Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

"Hm? No no. It just feels... new. And a little sensitive," the sorceress explained. She had experimented with this in the past, of course solely to make sure it was safe, and had no issues with it. Raven smiled faintly and let Jinx's digits explore at her leisure, watching her all the while. "It's alright, it's safe to touch," Raven explained, then letting off a small sigh of relaxation when Jinx's fingers got to exploring.
Tentatively, Jinx reached out her hand and took a gentle grasp on the freshly formed member. She stroked the shaft, caressing and rubbing it the way she would think to do if Raven had been born a man. "How's this?" She asked, a little nervously. The think in her hand was like some new endangered creature that hadn't been there before, and it was hard to treat it as "natural". But if it gave Raven some pleasure, so she did her best with it.
"P-pretty good," Raven replied. Jinx's hands were quite smooth to the touch, which she had become familiar enough with, though those same hands exploring this new organ did add a slight layer of unfamiliarity to the while thing. Her hand roamed down until her slim fingers were slowly stroking through her flowing pink hair. "You alright?" she asked.
"A little," Raven replied with a breathless laugh, feeling the pleasure making waves through her curvy body, her hungry eyes continuing to appraise Jinx as she worked. No doubt this was new, but Raven felt that magic and sex had a lot of potential when working in tandem. "S-so..." Raven said "Shall we get to the main event? You don't need to worry about protection," A wave of her usual darkness ran over her cock forming an outer layer of sorts. "I can handle that part."
An almost insane grin overtook Jinx's face. "Can you get me pregnant? Is that a thing you can really do?" She pulled her underwear down from the hem of her dress and kicked them away, leaving the sock untugged, as Raven had liked. "I almost want to see what they'd look like." She laughed, pulling the button free at her collar and letting the dress slep to her collar.
Raven shrugged "I'm not sure. The book never specified, but I imagine that there's a distinct possibility." Though now she was curious, and Jinx did raise an interesting idea. If they did have kids what would they look like? Or better yet, how would their abilities interface. She hummed and slowly stroked her hands along the outside of Jinx's thighs. "Do you... want to find out?" She wasn't entirely turned off by the idea, but as was so often the case she was having trouble telling if Jinx was being playful or serious.
Jinx couldn't keep the laughter back anymore. "I... I don't know. You're gonna think it's stupid but... I'm really curious, and I can't poke any holes in it." She thought a little while about it and the laughter subsided. "If we did, and I couldn't fight criminals for a while, would the rest kick me out?" She smile faded gradually as she asked the question. The former felon wasn't sure where she'd go, pregnant and homeless.
"Of course not," Raven replied. "We wouldn't exactly be heroic if we kicked someone out for being pregnant. And on the offchance that someone did give us trouble." She smiled faintly, a web of darkness rising up her arm before morphing into a long blade protruding from her hand. It vanished just as quickly. "I'd be sure to sort them out." It seemed everyone on the team was more than fine with Jinx, particularly since her current relationship was enough to keep Raven's spirits high.
Jinx chuckled into her hand, more assured than she had been. While her powers were pretty strong, she was not an imposing figure. Raven could be, and somehow that was one of her most attractive qualities. This demon force that could be just as kind and loving as she could be cruel and unforgiving.

"What the hell!" She shrugged her shoulders into the soft bedding and beamed up into her girlfriend's beautiful glimmering eyes. "Let's throw caution to the wind and let the rose petals land where they may."
"That's what I like about you. So daring," Raven said. "Well, one reason why," she added a moment after. Once her girlfriend laid back on the bed she spent a few seconds examining the pinkette. After gathering her own courage she pushed in and gave a low moan, the thick head of her cock parting Jinx's lips until the pressure and slickness worked in tandem to let Raven slowly push her way inside her core.
In some regards Raven noted that there were some distinct similarities between this, and the sensations she felt when she had taken up that arcane dildo. She gave a heated groan, feeling heat and pressure tightly gripping her steadily advancing shaft until more low moans were easing out of her mouth. "This... feels pretty great actually..." she murmured, strong fingers stroking the globes of Jinx's backside.
"As if there was ever any doubt," the half-demon replied, her tone low with the pleasure rocking her. She maintained her bucking motions, sawing her hips too and fro and gaining speed as she felt Jinx reshape to fit her. "Fuck... feel like I'm... gonna pop..." Raven said in between quick gulps of air.
They were really doing this... it still stunned her a bit to think such was the case, but she wouldn't say no to it. Something about the whole thing was rather thrilling. She gave a sharp groan and plunged her whole cock into Jinx's soaked womanhood, sealing the two together while thick splatters of her cum raced into her. The volume was quite impressive, moans sliding past Raven's lips as more pulses of seed steadily filled her girlfriend.
"Well... good thing you let it down for the night," Raven teased. She slowly caught her breath, sweat slick on her grey flesh before she slowly slid her member from that soaking interior. After a moment she laid down beside the pinkette, giving her cheek a quick kiss, teasing at her jawline in the process. "Mm... You got me pretty damn excited... we should probably try using this thing again in the future... but for now, I suppose I'll give my cock a rest."
"Laugh it up," the goth replied, before adding a chuckle to the tail end of her sentence. A flash of blackness shot from her hand, and just as quickly as it appeared her cock had vanished. She gave a small sigh, and soon Raven was settling her hands behind her head, eyes closed. "You really do bring out my perverted side... I'll be frank though, I'm starting to like it. You're pretty damn addictive," Raven said.
"Surprisingly it's not very popular at family gatherings," Raven sarcastically replied. She welcomed Jinx's embrace, eyes closed gently as a rocking pleasure rolled through her. Not the kind of primal lust from earlier, but a more calming delight that sent shivers through her. Before she knew it, it seemed to be enough to leave her fast asleep while in the embrace of her girlfriend.
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