Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

A few months passed by without incident, though there seemed quite a bit of chatter when it became clear Jinx was pregnant. Raven didn't go into detail as to HOW that had happened, but all that mattered to her was the fact that she was going to be a mother... father? But, well aware of the dangers that their lifestyle presented, she had spent today on a personal matter to try and resolve any potential issues.

It was the early evening when an inky blackness stretched over her floor like a long shadow. And from that pitch Raven's hooded body emerged, a sigh leaving her as she appraised the silver bracelet in her hands, marked by a few strange runes. She nodded and made her way from her room, deciding to head down to Jinx's room. She just had a hope the pinkette was around.
Jinx was reclining on her bed, struggling just a little to paint her toenails. She hadn't done it in quite a long while, and hadn't really observed an interest in doing so, until she realized she wouldn't be able to do it herself once she was farther along. Something about that jarred her into painting them before it was "too late". The violet color she applied reminded her a little of Raven's eyes. She hoped whatever child they were concieving might have eyes the same color.

She often wondered how much demon and Azarathian would show through in their baby. Would it have a few more than two eyes? Would it even have powers? All these in addition to the normal questions pregnant women must ask themselves, she figured. But she wasn't terribly stressed by the idea. She felt that, between she and Raven, the job might be a bit easier.
"Ah, there you are," Raven said, opening the door and peering at the pinkette inside. Raven smiled at the sight of Jinx fixing her nails up and proceeded into their room, handing her the silver bracelet. "I had to go through a lot to find this thing, but it'll be worth it. It's an enchanted bracelet. If it senses something coming toward you that could potentially hurt you, then it'll create a force field to protect you."

Catching it had been the real trouble, but if it was to keep her girlfriend and baby mama safe... "I figure it'll be handy once you're further along. Do you need a hand with anything?"
"Oh, that's really cool." She took up the bracelet from Raven and examined it. And while it wasn't quite fashionable, it had a lot of personality and function. Putting it on, she felt an electric tingle surge up her arm. Her muscles twitched a little in response. "I'm sure it'll be really helpful, thank you." She leaned up and kissed Raven. "And I don't think I need anything at the moment, but after I finish these last couple toes, do you want to get some dinner?"

She'd found that her appetite had waned, but was expected to grow over the next few months. But at present, she hadn't eaten anything all day and was finally hungry enough to go out.
The goth tilted her head a bit before giving Jinx a smile. "Anything to keep you safe," she replied. Raven had few people in her life she considered all that close to her, but those that were... Raven certainly worked tirelessly to keep them safe. "I could eat," Raven replied, giving the future mother of her child a quick smile. "Where do you want to go? I'll pay this time," Raven replied, already making a psychic reach for her wallet.
"We can finally hit that seafood place." She offered, fanning her toenails before standing. As much as she wasn't a fan of flip-flops or thong sandals, she did have a pair of wooden Kabo she liked, and a kimono dress that looked nice with them. She slipped her nightgown over her head, put on a bra and slipped the kimono dress, printed with light purple flowers on a dark purple background, over it. It tied at the side, though she knew she wouldn't be able to wear it for long either. The time was coming to consider some maternity clothes. The pinkette dreaded the thought, but hoped there might be something in her taste out there. Finally, she slid a silver pin with an amethyst beat into her hair and stood before her girlfriend. "How do I look?" She laughed.
Raven had stood by, watching her girlfriend as she dressed herself in something breezy and silky, a look that suited her perfectly. "Wow..." Raven murmured, only blinking to attention when she heard Jinx's question. "You look amazing, as ever" the goth remarked, giving Jinx a quick smile. Still, now the half-demon sorceress was feeling a little underdressed when compared to her girlfriend.

"Should I... put on something fancy too?" Raven asked. "I have some ideas."
"Fancy?" Jinx considered her outfit pretty casual, though when she thought about the super-hero quality of what Raven usually wore, she though perhaps she understood. "I'd love to see you dressed up. What did you have in mind?" She was unquenchably curious, and couldn't wait to see what Raven came up with.
"Hm... well..." A black plume of light washed over her, like a swarm of unseen creatures reshaping her clothing into something a little more.. personable. A dark dress that stopped just at the knee, a neckline that showed a bit of cleavage and her grey shoulderblades. Her belt was much the same, golden rings with a ruby lodged in each ring. "I don't really do heels," Raven said, pointing to her flat soled shoes. "But, beyond that, I have kind of been wanting to try this outfit out."
Jinx beamed at her. "You look gorgeous!" She took a few steps forward, closing the gap between the two of them. "How do you feel?" She thought it sounded like a weird question when she said it aloud, but once it was out, it was out. And she really was dying to know what this change of clothing could do for Raven.
"A little... odd. But it's in a good way. I've spent a lot of time in continuous routines... trying new things is actually something I'm getting used to." But of course, Raven knew full well there would be a lot of things she'd have to adjust to in the coming weeks and months. She smiled and looped an arm around her girlfriend's shoulders, her free hand seething with ripples of dark energy. "Wanna take a ride in the bubble again?"
"Sounds good to me." Jinx smiled, standing closer and looping an arm around Raven's waist as well. "I'm starting to think it's the safest way to travel." She could recall only a few months ago when it seemed terrifying. She'd settled into the idea that the bubble was stable and steady enough to stand firmly on without it breaking.
"I should probably learn to drive at some point.... not that we can drive a car from the island..." she mused. Darkness wrapped around their entwined bodies, phasing them then through the nearest wall. They drifted along in contempt of gravity, leading them along toward the main body of the urban sprawl. Raven smiled briefly at her beau. "You know, I'm starting to think you like flying this way since you get to squeeze into me."
The witch giggled a little and leaned in a little closer. "It's not like I have to wait for the bubble to do that." She kissed the pale grey cheek and stood upright again, resting a hand on her belly and looking out over the sunset painted sea.

"Do you ever wonder..." She began, before shaking her head and smiling. "Do you ever wonder how we're going to explain magic to this child? I mean, I'm really not sure what your first exposure was to it, but I imagine it was pretty casual use on Azarath. The first time I made some sparks, my mom was ready to ship me off to Area 51." The smile dropped away from her face, and she closed her eyes. "At least if they can use magic, they'll have parents who understand and can teach them... and wom't make them feel... y'know."
Raven frowned. "It's true that it wasn't a big deal where I'm from... but people were afraid of me for other reasons," Raven explained. And having known her father on a personal level, she couldn't really blame the reaction of the people who had spurned her. "But... well between me and you, and the rest of the Titans... that kid is going to be pretty lucky," the attractive goth said, smiling warmly at the mental image.

Just as they were lowering down over the urban sprawl she gave a modest chuckle. "You know how giddy Starfire is. She's the best possible aunt a kid could have... and I'd hate to see what she'd do to anyone who'd even think of giving our kid trouble."
Jinx's cheeks flushed a little. "You're right. All the other titans have been so accepting of the idea already. Even after the shock of... well, of a woman getting another woman pregnant." She chuckled, taking one of Raven's hands. "All you had to say was, it's magic stuff, and everyone was like, 'oh, okay'."
"Well it was technically true," Raven replied "And it sounds more believable than 'I used magic to grow a cock and fucked Jinx pregnant with it'" she remarked, a coy note to her normally dusky voice. They touched down on the street just across from the restaurant her girlfriend had referenced earlier. "Just over here," Raven remarked. She hummed and looped her arm around Jinx's "Here's hoping we don't need a reservation."
"We shouldn't." The two of them walked toward the resteraunt. She'd popped in a few times before her relationship with Raven had began, but had never with anyone and could secure a seat at the counter.

The place was set up a little like a diner, but a little more put-together. There were real plates and glasses, and not the paper boats you saw at a lot of food shacks on the board walk. They found a table and sat before a waitress came over and took their order.
Raven never usually went for these kinds of places, but for Jinx she'd do just about anything. She placed a quick order for the salmon and reclined in her seat, her hand stretched over the table to lightly grip Jinx's own digits. "I'm not normally one for formal places, but for you... well, anywhere is perfect," the attractive demoness cooed, a modest smile managing to form on her pretty face.
Jinx's heart filled with warmth as she saw her beloved smile. When they were around others, even the titans, it was a rare occurrence. But it flattered her quietly that she could bring the demoness such happiness. "That means a lot. And it means a lot that you'd get dressed up for me too. I feelso lucky to have you."
Raven couldn't help but broaden her smile just a fraction as she heard that. "Oh you," she replied, giving a small snicker as she heard this. It didn't take much longer for their meals to arrive, and once their food arrived Raven began to eat slowly and steadily, taking the time to savour this meal. Good food and great company, it was something that Raven planned on enjoying as best she could.
"It's crazy to think of being somebody's mother." Jinx said, seemingly out of no where, her fork half-way between her plate and her mouth. "Does it ever... y'know, scare you?" She wasn't sure what was making her vocalize all this now. Probably that it was the first time she'd ever felt physically different since she'd been pregnant and it was starting to change the way she did things.
"I'll admit, that... I feel a little nervous..." Raven shrugged, trying to keep her worries from becoming too vocalized. She was supportive of course, but she was afraid to make Jinx think she was afraid or getting cold feet. "I mean... I was kind of born to be an Antichrist. And I'm a little worried that my own kid might get wrapped in some horrible prophecy too. But ultimately I brush those worries aside and focus on the positives."
Jinx forced herself to smile reassuringly, though she had wondered the same thing. Trigon didn't seem to be a problem anymore, and she was fairly sure he wouldn't be in the picture for his "grandchild", but there was always that slim chance. And even if he never reared his ugly head again, there was still the part of this child that would be a demon. It would perhaps be small, but people would plow it out of proportion when they found out.
"There's a risk to everything, particularly in having kids. Ours might have some more risks to it, but... well you and I can meet and overcome any challenge," Jinx said, feeling just a little boastful. There hadn't been any villain yet that could outmatch their combined abilities. Raven smiled and shrugged "Lucky for you, I'm a fast learner."
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