Shaken Apart (Avengers/supernatural) Fox-Lady

“Okay, I’ll remember that. And if you’re changing my diapers, I might be willing to leave you my collection.”he snickered amused blushing brightly at the other’s words. “Okay, if you want. I guess I could let you take care of me.”he said blushing before huffing a little. “Yes!”He answered before stopping. “okay. No. I don’t want to do that. Just give me beans ready to make coffee.”Tony decided before whining a little. “But it’s good!So amazing. And I don’t get to order my pizza alot. It makes natasha make faces, which is never good.”he made a face before whining softly. “No!No bend it, Rogers.”He ordered twitching a little, making a point and bending his bendy straw.

“Yea...probably.”Sam sighed a little before nodding at her curse, well aware that dean had probably told her about jessica. “’ know, it’s weird. I....I’ve not thought about her for so long, that even like this, it’s sorta nice to see her again...even if it hurts.”Sam said fidgeting a little before laughing softly. “He is.”He agreed looking curious at the idea that she knew him before shuddering at the tone, tilting his head a little. Leaning into her hand as she stroked his hair. “Kay....that would be nice...”he muttered letting her guide him to his knees, laughing quietly, even kneeling he was tall enough he came to nearly her shoulder. That was just awesome, and he shuddered as he realized it would barely take anything to hurt his head and catch a nipple in his lips. And he wanted to. “....”He was quiet as he considered it, considered what he wanted, nodding slowly. “okay...I need help.”he muttered swaying into her a little, wanting to trust her, needing to trust her to look after him.
Steve smirked. "i'll make sure to remind you." he promised with a chuckle. "i like taking care of you." Steve admitted with a smile before laughing a little. "by grinding your own beans you're already doing better than ninety percent of Americans." he admitted, wrinkling his nose at Tony's choice. "if you say so, and really, Nat won't hurt you about it unless you try to make her eat it." he assured Tony before looking baffled at Tony and drank another sip without bending the straw and set his cup down, wondering why this, of all things, was bothering Tony. it was actually really cute.

"you miss her, of course it's nice to see her, you understand she's not real? she's just a hallucinatory image caused by the Lucifer imprint in an effort to harm you emotionally." she pointed out gently. "okay." she agreed, smiling at him, tightening her hold in his hair. "stop laughing you moose." she ordered, looking amused herself. "i can't help being small." she admitted with a sigh before smiling at him, releasing his hair to gently stroke his face. "good boy Sam." she whispered with a smile. "unbutton my shirt. carefully. i don't want to have to sew the buttons back on. then you will tell me your safeword and what you would like me to do to you. i might not do it, but i'll take your opinions into consideration."
“Well, you’re one of the few who do.”Tony said rolling his eyes a little before laughing softly. “Well then, I’ll stick to just grinding my beans.”He looked amused before huffing. “I don’t trust that. She’d do something nasty and weird to me if I eat it in her near vicinity.”Tony assured him before whining softly, poking the other in the shoulder. “Bend it!It’s a bendy straw. Do it. Do it now.”He ordered, looking moments away from bending himself, even if he wouldn’t do that, he wanted to.

“Yes....I know she is. I’s just....”He shrugged. “It hurts to remind myself that. So I’m trying to ignore it.”He sighed softly. Whining softly as she tightened her hold, smiling softly. “Okay. And no, I guess you can’t.”he said watching her, leaning into her hand a little as she stroked his face, nodding a little. Hands already moving up to unbutton her shirt slowly, taking his time to consider what he wanted, and needed as he finished undoing her shirt, sitting back on his heels. “....Dean. My safeword’s dean.”he said blushing ever so slightly, because it showed not only how much he was dependant on dean, but that more then anything, dean meant safety to him. “....I....I like being tied up. And...I don’t like having to make choices....I have to be in charge for so much of my life....of making the choices to protect others that...I like not having to choose.”He shrugged a little. which made sense, for a submissive who lived his life very in control, in charge of everything around him, sometimes he just needed to not be.
"everyone in the tower likes you Tony." Steve assured him with a smile. "we wouldn't live with you if we didn't like you." he admitted. "even Phil. remember?the first thing he asked when he woke up earlier was if you where okay. i guess he heard from someone about what happened after he died..." Steve admitted. "he was pretty worried about you... and he was also stoned out of his mind." Steve admitted with a snort. "he was convinced Clint was a time traveler and kept insisting to see his screwdriver. i didn't get it but Clint thought it was hilarious." Steve admitted. "here, he sent me video." he admitted, handing Tony his phone of Phil waking up and demanding to see Tony, relaxing only when they told him he was out with Steve before he decided that Clint was someone named The Doctor. Steve didn't get it but Natasha was laughing so hard the phone was shaking. "why? it's my straw Tony. maybe i like it when it's stick uppy?" he asked, even if he somewhat bent the straw to appease whatever was driving Tony nuts.

"i know it does." Diedra admitted softly, stroking his hair and wondering if maybe she couldn't help with that? "you like it that 'm small anyway, gives you a thrill to have something as tiny as me, pushing you around, pinning you down, taking control. doesn't it?" she asked with a grin before noddng. "tied up. alright." she agreed. "Jarvis? Natasha and Clint made him fill out a Checklist did they not?" "Yes Ma'Am." "Bring it up on my Tablet please." she ordered. "Of course Ma'am." she nodded and stroked Sam's hair again before giving it a tug. "From this point on, you have no control. you will speak only when spoken to and it will be in yes or no answers. do you understand?" she demanded of him once he had her shit unbuttoned, letting him see her buxom breasts, hanging tantalizingly in reach. "you will call me Mistress, Madam, or Ma'am and you will always follow an answer with such. as in Yes, Mistress or No Madam. do you understand?" she demanded, stalking around him now. "i may as you're opinion on something. it is not a choice, but simply a way to judge what you're preferences are. in these instances i will show you what i will be using on you and i will ask if you want it, and you will say yes Ma'am or no Madam but you will be honest about it. if you want it, and tell me you do not, you will be punished severely. if you say you do want it when you don't, the punishment will be even worse. do you understand?" she demanded, running her fingers through his hair now, massaging his scalp. "do not move." she ordered, stalking over to her closet and started rooting around in it, her shapely ass swaying as she did so. looking for bondage equipment if her mutters where anything to go by.
“....Maybe. Everyone should like me, I’m awesome.”He said, which was amusing cause despite his ego, or at least his pretend ego, the man rarely actually believed anyone liked him. “....Really?I’ll have to stop and see him. Reassure him I’m okay.”He muttered before wincing. “It wasn’t that bad. I was fine.”Tony whined a little before snorting a little. “It’s a tv show. Doctor who. It’s nearly as old as you are.”He teased, “We’ll have to watch it.”he said giggling a little as he watched the video, making a mental note he’d have to go see phil when they got home. “....cause....”Tony squirmed a little, calming when the other bent it. “cause it’s a bendy straw and you are not letting it fulfill it’s purpose!”He whined softly.

Sam sighed softly, closing his eyes as he leaned into her a little, laughing softly. “You are tiny. And yes I do.:”he muttered smiling a little as she got the checklist, gasping quietly as she tugged on his hair, shuddering as he closed his eyes. “Y-yes.”He shuddered a little, shifting slightly, aching and feeling like his pants were going to strangle him, but resisitng the urge to reach down to adjust himself. Nodding slightly at her words,”Yes, mistress.”He said bowing his head a little, even as he turned his head to watch her stalk around him, whimpering quietly as he watched that curvy body move under her undone shirt. Tilting his head back into the massaging fingers he moaned softly, not answering for a moment, simply enjoying it before nodding, before remembering non-verbal usually wasn’t answer enough. “Yes, mistress.”He agreed whimpering softly at the order not to move, settlign in to wait, hands resting on his thighs, shifting to get comfortable sitting back on his heels, waiting for her to come back.
"you are pretty awesome." Steve agreed with a smile. "yeah, you and me both. apparently he's convinced i'm actually dead. which is awkward." he admitted with a chuckle. "he's confusing me with the original Captain America." he admitted with a sigh. "sometimes i don't wonder... Kay said i was always the prime candidate, what do you think might have happened if i had actually become Captain America?" he mused before chuckling a little. "i like T.V. from time to time." he admitted. "i love I Love Lucy." he admitted. "and the Carol Burnett show." he had to smile at Tony at the explanation. of course Tony would get... 'bent' out of shape about that. things had their purposes and Tony hated it when things weren't used so it made sense. he bent the straw a little more, took another drink and set about devouring his pizza. "your adorable, you know that Tony?" Steve asked with a smile.

"Good boy." she purred, pleased with him. he followed directions so well. it was a delight. it had been a long time since she'd had a submissive at her feet and she was almost too excited to wait for all the things she wanted to do to him. he hadn't agreed on sx though, and she wasn't going to take advantage of him, there where other things they could to that where just as good. she'd start with the leather straps she had finally unearthed. she kept them well cared for, even if she hadn't used them in years. "take your shirt off and then put your arms behind your back." she ordered, smiling at him as she showed him the contraption. it looked like a length of belts all held together by a single, long strip of cured leather. the long length went under his arms, so all the buckles faced out away from his body, minimizing any chance of them snagging on sensitive skin, a longer belt attached his wrist to his hips, rendering his arms completely trapped. she took her time, placing each strap in place, stroking his arms and back with a smile. "there. does that feel okay? no pinching or cramping?" she asked once she'd cinched the belt around his hips, completely immobilizing his arms.
“Huh. That’s amusing and awkward.”Tony snickered a little before shrugging. “Probably something horrible and altering, like me never been born cause my dad would have totally done something drastic or something. I dunno.”Tony shrugged before snorting. “You would love those.”He snorted amused, relaxing as he bent the straw, flushing brightly. “I am not adorable.”

Sam smiled, blushing a little at the praise as he ducked his head a little. Fidgeting a little as he waited to see what was next. Looking curious as he studied the contraption even as he slid off his shirt. Listening, not only because he needed it, but because he trusted her. Pulling his arms behind his back he looked at her in curiosity, humming slightly as he felt the belts settling where they were supposed to, shuddering as she stroked him. “Sorta feels like a straight jacket.”He said thoughtfully before smiling a little. “and no, no pinching. I’m okay.”
"....god, that would have been pretty awful. a world without Tony Stark?" he shook his head. "Howard was pretty obsessed with Captain America too wasn't he? imagine if Captain America wasn't a raging psychopath?" he shook his head. "he might have kept me like i was some kind of pet or something." he mumbled, shaking his head. "i met him once. he came to tell me that Bucky was a great guy... i hated him, al smug and pompous and trying to offer me a place to stay because 'buck asked him to take care of me' as if he knew Bucky at all." Steve growled, wrinkling his nose. "gave me the creeps..... sorry." it was Tony's dad after all. "you are totally adorable." Steve admitted, moving without even thiking about it and pressed his lips to Tony's before jerking back. "Sorry! sorry i didn't meant to... i meant to ask first..." oh Steve, such a gentlemen. asking first. honestly.

She chuckled a little as he settled into the straps so perfectly. he was such a good boy. "it's designed similarly." she agreed, tugging on his hair with a chuckle. "you're not supposed to be speaking." she reminded him. "next time, i'll give you five straps across the ass." she warned playfully before stroking his arms, double checking them before nodding. "good. now stand up. take your time." she ordered, giving him a small kiss. "you're being such a good boy." she praised, smiling at him. "do you need pain to drop?" she wondered. "you can speak to clarify." she assured him.
“I know right?it would have been horrible.”Tony snickered before nodding. “he was. And I think the raging psychopath part was why him and dad got alone.”He shrugged before shuddering. “He probably would have, which is a truly terrifying thought.”He agreed before making a face. “Don’t be, I was related to him, I more then anyone know how creepy he could be.”He said shrugging before startling as he was kissed, “Um. Ask?”He stared, “You don’t have to ask for kisses. Just bend your straw for me, and let me in your garage, and I’ll want to kiss you all the time.”he snickered a little.

Sam nodded a little before whining softly as his hair was tugged. “Yes mistress.”He muttered shuddering as she stroked his arms, resisting the urge to tilt his head forehead and rest his head against her breasts, tall enough he could do it. Moaning quietly as he was kissed before standing up carefully, frowning slightly. Looking uncomfortable at the question ,and not answering. Or at least not yet, looking like he was struggling to find the words, because he was. Not because he didn’t know the answer, but because he didn’t want this to stop, and it would if he reminded her. “I-I do. Or did. I...I like it. But...but after the cage....the one time I tried....I freaked out so badly I ended up in a mental hospital-”Because he’d started having delusions of lucifer in the middle of it-”And I helped with natasha punishing Clint, we didn’t try anything on myself...but I still freaked out....”
"i wouldn't doubt it. Howard seamed to be of the opine that i was helpless." Steve admitted. "and that he needed to actually care for my every need. i think he was going to perve on me or something. he didn't come 'round again after i beat the living shit out of him." he admitted. "and i was still super tiny and depressed at the time so it was particularly memorable." he admitted with a smile before flushing hard as he stared at his hands. "i... uhm... i'm supposed to ask before i kiss people, i know that... it's impolite..." he mumbled, mortified with himself. "i just..." brave, brave, he was the new Captain ameria, he could do it. "ireallylikeyouTony...." well... that kind of worked.

"Good boy." she praised again with a smile, chuckling a little because she was pretty sure that she knew exactly what he wanted to do. maybe she'd let him do so later, she'd see. "shh. it's alright." she promised. "be honest." she assured him. "you won't get in trouble and we won't stop." she promised, recognizing his reticence. "you had a panic attack, that's to be expected." she assured him. "you where placed in the mental hospital against your will by someone who hurt you." she sai gently. "there are other ways to do this." she admitted. "we will simply fin something you like, that he never did." she admitted. "we will go slowly and drop you very carefully." she promised. "and if you freak out, we will stop and i will help you calm down and if you want to continue we will and if you don't we will sit on the be and snuggle and watch something we both can agree on. okay?" she asked him with a smile, gently kissing his cheek. she had to stand on her tiptoes to do so though. "now. is there anything you've always wanted to try?" she asked, smiling. "it's the last decision you'll make tonight aside from yes or no, so choose wisely."
“Hmm, he would. He usually thought everyone was helpless.”He said rolling his eyes a little before snorting. “That is a disturbing thought....I never considered he’d....urgh!Considering my dad having sex is weird.”He whined a little, before smiling gently, “Not with me. I like you to....kiss me all you want.”he said flushing himself as he looked at the other.

Sam smiled pleased with the praise, shuddering a little as he relaxed, closing his eyes a little. Taking her at her word, that they wouldn’t stop. Nodding a little, as he stared down. “Trusted her....she just...”he shrugged, not wanting to talk to about the girl anymore. Sighing quietly as he glanced at her, biting her lip a little. “....Okay. Then...we can do that...”he muttered willing to try, because he needed it. Needed to have a way to fulfil that part, before nodding slowly. “Okay.”he agreed again, smiling a little as she kissed his cheek. “You’re so tiny.”He muttered teasing her a little, closing his eyes as the thought. Squirming slightly. “”He tried to figure out what one thing he wanted, nodding slightly to himself, it was okay to ask for things that made him happy. “Knife...I....I use them enough on a hunt always interested me to use them but...”He ducked his head a little, flushing.
"yeah, sorry." Steve apologized, looking amused before flushing a little as he played with his bendy straw. "so... uhm... i was... hoping. maybe. uhm... doyouwannagoseeamoviewithmesometime? likemaybeadatekindof?" he blurted, flushing harder because oh my god h couldn't stop doing that.

She smiled at him. "of course you did. i suppose she even thought she was doing the right thing." she shook her head. "doesn't matter though, she broke you're trust." she admitted. "it was good that you left her. and i'm not just saying that because it means i get to have you all to myself." she teased with a smile. "i know i'm tiny! shut up or i'll belt your ass!" she protested, sulking even if there was amusement in hr eyes. "a knife?" she asked, her head tilted a little as she considered that for a moment and then nodded. "okay. go lay down on the bed." she ordered. "do you need more bondage?" she asked him, examining him. "there are a few other toys i can use on you if you feel the need for more support." she promised, digging in her closet again and pulled out a small pouch and set it where he could see, revealing several daggers of various styles and she smiled at him. "which one looks best do you think?" she wondered, stroking the back of his neck, tugging on the hair a little. "or would you like me to go get your hunting knife?"
Tony smiled happily at the bent straw before flushing himself, looking confused for a moment before he sorted out what the other had said. “Oh. Yes!Movies. Though maybe not out?I’ll get mobbed. Private dates would be good.”he said tilting his head a little.

“Hm, probably.”Sam sighed a little before smiling a little, “Uh-huh, good thing I did, otherwise her and dean would have had a interesting talk sometime.”Sam muttered, talking even though he wasn’t supposed to, because he was overwhelmed and steadying himself. Laughing softly at her words before going quiet, biting his lip to keep from laughing more at the tiny, tiny woman. Flushing at her words, “Y-yes, but we don’t have to.”He stuttered a little, backing away from the idea, before looking thoughtful as he moved back towards the bed. “No....I’m okay.”he muttered shifting to test the bonds he was wearing to make sure they were okay, turning his head to watch her as he laid down, considering that. “Well...”He muttered starting to answer, moaning loudly at the idea of his own knife being used on him. “o-okay. My own knife.”he muttered, shuddering a little.
here Steve smirked. "oh Tony. haven't you ever heard of disguises?" he teased with a smile. "but i like stay at home dates too. less people i don't know." he agreed. he still had... issues, with crowds. "we could watch all your favorite movies, because i've been reasonably informed that my taste sucks." Steve admitted with a chuckle.

"oh, i'm sure Dean would have killed her." Deidra admitted with a chuckle, shaking her head before huffing at him. "i see you trying to laugh." she grumbled with a smile before nodding, pleased with his responses. he wasn't following her orders, but she knew it was only because he was feeling unsettled and talking was able to help him settle himself. "okay." she said with a grin, watching him. "okay. i will start with your chest so you can see what i am doing." she said. "if at any time you need me to stop. you will use you're safe word instantly. do you understand? repeat your safe-word to me." she ordered before picking up the knife he never went anywhere without and slipped it out of it's sheath and let him see it before she trailed the tip along his skin, watching it. not cutting yet, not even scratching, simply letting him feel it against his skin, the cold metal and the weight of it, how sharp it was against his skin. waiting for his reactions, watching him intently before slowly drawing the first half cut into his skin which burned like a paper cut and drew only a few beads of blood, testing his reaction to that.
“....Oh. Well. We could do disguises.”Tony said looking thoughtful, before huffing a little. “...Yea. It would be less people we don’t know. Which is always good.”Tony agreed before grinning as he nodded. “Indeed. They do. We’ll watch all the ones you need to see.”He sai grinning as he finished his pizza.

“Probably.”Sam muttered before snorting a little. “Am not.”He muttered smiling at her a little, watching him as he nodded a little, “Kay.”He said settling more at the idea of seeing what she was doing. While lucifer hadn’t used a knife, at least he didn’t remember it, he knew it would be better to be able to see what was happening first. Nodding, “Yes, mistress.”He muttered. “Dean. It’s dean.”he said softly watching her, shuddering as the knife past over his skin, pressing his head back into the pillow under his head as he arched into the touch a little, whimpering quietly, relaxing into it as he felt the blade cut, gasping softly as he felt the burn. “Ohhh....”He muttered relaxing, eyes wide as he dropped like a stone.
"we could o that for fun later." he decided with a grin. "we could do some impressive pranks." he admitted before smiling at him. "i'll enjoy it i'm sure." he agreed, gulping down the last of his pizza, feeling the best he'd felt in years. he had asked Tony out on a date! yes!

She smiled a little. "are too." she teased him, shaking her head a little. "good boy." she agreed with a smile before smiling as he arched into the touch of the knife and made a soft soothing noise as she laid the first cut, pleased when he dropped instead of freaking out and carefully laid lines into him, cutting very carefully so they burned and ached but barely bled. once she was sure he was down low enough to not come back up once the pain stopped she undid his pants, laid a few more cuts on his hips and then swallowed his entire cock into her mouth to finish him off.
“that would be epic. We totally could have some impressive pranks. Get dean and cas in on it to. They’re both devious enough to be good with pranks to.”He said giggling a little, nodding looking pleased and happy. “I’m sure you will.”he said smiling as he finished his food and paid.

“Am not.”He pouted a little, smiling a little at the praise. Whining quietly at the soothing tones, relaxing. Closing his eyes as he sank into the feeling, growling softly as he felt her draw away to undo his pants, but not coming up or freaking out at the change, simply protesting the stopping. Moaning as he felt her hair brush over the cuts as she blew him, shuddering as he came with a moan after barely a few swallows, falling apart.
Steve smirked a little. "You, Dean and Sam should plot together. i bet you guys would come up with some epic shit." he admitted with a smile at Tony. "come on. lets go check on Phil."

"Shhe. what a good boy for me." she praised at his protests and swallowed down his release and sat up, smiling at him. "you're such a good boy Sam. what a perfect boy." she said, stroking his wounds with her fingertips, purifying and cleaning but not healing. simply washing out anything that might infect him the way a good Dom without super powers might do with a soapy dam washcloth. she wiped him down with her Angel powers and carefully rolled him onto his side to undo the straps, making soothing noises the entire time and settled him into her bed with a smile. "you where such a good boy Sam. you where perfect. wonderful. sleep now." she urged softly.
“We totally would.”Tony snickered a little, before nodding slightly. “let’s.”He agreed following the other.

Sam sighed softly, settling at her words, blinking up at her, smiling quietly. “Yes, mistress...”he muttered agreeing with her, that he’d been good. Settled and happy as he felt her fingers on his skin, letting the take care of him, rolling on his side as she undid the bonds. Sighing softly as he settled in to sleep. “Kay...sleep.”He muttered, “Sleep is good.”He muttered groping for the woman, tugging her into bed with him, cuddling close. Settling in to sleep.

“....Dean?”cas muttered stirring a little, nuzzling the man a little as he woke. Knowing had to leave, he had to see crowley, but he didn’t want to leave without talking to him. Needing to reassure himself that he was okay for the moment before he left for awhile.
"Good boy." she said with a smile once she had him cleaned up and settled, chuckling as she snuggled into his arms. Glory Be she had missed having a warm body to snuggle with. they could talk more after a good nap. she was pretty sure he knew better than to slip off after something like that. Nat ad Clint would have, at the very least, taken the time to explain the over-reactive Dom response after a heavy scene like that.

"hmmm?" Dean asked, blinking awake. "shh. i'm sleeping Cas. dreaming. 's a good dream." he mumbled as he snuggled in, clinging tighter to Cas. "Lisa was giving me a blowjob and you where totally fuckin me." he admitted sleepily.

Phil was awake again when Steve and Tony showed up and Phil beamed at them. "Tony! tell my over reactive Father that i'm allowed out of bed." Phil ordered, sulking and Steve chuckled. "sorry Phil but i'm with Kay on this one." he admitted. "how are you feeling?" "much better now that i'm off the pain meds. i hate those things."
“Hm, that does sound like a good dream.”Cas snickered a little, sighing softly as he nuzzled the other. Knowing he had work to do, that he needed to go, but he couldn’t bring himself to pull himself free of the other’s arms just yet. Not when he didn’t know how long he’d get to enjoy it.

“.....Not until Cas can pull himself free of Dean and come check you out. Disobeying a angel’s order to make ure you stay in bed would be bad for my health.”Tony snickered a little as he walked in, “You and everyone else in the world. But you’ll be better now. Cas said so. And if you can’t trust a angel to know how things are, you can’t trust anyone.”
Dean hummed as he was nuzzled and Lisa whined at being woken, snuggling into Castiel with a sigh. "that was amazing last night." she mumbled. "you where amazing. we need to do that again." she admitted with a yawn. "mmmm, lets just stay in bed all day today." she decided.

"fine." Phil huffed. "now who is Dean and Cas?" Phil asked, sulking. "you haven't replaced me have you?" he asked, looking amused before looking at Steve, lifting an eyebrow. "oh, he's not drunk. e really do mean point blank Angel of the Lord, gods, Demons and Angels, Angel. werewolves are real too, and ghosts." Steve admitted. "also we found Hydra's once most valuable weapon the Winter Soldier who turned out to be James Barnes, my oldest friend and learned that i'm a half Angel." Steve admitted, Phil staring at him and Steve chuckled. "we also have a two thirds angel here whose a therapist." he admitted. "and a Demon that's been hanging around. also Loki isn't a villain. he was being controlled by the staff as well and he's very sorry he stabbed you." "yeah, m father told me about that one, i'll believe it when i see it."
Cas snickered a little as he was snuggled into, pressing a kiss to her head. “It was amazing.”He muttered before nodding. “We’ll do it again. Cause I have every intention of manhandling you both again.”Cas smiled a little before sighing. “Can’t.....I...have some books I have to go track down. But you two could stay in bed.”

“Dean is a hunter, and cas is Castiel, angel of Thursday, and apparently owls.”Tony smirked a little before laughing. “I’m completely sober. Haven’t drank in months. Don’t look so surprised....and that angel of the lord, will have no problems kicking your ass if you get out of bed before he says so. He’s extremely frustrated at the moment, and a acting out teenager. It’s sorta awesome to watch really.”Tony said snickering at the look on phil’s face, it was amusing him. “And loki will be around as soon as he knows your awake probably....or when hes’ done finding books with Cas.”Tony frowned, because he’d asked what the godling was up to, and knowing cas and loki were both devouring books as quickly as crowley could find them.
"good." she purred with a grin. "i want to watch you fuck Dean next." she admitted before sighing a little. "okay. i guess you are supposed to stay busy." she agreed, kissing him, Dean sighing as he kissed Cas as well and mumbled a 'don't read so much, it'll rot your brain', speal like he always did when he thought Sam or Cas where being boring.

"A Hunter?" "they hunt monsters who feed on people or who harm them." Steve admitted, smiling a little at Tony's explanation of who Castiel was. a teenager acting out was a good enough explanation. "Loki won't be in for a while." Kay corrected. "i've sent him on a few missions to look for information." he admitted. "there have been a few mentions in our archives about people being cured from cancer, he's checking those leads for me." Kay admitted. "who has Cancer?" Phil asked, started. "Dean. Sam mentioned there might be a few books as well, i'll be helping them do some research later." Steve admitted. "Loki will probobly be lending a hand there, his copies aren't as... whole as he is but they can pick out key phrases from books." Steve admitted. Loki's copies where actually part of Loki's awareness. they could do only very simple things because Loki actually had to split his attention between several of himself. like looking through three sets of eyes, or more. he could do it but it took vast amounts of concentration and you could always tell when he'd lost his focus because the copies vanished.
“Hmm, I’ll do that. Soon enough. I promise.”Cas smirked a little before nodding. “Yea. I am. And I’m a fighter, laying in bed doesn’t sit well for me.”Especially when staying in bed with dean was something he really wanted to do, but staying in bed just showed how weak dean was at the moment. Laughing softly at the talk, he kissed him again. “I’ll bring the books back here. You’d like a sexy librarian I think.”He purred as he left. Pausing as he considered the demon king as he walked into the room. “Did you find anything more?”

“Yes. A hunter...and hey, don’t give me that look. I asked him. Apparently Thursday’s and owls....and bees. He likes bees, are his thing.”Tony snickered a little before tilting his head. “....Really?Good. We wont tell Cas yet. He’s got enough on his plate without trying to help loki.”Though he knew cas would want to, tony thought the angel was trying to do to much, and getting more frustrated with each moment. He didn’t need more to be disappointed with if it should fall through. “no, but they can find stuff.”Tony said before looking at phil. “You want to meet the others?Dean and Sam are probably out of bed. Or at least Sam is. You’d like him I think. He’s sorta nerdy.”
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