Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

"Ugh... is it normal for your legs to feel like jelly after?" Raven mused. Smiling then she slid her end out, the soaked dual-ended cock vanishing in a puff of red smoke. Slowly, she dragged herself over to Jinx and nestled against her girlfriend. Seemed the fires of her demonic heritage had been doused for now, and thus she had no qualms of snuggling the pinkette and falling asleep against her warmth.
"Only if it was really good." Jinx mused sleepily, falling prey to the sandman's dust as well.

The next day or so had been rather slow. Only a pitiful bank robbery attempt and a robot attack by Gizmo. So, when Jinx approached Raven's door, she'd had a bit of time to prepare something special. Or at least, what she hoped was special. She knocked quietly and waited for the demoness to answer. She held her hand behind her back and smiled with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. Behind her, she clutched a CD case.
As far as Raven was concerned, the lack of major crimes was something to be damn glad of. It gave her and Jinx the time to hang out more, and though they hadn't had sex since their first time they still grew closer and spent a good deal of time together. Raven opened the door and smiled at the pinkette when they came close together. She took a step closer and kissed Jinx on the cheek. "Hey there stranger," she cooed.
"Hey." She couldn't help bug giggle. "So, I know this probably seems kind of dumb, but I've got something for you." She pulled the CD case from behind her back. "An arcane courtship ritual starting with the ancient 8-track technology." She was kidding of course, but the witch held out the case, which was labeled "birdsong", written in purple gel pen on black paper inside the case. On the flip-side of the paper, visable when one opened the hinged lid, were the tracks. They read as follows:

Crimson and Clover: Joan Jet cover
Face to Face: Siouxie and the Banshee
Private Life: Oingo Boingo
Skin: Oingo Boingo
Love Song: Voltaire cover
Strange Love: Depeche Mode
Sell My Soul: Jill Tracy
You Leave me Cold: Jill Tracy

"I hope you like it." She uttered, her face spreading over with realization that she felt really stupid. It seemed far too cliche to be something Raven would like.
Raven blinked in surprise as the case was slid into her hands. "I've never heard of this ritual before," she mused. While she was ordinarily more 'all there' than Starfire, she could occasionally have little lapses in knowledge of earth culture. Raven gave Jinx a quick smile and clutched the case to her chest. "Thanks... I have to admit that um... I'm actually not that familiar with most music, but I'm eager to listen to this."

She leaned in and wrapped her right arm about Jinx's waist, feeling her warmth become entwined with Raven's own. Jinx's scent was so sweet and overwhelming, and it added to her already present giddiness. Why was it so hard to restrain her emotions around the ex-criminal? "Of course, I will have to get you something just as good..." she added with a modest smile.
"You'll make me faint at this rate," she replied with a little teasing in her tone. Still, it was more than flattering to think she went to such lengths on her behalf. "Do you... want to come in?" Raven asked. "I was just about to get some tea, but... listening to this with you would be pretty nice. Or we could just talk if you'd rather."
"If you wanted to make the tea, we could sit and listen." Jinx offered, though she'd kind of been hoping Raven would have time to discover the musical that was her love on her own terms. She'd just have to be passive about the passing songs, regarding them as background noise while Raven connected point to point and drew her own conclusions.
The purple haired girl nodded and motioned for Jinx to enter. Her teapot was hovering in mid-air, unsupported save for the modest purple flame currently heating the underside to bring the liquid inside to a boil. Once the door was open she conjured a CD player from the ether, a handheld device housing the same inverted colouration of everything else created by her dark magics. "Here we are," Raven remarked as she took it into her spare hand.
Jinx watched as she put the CD into the player and smiled with anticipation as the music started up. Joan Je's rumbling, husky voice began to croon.

"I don't hardly know her,
But I think I could love her.
Crimson and Clover."

She knew already that Jet hadn't been the original singer, but it was her cover that spoke to Jinx the most, especially now. It felt like Jet was singing womean-to-woman, and it was kind of a diamond in the rough world of man-to-woman or visa versa love songs. Plus there was something about Raven's voice that had always conjured visions of Joan in her mind, not caring about their bad reputation.
Raven found herself flushing faintly as she caught the lyrics, and all at once she seemed to know solely why Jinx had chosen this song. It left a bashful smile on her face and in her growing pleasure she reached over and set his hand over Jinx's. "Jinx..." she said, feeling almost... humbled that a person would care so much for her. Sure she had friends, but no friendship could ever make her feel quite so intimately.

She leaned against her girlfriend as Joan's singing continued, backed by the instrumentals of the Blackhearts. She gave Jinx's hand a comfirting squeeze and continyed to savour every lyric on a level of what it meant for the two of them.
The whispering electric guitar faded and Jinx squeezed Raven's hand in reply and in anticipation of the next track. Another one of her favorites, and it occurred to her that Siouxsie Sioux was another one of those female singers with the deep, melodious rumble. Apparently that was her "thing" and she'd never realized it until she'd put all her feelings in a bucket and gave them to the plum-locked girl leaning against her.

"Face to face, my lovely foe.
Mouth to mouth, raining heaven's glow.
Hand on heart- tic, tac, toe.
Under the stars, naked as we flow."

It came to the lyric about being cheek to cheek, and Jinx realized how hot Raven's face actually was. She stroked her girlfriend's cheeks with the back of her hand in an attempt to cool them. "Are you okay?" She whispered closely.
"H-huh?" Jinx's words were enough to snap the pretty half-demon to attention, and she realized she had been zoning out while she listened, more focused on the lyrics than the world around her. "S-sorry, it's just... I don't think I ever had anyone express feelings for me quite like this. It's quite humbling, but also very... satisfying." How could she ever match this? She wasn't half as versed in music as Jinx was...

She smiled and nuzzled Jinx's hand and moved in a little closer to nuzzle the crook of her pale grey neck. "I don't know how to describe it but... This, all of it... it means so much to me." In truth she never thought anyone would ever make her feel quite like she did now.
Song after song drifted by, delving deeper into the kind of feelings Jinx had developed for the half-demon. By the time they reached Strangelove she seemed to be fluttering between ecstatic and aroused, smiling continuously as she rested against her girlfriend. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but... it just keeps getting better and better. Is something like this standard procedure in a relationship?"
"None that I've ever been in." Jinx muttered happily, resting on Raven as much as she was resting on her. "But they were all pretty stunted. Nothing as beautiful and flowering as this. I think... I think I'm happier now than I've ever been." And it was true. Although there had been quite a few things in Jinx's life that she enjoyed, this moment was one of the only few that made her happy and contented all the way to her core.
Eventually the CD came to an end, after the duo had listened to every track together. These days Raven didn't need to contain or censor her emotions quite as much, and given what she was feeling now... she was damn glad of it. She reached up and dabbed her eyes with the back of her wrist and eventually turned back to Jinx. "Do you want to... go get something to eat?" She asked, smiling fondly at her girlfriend.
She smiled and summoned her deep blue cloak around herself, the dark shade of her hood would be enough to conceal her face from prying eyes that would want to see her feelings. That was for Jinx alone. She peeled her curtains open and led Jinx out in another bubble of darkness, just as she had with Jinx on their first date. "So ah... a-anywhere in mind? I'm buying," the demoness offered.
"You bought last time!" Jinx laughed, playfully, gently pretending to slug Raven in the arm. "I can get it."

Jinx did have a little more money than she had when their relationship began, though not a whole lot. She had used some of it to get some better bed clothes for her room, though still not as nice as Raven's. She'd also picked up some heavy drapes to hid her new-ish dwelling from the sunlight in the mornings.
She shrugged "I just thought it was the least I could do, after you gave me such an amazing gift." But, ultimately, Raven knew that it was hard to dissuade Jinx once she had her mind set on something. "In that case, I'll at least let you pick where we eat." By that point Raven's bubble of dark energy had become suspended above the city in contempt of gravity. "So... where to?"
"I think I know it. My usual bookstore isn't too far from there, and I usually smell Italian food on the way out." It was a modest bookstore, as she had a preference for shopping away from prying eyes, and as a result she shopped at smaller, harder to find places. It didn't take long to reach the outside of the restaurant, much to the surprise of a few patrons on the front terrace. Raven reached down, fingers interlocking with Jinx's as she surveyed the place. "Belle Mangano... seems you were right," she said as she inspected to sign hanging over the main entrance.
Jinx sniffed the air, closed her eyes and smiled. "Somehow, old leather and Italian food is a winning combination. Who knew?"

They passed under the sign and a friendly-loking older guy was hanging around the front counter in a high, white apron reading a newspaper. He put the paper down when he saw them.

"Hey, ladies! What can I do for you? A table? A booth?" He laid the paper aside and took two collections of silverwear.
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