang tongue fucked Pyrrha and the warrior girl had to sit there any take it. Eyes rolling back into her head a little, she let Yang dominate her, moaning into the harsh kiss while it lasted.

Yang of course broke the kiss, unable to focus anymore. The fucking she got from Silver, it was just far too intense, her face showed that easily. Tears streamed down her face, her tongue lolled out , saliva dripping as she panted like a Bitch in heat. Be a wonder what the actual Faunus girl would be like when it was her turn, if it ever came.

Her cheeks continuing to bounce and jiggle with every thrust, the sounds were oh so intense. Yang, taking some energy, began to slam her hips back with every thrust. She wanted to feel more of him, extend every moment, she couldn't.. couldn't. Yang was unable to finish any such thoughts as suddenly she cried out in climax. Mouth wide, tongue out the sounds of intense pleasure escaped with ragged breath. "Gah...aahh....AAAH! Her tunnel clamped down, hair exploding with fiery light as her Semblance shot off too and intense wave of energy washing off with her orgasm. She just couldn't hold onto it anymore, her hair and eyes fading to normal.

Spent from one of the most intense orgasms she ever had, Yang collapsed forward, head slumping to one side , legs buckled in place. The mindless fucked expression never left her face, eyes unfocused and tongue laying against the mat as she slowly breathed. This gave both Pyrrha and Blake a good look of what was to come.
With Yang finally finished he blew his first load of many down inside her. The thick creamy goodness sloshed down inside her. His cum sliding down into her womb. Hopefully this night wouldn't wind up him fathering a few children. Silver pumped in a load inside her and would slowly pop out. Calmly looking down and giving the other two some suspense. He got quiet and would place his hands center wise on both of Pyrrha and Blake's asses. With a gaze thrown to each of them, neither of them would see.

Yang's pussy was sputtering out his cum still dripping and slapping the ground making sickening plopping sounds as his cum seemed to get real thick. It was a little hot, and gross at the same time the seed dripping and splatting onto the mat. He would smile gently and began to rub his hand around over Pyrrha and Blake.

He would smile and would crouch down and would lean his face down between Yang's butt licking at her anus. While his two hands out on the other two gathered two fingers together. Then he plunged the two fingers down inside their anuses. Pyrrha would eek at the sudden penetration.

Blake would be all to ready for it meowing adorably her ears twitching, she tried hard not to look back, but those two fingers were stretching her. "You... to many..." A smack came down and she meows and wiggles her hips. "Keep talking and you won't get anything." He said as he lifts his head out from between Yang's ass and begins to lick at Yang's ass.

"Ohhhhh little bro your so naughty." However a look towards Pyrrha and everyone could see the ass penetration was to much as she orgasmed and her eyes were wide open, tongue hanging out much like Yang's it seemed that Pyrrha was not so good with surprise attacks.
Pyrrha gasped and eeked out as Silver pushed a pair of digits into her virgin ass. Tonight very well looked like it'd be the where she lost all her virginities. Burying her head into the mat, she tried not to speak up a protest, Blake being a good reminder. Her hole was tight, tighter than Blake's for sure, seems a life of training and fighting tightened everything up, plus the whole virgin thing.

Blake for her part buried her head into the mat as Silver punished her. She was trying to be good, but following rules was never easy for her. That plus her being a cat, she was pretty damn independent, especially now. Still, she endured the torment, though with more wiggles. Her ass was sore, but it'd taken his cock, it could handle two fingers, especially after the thumb in the ass.

Pyrrha suddenly cried out, causing the two girls to look over, seeing her expression, much like the one Yang just had. Pyrrha had hit her second climax, unable to endure the sensations, especially when she was forced to imagine a lot of what was going on. So she lay her head there, panting as she recovered again, taking longer this time round.

Blake grinned, wiggling her hips now, even as Silver rimmed her. Her own hole gave easily, being stretched out from having a vibrator up it the previous night. She liked how much treatment she was getting, heck even being slightly above Blake and Yang with the talking. "Mmmm, little brother, Mommy is looking all tuckered out. Think you can help me sleep like that too?" Grinning as she turned her head forward, keeping the rule of not looking back at him.
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