Curses! Foils again! (Applepoisoneer - MellowYellow)

Jinx quietly pondered the brief overview of Raven's past, noting that it was, in a small way, similar to her own. Her father wasn't a dimensional conquer, or a literal destroyer of worlds, but he was still pretty dispicable by human standards. "Wow," she mused quietly. "you're pretty well-adjusted, all things considered." She smiled faintly and gave Raven another tender kiss on the cheek.
"Why do you think I meditate as often as I do?" Raven replied. She leaned in a little closer and welcomed Jinx's silky lips on her cheek, a timid smile touching on her lips. "At any rate, it's not something you need to worry about. My dad's out of the picture." She hummed and turned her gaze over the railing, looking to the shadow of the tower. "You want to head back?" Raven offered, holding a hand out to the witch.
Another bubble of darkness wrapped around them, hoisting both young women into the air and then carrying them off across the body of the sea. Getting back to the roof was a quick enough process, and they touched down without turbulence. After the darkness dispersed, Raven glanced to her girlfriend. "So uh... you want to... come to my room later? We could watch some stuff." She felt awkward asking it, but she was hoping to get just that bit closer to Jinx.
"Yeah, that sounds great." Jinx said mildly, letting her body adjust to being on solid ground agiain. "I've missed a big chunk of this last season of Pretty Pretty Pegasus." She snorted a little laugh. "Running from the law doesn't leave much time for TV, usually." She stretched and folded her arms behind her head. "But I guess I don't have to worry about that anymore."
"You missed the last season?!" Raven said, her normally stoic mask slipping away in a rare display of shock. She paused, recomposed herself and cleared her throat. "V-very well... I know what to have lined up for tonight then." The purple-haired goth gave Jinx a wry smile and then slowly phased through the floor, making for her room. When tonight came, she knew she'd be pretty damn eager.
As soon as the last of Raven had disappeared into the darkness and through the wall, Jinx couldn't help but break into a little dance. She twirled and lept, even cartwheeling a few times across the roof. She really had a girlfriend! The the particular girlfriend she had was Raven of all people! It was worth dancing! Until the doors opened on her in mid- pas du chat. It was Beast Boy, who'd brought a frizbee out to play catch with himself.

The two of them stared blankly at each other, until Jinx straightened up, fixed her hair and cleared her throat. She passed the short green boy by and took his place in the elevator, and rode it down.
Raven hung her cloak up and spent the better part of an hour searching through her hidden DVD stash until she had the most recent season in her hands, with a few other seasons just in case it got to the point where they wanted to binge watch. It took only a fraction of her power to summon her TV and DVD player from the ether, whereupon they were hooked into the sockets of her wall. Thus pleased she waited for her girlfriend to arrive...

... all while mentally grappling with the shocking realisation that she had an actual girlfriend.
Jinx had spent a few hours in the kitchen, pecking at this and that with what the Titans already had around; eggs, flower, all she could find was soy milk, and she hoped that would work. Eventually, she managed to produce a pan of chocolate-chocolate chip brownies. Or, at least they were supposed to be brownies. The kitchen did not have baking powder, she she'd used baking soda instead. It ended up being a very heavy cake. The taste test wasn't so bad, and she didn't think Raven would be too picky, but she vowed to do a little more when she had money.

She brought the cake-brownie-thingy and a few plates and forks into Raven's room. "Hey! Look what I put together!" She held it out to Raven for her to see. "It's supposed to be brownies, but it's more like a cake... it's not bad though."
Raven opened the door and inspected the cake. "You didn't have to go to such lengths on my behalf," she said, trying to sound humble. Still, the glint in her eye showed her appreciation. She gave Jinx a quick peck on the forehead and proceeded to lead the way over to the dark surface of her circular bed.

"I never took you for the baking type. From the looks of things, you're much better at it than me," Raven remarked. "Last time I tried baking, it was a bit of a disaster." Shrugging, she took a seat at the foot of her bed and patted the vacant space next to her for Jinx.
Jinx sat down and set the cake between them. "This almost was. I just used what he had hanging around. So it's made with soy milk." She pulled a sour face at the idea, hoping the chocolate would cover up the taste of the soy. "I don't get vegans." She sighed. "I mean, I know why B.B.'s a vegetarian, but it's not like it hurts the cow to take the milk, or hurts the chicken to take the eggs. But I guess it's his call."
"Whatever you do, don't ask him about it. He'll never shut up about it," the young woman murmured. "At any rate, I'll be sure to get you some proper ingredients... might want to store them away somewhere private," Raven explained. As she said this one of her DVD's floated through the air until it slid neatly into the proper slot. Soon her TV clicked to life, and as the overly saccharine show started playing, Raven wound up resting against Jinx's warmth.
Jinx wrapped an arm around the goth's shoulders and let her hand rest on her fore-arm. She watched the images flicker on the screen, the familiar ponies on new adventures were a warming sight. She wanted to say something, but wasn't sure what could be said to make the moment any better. So instead, she gave Raven a comforting little squeeze and kissed her on the hairline.
By the time the second episode was done, it seemed they had gone through half of Jinx's cake-brownie mutant. The taste was good enough all things considered, but Raven wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to that aspect. Once the credits were rolling she gave a sigh. "I really hate Screwball... the season as a whole is pretty good, but her presence is gonna get a lot more annoying. I dont know why they decided to add her in," Raven remarked.
Jinx let out a small disgusted noise. "I know. I haven't even watched the whole thing and I feel like I've seen enough. Although, I guess the trade-off is, we're getting more episodes about Pristine. In the past, they didn't seem to know what to do with her much."

It felt so odd talking about the fandom aloud. She'd been keeping this part of herself quiet for so long, it just felt like someone was going to burst through the door and yell "Psych!" or that she was being punk'd at any time.
"That's true," Raven mused. She had been a bit of a fan of Pristine, and would have made that more apparent if she didn't have an image to maintain. All the same she continued watching, and she grew increasingly comfy in the embrace of her girlfriend. In a growing excitement she seemed to become frisky, proceeding to lean in and gently kiss Jinx's soft lips. Then she did so again and again, deepening it a little each time they reconnected.
Raven had never made out with another woman before... or anyone, for that matter. Still, instinct seemed to be taking over for her, and it had her feeling almost as bubbly as Jinx seemed to be. Eventually she had a hand settle on the small of Jinx's back, their bodies pressing tighter until her bosom was lightly pressed to Jinx's slightly smaller bust. After so many years spent bottling her emotions, having Jinx so close seemed to be chipping away at the dam she had built to keep her lust hemmed in.
Truthfully, Raven didn't have much of a notion on what the heck she was doing right about now. This, all of it, was her body operating on instinct. And when Jinx pulled her in a little tighter it seemed to make her whole body tremble in a budding heat. "Jinx..." she purred as their lips parted, a sly smile on her face. One hand roamed up to cup her face, stroking the pale grey surface. "Do you think we could... go all the way?"
"Whoa! Somebody's ambitious." Jinx mused, holding her close and flushing a litle. "I don't see why not, if you're sure you're ready." She had been hoping to take it slower with Raven, just because this was new to both of them. But if Raven was feeling ready, then who was she to avoid the call?
Truth be told Raven was a little nervous, but a mixture of demon heritage and years of suppressing her own desires had had quite the effect on her. Jinx was getting her more excited now than she'd ever been in the past. She paused the DVD behind her and settled her sights on Jinx's body before giving her a quick nod. "Maybe I'm a little quick on the draw, but... I dunno how to describe it to you, but my emotions can resonate a lot stronger than a humans can. Arousal in particular."
As Jinx's dress slid off, Raven raised a finger "Just ah... one more thing. Can these stay on?" she pointed to her girlfriend's striped black and purple socks. "You might think it's weird but... I think they look really good." And in saying this she raised a hand up, her dark one piece and her red jewel belt slithering off her and forming into a black orb on her palm that rapidly vanished into thin air.

Her full bosom and shapely hips were left framed in a silky white bra and panties. Deep down she perhaps knew they were going into this at quite a pace, but some primal and demonic part of her mind knew how desperately she needed this.
Giggling, Jinx slipped her dress off the rest of the way, but keeping her socks on. She stood part way and slipped her panties down to her knees, exposing her well-manicured lower half. It felt so odd sitting on someone's bed in socks but no underwear. It was almost uncomfortable to linger in the stockings, but if that's what Raven wanted, she'd ignore the weirdness and roll with it.
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