Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

"Uuuuh.... let's go for a booth," Raven remarked. It was a little more private than an open table, and pictures of them were less likely to worm onto social media as a result. The owner was more than happy to give the two heroines a spot, and soon Raven found her back sinking into the plush leather seating of one bench. "So," Raven remarked, taking up a menu as she did so. "You may have already guessed that I'm a little new to 'going out'," she explained, giving Jinx a modest smile. "But for you, I think I could learn."
Raven shrugged "Even if I was, most anyone would appear like a shut-in around Starfire anyway," she mused. With her free hand she raised her menu and spent several seconds weighing her options. She sorely regretted never learning anything on Italian cuisine, feeling just a little bit lost on some of the names. "I suppose I'll have the... Calzone," she mused. She'd seen Cyborg devour several in the past. Couldn't be too bad in that case.
"Good choice." Jinx smiled, listening to Raven spill out the word. She looked over her own menu and decided she'd have the spicy pasta. Maybe she'd regret it if they decided to kiss later, but it sounded the best thing on the menu.

When the waitress arrived to take their orders, Jinx asked for the spicy pasta and an iced tea.
Raven was quick to give her own order, and once the two were left to their own devices she gave a small sigh. "Sorry. I'm a little nervous," She admitted. "Usually things don't turn out too well for me. I'm worried mainly that I'll somehow screw this up. Especially since you're already eclipsed me in the skill department." Smiling faintly she managed to look Jinx in her pink feline eyes. "But, I'm going to keep learning and improving until I know the ins and outs of being a girlfriend."
"There'll be a test at the end of term." Jinx did her best impersonation of a teacher, waggling her finger, though she couldn't keep the charade together when she looked at Raven's expression and laughed. "You're already a fabulous girlfriend, because I've always liked you the way you were. And la magique du boudoir, whooo!"
"Now I only wish I knew more French," she joked. It didn't take long for their meals to arrive, and soon she expressed her delight by cutting the calzone in half, letting the steam rise up while cheese seemed to steadily drip outward. She took a sip of the freshly squeezed juice she had ordered, using that to wet her mouth a bit. "Still... I think we could have a little bit of fun when we get back to the Tower..."
While Raven was a stranger to this kind of food, she found that she ultimately quite liked the food. This place was a little out of the way, but it seemed skilled cooking gave them a loyal clientele strong enough to keep comfortably afloat. Once they were done she laid back, recalling that Jinx wanted to pay for the date. "Thank you for this. I really should have come here sooner, this was lovely."
"Next time, I'm paying," Raven said firmly, setting the agreement in stone as far as she was concerned. She stood, smiling in her faint manner, and took Jinx's hand in her own. "Well let's head back. It's probably cold outside by now." And, just as she had said, there was a chill on the street by the time they emerged, the sun having fully set just a few minutes ago. Another bubble of darkness wrapped around them, set to take the duo back to the tower.
From the warmth of the cozy restaurant, Jinx was stricken by the cold and shivered. Raven had been right, though it came as no surprise. She shivered just a little before the strangely warm and comfortable bubble of darkness enveloped them and lifted them skyward. Jinx stood close and put an arm around her trim waist, feeling the subtle rise and fall of her stomach as she breathed.
"Heh. Cold, I take it?" Raven inquired. Any chill she may have felt was often undercut by her heritage, making her abnormally warm. She smiled at the pinkette and made for her window on the face of the tower, finding that it slid open to allow her access with just a thought. Once inside Raven undid the bubble of darkness and telekinetically closed the window with a modest shift of her skilled hand.

"There we are." After a moment she flicked her hood down and shook her purple locks loose. "Shall we get comfy here tonight? Then again I haven't seen much of your room since you moved in here..."
"There's not much to see yet." Jinx admitted with a shruf. "All I've done is put up some curtains and get some different bedding. It's kind of cheap stuff, but it's not as... y'know, scratchy as the stuff I had." As if to emphasize her point, she flopped down spread-eagle on Raven's bed. "We can check it out if you'd like, but I think you'll be disappointed.
"Those rooms were never really intended for long term use, I'll admit. If you need a hand, I'd be more than happy to chip to some money in on new furnishings," Raven said. It seemed it would be a small way to thank the pinkette for all she had done for her since they started dating. After hanging up her cloak, Raven flopped down beside Jinx and gave her the once over. "There's one thing I'm curious about," she admitted. "I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair down."
Jinx chuckled and sat up, reaching a hand to caress one of the sweeping horn-like swings of pink hair. "Yeah, it's kind of a pain in the ass, but I've gotten so used to wearing it this way, it's almost instinctual. " She tugged at one of the black bands curled around the section and it fell away. As though through muscle memory, her hair hung in suspended shape before falling in a heap to the side of her neck. She repeated the action and had two unbound pigtails. "I think I'd have to get it wet before you could really see a difference." She added.
Despite Jinx's claims, Raven found her mouth watering a little as she inspected Jinx with her hair down. Some girls could pull the look off spectacularly, like Starfire and her sister, and it seemed Jinx was no exception. Raven had often thought about growing her own out, but often that would dig up some unpleasant memories on her end. "You look really good like that," she blurted without thinking, seeming a little awestruck at seeing Jinx 'au naturel' so to speak.
Jinx beamed, running her painted fingernails through her hair and straightening it a little. It separated from it's pigtail-look and fell into more natural folds behind her, looking more shoulder length. "I've wondered if I should do something else with it. You know, new alignment, new look? But I... I'm hard to change."

The sentiment was about a little more than hair, though the gods knew she'd been trying. She'd still had urges. Whenever she saw hapless people walking around ladders, beautiful black scats streaking across people's paths, even the sound of breaking glass was like some kind of aphrodisiac in the way it filled her with the lusting need to creat bad luck and misfortune.
Raven shrugged. "Changing your morality is about the only change that really matters," she admitted. "And your style is pretty great already." Granted a lot of people would still likely attach that look to her villainess days, but it was the look that Jinx was clearly fond of. She leaned in slowly and gave the side of her pale grey neck a few quick kisses and nibbles, letting her slim fingers stroke freely through those silky pink locks.
It felt to Raven that it was getting harder and harder to contain herself around the pinkette, everything about Jinx being able to excite and entice her. She moaned hotly against the hands caressing her strong back, feeling her breath hitch in her throat. "I'm no expert on dating, or relationships... but hopefully this will be a good way to express how everything you've done today has made me feel." Their lips met and Raven found herself pinning Jinx to the bed, their bosoms pressed tight together in that heated exchange.
By this point Raven had had enough encounters with Jinx to have a fair notion on what she liked. In particular when it came to simple foreplay, though she had been reading up on more intimate acts. "Hey, Jinx," she said, stopping only briefly to look at those pink feline eyes. "You've been with... guys, right? It's just that... there's a spell I've wanted to try that would temporarily give me some of those 'parts' and I... wanted to know if you'd be okay experimenting with it."
Raven hummed. Jinx seemed a little uncertain about the idea, but had not outright said no. Perhaps it was something Raven needed to demonstrate? "Here, I'll show you." Her leotard and gems vanished in a plume of black smoke, and after a brief incantation she let out a grunt as a long and veiny grey cock abruptly flashed into existence on her groin, standing erect and seeming to look almost natural with how it merged with the goth, as did the two heavy balls beneath the base of the shaft.

She gave a low sigh and felt the exertion fade, before looking Jinx in the eye. "This is what I had in mind, but... I care a lot about you Jinx, so I wouldn't want to do anything if it made you uncomfortable."
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