Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

(I am sooo sorry this took so long. I totally thought I was waiting for you to reply. I'll be more careful in the future)

"Good," Jinx smiled. "I feel like we're both going to have to learn quickly." She took a deep breath; images of her own mother came to mind. She had shared bits and pieces of her own story, but had kept a lot of it to herself as a result of Raven's own family drama far out-shadowing her own. "I know one thing for sure. Whether he or she learns early or late, we won't give up on her."
"That's for sure," Raven replied. But, anyone who knew Raven likely already knew that there was nothing that could dissuade her once she'd set herself on a proper course of action. By the time they finished their meal, Raven sighed i relief and gave her flat stomach a light pat. "Oh man... Gotta remember to come back here in the future..."
Raven shrugged "Well, the downsides of right now are going to be small time compared to what we get from the end result." Her arm linked around Jinx's shoulders, and she was soon guiding her girlfriend out once the bill had been paid. "At any rate I'm glad you're excited. A lot of people would be pretty nervous in your position."
"Oh, I am terrified." Jinx admitted with no small amount of emphasis. "And I think it's only going to get worse as the due date gets closer. But I've committed myself to having this baby. It wouldn't be fair to you, or it now, to get cold feet and back-out."

There were days in which Jinx woke and lay in bed, thinking about running. Running away from all of it. But these thoughts were only the fleeting tails of nightmares and didn't last long. She loved Raven, and wanted something that would bond them forever. Something that she could love and nurture, to teach what she knew, and thinking on this dispelled the fear for quite a while.
"Well, that's natural too. And in all honesty we're in a different position to most other couples since, you know, our child is going to have a mix of your luck magic, and my dark magic." From what she recalled of her own infancy, vague as the memories were, magic could be... dangerous and unpredictable in a babies hands. Raven raised her other hand and summoned up their usual bubble of darkness.

Up they went, set to make the transit home. "But, well, I've taken the time to buy just about every child-rearing book I can get my hands on. We won't be totally helpless."
Jinx couldn't help but laugh. She hadn't done any reading on the subject of children. For some reason, taking other people's advice who knew nothing of her, Raven or magic just didn't seem reasonable. But of course Raven would read. "I bet they all had different approaches to child-rearing, right?"
"Unfortunately," Raven admitted with a modest sigh. "If there was unified guaranteed method, well I suppose that would solve a lot of problems." She didn't dwell on it however, and soon brought them to land safelt on the roof of the tower. "I had a pretty good time tonight," she admitted, gently taking both of Jinx's hands into her own. "And... I hope you did too," the purple-haired demon said.
"Me? Fun? Well clearly you're delusional," she joked as she followed Jinx's lead. Still, it was refreshing to have a person think so highly of her. Though Raven would still doubt she was fun by most conventional definitions. Once they had reached the living quarters of the T-shaped tower she gave a sigh "Well, shall we relax?"
"Let's do." Jinx replied, flopping herself down, a little more gently than usual, on the tough sofa they shared with the other titans. There was a little lump beneath where she was lying. She reached beneath and pulled up the TV remote and a corn chip. "Hey look," she laughed. "someone left us a snack. How thoughtful."
"Well it wasn't me," Raven replied, smiling deceptively to the pinkette. She took the time to lean into her girlfriends side, a slender arm lazily drooping around Jinx's hips. "Oh well, at least we're cozy again. You make for a hell of a pillow," she playfully remarked, grinning briefly at her girlfriend. Jinx had gotten pretty good at reeling out Raven's normally more dormant emotions, happiness in particular.
"Oh you.... you always were a glib one," the pink-haired witch was able to always say just what Raven wanted to hear. A heaviness dawned on her eyelids, the weight making her vision swim as a tiredness crept through her trim and athletic frame. "Feeling kind of tired... wanna get some sleep now?" After all, Raven figured that Jinx's pregnancy would make her tired quicker.
"Mm. My room doesn't exactly feel child friendly now that I think about it..." And as she thought about that, Raven mused that she would need to augment her personality to be more motherly (fatherly?) when the time came. Raven slid her hand into Jinx's, smiling in a tame, conserved manner. "Lead on."
Jinx danced her way into her bedroom, now more decorated to suit her style. It looked a little similar to Ravens, but was ultimately a brighter color scheme, with magenta and plum, accented in black. She kicked off her shoes and bra, rolling off her clothes and pulling on a long night shirt that covered her ever-expanding bump.

"I was kind of thinking about that last night as I was falling asleep." She yawned, crawling a little awkwardly into bed. "Do you think we should stay here when the baby's born, or get some place else? I mean, I like this place, and the titans are great... there's a sentence I don't thing I would've said a year ago... but it's kind of, I don't know, chaotic for a baby. You think?"
Once inside Jinx's room, Raven's own attire changed in a shimmy of black magic that left her clad only in her navy undergarments. Since it was just the two of them, and since she could change clothing at a thought, she didn't mind being scantily clad for the night. "You do make a good point," Raven admitted, making her way onto the bed until she was nestled into Jinx's side. "Problem is, I don't know if it'd be more secure to raise a kid in the tower, or outside it."
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