Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

The whisper made her smile. It was more manners than she usually got around here, where people were so quick to barge in on her reading. "Not particularly," Raven replied, telekinetically closing the book and giving Jinx a once over. "A parasol on a sunny day like today? Seems are tastes are even more similar than I thought." Even if Jinx was more of a perky goth to Raven's dour demeanour.

"Everything okay?" Raven asked, moving out of her floating meditative position, and into a more relaxed standing position. She had to admit, after last night Raven was a little more curious to get to know her. And indeed, she would admit that she found Jinx to be quite cute.
"I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk along the pier? Maybe, I dunno, get some ice cream?" She offered an inviting smile and holding the parasol out a little more so that they both might fit under it. The sunlight was doing wonderful things to the half-demon's locks, and Jinx took a few mental notes for possible sketches later. Ponies weren't the only thing she could draw.
Raven shrugged. "I don't see the harm in that." She was loathe to admit it, but the half-demon did have a bit of a sweet tooth, and she could do with killing the time. A bubble of darkness wrapped around the two, floating them up off the roof and over the sea. Her book vanished in a similar flicker of darkness, sending it back to her room for the time being, away from any prying eyes.

"You have money on hand? I don't mind paying," Raven replied, sliding a small wallet out from some of the gemstones of her belt. Purses weren't much her thing, usually those were to Starfire's taste.
Jinx knew that Raven flew, but hadn't expected her to be able to hover them both down from the tower and across to the peer. It was an adjustment, though she found the bubble of darkness surprisingly steady and standing wasn't much of an issue. The watched them descend through the darkened surface, like a tinted window.

"Oh, I do have a little money on me. I figured it was enough to get us each a cone or something." She had a sly grin when she turned her hread and tilted it, giving an uneven level to her tufts of hair. "So is butterscotch your favorite flavor and pony?" She mused.
"I'm not that predictable," she curtly replied. She had a growing like for the well-maintained 'horns' of Jinx's pink locks, and she was growing increasingly curious to know what she looked like with her hair down. "For me, when it comes to ice cream, I fall back on chocolate or cherry. Suits me down to the ground... and I happen to know a good vendor." The bubble of darkness dispersed once they touched the wooden walkway overlooking the waves cresting the shore.

"Just along this way," Raven said, leading her new comrade along. "Nice day today. But you probably already know I'm not much of a sunlight person."
Jinx wiggled the parasol emphatically and held it between them. "Chocolate and cherry are both pretty great. But I love bubble gum or sherbet." She placed a hand near her stomach at the thought of it. "There used to be a diner a few blocks from where I lived with my mom, and you could get a sherbet and 7up float. Best drink ever!" She glanced around, noting the pier was kind of bustling for a week day afternoon.
"Is that so?" Raven replied. It sounded silly to say it, but Raven had never really thought of Jinx having a mom. But then again thinking on criminals and their families would make the hero job a bit on the awkward side. "Shame it's not around anymore, it sounded pretty good..." Eventually they reached a vendor, at which point Raven bought a cherry cone for herself, and went the extra mile by getting Jinx a double scoop of bubblegum and sherbet.

Both cones floated in the air, held aloft by Raven's dark magic, but the seller seemed undeterred so long as he got his money. "Here," Raven said as she floated Jinx's a little closer. She smiled gently "Can't get you a float, but I figured this'd be just as good."
Jinx's eyes lit up and her lips parted a little before she smiled brightly. Taking the cone gingerly, she tasted it. "You didn't have to do that. I was goonna treat you!" A tinge of pink played beneath the artificial blush she wore. "You know, for... for being so nice to me the other night." While it was true that they'd kind of bonded over Pretty Pretty Pegasus, it really had more to do with being able to show Raven her creative side, and never feeling judged.
Raven shrugged "Don't sweat it. You could consider it my way of apologizing for being so harsh to judge you when you first joined up." She took a few small licks, and tried her best not to let her giddiness play on her face. it had been far too long since she got to enjoy something sweet. "You mind me asking something a little personal?" Raven asked. "Why did you decide to switch sides?" she added a moment after.
The small points of pink had grown into red streaks. She stopped mid-lick and put her little pink tongue away, clearing her throat before answering. "Well, a lot of it had to do with respect; respect that I wasn't getting from myself or others. I guess the other half of it was, I couldn't trust anyone and it got to the point I felt like I had to do everything on my own and it was just... overwhelming." She sighed and smiled ruefully. "I hope you weren't expecting a reason with higher moral fiber?"
"Part of me had hoped that'd be the case," Raven said casually. She took another quick lick and savoured the coolness as it seeped down her throat. "But either way, having bad luck working for us than against us is always a good thing." The sun showed no sign of letting up, and thus Raven rested by one seaside railing to take in some coolness from the sea breeze. "You might think I'm weird for saying this, but fighting you in the past was always a little odd. I mean you were a villain, but at the same time I thought you were really attractive too. It was a conflicting feeling."
"What?" Jinx laughed, completely caught off guard by the open admission of affection from the half demon. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh, I just wasn't expecting that." She calmed herself down and busied herself with the ice cream cone. "Actually, I always thought you were... Well you were always attractive for different reasons."

She retained the blush of red streaks and turned away for a moment to try and compose herself. "I wanted to fight you. I was always so... enveloped in your power and your confidence that fighting you made me feel... powerful and confident too." She turned back to face her again. "I'm sure that sounds really dumb. But I've kind of always felt that way."
"By all means, do go on, I appreciate a good ego stroking," Raven joked. She settled an elbow on the railing, smiling faintly at the thought that Jinx was quite so into her. She smiled at that. Their powers had often interacted oddly with each other, Jinx's probability alteration being something that could warp and distend Raven's dark magic. "That's actually rather reassuring... though don't tell Star. She'll try and smoosh us together."
She felt Jinx's gaze, and wound up warming beneath it. Something about the young witch watching her like that...

Raven gave her a modest smile and then finished off the last of her cone with only a few precise licks. "Being perfectly honest, I've never um... been in a proper relationship before." The last time she came close it was with an evil book demon trying to manipulate her, so it had naturally soured her perceptions a bit. "But... if I'm being honest, I don't think I'd be against the idea of dating you."
"You weeb," Raven replied. While Jinx's lips carried a bit of a chill to them, the sugary scent was more than enough to make up for it. She took a few bites of the cone and finished it casually, before cleaning her mouth with a quick flicker of dark magic. "But, well, we could always try... dating." She'd been attracted to girls in the past, had known some very attractive ones at that, and Jinx had her hook line and sinker.
Jinx chuckled at the term coming out of her mouth. It was like hearing someone who was older try and talk about it, though she could also associate Raven with current culture. "I'd like to try it. Dating, I mean."

She said finally. She hadn't really had a real relationship; a passing glance between herself and Stone, a flirtation with Kid Flash, and a lot of creepy vibes from the H.I.V.E Fivers were all the "relationship" experience she'd had.
"Cool... although, let's keep this private just for now. The news'd make Garfield drool, and Star would make a big deal of it," and both of those things would be quite awkward for a budding relationship. Then, seeing how Jinx was cool with the idea, Raven set her hands on Jinx's shoulders and kissed her. Short and fleeting, gentle. Nothing too intense for a first kiss shared between them, but the lingering tingles of sugar did add quite a bit to the experience...
Jinx, having been introduced to him as Beast Boy, was about to ask who Garfield was, when Raven kissed her and she realized she didn't care anymore. The kiss tasted like sweet cherries and was beautifully brief. Most men wanted to kiss forever and sucked the life out of her. This was simple and sweet and she hoped it would be the first milestone on a long path together.
Raven, while her face remained stoic as it usually was, was now sporting a light scarlet hue to her previously grey cheeks. "It's been a while since I even kissed someone else," the demon sorceress remarked with some embarrassment. She settled an arm around Jinx's shoulders, and felt a smile as it ghosted onto her lips. "Well... shall we um... we could always return to the tower, or ah... walk together, a little longer."
"Lucky for you, you've got pretty eyes," Raven teased. She settled into a walk with her new... well, she supposed girlfriend now. Along the way she had a good look at the horizon, and was able to see the sun steadily ebbing away. "You have to admit, the scenery here is pretty nice... it's one of the reasons I decided to hang around Jump City when I first came to earth," Raven explained, giving a small chuckle.
"It is beautiful... most of the time. But I've always been really curious," She began, turning her face up toward Raven. "Where were you before you lived here on Earth? Another planet? Or Dimension?"

She didn't want to pry too much with this being their first date, but she thought perhaps if Raven trusted her enough to date her, then maybe it was worth asking. She'd caught glimpses of her extra-terrestrial travels through things others had said; like Robin pointing out that she and Starfire were not from Earth. Little things like that had perked her interest, and while Starfire was more than willing to talk about Tamaran, Raven had been more reticent to talk about anything. It left a lot to the imagination.
"Another dimension," Raven confirmed. "It was not a... happy place. Least of all for me. I had my mother's love, but considering my father was a dimension conquering demon, it didn't leave a lot of room for making friends." She supposed there was little harm in bringing it up. The rest of the team knew, so it was only fitting for Jinx to know too. Beyond that, her dad wouldn't be bugging her any time soon.

"I've had my whole life to come to terms with knowing who I am... I'm still not really welcome back home, except by my mom... but I like here just fine," Raven concluded. After all, she had plenty here to be glad of.
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